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"Her ability to pinpoint exact years of major occurrences was uncanny. And her sensitive insight brought such clarity to the reading."
-- D.H.

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Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 6/25/2015: When Venus Meets Jupiter — Oh Joy!

The relationship-focused Libra Moon swings back and forth today, starting with a power play or catharsis around 7:07AM ET, as Moon gets its weekly challenge from Pluto. Lunchtime is pleasant enough, generously supported by an easy connection between the Moon and Venus at 1:16PM ET. Feel free to talk about it.

Around 6:20PM ET, note the potential for a shake-up or flash of insight, courtesy of the Moon’s opposition to rebel Uranus. One hour later, a jovial vibe ensues as Jupiter makes a communicative alignment with the Moon, which then goes void with a sigh until 1:57PM ET on FRIDAY.

Chill, chill, chill in the evening…ease into the workday tomorrow or start the weekend early.

No news today, though I imagine there will be plenty to report on tomorrow. Until then, I invite you to consider how these extraordinary planetary patterns are reflected in your own unique horoscope. Here’s how to schedule a personal consultation.

Meanwhile, be advised that Venus (love, money, women, arts) is about to conjoin Jupiter (expansion) in warm and fuzzy Leo, doncha know — exact on July 1st — hooray hooray! Look up in the sky tonight and you’ll see these two bright, beautiful lights. Venus and Jupiter are currently making a harmonious alignment with Uranus, which rules astrology. Sounds like a time for indulgence. Go ahead and splurge.

Here’s what was going on in the category of generous and creatively self-expressive efforts when this aspect happened last summer — wasn’t it fun?

Thank you for reading this forecast.


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday & Thursday 6/17-18/2015: Planting Seeds; Rachel Dolezal, Pope Francis & More…

Up and at ’em. The drive of today’s Cancer Moon is mostly free and clear. It’s also fresh and new. Launch away! Cancer is a nurturing energy which needs to focus on home(land) and family concerns. It is emotional and intuitive, and it will carry us through the end of Thursday.

Between now and then we may see a power play or other catharsis around 9:42PM ET tonight, as the Moon makes its weekly challenge with Pluto. Thursday morning may present a wake-up call or upset to the status quo, as the Moon is challenged by Uranus at 7:24AM ET. Keep planting seeds related to your New Moon projects.

And now, the news.

As noted earlier, the nurturing Cancer Moon is a perfect time for Pope Francis to release his status quo-disrupting statements on climate change. And of course he would publish a major work with transiting Uranus opposing his natal Mars, which rule his 8th and 9th houses, respectively. This is a time for daring initiative, and I said as much back in December.

Did you know he has a degree in chemistry? A pope who is also a scientist — what a concept — and you’d think that all of the howling climate change deniers who are also politicians and avowed Catholics would know that about the leader of their church. Don’t they know how dumb they look when they say stuff like this? Here’s an interesting article about how the archbishop of Miami is planning to incorporate the pope’s encyclical into his sermons.  What do you think? Will things change?

Here is another past post about the pope and his horoscope. This one is pretty darn good, too. Read it  and you’ll appreciate my thoughts on journalism, two paragraphs down.

Themes of nurturing and security are also evident in the headlines buzzing about the Supreme Court’s upcoming ruling on the Affordable Care Act. Will residents in states that did not create their own health care exchanges lose their federal tax credits and thus be unable to afford their health insurance premiums? If the ruling comes during the Cancer Moon, one would think that security would be preserved. But it does not solve the insurmountable challenge of delivering health care sustainably in a system that is driven by profit, as noted in this article about why some  hospitals mark up costs by 1000%.

Meanwhile, an update on a story that broke in the aftermath of the last Full Moon — the one about laid-off workers at Disneyworld whose jobs were handed over to temporary workers imported from India (but not before the laid-off workers were forced to train their replacements). After the story was published, a senator got involved. And yesterday, 35 Disney employees in New York and Burbank who were facing similar fates were told that their layoffs had been canceled. That’s good news!

Let’s pause for a moment and consider the power of investigative journalism. Now let’s consider that on the home page of the Washington Times, which is one of the two papers Justice Antonin Scalia says he reads (the other is the Wall Street Journal), there is absolutely no mention of this Disney story or the Affordable Care Act or Pope Francis. The top story at the moment is this: Green Berets’ Efforts to Take Down ISIS Undermined by Shoddy US Intelligence. Well, at least they are concerned with homeland security, as we would expect with a Moon in Cancer. Nothing about Pope Francis or those other two stories on the WSJ home page, either. The top story: “Greek Central Bank Sees ‘Uncontrollable Crisis’ If Talks Fail.” Another version of homeland security. “I just LOVE uncontrollable crises in banking!” said no one with Moon in Cancer ever.

Where do you get your news?

Meanwhile, I’ve been thinking a lot about one of the Sabian Symbols for that last Full Moon — “a topsy saucily asserting itself”. There was Caitlyn Jenner looking saucy on the cover of Vanity Fair. And yesterday, there was Rachel Dolezal on Today, asserting her identity as a black woman. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Ms. Dolezal (November 12, 1977 in Montana),  is a Scorpio with Moon in righteously opinionated Sagittarius. We don’t have a birth time, but my money says she was born with that Moon in close contact with visionary/illusionist Neptune, and it may well be under the bewildering spell of a Neptune transit now. She has Mars in regal Leo, of which astrologer Grant Lewi notes, “gets away with murder”.  Do you really want to argue with her? Uh-uh. And would you be surprised to see that rebel and eccentric Uranus is running wild in her chart?  Nope. Nor would you be surprised by a contact between Pluto and the Nodal Axis, suggesting a mother-daughter relationship that is quite the power struggle.

That Pluto-Node pattern is under stress from transiting Pluto through the rest of the year. Ms. Dolezal’s Saturn at 29 Leo just got hit by transiting Saturn at 29 Scorpio. That’s no surprise, either. We’d expect to see challenges to the ambitious reach she would have made about seven years ago, when she had her first Saturn return. A Saturn return can be experienced as a new lease on life. It appears to be about seven years ago that Ms. Dolezal began to alter her appearance, so much that others perceived her as African-American.

That pressure from transiting Saturn won’t subside until this fall, when Saturn makes it back to Sagittarius. In August, Ms. Dolezal’s older brother faces charges of child sexual abuse.

Kinda makes you stop and compare all of the trials and tribulations you have in your life right now. Would you really trade them with someone else?


I’m expecting plenty of cosmic breakthroughs between now and next week’s easy alignment between Jupiter and Uranus. Here’s one about

…a lost generation of monster stars that ushered light into the universe after the Big Bang and that jump-started the creation of the elements needed for planets and life before disappearing forever.

Cosmic indeed. Always good to end on a high note…



Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 6/16/2015: Awesome New Moon in Gemini; Jeb & The Donald on Mars

Alllll-righty then!

A New Moon at 10:05 AM ET in chatterbox Gemini, and into the void it went immediately thereafter. If you’re planting seeds, plant when the Moon enters Cancer at 6:51PM ET tonight (and for the next couple of days). Otherwise enjoy the information buzz and discern which stories are solid and which ones are much ado about nothing. Go with the flow of whatever twists or flakes may detour efforts to move forward in a straight line. Revel in the fresh energy of the New Moon and re-set your intentions for what may well be a dynamic and wish-fulfilling month of action.

Mars is prominent in this New Moon, as it is closely conjunct both the Sun and Moon. Mars is the action hero planet, and you may recall last week’s brief discussion of the driving force it can bring to your life when it transits your horoscope, especially the angles.

We see this drive loud and clear in Jeb Bush’s horoscope, as transiting Mars (and the Sun) hit his Gemini Midheaven  and squared his 23 Virgo Ascendant. He formally declared himself a candidate. How nice for him that transiting Jupiter will enter Virgo later this year and hit those angles in January and August of 2016. Certainly this July should be pleasant, as Venus and Jupiter will make contact with his natal 23 Aquarius Sun-22 Leo Pluto opposition, giving him another opportunity to shine.

We see Mars active in Donald Trump’s horoscope, too. Last week it made contact with his natal 22 Gemini Sun-“here’s my opinion even though you did not ask me for it” 22 Sagittarius Moon. Saturn just squared his regal 29 Leo Ascendant, inspiring an ambitious reach; Jupiter will conjoin his Ascendant in August.  Also in Trump’s chart: authoritative Saturn progressing by solar arc to the Aries Point, suggesting a need for executive authority becoming prominent. Today, during the Moon void in Gemini, Mr. Trump is allegedly announcing his run for office, too. Much ado about nothing? Perhaps, but he’s not going away anytime soon.

In addition to Mars, we see two other patterns in this New Moon that offer the potential for inspiration and reward. One is the third in a series of three trines (easy connections) between cosmic sugar daddy Jupiter and lightning bolt Uranus that began last fall. The other is the third in a series of three squares between mental Mercury and visionary Neptune. The first two bewildering/pixie-dusted challenges happened in May, before and during Mercury’s retrograde. The third happens on June 29th.

What does it all mean for you? I haven’t the foggiest idea….unless I’m looking at your horoscope. Schedule a personal consultation and let’s find out!

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “winter frost in the woods,” and much of what Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee has to say about this image evokes warmth and magic.

Apply this degree pair with a mind for transforming the world, transforming life through inspiration and crystallized standards of integrity…(alternatively)…Ice Queen coldness; casting spells of a prurient nature; a cool social demeanor…burning intensity…branching out to try new talents….

Transforming the world? How wonderful for Pope Francis, who aims to do that later this week…

(Support Blain Bovee’s work. Buy his wonderful book.

Gemini does need to talk. Mars in Gemini energizes a Gemini Sun and Moon.  How fun to see this article about why we talk too much and how we should probably shut up.

You are more personally affected by this potent New Moon if you have a planet or angle at….

Thank you for reading this forecast and sharing it with the rest of the Free World : )

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 9/26 & The Weekend: Moon in Scorpio;Mercury Retrograde Alert


The Moon is Scorpio until 6:50PM ET on Sunday, seeking knowledge to fulfill its need for power and control. Right now I’m fulfilling that need in the latest edition of “This American Life,” which I’m listening to as I type. Have you ever heard of Carmen Segarra? She was a regulator at the NY Fed who was assigned to work at Goldman Sachs. She was so concerned about what she witnessed on the job that she began secretly recording what she heard — 46 hours’ worth. What concerned her was the Fed’s alleged reluctance to stand up to the banks (in this case, Goldman) it is supposed to supervise.  She was fired; lawsuits are in process, but the release of the tapes is a surprise. Here’s another article on the story; read or listen to the broadcast and decide for yourself if this is another example of corruption in hallowed institutions exposed, a potential suggested by the never-ending rebel Uranus in crusading Aries challenging Pluto (power) in Capricorn (the Establishment).

Planetary patterns are relatively light over the weekend, save for mental Mercury’s brief shift into Scorpio at 6:39PM ET on Saturday. I say brief because the planet of communication and computer crashes will be turning retrograde on Saturday, October 4th and re-enter Libra on October 10th.  BACK  UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW. Until the 10th, the mindset of Mercury in Scorpio suggests a need to think with depth and substance…and perhaps a bit of secrecy and paranoia, too. To further fuel a potential need to dig up dirt, here’s another expose published today, this one from Rolling Stone about the Koch Brothers and how they made their fortune.

The only Moon void to deter your shopping impulses this weekend is on Sunday between 4:31PM and 6:50PM ET. After that, Moon soars into high-flying Sagittarius, lifting spirits and seeking to broaden horizons. No sleeping in on Monday; there will be much to accomplish before the Moon goes void on Monday night at 11:29pm ET, not to enter the next sign, Capricorn, until 12:41AM ET on Wednesday.

Other news of note:

With the first of Jupiter’s cosmic trines to Uranus yesterday happening in the fire signs of Leo and Aries, it’s interesting to read that four fireballs (i.e., meteors) were spotted in the skies over the United States. Coincidence or conspiracy? Fire in an air traffic control tower disrupted flights this morning (during the Moon void), as you would know if you were scheduled to fly in or out of airports in Chicago. Arson is suspected, and I can’t help but notice an erratic, obsessive-compulsive connection today between mental Mercury (transportation) and disruptive Uranus.

Speaking of erratic, Jupiter-Uranus aspects also refer to speculation and gambling, including the stock markets. And markets have been swinging a bit in the last 24 hours…and one stock in particular has surged thanks to the unexpected jump of Bill “the Bond King” Gross from PIMCO, a company he “helped build from scratch,” to Janus. Rumor has it that some were concerned that his recent behavior seemed erratic — or at least eccentric — and that had he not jumped today, he would have been asked to leave soon thereafter. We don’t have an exact birth time for Mr. Gross, and time does not permit an in-depth discussion of possible patterns in his horoscope that would reflect this life event.

Last, but not least, in honor of the Moon in secretive Scorpio, some Important Safety Tips about privacy settings of pictures and videos you might post on social media sites. The writer is a mom who posted a video on YouTube of her adorable daughter talking about equality. Someone stole it, and it went viral. Here’s what the mother learned.