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I have been sitting with the incredible experience of your gift and knowledge and letting it sift down into my understanding and psyche. It was a powerful time for me. I told a friend, "she is the real deal." I don't say that very often!
--Diana S.
New York

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Astro-logical Forecast for 3/15/2012: Makin’ It Happen on the Ides of March

Moon goes void while most of us are sleeping (3:34 – 6:24 AM EDT), then immediately enters enterprising Capricorn.  If you don’t know what a void-of-course Moon is (or how best to handle one), go to the calendar that’s on the left side of the Daily Forecast page  and click on FEBRUARY 10TH. You’ll be taken to a post that tells you what you need to know. Or you can type “what is a void of course Moon” in archives search thingamajig on this website.

In Capricorn, the need is make things happen.  If you have Moon in Capricorn, you know exactly what I mean. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger, you need to be headed straight for the top. If  Moon in Capricorn isn’t moving and shaking, there’s a problem.  That being said, we can look forward to a proactive day which flows like this: a dreamy awakening at 9:05AM ET, followed by a surprise, shock, flash of insight at 1:26PM ET, which may lead to a bold communication of patriarchal sentiment around 4:53PM ET. The evening is ripe for energy, passion and/or emotional intensity, in which any disputes may concern emotional investments made and a perceived lack of return. It all ends around midnight on a jolly, expansive note.

I’ll skip the usual tour of the headlines to offer this Wikipedia bit about the Ides of March, which happens to be today. Did you know…

“In modern times, the term Ides of March is best known as the date on which Julius Caesar was killed in 44 B.C. Caesar was stabbed (23 times) to death in the Roman Senate by a group of conspirators led by Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus. The group included 60 other co-conspirators, according to Plutarch.[2]

According to Plutarch, a seer had foreseen that Caesar would be harmed not later than the Ides of March and on his way to the Theatre of Pompey (where he would be assassinated), Caesar met that seer and joked, “The ides of March have come”, meaning to say that the prophecy had not been fulfilled, to which the seer replied “Ay, Caesar; but not gone.”[3] This meeting is famously dramatized in William Shakespeare‘s play Julius Caesar, when Caesar is warned by the soothsayer to “beware the Ides of March.”[4][5]

I confess I rather like that story… :)


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 3/14/2012: The Grand Earth Trine and Jamie Dimon’s Big Surprise

Re-read yesterday’s forecast, which covers yesterday and today. Here it is, for those of you who receive this forecast via email:  In a nutshell, more of the same from yesterday, with greater intensity and perhaps volatility.  How is this Earth Grand Trine manifesting for you? For me, it has been incredibly productive, despite several Mercury retrograde tech, communication and transportation snafus. Fabulous!

Looking at the headlines, Jamie Dimon, the highly respected CEO of JPMorgan Chase, gets my vote for best public manifestation of the Earth Grand Trine, raised to greater heights by rebel Uranus and Mercury retrograde. Why? For projecting an aura of empowered, abundant self-sufficiency that rocked the markets and the timetable of the Federal Reserve. Jamie Dimon’s horoscope is personally affected by the EGT and other compelling planetary patterns.

Yesterday JPMorgan Chase announced that it had passed a “stress test” given by the Fed. Nineteen banks had to show they have enough capital to survive another big, fat crisis.  JPMorgan said it had plenty of money, thank you very much — and it is raising its dividend. Wow! JPM stock soars! And the market goes even higher! But wait — wait — the results of the Fed stress tests were to be announced on Thursday. But Jamie Dimon didn’t wait  —  — and soon, other banks followed his lead and announced their test results and dividends, too. Ultimately, the Fed announced all the test results two days earlier than it had planned. And this whole scenario is deliciously in line with planetary patterns outlined in prior forecasts.

Jamie Dimon is a Pisces with Moon in Aries, which needs to be first, dang it. He needs to inspire, to be a pioneer, to lead. Moon in Aries is not known for patience. Jamie Dimon also has assertive Mars at 9 degrees of enterprising Capricorn. That’s where ruthless, resourceful Pluto is right now — yes, sitting on top of Jamie Dimon’s Mars, suggesting great efforts of empowerment. Refer to earlier forecasts for a full description of the Big Giant Earth Grand Trine and you can see how themes of material abundance and expansion are “hot” in Mr. Dimon’s horoscope, not to mention empowerment and emancipation.  His need to be FIRST  and his need to make things happen (Mars in Capricorn) are being supercharged! There’s much more, but bottom line: we anticipate that Jamie Dimon is going to do something Really Big. And he does. We should watch his horoscope through early 2013.

Fun fact: his birthday is March 13th.  Coincidence or conspiracy?





Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 3/13/2012: I Am A Rock

You can bounce out of bed with the boundless enthusiasm suggested by Moon’s ingress into Sagittarius, a sign that has plenty to say and rarely has trouble saying it. Just ask Charlie Sheen, Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich — who all have Moon in Sagittarius.  If you know someone with Moon in Sag who hasn’t found a sounding board for his or her opinion, he or she is probably not a very happy camper.

Use this lunar energy to broaden your horizons. Learn something new; get outdoors; wax philosophical. You may even have a change of perspective as Jupiter, which rules Sagittarius, wraps up the third in a series of trines to powerful Pluto. This change of perspective may likely involve resources. The first trine was on July 7th; the second was on October 28th, and looking at past forecasts around those days we see — notably on October 28th, headlines announcing that European banks had agreed to “take a haircut” (actual wonky technical term) on the Greek debt. If you’ve been following this drama you know that a deal involving this haircut and subsequent Greek default was allegedly agreed to and set to close this week.  Amazing. Review these dates in your own personal world; perhaps there is an issue involving resources that has played out, too.

In other news, be mindful of a potential clash of wills when Mars in micro-managing Virgo clashes with the macro-managing Moon at 7:23PM ET (and with Mercury retrograde, be especially mindful on the roads). Depth of emotion and indulgence is suggested this evening, as loving Venus trines potent Pluto at 9:26PM ET, then cuddles** up with Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy at 1:54AM ET Tuesday. Will you have a second helping of dessert? Oh why not, and with whipped cream too. It could all be part of the seduction potential of an equally indulgent physical connection to macho Mars at 3:29AM ET, which in turn makes its own energetic trine with Jupiter at 5:51AM ET.

If you don’t have a partner to play with, hold your head high and project the convincing aura of self-sufficiency that usually blesses and curses those born with an Earth Grand Trine, as you loudly sing your theme song to no one in particular —  — with gratitude to Simon & Garfunkel.

Also in effect today is yet another trine that will be exact on Wednesday night  at 8:32PM ET — this one from Mars to ruthless Pluto at 8:32PM. This can add an intensely deep, edgy energy that runs with exceptional efficiency, barring any snafus and gaffes suggested by the challenge of mental Mercury retrograde in impulsive Aries. And challenges there will likely be toward the end of Wednesday, suggested by the Third Quarter Moon at 9:25PM ET.

Whew! Here’s to a creative and productive next two days — make the most of it!

**Yes, “cuddles”.  I read it in the Times — don’t forget to look up at the sky —

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 3/12/2012: When Mercury Goes Retrograde…

While most of us were sleeping, mental Mercury turned retrograde at 3:49AM ET at 6 degrees of “I fall down stairs because it’s faster than walking” Aries, as everyone runs screaming down the hall.  Mercury retrograde gets such a bad rap because we are geared, in this crazy modern age, to always be thinking, doing, moving FORWARD. Ya know what that gets you? BURN OUT. We need our down times, and Mercury retrogrades are a perfect time to sloooooooow down.  We see this reflected in the curious increase in gizmo crashes (computers and phones), communication and transportation delays and other snafus.  We may also find ourselves having to repeat what we’ve just said, running into people we haven’t seen in years and having to repeat what we’ve just said.

Getting through Mercury retrograde periods requires FOCUS and PATIENCE, especially from now until March 23rd, when Mercury is in Aries (a sign not known for patience). Not only that, but Mercury is still in close contact with unpredictable, often shocking Uranus, so we may witness some spectacular gaffes, along with the inspired ideas. Mercury then floats back into Pisces before turning direct on April 4th. During this time, avoid signing contracts, double check details a zillion times, avoid making major purchases (especially mechanical ones) and don’t believe everything you see in the headlines. With Mercury retrograde, chances are high that there’s more to the story. Gossip is to be avoided, too.

Do plan on RElaxing, REviewing, REsearching, REorganizing, REgenerating, REconnecting and REcreating. Clean out those closets. Organize those files. Get back in touch with people. Turn off your cell phone — or your computer — for a while. Take a trip — yes, really — or any break from your normal routine.  Is that why we so often see people going on strike during Mercury retrograde? When in doubt,  practice the art of SILENCE. Listen to your intuition, especially when Mercury re-enters Pisces on the 23rd.

Moon goes void in Scorpio at 2:30PM ET, not to enter high-flying, opinionated Sagittarius until 2:53AM ET on Tuesday. There are no other voids of significance during this work week. The exact grand trine in the Earth signs kicks off at 12:31AM ET, with expansive Jupiter in security-loving Taurus trining resourceful Pluto in Capricorn, sign of the Establishment. Headlines about energy resources, perhaps — and perhaps expansion of said Establishment. Is Big Brother watching you Just checked other stories on the NYT homepage and two of them are about oil and one is about…plutonium. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Meanwhile, I couldn’t be more thrilled by the timing of this news item, given all the buzz about a grand EARTH trine: “Lights! Cameras! And Cheers — For a Rock Weighing 340 Tons”. Enjoy!

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 3/9/2012 & the Weekend: Mercury Retrograde Alert

A potential flash of insight, a jolt or other surprise may mark the morning, as rebel Uranus opposes Moon in people-pleasing Libra at 5:44AM ET…followed, perhaps by a sharp verbal exchange or incisive thought pattern as mental Mercury (in impatient Aries) also opposes the touchy-feely Moon. Weigh the options and enjoy the debate. At 2:53PM  ET ruthless Pluto squares the Moon, pushing for clarity and perhaps a bit of empowerment or a catharsis.

No exact planetary aspects until Saturday at 10:09PM ET. Until then, the Moon in Libra seeks beauty, harmony and relationship. The Sun in Pisces offers soulful energy to achieve its objectives. After a brief void at 10:09PM ET, Moon enters Scorpio at 12:24AM ET, demanding less theory, more depth and substance. Count your blessings and your resources as the Moon makes contact with dreamy Neptune at 3:38AM ET, followed by each of the four planets — Venus, Jupiter, Pluto and Mars — involved in the apparently world-famous Earth Grand Trine. And for gawd’s sake, look up in the heavens at least one night this week, because Venus and Jupiter are putting on a lovely show.

Last but not least, BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS/CELLPHONE/ETC before Mercury turns retrograde Monday at 3:49AM. I really don’t want to have to say “I told you so….”

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 3/8/2012: Full Moon in Virgo — With a Twist

Moon waxes full at 4:39AM ET and promptly goes void until 11:50PM ET, releasing the build-up of energy and emotion into a potentially amorphous, wandering freefall. With long voids like these, it can be challenging to move purposefully in a straight line. What might that look like? Here’s an amusing drawing I found on Some Guy’s Blog — the drawing has made plenty of rounds on Facebook. This particular link will also take you to the Myers-Brigg Personality Test, if you’re in need of more details on your own particular wiring

OK, where was I? Right. The void. The challenge of moving in a straight line. See if you notice any twists, flakes and/or crises in your day that turn out to be all for naught. Those crises might concern a tension between the need for details and getting it right and a desire to just go with the flow. Take it all in stride. It’s a good day to chill, brainstorm, meditate, rest and take care of things that have no need to be of serious consequence. If you need a topic for your meditation, consider how you can better balance the needs of the body, work, service and all the exacting details (Moon in Virgo) vs. the needs of the soul for at-one-ment and other intangibles (Sun in Pisces).

In other news, you have to love Apple’s perfect timing: launching the new iPad on a hook-up between mental Mercury and technogeek Uranus, both  in pioneering Aries. OMG, what a great idea — everybody is going to want one! Mercury and Uranus will hookup again precisely on March 18th and April 22nd, suggesting plenty of other brilliant innovations making headlines between now and then.



Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 3/7/2012: A Day of Perfection

A day driven by a need for details, precision, organization, discernment, perfection and correction — as Moon continues in Virgo. If you have Moon in Virgo and you’re not winning praise for making things perfect and correct, we may have a problem. Today, everyone may apply this need for perfection to issues concerning vision, the arts, resources, expansion and passion toward the evening.

What we’re bringing to life in the twelve hours between 1:52AM ET and 1:54PM ET is a mini-grand trine (the bigger one that’s driving internet search engines happens next week). After opposing nebulous Neptune (vision) just after midnight, the Virgo Moon will trine Venus, Jupiter and Pluto before hooking up with proactive Mars at 6:28PM ET. How productively self-sufficient can you be? Not to mention optimistic and otherwise feeling special.

Look for illumination and clarification of your New Moon agenda by EOD tomorrow; we are waxing to a Full Moon at 4:39AM ET on Thursday. Note also that the Moon will be void from 4:39AM ET to 11:50PM; ship it today if it’s anything of serious consequence. Friday looks charged…

Meanwhile, here are few headlines from the that turned up as expected in the past 48 hours 1) alleged madam of “high-class” prostitution business arrested in New York ; 2) 81-year old woman finally steps forward to claim 336.4 million dollar lottery prize  and 3) a piece on diabetes that’s been on the New York Times home page for two days  We can anticipate more on similar themes as we move into next week. Coincidence or conspiracy?




Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 3/6/2012: Practical Magic

A lovely day for inspired dreamers, artists, healers and soulful, sensitive communication…as nebulous Neptune makes an easy connection to Venus, now in security-loving Taurus. With Moon in regal Leo, better to communicate from the heart  as opposed to stubborn pride; when in doubt, take the high road. As the day progresses, you may find a way to turn some of those dreams into tangible, practical form. Ambitious Saturn in fair-minded Libra makes an easy connection to that royal Leo Moon at 8:27PM ET — then goes void for exactly two hours.

At 10:27 PM ET Moon enters discerning Virgo, driven by a need to be correct. More dreaminess floats in by midnight as Neptune opposes that perfect Virgo Moon; tomorrow may bring the resources to make perfection a reality.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 3/5/2012: The Grand Trine of March 2012

In case you hadn’t noticed, Moon entered fun-loving and/or regal Leo at 6:18PM ET on Sunday, increasing the potential for drama and drama kings and queens everywhere. Most all of today’s exact planetary activity happens while you are sleeping (at least in the United States); however, effects will linger through the day. First, a friendly connection between Moon and Uranus, suggests receptivity to what is innovative and unconventional, followed by a potentially brilliant hook-up between mental Mercury and rocket scientist Uranus, suggesting flashes of insight, technological breakthroughs, maybe even some news of astrology (ruled by Uranus).  Third, an expansive connection between that drama queen Moon and Jupiter in tactile Taurus offers the potential for indulgence before you even get out of bed. Note your dreams, btw. I did and I’m still trying to figure it out…

At 5:25 AM Venus leaves fiery Aries for earthy Taurus, adding to the potency already presented by a grand trine among resourceful Pluto in enterprising Capricorn, expansive Jupiter in security-seeking Taurus and proactive Mars in discerning Virgo. Let three weeks of sensuality and auras of abundance and practical self-sufficiency begin! Or so you’d think from all the buzz this configuration appears to be getting on search engines. OK, so what exactly is a grand trine?

Picture a triangle — the same shape as a triangle that is played in symphony orchestras. Now imagine a planet at each of the three points of the triangle. That’s what a grand trine looks like. If there were a person in the middle of that triangle, you might say it looked like a castle surrounded by a moat, and that is often how a grand trine functions. Grand trines — like moats — are most excellent protective structures and they suggest great potential for self-sufficiency. In Earth signs — which is what the March 2012 grand trine is in — it suggests material self-sufficiency. A person with an Earth grand trine can easily put out an aura of not needing practical resources from anyone else. And since they seem to not need anything from anyone, they seem to manifest much on the material plane on their own — and in a way that may go outside the normal conventions of society. They can act as “a law unto themselves,” as astrologer Noel Tyl describes it. I read once — I can’t remember where — that grand trines are commonly seen in the horoscopes of career criminals — a worst-case scenario of not needing anything from anyone and living according to one’s own constructs. A grand trine can also function as a defense in relationship. Intimacy may be challenging for a person born with a strong moat around his or her castle.

The March 2012 grand trine will be exact at 9 degrees of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn on March 13th and 14th — but we are feeling the pattern now. And, yes,  it is rare that we see the “lucky” planets: Venus (money, art, love, women) and Jupiter (the cosmic sugardaddy) getting along so smoothly AND empowered by Pluto AND making nice with Mars (action, the drive to procreate, men, warriors).  On the plus side, we can anticipate a few weeks of feeling like things are going pretty darn well — a sense of stability or expansion in financial markets. Certainly if you have planets at 9 degrees any sign you may feel the potential blessings of this pattern — and perhaps more so if you have a significant point or planet at 9 degrees of Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. By all means, buy some lottery tickets. In the headlines, we can expect confident stories of resources, such as this one about Deepwater Horizon up and running again more “news from underground”, lucky breaks and plenty about juicy creativity and/or sexuality between the masculine and the feminine. I would not be surprised to see diabetes pull focus in the headlines the week of the 12th. And I hope we will not see headlines about people or nations who, out of supreme self-confidence, choose to do something harmful while acting as “a law unto themselves”. With planetary patterns, the energy can go either way. We decide how to use it. We shall see…

As for recent headlines, as anticipated on Friday, there were plenty on the subject of the “war on women”, including an escalation of Rush Limbaugh’s latest rant; heated debates and legislative assaults on women and their most private parts. I mention this because of an aspect in February’s New Moon chart suggesting that issues related to women would likely run wild during this lunar cycle, and in an especially patriarchal, obsessive, controlling way. And they have (the aspect, for serious astrology buffs: Saturn in Libra quindecile Venus in Aries peregrine).  Here’s my favorite headline, so far, “Wilmington City Council Passes Resolution Urging Personhood Rights for Sperm”  Saturn in Libra, demanding fairness and equality in the law…

Happy Monday!

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 3/2/2012 & the Weekend: Keep the Home Fires Burning

After a brief Moon void from 8:14AM – 10:08AM ET (Eastern and Central time zones, see if you notice a twist in your morning commute), Moon moves into Cancer, focusing the energy of the day on meeting emotional security needs. Home sweet home, feeding your tummy and nourishing your soul, my country right or wrong, Mom and other goddesses. Moon in Cancer may inspire you to stay close to home over the weekend, too.

Meanwhile, Mercury (mind, communication) moves into pioneering Aries at 6:41AM ET, where it will foster clear, direct expression of the best ideas you ever heard. It has to be the best; otherwise no planet in Aries would bother doing it. When a planet changes signs, it takes a few days to get used to the shift, so be patient with your brain while it gets up to speed. The rest of the day progresses as follows: practical focus, demanding expression…that evolves into something more ideal by 12:11PM ET — ending with a surprise, a jolt, a flash of inspiration or other minor status quo disruption at 4:29PM ET.

A reminder again about a potentially pugnacious element in effect over the weekend, as Sun is opposed by aggressive Mars in perfectionist Virgo on Saturday at 3:10PM ET.  Count to ten before you pick a fight and resist the urge to return any slings and arrows that may be lobbed your way. On Sunday, relations with women may be testy — or at the very least, serious —  as controlling Saturn opposes loving Venus at 6:18AM ET. In the headlines, that’ll likely translate as birth (women/Venus) control (Saturn). Interested in the legal history of this debate (it goes back about 50 years, in the United States)? Here’s a link to an eye-opening op-ed I was fascinated to learn how much we owe to a small group of professors and students at Yale Law School.