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"The reading was a partnership between the two of us; she did not simply recite planetary signs and meanings, but had a conversation with me, continually asking what I made of what she saw, and what I thought I could do to change the things I want to change.

When the names of other people in my life came up, she quickly looked up their charts on her computer and commented on their roles in my life -- painting a fuller picture of where I was, where I wanted to go, and how I could get there.

What was impressive was that Elisabeth took all the planets, people, and situations that made up my life and created a context for them all that was positive, hopeful, and exciting!

She has a lovely personality, a sharp wit, and a gift for astrological interpretation."

--Bill W.
New York

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Monday 10/14/2019: Sneak Peek at a Possibly Short Work Week

If your Monday began with a twist, flake or other slow start, chalk it up to the Moon being void in Aries until 12:24 PM ET. After that, when the Moon entered Taurus, you had no excuse for not turning your inspiration into a materially secure and comfortable form.

We all woke up to the ripple effect of today’s 3:34 AM ET square between the Libra Sun (leaders, heart, ego) and Pluto (power, corruption, breakdown; news from underground). Did Austin’s Parsley Energy just pay $1.65 billion to acquire Denver’s Jagged Peak Energy? Why yes — yes, it did.  And Iran made “a huge natural gas discovery that could power Tehran for 16 years.” Great! What will they do in Year 17?

Meanwhile, Mercury is digging for more dirt in Scorpio, in a cooperative alignment with Saturn. That was exact early this morning. The rest of the week goes like this:

  • TUESDAY:  More Moon in Taurus, mostly cruising without speedbumps, though a clash of mindset may erupt around 8:33 PM ET — see how that plays out during the Democratic Debate (which starts at 8 PM ). Visionary thinking is supported, courtesy of a harmony between Mercury and Neptune at 6:45 PM ET.
  • WEDNESDAY:  Chill, chill, chill, as the Moon goes void at 4:37 AM ET — not to enter the next sign — Gemini — until 10:30 PM ET. As Moon voids go, a Taurus Moon offers greater potential for focused accomplishment than most. Still, you may need a push to get started. Once you do, routine projects are favored; roll with any twists or flakes that disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line.
  • THURSDAY: A Gemini Moon drives the day with a need for chit-chat and to be the smartest kid in the room. Who knew it and when did they know it? Film at 11!
  • FRIDAY:  Note your dreams in the morning, as Moon squares Neptune at 5:26 AM ET. Double check the directions and look twice when crossing the street. A face-off between the newsy Gemini Moon and Jupiter around lunchtime may blow a tidbit out of proportion — or simply add an extravagant spin. Moon goes void at 10:14 PM ET and enters Cancer on…
  • SATURDAY:  at 6:43 AM ET. A Cancer Moon needs to focus on home and homeland security. A home-cooked meal or other domestic project is favored. You may have been especially persuasive or perspicacious in recent days, as Mercury harmonizes with Pluto at 6:17 PM ET. Good for getting the word out, especially if you’re an investigative reporter. Something especially assertive may be triggered, as Mars arrives at 10 Libra, activating the July 2 solar eclipse. If you have a planet around 10 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you may be triggered, too, especially as we approach…
  • SUNDAY: …at 1:35 AM ET, when Mars squares the Moon. Saturn challenges the emotional security needs of the Cancer Moon around 9:29 AM ET; Pluto pushes feelings to extremes aournd 8:07 PM ET. In between, there’s an exact harmony between Venus and Saturn at 9:58 AM ET, which suggests a conservative approach in matters of money, women and aesthetics.

And now, the news.

I know of more than one astrologer who opined that October was a month for concern, as P45 was likely to push boundaries so far that we might be engaged in a military conflict. Not quite, so far…but still…. P45’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria has not only led to senseless deaths of declared allies (the Kurds), but the release of hundreds of people with “suspected links” to the Islamic State — all of which happened over the weekend. Sun square Pluto power plays involving heads of state indeed. The other part of the P45 October forecast is that — as they were in February and May —  boundary-pushing actions were not likely to result in consequences just yet. For example, not only does Deutsche Bank not have P45’s tax returns (an apparent anomaly, as reported over the weekend), but the good folks at the National Enquirer and American Media allegedly shredded whatever scandalous documents it might have had in its safe.

We will see what there is to see in late January/early February.

Meanwhile, the front-page story of Sunday’s NYT was a massive investigative report solving the mystery of who bombed four hospitals in May, in order to “crush the last pockets of resistance to President Bashar al-Assad.” Because really — who would bomb a hospital? The NYT reporters concluded beyond a doubt that Russia was the culprit. In other news, Vladimir Putin is in Saudi Arabia today for the first time in 12 years. Power plays and oil deals: apt for current planetary patterns.

Elsewhere, awesome power was on display in the world of sports, especially for women. Stunning Venus opposition Uranus upsets occurred as Kenyan Brigid Kosgei smashed the women’s world record at the Chicago Marathon, just hours after fellow Kenyan Elius Kipchoge (unofficially) smashed the men’s world record with a time of under two hours.  World records were smashed by gymnast Simone Biles  and tennis champ Coco Gauff.

File under “Awesome Power” that’s actually “Much Ado About Nothing”: during this morning’s Moon void, there was much pomp and cirumstance in Parliament, as the Queen gave a speech that was actually written by PM Boris Johnson (and other ministers)  who don’t even have a majority. The Guardian called it “a show without substance.” Right. Next!

Pluto refers to purges. These two purges have silver linings — because they were thwarted. In Kentucky, a judge ordered 165,000 “inactive” voters restored to the rosters. In Ohio, 20% of 235,000 voters were found to be on a list to be purged in error.    Which makes it a good time to invite you to check your voter registration status — and share this link with all your friends.  There are many reasons why a voter might purged; one reason is failure to consistently vote. There are elections next month. Vote!

I leave you with another Really Useful Article about finding happiness in interesting times.  Or watch this fun sketch from SNL. To find happiness using guidance provided in your horoscope, here’s the 411 on personal consultations.

Thank you for reading this forecast.


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday & Tuesday 2/22-23/2016: Sneak Peek at the Week; Harper Lee & Umberto Eco, RIP

Happy Monday!

I hope you are starting the week with efficiency, using the discerning faculties of the Virgo Full Moon (exact at 1:20PM ET) to perfect your boundless ideal in greater detail. Said “ideal” would be suggested by the Pisces Sun in an approaching meet-up with visionary Neptune (exact on Sunday). A practical technical analysis may lend itself to you, courtesy of a communicative flow between Mercury (mindset) and Saturn (structure; ambition) — that’s exact on Thursday. What will you do with this potential illumination?

Structuring and focusing an all-encompassing vision is a theme echoed in the Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon. Don’t know the story of these cryptic Symbols? Here it is. For the Sun at 4 Pisces: “a colored child playing with white children” (remember that these Symbols were channeled in 1925); for the Moon at 4 Virgo: “heavy traffic on a narrow isthmus”.  Huzzah for the ever-helpful Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee, who points out that “‘play’ is an activity that blissfully ignores boundaries, rules and narrowly drawn lines of convention and bias”; whilst the latter of the two Symbols suggests “a well-defined sense of procedure that narrows into a bottleneck situation”. We are advised, says Bovee, to apply these Symbols “with a mind to the challenge of being tolerant while following a focused, narrow path to one’s goal; crossing social and ethnic boundaries with childlike ease…bottleneck issues slowing progress…needing to get away…funneling energy towards the key thing”. Bovee offers many other insights too numerous to mention here, but are readily available in his wonderful book.

Keep on plugging with discernment on Tuesday, using Virgo’s practical and earthy drive. Note the potential for an ambitious reach or a wet blanket around 1:02PM ET, as the Moon is challenged by taskmaster Saturn. Depth of analysis is facilitated around 3:17PM ET, as Moon trines Pluto just in time for tea. The evening builds to an enthusiastic release around 9:44PM ET, when the Moon meets up with expansive Jupiter.

Get it off your desk on Tuesday if you can, as the Virgo Moon goes void on Wednesday at 9:22AM ET, wandering through the day without dynamic thrust until 5:41PM ET. You might focus on routine tasks that require innovative sorting and refinement.  I say this because Mercury (mindset, communication) is in an easy alignment with Saturn (exact on Thursday) and Uranus (exact on Friday).  Roll with the twists and flakes that may detour your efforts to move forward in a straight line; perhaps indulge in a creative outlet that takes you in an unexpected direction. Resist the urge to turn a picayune molehill into a mountain of crisis. Chill — and avoid impulse purchases, as those made during Moon voids have an odd way of proving themselves not nearly as useful as you hoped they would be. But don’t just take it from me. Test the theory for yourself.

Once the Moon shifts into gear in Libra at 5:41PM ET on Wednesday, it drives the next few days with a need for social graces in relationship, as well as an appreciation for rational discourse seeking balance. In the wee hours on Friday morning ET, the balance may be disrupted by the Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto and Uranus. It goes void on a face-off with the latter at 6:18AM ET, facilitating your plans to start your weekend early.

And now, the news.

At the start of last week, I opined that the relative lack of action among the planets suggested a set-up for a dramatic event, seemingly happening out of nowhere on a perfectly routine day. On Saturday such an event happened in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Six people were killed — and others wounded — by one man in a series of series of random shootings. What’s interesting from an astro-logical perspective is that the chart for the time of the first shooting — around 6PM on 2/20/2016 in Kalamazoo — paints a picture of a potentially violent outburst. Immediately we see lethal Mars (guns, anger, war) very strong in Scorpio, not in connection to any other planet (thus demanding attention by “running wild), but smack dab on the angles of the horoscope. Planets on the angles of the chart for an event say much about its nature.

Which makes me think of another incident back in January I meant to write about as soon as it happened, because what was reported did not reflect what is suggested in the horoscope.  This was an alleged gang-rape of an 18 year old girl by five teens in a Brooklyn playground. It happened around 9:10PM on the 7th.  The first thing to notice is Neptune — planet of illusion, fog and alcohol — right on the angles of the chart. Other patterns suggest boundaries pushed, accounts revised and/or retracted, details blurred and  twisted and a potentially kinky expression of assertive energy. I did not believe initial reports in the papers, and I wondered why one reporter (and her editors) at one rag have paying jobs in journalism — see that initial write-up here. A week later, after the five teens were found, arrested and  charged, the case against them was “crumbling,” as murky and disturbing allegations involving the young woman’s father emerged. The DA apparently has until June to build its case for a grand jury.

I believe there were a few debates among the candidates running for president around that time. If memory serves, Neptune was on an angle at the start of each of those debates, too. Take that with a grain of salt.

If you’re a student of astrology and you just learned something new and exciting, why not express appreciation for the gift of knowledge right here. You would totally make my day.

Meanwhile, Jeb Bush formally ended his presidential campaign just as transiting Jupiter hit 20 degrees of Virgo. Why is that significant? 20 Virgo was the degree of a potent eclipse in September, and as you may recall, Governor Bush’s horoscope was personally affected. The eclipse fell in his 12th house, close to his 23 Virgo Ascendant and square his Gemini Midheaven. Back in September, I noted that we needed to keep an eye on his horoscope in 2016, when Jupiter would trigger September’s eclipse. And speaking of eclipses, we have two of them next month, and you’ll find a bit of info on how eclipses can operate in that last link. As for Governor Bush, perhaps the third hit of Jupiter to his Ascendant and Midheaven in August will bring expansive opportunities, accompanied by shoes he can actually fill. By the end of this year and into 2017,  he likely be needing to get serious about core foundation and family concerns, as transiting Saturn hits the angles of his horoscope.

In other news, Umberto Eco — truly a one-of-a-kind novelist and scholar — passed away over the weekend. Looking at his horoscope, I expected to find eccentric/genius Uranus all over it. Yep. It’s there — sitting right at the top of the chart on the Midheaven, square to his Capricorn Sun and Mars. Those planets and that Midheaven have been under a high level of tension in the past couple of years, with transiting Uranus and Pluto supercharging them. Mr. Eco passed away with transiting Saturn exactly on his high-flying, big-picture focused Moon in Sagittarius.

Harper Lee, author of the beloved classic, “To Kill A Mockingbird, ” also passed away. I expected to see Uranian/Aquarian humanitarian themes in her horoscope, too .Yep, they are there. Ms. Lee is a Taurus, with her ruling planet — Venus — conjunct Uranus in Pisces, suggesting a need for sensitive yet avant garde social values and expression. Venus also rules her people-pleasing Libra Ascendant. Uranus trines the Midheaven, suggesting a need for that social consciousness to be expressed in her vocation. Additionally we see Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius, in a complex and dynamic T-square pattern. They oppose Neptune — suggesting no small amount of energy and charisma —  and all three square a seriously intense meet-up between Moon and Saturn in Scorpio. This is a woman who would need to be appreciated for depth and substance. She is described by the NYT as “reclusive,” and her horoscope suggests that need, too.

It is fascinating to see that Ms. Lee’s 25 Libra Ascendant is about to be opposed by transiting Uranus starting in August of 2016, and again in May of 2017, then hovering around 25 Libra for weeks between  December 2017 and February 2018. Transits to the Ascendant from Uranus often suggest a fresh start, and horoscopes live forever.  Guess what’s planned for Ms. Lee around that time? A new production of “To Kill A Mockingbird”, written by Aaron Sorkin. This play has never had a Broadway run. A fresh start indeed — and potentially quite a splash when it premieres. Transiting Jupiter will cross her Ascendant in October of 2017 — how nice for a public debut. Transiting Jupiter will then conjoin her Moon-Saturn conjunction and engage and expand the other three planets in that T-square in the spring of 2018. Tony nominations, anyone?

UPDATE: have to add that Umberto Eco’s horoscope, as noted above, also reflects the “fresh start” potential of transiting Uranus to the Ascendant and/or Midheaven. And guess what? Mr. Eco had a book scheduled for publication this May….but now it will be published this weekend! Astrology is amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing.

Finally, because it’s always fun to end on a bright note — the weekend’s Leo Moon coincided with a heartwarming cat story. Did you hear about Kunkush? He belonged to a family of refugees who fled Iraq last fall. En route to their new home in Norway, Kunkush was lost on the island of Lesbos. Incredibly, he was reunited with his family last week. Roll heartwarming tape. Grab box of Kleenex.  Imagine a world where everyone treats everyone else with the kindness and care shown to Kunkush.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on consultations. I can’t imagine why you would not want to understand how planetary patterns are reflected in your own personal world. We will have an excellent and enlightening discussion together.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 10/5/2015: Sneak Peek at a Rollicking Week

Good Morning!

We’re off to the start of a dynamic week in terms of planetary patterns. At 7:04AM ET, the homeland security-seeking Cancer Moon is photobombed by disruptive Uranus. This suggests a jolt or twist to your morning routine, especially since the Moon goes void immediately thereafter for the rest of the day (here is one manifestation of that in the news: an accord has apparently been reached on the Trans-Pacific Partnerhip). The Moon won’t enter Leo – the next sign — until 4:31AM ET on Tuesday.

Moon voids — here’s the 411 if you are not familiar with the term — are awesome for taking care of routine matters and rolling with the twists and flakes that may derail efforts to move forward in a straight line. Chilling and not freaking out over crises that arise are excellent strategies, as said crises will usually prove to be much ado about nothing.

Today’s Moon void is complicated by three patterns that will be exact on Tuesday. Pattern #1 is a challenge between the Libra Sun and Pluto in Capricorn. This suggests a power play for sure on the world stage, as well as news from underground. Planetary patterns during the week of October 4th suggest volatility and no small amount of pixie-dust. If you were born around the 4th through 8th of April, July, October or January, you may be feeling more deeply provocative than most. If Pluto is active in your horoscope, resistance is futile. Here are some inspiring coping strategies from a prior forecast if Pluto is happening to you.

And here’s how to contact me to schedule a personal consultation about your horoscope. How long have you been reading this forecast? If longer than 90 days, you’re due for an appointment — unless you happen to be an astrologer yourself. In that case, I invite you to consider how much time and effort it takes to write this blog — for almost seven years now — as well as how helpful these musings have been in your studies and/or practice. If you would like to make a donation in appreciation, you would make my day. With gratitude and appreciation to my pal Diane, who told me last week, “You know, you really should be putting a notice like that much further up in your forecast. No one sees the link at the bottom of the page”.  A true friend will champion your worth to the ends of the Earth. Thanks, Diane.

Back to Pluto.

Count Vladimir Putin in that mix; his birthday is October 7th, and his horoscope (exact birth time unknown), was first discussed in this forecast here. With transiting Pluto in a close challenge to his Sun through the end of 2015 (along with other motivating transits to other planets in his horoscope), we can expect him to continue on a course of deeply provocative action. Next year should be even more interesting.

Here’s another one: George W. Bush, born on July 6th. Ten minutes after this thought hit me, an article hit the NYT about how some of Jeb Bush’s supporters are thinking he should be spending more time with his older brother on the campaign trail. Fascinating. Of course the US was born on July 4th, so it will have plenty of deeply provocative actions on its plate, for better or for worse — and with transiting Pluto also on the U.S. Saturn, we can expect a certain dose of anguish. Have you noticed the headlines lately?

Pattern #2 is the bewildering spin that builds to a crest when action hero Mars and visionary Neptune face off at 10:53PM ET, also on Tuesday. Mars-Neptune contacts can be oh-so-sexy and bedazzling. Just ask Bill Clinton who has ’em both sitting on his sweet-talking Libra Ascendant. But is he totally for real? In the best of times, Mars-Neptune can be sublime and visionary and healing and out-of-this world. Poet Maya Angelou had a Mars-Neptune opposition in her horoscope. So did William Moore McCulloch, who was credited with being the first Congressman to introduce legislation that would become the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He was a Republican. How times change.

Pattern #3: is a super-practical connection between retrograde Mercury and Saturn. This pattern will repeat on October 13th, once Mercury has turned direct. It’s excellent for structuring ideas into tangible form, though some of what you draft now may be revised once the retrograde is over. Still, you may be inspired by a grand and empowering vision, given what else is happening this week. You’ll be especially sensitive to the Mars-Neptune vision thing if you were born around the 26th of February or September.

But wait, there’s more! On October 8th, Venus leaves regal Leo — finally — for discerning Virgo. Mind your manner and get those details exact, if you please. Will Donald Trump’s stage-hogging social expression (and Leo Ascendant) suddenly fall out of fashion? It was so in vogue with Venus in Leo…

And if that wasn’t enough of an adjustment, note that Mercury will turn direct on October 9th at 10:58AM ET, so an extra dose of patience and focus will be required as the week draws to a close.  Your Moon voids — other than Monday’s are: Wednesday 5:10PM ET until 3:50PM ET on THURSDAY; Friday at 6:12PM ET until 4:26AM ET on SUNDAY. Yeah, that is one loong weekend break. It’ll be a dead Moon, too. The New Moon kicks in with a potential flash on relationships on Monday night.

And now, the news.

Last week happened as anticipated. With only lunar aspects (save one meet-up between the Sun and Mercury), it felt a lot like looking at landscape in Antarctica. Absolutely peaceful and solid, and then….boom! A huge chunk of ice shelf falls into the ocean. Or the headlines reel once again with yet another mass shooting at a school — this time, in Oregon.   Are we feeling enough anguished transiting Pluto square Saturn, United States? I can’t even.

President Obama is tired of the “thoughts and prayers” routine. He’d like to see some action. It will be interesting to see what ambitions he advances and how isolated he might be feeling as transiting Saturn, which has been basking at the top of his horoscope since the end of last year, now opposes his Moon for the third time between the 22th and 30th of this month. If we had time, we’d dig up what was going on for him back in January-February and April-May and see how those issues might be replayed now (perhaps the TPP was one of them). But we don’t have time…no sirree….

…which is why I’ll hold off on the rest of the news until tomorrow, so I can ship this out now. But hold that thought about people who don’t have enough time, mmkay?

Thank you for reading this forecast.


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 8/27/2013: Wondrous Strange; Mars in Leo

More of the same from yesterday: Moon in practical, sensual Taurus, either reinforcing our efforts to build material security or stubbornly maintaining the status quo. Mental Mercury (mindset, communication) starts the day off well-supported by disciplined Saturn — well, that’s good for fleshing out an idea and other serious communications. Expressing the sensual side of that Taurus Moon is given quite an edge by a potentially over-the-top connection between a delightfully considerate Venus and expansive Jupiter, also in a security-conscious sign. It’s a great day to be on an expense account; otherwise, keep an eye on your wallet and your appetite, lest ye overindulge. The Venus-Jupiter challenge is exact at 5:53PM ET. An overindulgence in rationalizations in favor of efforts to maintain homeland security is another potential.

At the end of the day — 10:05PM ET — aggressive Mars leaves watery Cancer and blusters its way into Leo, sign of drama queens and other royally entitled persons. On the plus side, we can expect less passive-aggression in acts of assertion. With Mars in Leo, there is the suggested need for actions to be accompanied with a regal flourish, often bold and playful. On the downside, there is that royally entitled thing, and more than one astrologer has noted that people born with Mars in Leo have an amazing ability to get away with murder. They assume they will receive special treatment and are definitely the ones to hang out with if you’re looking for complimentary upgrades.

Meanwhile, we continue to process the fallout from yesterday’s visionary and/or surreal Neptune-Sun opposition, combined with the freedom-seeking and unconventional expression of rebel Uranus opposing Venus.  Neptune keywords include: music, toxins, film, photography, oceans, oil, spirit, redemption, suffering, empathy, glamor. Related headlines include the disturbing confirmation of chemical weapons killing many in Syria (as if there wasn’t enough misery in the world) and a much more uplifting story of redemption involving a former bank robber who served his time and is about to begin a prestigious clerkship with an equally prestigious judge. Within this article is a link to a fascinating exchange between the reformed bank robber and the judge who sentenced him to several years’ in prison.

Pulling out all the razzle-dazzling stops of Neptunian showbiz, Julian Assange released a “surreal” campaign video supporting his run for public office in his native Australia. You did not know he was running for office? Of course he is, as reflected by current Saturn transits in his horoscope, seeking an ambitious and authoritative expression. If you were having a major Saturn transit, you might be acting on a few ambitions, too. And speaking of surreal, Miley Cyrus’s showstopping performance on the weekend’s VMA show is most definitely not suggested by a Saturn transit. She’ll get that later this year.  Chalk this one up to an innate need for unconventional social expression (Venus conjunct rebel Uranus and glamorous Neptune in her horoscope), triggered by transiting Mars (action!). Plus Ms. Cyrus is a gamboling Sagittarius with her Sun conjunct an equally gamboling and rowdy Sagittarius Ascendant. We’d expect to see some frankly in-your-face personal projections…including the gawd-awfully garish outfit worn at said Awards.

Moon goes void for ten minutes at 6:58PM ET; then it moves into information junkie Gemini, giving us more to talk about tomorrow…