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"Thank you SO much for the reading on Wednesday. It's really helped me get back on the road to moving along. You prep so well and are so damn thorough. And moreover, you've got great sensitivity to the material and the patience to listen."
-- Michael D.
Editor, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday & Tuesday 12/28-29/2015; Full Speed Ahead; Sneak Peek at the Week

Good Morning!

The last week of 2015 is driven by the Moon in regal Leo, looking for a stage upon which to shine. Give ’em a round of applause, will you? The need for recognition could take on an innovative and friendly spin, courtesy of a helpful lift from Uranus at 12:13PM ET.  Moon cruises along without much interference for the rest of the night. You can cruise, too!

Note your dreams over the next day or so, as the Sun makes an easy connection to visionary Neptune, exact at 8:18AM ET on Tuesday. That’s quickly followed by an easy connection between the Moon (still in Leo) and action hero Mars at 8:33AM ET — so there’s an extra kick to get you going.  A practical mindset may be charged by a need for action with social consciousness, suggested by an energetic contact between Mercury (mindset, communication) and Mars, exact at 9:54AM ET. There’s another motivating kick for you, if you need it this week.

Moon goes void on Tuesday at 12:38PM ET — but only until 1:58PM ET, when it engages in perfection-seeking Virgo. The need to sort the wheat from the chaff drives the action until midnight ET on Friday, January 1st. So here we have a week with hardly any Moon void twists and flakes to derail your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Not only that, but between December 26th and January 5th, all of the planets are moving forward. Are you working this week? Even if it’s just on your own vision quest (i.e., you’re not at the office), planetary patterns suggest potential for the outward expression.

If you are new to this forecast, welcome! If you are not familiar with the term “Moon void” or “void of course Moon,” here is a helpful link describing this planetary phenomenon. Do not worry if you do not quite understand it right away. It takes a looooooooong time to master a language, which is what astrology is, if you ask me.

Notable shifts this week happen on Wednesday, when Venus leaves Scorpio for high-flying Sagittarius, exhales mightily and pushes the boundaries in social expression until January 23rd.  On Friday, mental Mercury leaves hard-nosed Capricorn for wonky Aquarius, and immediately begins to sloooooooooooooow down. Yep, this is your Really Big PSA of the Day: Mercury turns retrograde on January 5th, reviewing all the ground it covered in December. If you ordered one of my 2016 Really Useful Mercury Retrograde Bookmarks, you know exactly how long Mercury will be retrograde in January, as well as what to expect, what to avoid and why there is no need to freak out. Shoot me an email if you’d like to acquire a few bookmarks for you and several of your closest friends.

Meanwhile, here’s a link to a prior forecast explaining how to survive Mercury retrograde. Check it out and BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW.

And now, the news. Briefly.

Mix the weekend’s Full Moon in Cancer (a water sign) with rebel Uranus turning direct, and the expectation was for something wild and wacky. Certainly the weather did not disappoint: freak storms in the South and Southwest here in the U.S., as well as people running around in shorts here in New York. Had it been 40 degrees cooler, we would have had a white Christmas. There are floods in northern England – and in South America, too.

Keywords for Uranus include: innovative, maverick, eccentric. Uranus has been traveling through Aries since early 2011. Keywords for Aries include: pioneer, inspiration, fearless, warrior, innocent, first.

At the end of every year, the NYT Sunday magazine is devoted to a series of profiles collectively called “The Lives They Lived” — about notable people who passed away during the year. Those memorialized this year seem especially innovative, eccentric, rebellious and/or pioneering — a fitting reflection of Uranus in Aries. Enjoy.

To discuss what’s likely to be on your plate in 2016, here’s the 411 on personal consultations. With Mercury turning retrograde next month, a REview of your goals now would be aptly timed.

Thank you for reading this forecast.


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