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" of the most illuminating readers I've come across. She is quick, perceptive and is very fluent with weaving in what she sees in your chart into what's happening and likely to happen and has happened in your life. I plan to keep Elisabeth as one of my periodic life counselors."
New York, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 5/11/2015: Mars in Gemini; Frida Kahlo & the Rest of the Week

Good Morning!

Mixed messages from the cosmos at 6:36AM ET, as the humanitarian Aquarius Moon squares the Taurus Sun. Squares are energetic aspects — pushing an agenda forward. What are you all fired up to do?

Perhaps it has something to do with the third stage of the New Moon agenda you set three weeks ago. Whatever it is, be advised that right after the Sun-Moon square, the Moon will be void until 10:53PM ET. This suggests twists or delays in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Knowing about voids is an awesome way to prevent panic attacks and other imagined crises if things aren’t going as planned. There’s a higher flake factor during Moon voids, e.g., appointments cancelling or meetings wandering off into another dimension. Chill and roll with it — and you’ll be just fine.

Mars is the Planet of Week. Mars refers to action! It leaves slow and stubborn Taurus for Gemini at 10:40PM ET. Mars in Gemini is great for multitasking and getting the word out. Game plans may become more flexible. And they darn well better be clever and entertaining.

If you have a planet at around 2 degrees of Virgo, Pisces and especially Gemini or Sagittarius, you will be more personally affected by Mars this week. That planet (or your Ascendant or your Midheaven) is likely to be energized — for better or for worse. You may find yourself compelled to take action. Or, if you’re suppressing your inner action hero, you may attract someone or something who takes action on you.

By Friday, Mars will have moved into a challenging face-off with Saturn, currently at 2 Sagittarius. Mars-Saturn patterns suggest disciplined, militant action and ambition — for better or for worse. So look for those themes in the headlines. And if your own horoscope is personally affected, may you use that disciplined push for a cause with higher consciousness.

If you don’t know what degrees your planets are at, consider ordering the Astro-Basics Report. In addition to the computer-generated report of where everything is and what it means, I will include a personal note identifying the planet in your horoscope that is the key to fulfilling your potential in this lifetime.

This is the week to BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS and other gizmos, as Mercury turns retrograde at 9:50PM ET next Monday, May 18th. No whinging will be permitted! Mercury retrograde periods provide absolutely fantastic opportunities for certain things. There is no reason to sweat the snafus and miscommunications that may arise. Here’s the survival guide I posted for the last Mercury retrograde — in January. I will re-post and update it on Monday.

Moon voids for the week, other than today’s long wandering drift: Wednesday 12:55PM – 1:13AM ET on THURSDAY; Friday 8:03AM ET until 3:02AM ET on SATURDAY.

And now, the news.

Speaking of Mars and Saturn, you know who has a planet around 2 degrees of Gemini or Sagittarius — and is thus personally affected by the “disciplined, militant action and ambition potential” of Friday Mars-Saturn opposition? Barack Obama. And there he is in the headlines, “aggressively courting skeptical legislators” so they will pass a bill this week giving him accelerated powers on the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. He even dissed Senator Elizabeth Warren and made a speech at Nike, a company notorious for outsourcing jobs. He is serious about this TPP. I wonder why.

I would now like to take this opportunity to rave about my New Balance cross-trainers, which I bought at the company store in Skowhegan, Maine. New Balance is apparently the only athletic shoe company that makes a portion of its inventory in the United States. New Balance has five manufacturing operations in the U.S. Two are in Massachusetts and three are in Maine, where my family is from. I’ve seen first-hand what happens when textile mills and shoe companies outsource production overseas. So as long as I have a choice, I’ll buy sneakers with labels that say “Made in the USA”.

This concludes the soapbox portion of this forecast.

Meanwhile, with Venus (women) at the Aries Point on Friday, some of our fearless leaders in Congress re-introduced the Equal Rights Amendment. If you are younger than a certain age, you may not know what that is. So I’ll tell you. It’s this:

“Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”

This amendment was passed by Congress in 1972, in the wake of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 1965-66. Thirty-eight states needed to ratify the amendment by 1982 for it to become the law of the land. That didn’t happen. Now, in the wake of the Uranus-Pluto square, we find ourselves revisiting agendas that were hot in the mid-60s. Will we finish what was started? This is our chance.

In other news, Frida Kahlo is “having a moment”. That’s what the NYT headline says, as a clueless reporter reports:

In a welcome though unexpected convergence, an array of new books and exhibitions about Kahlo have suddenly appeared this spring, adding insight and depth to our understanding of a woman who would seem among the most overexposed artistic figures of all time.

Dear Clueless Reporter, there is nothing “unexpected” about it.  If only you had looked at Ms. Kahlo’s horoscope (or asked an astrologer for an analysis). Such “unexpected” and “sudden” prominence strongly suggest planetary patterns at work,  no doubt involving Uranus and Pluto. And in fact, in a two-second glance at the chart we’re immediately drawn to this: Neptune, Sun, and Jupiter at 12, 13 and 20 Cancer respectively…all opposing Mars and Uranus at 12 and 10 Capricorn. That intense configuration has been supercharged by Uranus and Pluto for two years. Uranus (now at 18 Aries) is just about to square her Jupiter (suggesting, usually, expanded fortune — and in Kahlo’s case, corresponds to another exhibition opening). Her 23 Leo Ascendant and 23 Taurus Midheaven have just been hit by transiting Sun and Mars; Jupiter will hit her angles in July (more expansion); transiting Scorpio opposed her Midheaven last fall…..all adding up to prominence, expansion, revelation, empowerment, with a focus on personal/domestic concerns, even for a woman as “overexposed” as Ms. Kahlo (and even though she is no longer among the living). Horoscopes live forever!

To find out when your horoscope is scheduled for a period of expansion and empowerment, here’s the 411 on personal consultations. I look forward to an excellent discussion with you soon.

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Update: Before Mars hits President Obama’s 3 degree Gemini Moon, it opposed his 28 degree Scorpio Midheaven over the weekend. Mars suggests action — and also provocation, attack and/or an outburst. How interesting to stumble across a provocative story by Seymour Hersh, alleging that a lot of what you may have seen in Zero Dark Thirty is fiction, and that President Obama lied about what really happened in Abottabad the night Osama bin Laden was killed. On the other hand, the story was published on a square between Neptune and Mercury, which can be pretty surreal (or untrue).  We will see this Merucry-Neptune pattern again on May 29 and June 23. It will be interesting to see if there are further developments on this story then.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 1/28/2015: Mind the Void

Patience, as you arise and go about your business. If you’re tuning in, you may feel as if the day is idling in neutral. Stick to routine tasks and roll with whatever detours and delays that crop up on Moon void and Mercury retrograde. How many times will you have to repeat yourself? I don’t know, but best to make sure what you said is what was heard.

Moon enters chatty Gemini at 5:36PM ET and is challenged by Venus in soulful Pisces at 8:57PM ET. Sounds like a backdrop for the “Madeleine Episode” of Remembrance of Things Past, presented here for your entertainment. Sleep on those fond memories before the potential wet blanket of a face-off between Moon and Saturn hits at 11:44pm ET…and sends you into a fit of restless melancholia.

And now, the news.

Earlier this year I wrote about the fantasy/reality challenge of a the approaching square between Neptune and Saturn. I noted that these two planets were in a challenging pattern around the time of the housing bubble/bust, and the internet bubble/bust of the late 90s, too. I wondered where we might see another bubble rising, and it seems there might be one in the wild, wacky world of auto loans — made to people who have no real means of paying them back. Deja vu all over again? Let’s watch how this story develops as we move into the Fall and 2016.

Quite a scandal in the NY State Assembly on Monday,  as the Speaker of the Assembly, Sheldon Silver, is alleged to have taken “millions in payoffs”.  He’s been Speaker for 20 years, and now he’s history. Just like that. Add it to the list of sudden disruptions of the status quo as planetary patterns reflect a pressing need for corruption to be exposed.

Meanwhile, in Greece, the new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras unveiled his new cabinet of “mavericks and visionaries,” just in time for today’s innovative connection between Mercury and Uranus (and discussed in yesterday’s forecast).

I must share this item posted on the last day of Venus in Aquarius, sign of unconventional attractions. Now that Venus is in empathetic Pisces, the warm and fuzzy quotient may be doubly appreciated. It’s a story about animal friendships — between dogs and donkeys; goats and rhinos; cats and pigs. With lots of pictures and videos. Melt my heart….and let the power of the potential for us humans sink in. If you can be like a rhino or a donkey and still see yourself reflected in the eyes of a goat or a dog, you’ve got the hang of Pisces, which understands deeply that we are all in this together…and if that dog or goat becomes your best friend in the world, you’ve got the hang of Aquarius, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal…

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday & Tuesday 8/11-12/2014: Sneak Peek at the Week

Good Morning!

Some on the East Coast may have experienced a delay or surprise twist in your early morning routine, given that the Moon was void of course until 8:55AM ET. If you are new to this forecast and want more info on Moon voids and how to handle them, look here. As of 8:55AM ET, if you are really paying attention, you may notice the shift in energy — not unlike the sensation of engaging the clutch of a stick-shift car — as the Moon goes into gear and moves forward in Pisces.

Pisces is an intuitive energy that at its best, expresses compassion and loving kindness for everyone and everything, in its understanding that we are all One. At worst, Pisces wallows in suffering and/or escapes life’s hard knocks by running away,  drowning its sorrows in drugs, drink or any other rose-colored glass it can find. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, a challenging symbol for many to integrate in an individual horoscope. At best, it suggests a need for a sublime creative and/or spiritual vision. At worst, it suggests deception and betrayal. Not all visions are real.

Overall, a quiet day today, as there are no exact planetary aspects until 7:26PM ET, when the Pisces Moon hooks up with nebulous Neptune, facilitating  — yes, that ‘s right — a need for a dreamy escape — perhaps through a creative or spiritual practice: art, music, meditation. If you’re a night owl needing an energy boost for that novel you’re writing, easy connections between Moon, Mars (action!) and Pluto (depth, potency) late tonight and in the wee hours can carry you through.

Also happening overnight: Venus leaves nurturing ultra-Mom Cancer for royal Leo at 3:24AM ET Tuesday, infusing social expression for the next few weeks with drama, pomp and play. This may also fill up the social calendars of those born under the sign of the Lion, especially those born in July.

Get it off your desk by 12:01pm ET on Tuesday, when the Moon goes void of course on a constructive alignment with disciplined Saturn. Focus on routine tasks or chill until 9AM ET on Wednesday, when the Moon charges into Aries and quickens the pace until lunchtime on Friday. The long Moon void on Tuesday is the only void that may trip up your efforts to move forward in a straight line during the work week. The next Moon void happens between 8:26AM ET and 6:41PM ET on Sunday.

And now, the news.

As expected in light of the heavy Saturn influence during yesterday’s Full Moon, headlines on the NYT homepage are sobering. We see yet another incident involving the death of an unarmed person by a law enforcement officer making news, this time in St. Louis.   A candlelight vigil for the victim was held during last night’s long Moon void, along with reported looting and angry protests. Meanwhile, a freak accident that apparently happened after a clash of wills between two race car drivers made headlines on Saturday, resulting in the death of one driver allegedly attempting to “settle a score”.  Not surprising to see this story in light of patterns discussed in  Saturday’s forecast.

In other news, this headline caught my eye: “A Mother Lifts Her Son, Slowly, From Heroin’s Abyss”. It is an especially apt reflection of the heavy consequences and dogged ambition suggested by the  Full Moon, along with two patterns exact today: Venus (social expression, women) at the very last degree of Cancer (motherhood), as well as an obsessive aspect known as a quindecile between mental Mercury and Neptune (drugs, redemption, sacrifice). Planets close to the end of a zodiac sign suggest a heavy learning trip in whatever matters the planet rules. If you have planets like that in your horoscope, you know what I’m talking about.

Thank you for reading this forecast — with extra bonus gratitude to those of you who are sharing it with your friends.

P.S. Special thanks to Karen, a reader who sent in this article written by astrologer Richard Nolle, who coined the term Super Moon back in 1979.  I’ve linked it before, but it bears repeating and it may clear up misunderstandings you may have about Super Moons, especially since they are now being written about regularly by reporters who know little about astrology.

How is your life being reflected by patterns in your horoscope? What’s likely to be on your plate this  fall? Find out in  a personal astro-logical consultation.




Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/25/2013: Revelations About Love; Mercury Retrogrrrrade Headlines

Good Morning!

And such a dreamy morning it may be, courtesy of the harmonious connection between the intense Scorpio Sun (life force) and nebulous Neptune in Pisces (illusions, spirits and other intangibles), exact at 6:41PM ET. Please refer to earlier posts this week for more on this rose-colored planetary pattern. Man, I could just float…gently down a stream…as we have six of ten planets in emotional Water signs today: Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and…

…the Moon, which continues its sojourn in Cancer, suggesting another day of focus on and fulfillment of home and emotional security needs. What can you do to nurture yourself and others today? Thoughts flow easily this morning — especially for those with an intuitive bent — how lovely for those on a creative or spiritual quest. It can all build to a burst of optimism by the end of the business day, as Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy, hooks up with the Moon at 4:31PM ET.

From then until 12:12pm ET on Saturday, the Moon will be void of course, offering a natural break in the action. Avid readers of this forecast know that when the Moon is void, it has a wandering, drifting energy, which we often experience as twists, delays or upsets in our efforts to move forward in a straight line. You may notice a lack of focus in those around you, such as a waitress who cheerfully says “Good Morning” when it’s three in the afternoon. There’s a higher potential for flake outs and space outs during voids, and even more so now with mental Mercury being retrograde. The good news is that if you’re the one flaking, it’s likely to be of little consequence. You’ll find more thoughts on Moon voids here.

You can bask in the afterglow of a rose-colored Friday night until 12:12PM ET on Saturday, when the Moon gets into gear in sunny Leo. This Fire sign needs to play, create and shine — often with a sense of royal entitlement. So here’s a little tip for dealing with any drama queens and kings you may encounter: let them know you love them, even if they are total strangers. This is especially true if you’re dealing with someone who was born with Moon in Leo; love is what they need, and the whole world is a much happier place when that need is fulfilled. Don’t believe me? Check out this fascinating, absolutely must-read piece called “10 Things You Might Not Know About Love”.  Interesting that it was originally published in January, on a day with the Moon in nurturing Cancer and the Sun in “I love you, but don’t take it personally” Aquarius.

Meanwhile, the Third Quarter Moon, suggesting a challenge to the agenda you set on the New Moon, is exact on Saturday at 7:40PM ET. Sunday morning dawns with a friendly, innovative connection between the Moon and rebel Uranus that can open minds and hearts to new and unusual attractions. A wet blanket may hit the headlines by 2:24PM ET, as stern Saturn in stubborn Scorpio challenges the equally fixed Leo Moon, with a potential communication clash ensuing around 7PM ET, courtesy of mental Mercury.

FYI: on Monday, the Leo Moon will be void from 8:26AM ET until 11:45PM ET, suggesting a slow start to the work week. Chill if you can.

And now, the news. We’re five days into Mercury retrograde, which is a most excellent time to FOCUS on what we are thinking and saying, and in terms of what is said, the less said, the better. Idle chatter and gossip often have greater consequences during Mercury retrogrades, and often times what is said is later proven false or embarrassing. My sense was that we’d see a lot of stories in the headlines along those themes, especially since the Sabian Symbol for this Mercury retrograde is 19 Scorpio: “a parrot listening and then talking.” To me, that’s an instant image of twittering blah blah blah. Here’s a direct link to Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee’s thoughts on 19 Scorpio — I highly recommend you get his book.

Here are a few related stories:

First, Jofi Joseph, a White House staffer who posted blah blah blah snarky remarks about Persons in High Places via an anonymous Twitter account was fired after an investigation identified him as the source. Second, Don Yelton, a North Carolina county precinct GOP chair resigned after The Daily Show aired a typically entertaining, incisive interview in which Mr. Yelton blithely expressed comments that were “offensive, uniformed, and unacceptable of any member within the Republican Party,” according to a statement released by the Buncombe County GOP. Meanwhile, Twitter itself is making news. It just made a significant new hire and it set a price range for its “eagerly anticipated” upcoming IPO.

Have a wonderful weekend — and don’t forget to read the article about love, linked above. That one can change your life.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 2/11/2013: Playful is Powerful

Make the most of this week. It’s the last full week we will have for a while with all planets moving forward. Heads up that Saturn turns retrograde on the 18th; Mercury turns retrograde on the 23rd. BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS AND YOUR SMARTPHONES NOW.

East Coasters, if you must ship something of dire consequence, get it off your desk before the dreamy and intuitive Pisces Moon goes void of course at 12:03PM ET. We’ve got a looonnnnnnng time between then and 8:51PM ET Tuesday, when the Moon finally engages in Aries — and then it’ll blast off like a rocket. Wednesday, Thursday & Friday are super-fabulous for getting things off the ground. So what to do between now and then?

Start by re-reading yesterday’s New Moon forecast with special attention to creating a space for play, as only the unique individual that you are can do. Let your intuition guide your communications and actions. I can’t tell you how delighted I was to see this article about play and productivity sitting on the NYT home page when I woke up during Sunday’s Moon void. Are the editors of the Times  in tune with the cosmos or what? Make time for play, for visualization and serious brainstorming/drafting over the next 36 hours. Structuring and researching new platforms to launch your visions are favored, courtesy of cooperative contacts among mental Mercury, disciplined Saturn and potent Pluto. If you were born around the 1st of March, June, September or December…or if you have planets or angles around 11 degrees of Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius this especially applies to you.

The other planetary pattern exact today can provide necessary discipline and controls, even though some will find it a bitch. And this is chilly Saturn in Scorpio (matters of life and death), squaring Venus (women, money, aesthetics, social expression) in humanitarian Aquarius at 1:42AM ET. If you are on the bitchy receiving end of this transit, see if the old cliche “whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger” can apply. Here’s an example from today’s NYT: how some college students worked their you-know-whats off to pay for their tuition — tough, disciplined and inspiring. Another example of formidable discipline and resolve in a most feminine form is a front page piece on how Gabrielle Giffords, whom you may recall was shot in the head at point blank range two years ago, is evolving into a passionate advocate for sane gun controls. Did you see her one-minute speech before Congress a few weeks ago — well you must see it now and here it is — deeply moving. And strangely in synch with the Crosby, Stills & Nash song  Find the Cost of Freedom popping into my head while writing the New Moon forecast. In other news, more and more women are buying guns, says the homepage of the NYT as of 6PM ET.

***FYI, personal astro-logical  consultation specials –  for you and/or your Valentine can be found  here***

On a lighter note…perhaps you read that someone hacked into an email account belonging to a member of the  Bush family. Apparently the most startling revelations were self-portraits by George W. Bush.  Since when did W. become a painter? And why is it so newsworthy that NYT columnist Maureen Dowd was compelled to write about it? With a quick glance at Bush’s horoscope, I’m looking for current hits from the Uranus-Pluto square, given that he is in the headlines and is therefore prominent. Instantly we see nebulous Neptune (vision, high art) being supercharged by this square…and the areas of the horoscope that are highlighted include: mindset/imagination/communication and siblings (the paintings were made public via his sister’s email account!), big picture thinking/publishing and the public. Transits to Neptune often coincide with an involvement in the creative arts…and also spiritual or charitable concerns. That’s the upside. The downside can be a sense of bewilderment, betrayal or an escape into fantasy, including drugs or alcohol.

Since George W. Bush gave up drinking years ago, and his horoscope suggests a need for magical thinking and to communicate his visions with enthusiasm, applying his imagination in a painterly way makes sense. Another suggestion of artistic inclination is artsy Venus (social expression, including aesthetics) aligned with Midheaven, which refers to career/public status. Isn’t that interesting?  He’s kept a low profile during the last few years, which also makes sense given that Saturn has been at the bottom of his horoscope. This suggests a need to shore up one’s foundation, focusing on personal concerns of home and family. Patterns in the horoscope suggest that 2014-2016 will be an extremely significant period of life development for Mr. Bush, with themes of emancipation, empowerment and expansion being the potential upsides. Changes are absolutely, positively guaranteed.

Why not gift George W. Bush with a personal astro-logical consultation, so he can plan a strategy to maximize opportunities suggested by upcoming transits to his horoscope. Send him a gift certificate gaily festooned with sparkly red and  purple hearts — he’ll love it! Unless there’s someone you know who might appreciate this thoughtful gesture more…

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 12/1/2011: What’s the Big Deal?

Hope you noted your dreams this AM, on the heels of a hook-up between Moon (void of course) and nebulous Neptune, which could have taken you on a fantastic – -or confusing —  ride. The Moon void suggests a slow start or twist to the morning routine, especially on the East Coast. I got on the wrong subway train — how about you? Fortunately, I realized the error before getting too far off track…and at the end of my journey I was delightfully surprised by happy-faced workers at Wendy’s giving away free coffee and coupons for artisanal breakfast sandwiches.  Yes, artisanal. At Wendy’s. Definitely not a routine commute.

At 9:45AM ET Moon entered soulful Pisces, yearning to merge with the intangible and go with the flow. You can plumb the depths of emotion today; the Pisces Moon is working with an intense, sometimes wretchedly overwrought or excessive emotional release, suggested by the hook-up between “take no prisoners” Pluto and Venus, planet of money, love, art, beauty and women. If you look hard in the mirror, you just might see the light. Which leads into my next pithy statement, “If you want to know where you’re at, look at who — or whom — you’re with”. Point is, a little introspection and honesty can deliver big results, if you’re brave enough to go there. Note that there is a difference between brutal honesty and just being a brute. With the surge of energy in the air today and tomorrow, try to temper your quest with some kindness — to yourself and others.

It occurred to me yesterday that this Venus-Pluto conjunction at 6 degrees of Capricorn is significant in the horoscope of the United States. Why? Because Jupiter, the cosmic sugardaddy, sits at 5-6 degrees of Cancer in the US chart — and it’s in the second house of the chart, which relates to worth, value, assets and money. Does the United States seek its reward by acquiring more and more and MORE? Well, according to the US horoscope, it certainly does…in fact, it needs to do so, in order to feel secure.

Pluto-Jupiter connections refer to resources, often with a feeling of regeneration. Venus-Jupiter connections refer to sugar, good cheer and indulgence, sometimes excessive. Remember how over the weekend shoppers gave retailers a record-breaking spending spree? Not only was Venus in a lovely aspect with Jupiter in the horoscope of the day, but Pluto AND Venus were both in aspect to Jupiter in the chart of the United States. So it makes perfect sense that Americans would be feeling expansive and indulgent…as evidenced by the weekend shopping mania….AND….yesterday’s 482 point gain on the Dow! Coincidence or conspiracy? Anyone have any questions?

Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve gets some credit for yesterday’s surge in the markets — and this is also reflected in the horoscope…of the Federal Reserve! If you haven’t been following the news, yesterday the stress in the continuing European financial boondoggle (scheduled to hit a critical mass next summer), was temporarily eased when the European Central Bank, backed by the Federal Reserve, bought up a bunch of bad debt — or so it was explained by Fed nemesis Ron Paul (R-TX)  in this provocative and feisty exchange: …and the markets rallied through the day. Huzzah! The horoscope of the Fed — it was born on December 23, 1913 — features the Sun at — ZERO degrees of Capricorn — opposed by Pluto (resources, empowerment, underground, corruption, regeneration, subversion) at ZERO degrees of Cancer. Regular readers of this forecast know that ZERO degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are especially powerful points (as reflected in real life as the first day of each of the four seasons), that command attention.  Regular readers also know that rebel Uranus has been been making a lot of noise at ZERO Aries off and on throughout the year — and it’s back at ZERO Aries right now. Translation: the Fed is in the spotlight all year long. Got that?  But wait…there’s MORE…

Yesterday, Congressman Dennis Kucinich released this video explaining how the Fed reportedly created a staggering sum of money in 2008, using the regenerative power of Pluto, which was then at ZERO Capricorn (making a potent connection to the Fed’s natal Sun). Watch this video×639040 and you may begin to understand how issues of resources in the US are being reflected in the planetary patterns then…and now.

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/29/2010 and the Weekend

No major planetary snags on deck for Friday; in fact, the aspects are quite jovial and innovative. Finish all your emotional security-related issues during the last bit of Moon in Cancer…then take a four and half hour rest from 3:48 – 8:38PM NY time — you might even sneak out of  the office early…before someone calls  with an imagined crisis that turns out to be naught. By evening, Moon will be in regal, playful Leo — it’s party time!

No void of course Moon on Saturday to deter your shopping expeditions — you might be inclined to splurge on a luxury item or pampering — though do be mindful that Venus retrograde challenges our ability to determine true value in objects of beauty; outrageously expensive purchases are not recommended at this time.

Since you’ve asked, the horoscope for the March to Keep Fear Alive/Rally to Restore Sanity at 12PM 10/30/2010 in Washington DC  is quite intriguing. Ruthless, explosive, empowering perspective-changing Pluto is rising on the Ascendant of this event — suggesting a potentially powerful impact. Mercury, planet of thought, communication and travel is running wild — ruling over areas related to “big picture” thinking, broadcasting and social service. Mercury is also aligned with a Fixed Star that signifies “positive social reform”. Neptune, planet of the intangible, fantasy, spiritual transcendence, deception and broadcasting is also running wild — this should be an extraordinary forum for expansive, innovative, humanitarian, enthusiastic and compassion communication — defying conventional analysis. Those attending and those observing may not know what to make of this gathering — or even why they are present — except that it represents a powerful force that seeks transcends that which is ugly. The event’s public status is aligned with two other Fixed Stars — one signifying “a different approach”; the other, the “potential for brilliance”. Jupiter, which rules Jon Stewart’s Sun and Moon in Sagittarius, is extremely well-placed in this horoscope, suggesting “optimism, enthusiasm, strength of conviction and expansion will be the central unifying forces” (thanks to Don McBroom for defining Jupiter= Sun/Moon in MIDPOINTS).

The Sun-Moon combination for this day — Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Leo, reads as follows (with thanks to Noel Tyl for this definition): “Two power signs struggle to get the message out: ‘I am a very deep person, reliable and right as right; and you must recognize that and know how good I am for you!’ Excesses of emotion show up as the temperamental trappings for well-organized personal opinion and bias. Understanding the motivation behind the thrust for power is very important to success.” (Note this is the same Sun-Moon combination as Ken Mehlman, whom I wrote about a few months ago). Is astrology cool or what? I’ll be on the Mall wearing the purple witch’s hat, in an early celebration of…

Halloween…on Sunday! Could be weird and mystical, with a Moon void from 5:02 – 11:51PM NY time — right on a connection to nebulous Neptune. Go easy on the punch. Your powers of discernment will be required to make an appearance first thing Monday morning. Be on time.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 10/27/2010

Is Rand Paul determined to become the poster child for Venus retrograde in Scorpio 2010? First, Mr. Paul refuses to shake his opponent’s hand during a political debate several days ago, in a flagrant violation of social conventions we expect to happen in polite society. Then, as you may have heard, one of Mr. Paul’s campaign volunteers stomps on the head of a woman who was present outside another debate. Talk about bad manners! Granted, there are other tense planetary patterns contributing to the edginess many may be feeling, but throwing common courtesy under the bus is one common manifestation of Venus, planet of social expression, retrograde — and the fact that it’s happening in Scorpio, a sign that takes no prisoners, adds to the potential for nasty behavior. How are your social interactions going? We’ve got another 23 days of this — hang in there!

Angelenos, you’ll experience a void-of-course Moon from 7:19AM – 12:14PM. I’d love to hear how many of you may experience alarms not going off, a desire to sleep in late, a general slow start to the morning, including unusual traffic jams, meetings that get canceled, agendas that are not followed or clients calling with crises that turn out to be much ado about nothing.  On the other hand meditation, routine activities, yoga and brainstorming can be productive — as is any activity where your intention does not involve moving in a straight line. Stay loose…and be ready to take action after lunch, when the Moon will be in Cancer, nudging us to tend to issues of home, foundations, family and emotional security. New Yorkers — please do the math for the Moon void an adjust your schedule accordingly. A long lunch hour sounds perfect, so long as it doesn’t involve impulse shopping (you really don’t need it) or a serious business conversation.

Oh — and about those emotional security needs — our feelings may be especially vulnerable to cutting words and other sharp objects, thanks to a challenge to Moon (emotional response) from ruthless Pluto.

Finally — for no particular reason I deleted a sentence from yesterday’s forecast about likely news from the underground (Sun in Scorpio making contact with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, in earthy Capricorn); yesterday’s headlines did include a deadly volcano and a tsunami. Have a fabulous day!

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 10/20/2010

Still more Neptune. You may recall a post a few weeks back in which I took a look at California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman’s birth chart after a former housekeeper alleged that Whitman employed her without checking to see if the housekeeper had a work permit. This was a bit of a problem for Whitman, who apparently has taken a strong position against illegal immigration. Whitman’s chart revealed current challenges from Neptune, suggesting possible idealism, fantasy, escapism, fraud, deception, lies, transcendence, betrayal — you get the idea — and these challenges aren’t going away anytime soon.

Now it has been revealed that when a PR gal (image, illusion) for Whitman announced that the San Diego Sheriff’s Association had endorsed Whitman’s campaign on Monday, there was a typo in her Tweet, thus directing Twitterers to this YouTube video — think tulle, music, alien, intangible, twist, androgyny, rebellious, surreal — in other words a perfect manifestation of nebulous Neptune in the sign of Aquarius trine Mercury in Libra (beauty, balance) on a day with Moon in watery Pisces:   Coincidence or conspiracy? Meanwhile, if any Japanese bass players reading this can tell us what the video is all about, do let us know…

NYers please note that the Moon is void from 6:25- 11:23AM NY time, possibly throwing a wrench into your morning agenda. Let things fall where they may, and definitely go with the flow, chill, brainstorm, focus on the routine; this afternoon the pace ramps up noticeably with the Moon’s entry into “Numero Uno” Aries….followed by Mercury (mind, communication) moving into cuts-like-a-knife Scorpio at 5:19PM NY. WARNING WARNING WARNING — if you are engaged in diplomatic talks, you might do well to choose your words with great care later today, as Moon in impulsive Aries and Venus, Mars — and now Mercury in Scorpio suggest that handling someone with kid gloves is not a top priority. This is also an advisement to restrain your urge to snap back if you happen to be on the receiving end of anyone who has temporarily forgotten their manners or lost their sanity…

Finally, a fabu connection between Mars (action) and expansive Jupiter suggests the potential for boundless enthusiasm (get thee to a gym) or utter bombast.

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/15 and the Weekend

East Coasters, note that there’s a void-of-course Moon from 5:49 – 10:24AM, suggesting that if your alarm doesn’t go off, don’t worry about it; if there’s a twist in your morning commute, don’t worry about that, either. Angelenos, you have no excuse for not getting to work on time. Moon will be in the mental sign of “I love you, but don’t take it personally” Aquarius all day Friday until 10:52PM Sunday, suggesting a receptive atmosphere for endeavors promoting the common good.

Friday is relatively quiet, marked only by a likely burst of early morning exuberance, followed by a strong cooperative spirit of innovation. More exuberance and potential excess are suggested on Saturday AM — what is being expressed that is not being especially well-received? If it’s all about you and your ego, take another look at the last line of the paragraph above.

Sunday AM is good for passion and pillow talk…bordering on the romantic and/or delusional at 2:49PM NY, when the Moon goes void for eight hours. If you’re shopping this weekend, do it on Saturday. Impulsive purchases made during Moon voids generally tend to be not that fulfilling — trust me on this — or go ahead and break the rules — sometimes that’s the best way to learn. Given the dreamy hook-up between Moon (feelings) and nebulous Neptune at the beginning of the Moon void, inspiration, meditation, music and other helping/healing pursuits are suggested for this lazy Sunday afternoon (I will be communing with nature on a golf course. Dreamy!)

In fact, “dreamy” is the key word for all of next week — those who work in film, art, psychic or spiritual pursuits should really dig it. Much of the edge we’ve been experiencing over the past several weeks will have lightened up. Hoorayyyyyy… be continued…