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"The reading was a partnership between the two of us; she did not simply recite planetary signs and meanings, but had a conversation with me, continually asking what I made of what she saw, and what I thought I could do to change the things I want to change.

When the names of other people in my life came up, she quickly looked up their charts on her computer and commented on their roles in my life -- painting a fuller picture of where I was, where I wanted to go, and how I could get there.

What was impressive was that Elisabeth took all the planets, people, and situations that made up my life and created a context for them all that was positive, hopeful, and exciting!

She has a lovely personality, a sharp wit, and a gift for astrological interpretation."

--Bill W.
New York

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Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday-Sunday 4/7-10/2016: New Moon in Aries; More Rolling Heads and Warrior Women

Feeling especially charged this morning? Fizzle out as the day progressed?

Between 4:33AM ET and 10:56AM ET, the me-me-me Aries Moon made contact with Saturn, Pluto and Uranus, before going void for the rest of the day on that Me-Without-Compromise Moon-Uranus meet-up. At 7:24AM ET, the new lunar cycle officially began, as the Moon met up with the Aries Sun. Light a candle; make a list and take time to re-set your intentions for the next thirty days.

A New Moon in Aries suggests a need — or an opportunity — to be a courageous, inspiring pioneer and/or warrior, preferably on the side of the angels. At its best, Aries is a champion for the weak and vulnerable. It inspires people to take initiatives and defy the odds…yes, sometimes foolishly, but hey — if Plan A blows up, there’s always a Plan B, a Plan C and D. A true Aries never never never gives up. There is always a tomorrow.

At its worst, well…let’s just say Aries can be utterly self-absorbed and go to disturbing extremes in order to get there FIRST. Wherever, whatever…so long as something gets started. Astrologer Rick Levine — who celebrated his Aries birthday yesterday — aptly describes the Aries strategy for success as “Ready? Fire. Aim!” I like to say that Aries falls down stairs because it is faster than walking. You got a problem with that?

New Moon seeds planted now may be imbued with a strong need for freedom and empowerment, suggested by Moon’s contact with Pluto and Uranus.  They also hold an easy structuring flow, courtesy of the Moon’s early AM contact with Saturn. Also in an easy flow: prominent crusading values and righteous opinion, suggested by Mars in Sagittarius trine to Venus at 2 Aries, at the Aries Point. Want some pixie dust with that? Mars and Neptune have been in a tense pattern for weeks, and the tension continues through May, returning for a last huzzah at the end of August. Your dusted pixies may be fanatical, magical, scandalous, seductive or drunk on their own delusions. It’s we who choose how we will manifest the potential suggested by planetary guideposts. Upside or downside — we decide.

Many astrologers have noted that this New Moon makes contact with Eris, known in mythology as the Goddess of Discord. File this under “increased potential for righteous outrage from those who perceive they haven’t been offered a seat at the table.” Also file it under “bullheaded/intractable  thoughts and communication, potentially running wild,” suggested by Mercury unaspected in Taurus.

In the New Moon chart for Washington DC, we see this Mercury exactly on a 2 degree Taurus Ascendant, with the Sun and Moon exactly squaring an 18 Capricorn Midheaven, atop which sits Pluto at 17 Cap.  There are four planets, plus Chiron, Eris and the South Node in the 12th house. This house traditionally refers to covert concerns, secret enemies, institutions, the self-undoing and issues we bury in the subconscious. Sounds like a lot of behind-the-scenes, backroom power plays which — with that Mercury on the ASC, we should hear about in plodding detail or pixie-dusted spin. Also hidden away in the chart for Washington: Mars and Saturn in the 8th House. Intriguing.

You’re more personally affected by this New Moon if you have a planet or important point at 19 degrees of Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, and especially Aries. Bernie Sanders has Moon at 20 Aries, Mars at 24 Aries and Venus at 23 Libra. The entity that continues to wreak havoc in the Middle East and elsewhere has Sun at 20 Aries, Venus and Eris at 23 Aries and Mars at 22 Aries.  Justin Trudeau has Moon at 18 Aries. Pope Francis has Mars at 20 Libra — and he’ll be making headlines on Friday.

The Sabian Symbol for 19 Aries is “a magic carpet.” Ooh — more pixie dust!  A magic carpet is empowered by something outside conventional norms, transcending the Earth, rising above it. What an interesting perspective you can get by introducing a little levity into your life. Or alternatively, as Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee writes:

Suspending natural laws implies effecting the extraordinary or not appreciating the gravity of the situation….

(cue “Shock Horror Riff” now, please)

Bovee’s  take on this Symbol seem to echo the overall patterns of this New Moon with its breakout, magical or delusional potential. In applying this Symbol in our daily lives, Bovee adds:

Think of magic as the wisdom to know when to stand above the fray; to transcend situations that could lead to bereavement; to ascertain the right moment to touch down.

How interesting that the Sabian Symbol for last month’s New Moon suggested the potential for being swept away by the madding crowd.

On Friday, the Taurus Moon seeks to build and maintain comfort and security — perhaps in ways that are fiercely unique, given Saturday’s meet-up between the Sun and rebel Uranus. The Taurus Moon will be void all day Saturday. Chill and avoid the malls.

Moon buzzes into Gemini at 1:59AM ET on Sunday, clashes with Mars at 4:06PM ET and squares off with nebulous Neptune at 7:59PM ET. Double check your communication channels to make sure what you heard is what was said.

No sleeping in on Monday, as the Moon will not be void in the morning.

And now, the news.

The disruptive Sun-Uranus-Pluto action this week continues to be reflected in rolling heads (the Sun) of state and other bright stars. In the wake of the Panama Papers massive leak, Argentina’s leader now faces an investigation. British PM David Cameron appears to be coming clean. In China, no heads are rolling, but websites posting the leak have been censored. Because if you censor it, that means it didn’t happen.

In Alabama, articles of impeachment were filed against Governor Robert Bentley (R-AL), who is currently mired in a sex scandal amid other questionable actions.  In other news, Thomas O. Staggs, thought to be the likely successor to Disney CEO Robert Iger, was suddenly let go.

Meanwhile, Don Blankenship, the former CEO of Massey Energy, received the maximum sentence — one year — for conspiring to ignore federal mining safety regulations. This is considered extraordinary, the first time such a high-ranking executive has been found guilty of a workplace safety violation.  You may recall that six years ago, 29 miners were killed in an explosion in one of Massey’s mines.

Venus entering Aries on Tuesday suggested prominent stories of fiery, independent and/or warrior women. I’d heard of Burning Man, but not the Dinah, where this year 20,000 lesbians gathered for a five-day festival in Palm Springs. The fest has been happening since 1991. Meanwhile, the NYT just posted a depressing piece about how Boko Haram is training abducted women to become suicide bombers. Feels like there are shades of Eris, Goddess of Discord in that one.

Discordant women in Indiana are attracting attention nationwide today, as a campaign called Periods for Pence made the home page of the NYT. In response to Governor Mike Pence signing a bill requiring, for instance, that a miscarried or aborted fetus must be now buried or cremated at the woman’s expense, Hoosiers with hoo-has have been peppering the governor’s office with status reports and questions about gynecological concerns. A suit challenging the constitutionality of the law has just been filed.

Meanwhile, in Australia, prominent Venusian themes of sugar, women, money and social graces made headlines in this story about a Gender Gap Bake Sale intended to expose wage disparity, yet exposed something even uglier. Also ugly: a very lengthy expose on sugar itself, arguing that it is poison. What’s interesting about that story — which I’ve heard before — it that it builds on research that was published in the aftermath of the Uranus-Pluto conjunctions of  1965-1966. The research was not well-received, and now another scientist is having a go with research of his own.

That’s it for the news! Have a wonderful Moon in Taurus weekend, indulging in good food, drink and a snuggle with your sweetie. To facilitate your efforts to build material security, here’s how you can stash away some tax-free funds right here in the good ol’ USA. No need to call anyone in Panama.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s how to schedule a personal consultation. We will have a fabulous discussion together!