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New Jersey

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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/29/2010 and the Weekend

No major planetary snags on deck for Friday; in fact, the aspects are quite jovial and innovative. Finish all your emotional security-related issues during the last bit of Moon in Cancer…then take a four and half hour rest from 3:48 – 8:38PM NY time — you might even sneak out of  the office early…before someone calls  with an imagined crisis that turns out to be naught. By evening, Moon will be in regal, playful Leo — it’s party time!

No void of course Moon on Saturday to deter your shopping expeditions — you might be inclined to splurge on a luxury item or pampering — though do be mindful that Venus retrograde challenges our ability to determine true value in objects of beauty; outrageously expensive purchases are not recommended at this time.

Since you’ve asked, the horoscope for the March to Keep Fear Alive/Rally to Restore Sanity at 12PM 10/30/2010 in Washington DC  is quite intriguing. Ruthless, explosive, empowering perspective-changing Pluto is rising on the Ascendant of this event — suggesting a potentially powerful impact. Mercury, planet of thought, communication and travel is running wild — ruling over areas related to “big picture” thinking, broadcasting and social service. Mercury is also aligned with a Fixed Star that signifies “positive social reform”. Neptune, planet of the intangible, fantasy, spiritual transcendence, deception and broadcasting is also running wild — this should be an extraordinary forum for expansive, innovative, humanitarian, enthusiastic and compassion communication — defying conventional analysis. Those attending and those observing may not know what to make of this gathering — or even why they are present — except that it represents a powerful force that seeks transcends that which is ugly. The event’s public status is aligned with two other Fixed Stars — one signifying “a different approach”; the other, the “potential for brilliance”. Jupiter, which rules Jon Stewart’s Sun and Moon in Sagittarius, is extremely well-placed in this horoscope, suggesting “optimism, enthusiasm, strength of conviction and expansion will be the central unifying forces” (thanks to Don McBroom for defining Jupiter= Sun/Moon in MIDPOINTS).

The Sun-Moon combination for this day — Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Leo, reads as follows (with thanks to Noel Tyl for this definition): “Two power signs struggle to get the message out: ‘I am a very deep person, reliable and right as right; and you must recognize that and know how good I am for you!’ Excesses of emotion show up as the temperamental trappings for well-organized personal opinion and bias. Understanding the motivation behind the thrust for power is very important to success.” (Note this is the same Sun-Moon combination as Ken Mehlman, whom I wrote about a few months ago). Is astrology cool or what? I’ll be on the Mall wearing the purple witch’s hat, in an early celebration of…

Halloween…on Sunday! Could be weird and mystical, with a Moon void from 5:02 – 11:51PM NY time — right on a connection to nebulous Neptune. Go easy on the punch. Your powers of discernment will be required to make an appearance first thing Monday morning. Be on time.