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"All I know is that you... Miss Elisabeth Grace are AMAZING! The reading you gave me was so accurate that it still blows my mind 6 months later!!! I also love your daily astrology information!"
--Tim R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Thurs 1/29-2/1/2015: Super Bowl Musings

Today, the fast-talking, quick-think Gemini Moon is sparked by several contacts from other planets, which helps keep balls in play. Tomorrow at 4:24AM ET, that Moon goes void-of-course, suggesting a higher potential for efforts that wander off course. So get it off your desk today if you can, and consider the possibility of an early start to the weekend tomorrow. The Moon won’t enter the next sign — Cancer — until 2:09AM ET on Saturday.

The wee hours on Friday have three exact aspects of note that we can expect to be reflected in the news and perhaps in your own personal world. First is a challenge between Venus in Pisces and taskmaster Saturn in Sagittarius. Pisces can refer to martyrs. A challenge between Venus and Saturn suggests chilly or controlled emotions and/or “women of steel” in the headlines. Here’s an example of past headlines under this aspect.

One story I’m watching is the hostage situation in which a Jordanian pilot and a Japanese journalist may be released in exchange for a female suicide bomber whose efforts did not succeed. Her prominence in the news at this time seems an apt reflection of planetary patterns, even though some media may be baffled. Consider also that Mercury is still retrograde, suggesting projects and people from the past may suddenly reappear.

Around 8:30AM ET on Friday we’ll have a meet-up between Mercury and Sun in Aquarius, suggesting a high level of idealism, likely with a revolutionary, technological or humanitarian bent. At the same time we’ll have an easy alignment between action hero Mars (in Pisces) and ruthless Pluto (Capricorn), suggesting potentially effective power dynamics. These patterns, combined with Sunday’s meet-up between Venus and Neptune could suggest a greater inclination for compassion and empathy. Certainly it’s a perfect time for an op-ed column in the NYT asking “how do we increase empathy”, along with one from Angelina Jolie about the refugee crisis in Syria and Iraq.

It’s this soulful Venus-Neptune meet-up that sets the tone for the weekend, once the Moon enters equally sensitive, nurturing Cancer at 2:09AM ET on Saturday. Healing on the home front? Moon in Cancer does favor energy invested in home, family, Mom, nourishment — whatever stokes your need for emotional security.

Take care of your weekend shopping on Saturday. On Sunday, Moon makes its weekly clash with the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square early in the morning. Then it goes void at 8:37AM ET for the rest of the day. No major shopping sprees! A void Moon suggests upsets, surprise twists and maybe a few spectacular communication snafus at the Super Bowl. Which team is the underdog? They’d be my pick…but — wait — a few days ago, there was no underdog in this match. Verrry interesting, but with a sports match on a day with Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces, you might wish we could all just get along instead of fighting battle after battle.

I predict that the biggest winner in Sunday’s game will be the advertiser that airs the most sentimental, soulful commercial. It certainly won’t be GoDaddy. Their effort was deemed offensive by animal lovers everywhere and will not air during the game. But what else might we expect from a company whose CEO hunts big game animals in Africa for sport? GoDaddy is not the only web hosting and domain service provider in the marketplace. I use Host Duplex and Hover. Ask my wonderful webmaster for details.

Here’s another story in tune with planetary patterns. The “Friendship Nine”, refers to nine young men who dared to sit at the counter of a “whites only” South Carolina diner in 1961. They were arrested, convicted and served time for their “crime”. Their convictions were overturned this week, and here’s how Justice Antonin Scalia’s favorite paper covered the story. And here’s how the New York Times reported it (one of two articles).

I love how this story incorporates themes of Friendship (Aquarius) and forgiveness (Pisces) against the backdrop of Mercury retrograde (remembrance of things past) and the Uranus-Pluto square, whose conjunction in the mid-60s planted the seeds of the civil rights movement that is struggling to firmly take root today. Yes, struggling — in certain places. Did you hear that the Senate subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights has just dropped “civil rights” and “human rights” from its name?

In other news, a potential revelation on the heavy topic of depression, as a recent study has found a link between depression and inflammation of the brain. I remember reading a theory somewhere that depression was “anger turned inward.” How interesting that inflammation of the mind (reflecting tomorrow’s Sun-Mercury meet up!) would be observed…

That’s the brain dump for the next few days. Have a great weekend…thank you for reading this forecast, and don’t forget that…

Mercury retrograde is an excellent time to REview your life with your astrologer — and find out if your own Mercury is being supercharged.  Here’s the 411 on scheduling a personal consultation.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 7/25/2013: A Day of Compassion for Humanity

The Daily Astro-Logical forecast is a labor of love. Your  donation will make my day, and inspire me to keep writing — with gratitude.

With the Moon in Pisces, issues of compassion, suffering, intuition, redemption and intangibles likely pull focus. There’s a certain contemplative/investigative depth to the morning — at least here, on the East Coast — suggested by a supportive contact to the Moon from Pluto. By the time mental Mercury contacts the Moon at 2:43PM ET, you may have had an urge — or solid opportunity — to communicate your feelings and findings. After that…chill, chill, chill…as the Moon goes void for the rest of the day…not to enter the next sign, Aries — until 5:29PM ET on Friday. If you’re planning a long weekend, good for you. The rest of us will patiently deal with whatever twists and detours crop up — and we will be very mindful in matters related to transportation and communication. We’ll also be looking for beautiful escapes (see earlier posts this week about tomorrow’s rose-colored opposition between Venus and nebulous Neptune). We  may need them to offset the demands for discipline and/or streamlining demanded by a humorless authority. Closing arguments in the Bradley Manning trial (very serious) are due today; arrests of hackers who breached the servers of certain credit card companies coming; a hedge fund billionaire is indicted on charges of fraud in “an unusually aggressive move”.  And have you seen the budget cuts House Republicans have proposed? I’ll excerpt the NYT article (found in the prior link) here:

The Securities and Exchange Commission, which has been flexing its muscle against hedge fund managers and insider trading schemes, would see financing cut 18 percent from the current level. Though Mr. Obama will finally get a fully operational National Labor Relations Board under a Senate agreement that forced Republicans to drop their filibuster of his three board nominees, House lawmakers are slashing spending on the board’s operations.

Under other House legislation, the budget for the Internal Revenue Service would be cut by 24 percent, Amtrak would lose a third of its financing, and clean water grants from the Environmental Protection Agency would be slashed by 83 percent.

So perhaps you can understand why I have been so reluctant to dive into some of the recent headlines about the battle for control of precious resources going on now — and the wake-up call to the 99% — necessarily reflected by the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square —  of just how much of everything is not in their hot little hands.  I’m distracted by a need for a Venus-Neptune rose-colored escape, too. However, there is one must-read article I am compelled to share about resources. Over the weekend, the NYT reported how big banks are reaping huge profits by driving up the price of aluminum…and also how three of these banks allegedly now control 80%…that’s right EIGHTY PERCENT of the world’s supply of copper.  The irony of some of this financial finagling happening in bankrupt Detroit shall not be lost upon us. The Times article did spark a Senate hearing this week and reportedly some regulators are mulling it all over.

In other news, there is Huma Abedin, the wife of NY mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner. Despite brand new dirt alleging that Mr. Weiner continued his habit of sexting women who were not his wife after he promised everyone he would stop, Ms. Abedin is standing by her man. What in the world could be going on in her horoscope? I could not confirm my suspicions without at least a birthday, which — at the time — could not be found on her Wikipedia biography (an article published yesterday finally disclosed it). But it was possible to speculate, based on what we know is going on in her life, and how she is perceived by others.   For the former,  1) do you think we could argue that she is facing a severe hardship, requiring great discipline , responsibility and commitment. What planet does that sound like, oh avid readers of this forecast?  2) Do you think that her belief in her husband would be described by many as idealistic?  What planet and/or planetary combination suggest strong idealism — a need to see things as more beautiful than they might be?  3) Ms. Abedin is quite mysterious, charismatic and magnetic.  What planets suggest those qualities? 4) She’s quite unconventional, too, isn’t she? What planet would we expect to find that reflects that quality?

If you thought of 1) Saturn; 2) Mercury-Venus or Mercury-Neptune; 3) Mars-Neptune and 4) Uranus, congratulations! According to an article published today, Ms. Abedin will be 37 on Sunday. 1)  She has Sun conjunct Saturn in Leo — that is one serious and disciplined combination. Currently, Saturn is squaring her Sun and Saturn, suggesting either a seriously hard knock and/or a reach for ambition. 2) She has Mercury conjunct Venus, both of which are in touch with Neptune. Idealism! 3) She has Mars square Neptune, usually found in the charts of charismatic entities who act on faith — or — who need to have their own version of the truth  (the U.S. has this aspect in its horoscope, too). 4) Her Sun is square Uranus — she needs to be unconventional, period, the end, goodbye.   Isn’t astrology amazing?

Now, in the spirit of today’s compassionate Pisces Moon that knows too well the suffering of all humanity, we will say no more about Huma Abedin. Take it away, Tammy Wynette

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 5/9/2011: Idealism in the horoscope

There’s plenty of potential for a banner week, and at the very least, continued good cheer, starting with the Moon entering sunny, royal, playful, adorable (in its own mind) Leo at 5:35AM EST. Following that we have an exact hook up between Mercury (mind) and Venus (social expression) in the impulsive, direct, “leap before you look” sign of Aries. When Mercury and Venus get together, idealism is often the name of the game. Everything is wonderful! Impossible things can happen! We’re committed to nuclear power! (They actually said that in Japan over the weekend, which might well become a clear example of the dangers of idealistic thinking

But sometimes, the magic in magical thinking can be real. At least one miracle did happen here in New York on Friday morning. A baby red-tailed hawk pecked its way out of an egg in a nest overlooking Washington Square (you can see the nest live on the Hawk Cam — more fun than television! Red-tailed hawks are a big deal in New York, and this nest is an especially big deal because 1) it has a Hawk Cam; and 2) “experts” had declared just a few days ago that there was no way these eggs were going to hatch; it was too late. But not too late, apparently, with planetary patterns like we’ve got right now which continue suggest hope, promise, expansion, abundance in an ‘everything happens for the best” kind of way.

It’s Monday. You’ve been advised on the potential pitfalls of idealistic thinking. Otherwise, go for it!