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"All I know is that you... Miss Elisabeth Grace are AMAZING! The reading you gave me was so accurate that it still blows my mind 6 months later!!! I also love your daily astrology information!"
--Tim R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 5/20/2011

Proactive, status-seeking, enterprising, perspicacious. A reasonably smooth flow to all that marks this day with Moon in make it happen Capricorn joining forces with emotionally intense Pluto. Get down to business, even though it’s Friday.

A counterpoint to the serious business vibe is nebulous Neptune’s approaching square to the Sun, suggesting fantasy, delusion, illusion, transcendence and other intangible pursuits.  Hmm. Serious business vibe combined with fantastic ideas about the value of an intangible product? Sounds like a scenario for a “soaring” debut for Linked In  Real or unreal?

More on the rest of the weekend later, assuming the world is still here on Saturday, though I must say the planetary patterns do not suggest an immediate demise ; )

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 11/9/2010

If you’ve been feeling a bit wobbly over the past couple of days, it might be related to Mercury and Venus changing signs and Neptune turning direct. Venus moved backwards into Libra at 10:07PM NY time Sunday, softening a bit of the edginess and Scorpionic sting some have been feeling in social expression; Monday at 6:43 PM NY time Mercury also left Scorpio — and moved forward into high-flying, opinionated, foot-in-mouth oriented Sagittarius. Two personal planets leaving an emotional, controlled, penetrating water sign for cerebral air and boundlessly enthusiastic fire in 24 hours can be a bit of an adjustment — a little patience goes a long way!

Tuesday begins with Moon entering Capricorn at 8:36AM NY time. Blink and you might miss the one hour void beforehand. Today is a day to make things happen — so start climbing that mountain and/or plan that strategy. Be mindful of a potential moody bastard or battle for control that might show up around 3:14PM NY time (that’s the possible down side); on the other hand, a possible intense and/or insightful revelation could offer the opportunity to clear the air. Onward!

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 11/3/2010

Well, alrighty then. Typing this as a few East Coast races still hang in the balance — we’ll see how they turned out when the sun rises — or not, in the event someone wants a recount. Moon is now in people-pleasing Libra, about to crash into ruthless, mince-no-words Pluto at 6:54AM NY time, likely putting an edge on the speeches — concession and victory — we’ll be hearing this morning. You can apply that forecast to whatever you’ve got planned in your own personal world. Cut your losses; be gracious and try not to be pushed off-center by the blunt speech of another. There’s plenty of potential to assert yourself productively throughout the rest of the day — though by 8:34PM NY time I expect we’ll hear some sobering, possible downer making the headlines, thanks to the monthly meeting of Moon (today needing to be appreciated by others) with controlling, “eat your vegetables” Saturn. “They” will be trying very hard to be diplomatic and/or charming, in order to assure you that “they” are responsive to your needs. Watch the headlines to discover who “they” will turn out to be.

We are moving into the last days of the old moon cycle — a time of listlessness, restlessness — and the knowledge that something is around the corner, but we don’t know what it is yet — that’ll be the New Moon on Saturday. Clear your desks — wrap things up — think about what you’re learning about your significant others this month — and get ready to tune in to the optimism that will likely shine on Thursday, even if your team didn’t win on Tuesday.

For the record, the only candidate’s horoscope I looked at in this election was Meg Whitman’s — you may recall my post about her little domestic help problem a few weeks ago; at that time, I was not convinced she would become the next governor of California – and it seems — at the moment — that in fact, she will not. As for the other races — well — even astrologers go freewheeling every now and then ; )