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Friday 12/28/2018 & the Weekend: Courage, Action and Fog (Mars and Neptune)


The Virgo Moon is void as of 11:27 AM ET. Focus on routine organizing concerns and roll with the twists and flakes that may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. From my experience, Moon voids are excellent times for writing, including writing these forecasts. Go figure.

At 3:23 PM ET, Moon enters Libra, shifting the day’s need to one of people-pleasing, fairness and diplomacy. A harmony between Venus (money, aesthetics, women) and Pluto (power, resources) at 4:27 PM ET might reflect a bit of balance that may be back in markets. For now.

SATURDAY begins with the Third Quarter Moon at 4:34 AM ET. Whatever illumination received from last week’s Full Moon gets a push or a shove. At 10:41 AM ET, squares Saturn, suggesting an authoritarian advance or wet blanket. Spirits may be lifted minutes later by a harmony with expansive Jupiter at 11 AM ET.

SUNDAY morning is notable for Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto at 3:23 AM ET. Power play or emotional catharsis? Watch the headlines. Moon’s weekly clash with Uranus occurs at 5:53 PM ET, suggesting a disruption of the status quo. Moon then goes void until 5:53 PM ET, when it plunges into the emotional depths of Scorpio.

The Scorpio need for depth, substance and control continues through MONDAY. If you are working today, your quest for world domination is supported by an easy flow among the Moon and Sun-Saturn (will power; authority/structure), exact between 2:46 PM and 5:09 PM ET. New Year’s Eve may be magical enough, with Moon in harmony with Neptune at 10:11 PM ET. However, the potential for action and assertion — for better or worse — can’t be discounted, as warrior Mars leaves Pisces for Aries at 9:20 PM ET. Action involving power and resources (think: megabucks) would be one potential, as Mars will be in touch with a midpoint between Jupiter and Pluto. Action with unintended consequences (think: shipwreck) would be another potential, as Mars is also in touch with the fixed star Scheat (affectionately known as sh*t). Judging from the previous link, Harvey Weinstein, Rudy Giuliani and Julian Assange should be making news any minute now.

The rest of the first week of 2019 is action-packed: New Moon (with an eclipse), the annual Sun-Saturn conjunction — and more! Stay tuned to this channel for continuing updates.

Ready to plan a strategy for 2019? Astrology can help you maximize potential and timing. Your 60-minute check-up will be jam-packed with insight and specific dates for opportunities. Check-up? Yes, a check-up. Astrologers are not a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Treat us like dentists and hairdressers —  and see us every six months to a year. 

And now, the news.

Mostly a lot of Mars (action, aggression) demanding prominence at the Aries Point, and especially in the “it’s the end of the world as we know it” sign of Pisces.

In other news…

UPDATE: on Michelle Obama, who is now the most admired woman in the U.S., replacing Hillary Clinton. Not surprising at all, given what’s going on in her horoscope. File this under “told ya so” back in 2016.

UPDATE: on Kevin Spacey, whose name truly reflects planetary patterns in his horoscope (birth time unconfirmed). How so? An exact square between his Leo Sun and spacey Neptune, that’s how so. Things are not as they seem. The structures of Mr. Spacey’s reality are dissolving, suggested by 1) an eclipse to his Leo Sun at the end of July; and 2) his natal Saturn (reality) under the dissolving influence of Neptune (exact on January 13th). On Monday, the Boston Globe reported that he was to be arraigned on charges of felony sexual assault. The arraignment is scheduled to happen at 11 AM on  January 7th, in Nantucket, MA. Neptune (surreal, film, delusion) is all over this case, as apparently there is video evidence. Not only that, but Mr. Spacey’s surreal response to the charges was to post a video of himself as Frank Underwood, his killed-off character from “House of Cards.” And this was after saying nothing on social media for over a years. Ready? All together now: “Weeeeeeeeeiiiiiiird!” Astro students, guess what’s on the ascendant of the chart for the arraignment? Neptune. Weird!

Also under the influence of Neptune: Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed al-Maktoum, the Emirati princess whose effort to escape Dubai failed under a Sun-Neptune meet-up on March 4th. She was “seized on a yacht off the coast of India”, never to be heard from again. Then a British documentary about her escape aired in the UK earlier this month– on a Sun-Neptune square (see a pattern here?). This week, photos were published of the princess having a casual meal with Mary Robinson, the former UN high commissioner on human rights and president of Ireland. Not everyone is buying the “everything’s fine” story line.

Sheikha Latifa was born in Dubai on December 6th, 1985 — no birth time available. She’s a Sagittarius, driven by a perfection-seeking Virgo Moon. Skydiving is one of her passions, and we see that need for risk and excitement in the Sun-Uranus conjunction in her horoscope (and possibly a Moon-Uranus square, too).  Her Neptune is at the Aries Point, suggesting vision, scandal, idealism and other Neptune themes are likely to be prominent. Depression would be something to watch out for, with Mercury (mindset) and Venus (affection) in a tight meet-up with controlling Saturn.

In the documentary it was revealed that the princess began planning her escape seven years ago. That’s when transiting Pluto in Capricorn met up with her natal Neptune in 2010, supercharging a dream (of escape?). Then transiting Uranus grabbed the torch and carried it into 2012.  Meanwhile, transiting Neptune squared her Mercury, Venus and Saturn in the first half of the 2010s.  More magical thinking, along with a potential meltdown of her reality (compare this with Kevin Spacey’s current Neptune-Saturn meltdown). The princess launched her disappearing act as transiting Neptune squared her boundary-pushing Sagittarius Sun all through 2017 and early 2018. With Neptune now moving away from her Sun, the fog has lifted — sort of — with those photos of Mrs. Robinson (!??!) as evidence of her presence in the material world. I suspect she has a big change in store in 2019, given patterns in her horoscope. Wish we had a birth time.

Here are a few happier Neptune-themed stories, i.e., without potentially victimized fairytale princesses. They reflect Monday’s square between Mercury (mindset) and Neptune (make-believe):

What’s Neptune doing in your horoscope? Setting you up for a new creative passion or dream? Neptune is one of the most challenging energies to manage in the material world. That’s why it’s good to know when it’s pulling focus in your life.

Thank you for reading this forecast.