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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 3/18/2016 & the Weekend: Cosmic Channels; Sun in Aries


Party on and color it rose for the next few days. The Moon entered Leo at 3:54AM ET, looking for love in sublime places, if Sunday’s meet-up between Venus and Neptune in soulful, compassionate Pisces takes the high road. Otherwise that beautiful dream may be just that…a dream.

Planetary patterns are light on Friday and Saturday. The Leo search for love and ego recognition may incorporate old guard and avant garde on Saturday,  before going void with a sigh at 4:43PM ET. Your rip roarin’ evening adventures may be of little consequence, but still enable you to shine, shine, shine! Moon enters Virgo (to clean up the confetti at 1:39PM ET on Sunday. Sleep in, why don’t you?

Meanwhile, at 12:31AM ET on Sunday, the Sun enters Aries and the New Year officially begins. Happy Vernal Equinox! Happy Astrology Day, too!

Courage, self-reliance, inspiration and a pioneering spirit are keywords for the Sun in Aries, sign of the ram — and the lamb.  That’s on a good day. Otherwise, Aries falls down stairs because it’s faster than walking. They can be impatient, reckless and fierce in their belief in impossible things.  Aries is the baby of the zodiac. In the Northern hemisphere (the birthplace of Western astrology),  the Sun’s ingress into Aries  is a time of renewal and rebirth.

In astrology, the first day of each season (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) corresponds with the first day (or first DEGREE) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively. Got that? Good. These four signs are called CARDINAL signs of the zodiac, with “cardinal” here suggesting (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.”  Cardinal signs take ACTION. They INITIATE. Nothing happens without ACTION. And action leads to  NECESSARY CHANGE. As in a change of seasons — suggested by solstices and equinoxes. Clear?

The first day of a  season is prominent in our culture, right? We make a big deal over it — yes? So can you see that in astrology, we observe that PLANETS that are at the first degree of a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn), tend to pack a more powerful, prominent punch. They suggest ACTION which leads to CHANGE — prominently! The first degree of the cardinal signs is known as the ARIES POINT. Got that?

On Monday, Mercury will enter Aries and thus be at the Aries Point,  bringing pioneering communication to the forefront. Watch the headlines. If your personal  horoscope has a  planet or angle at the Aries Point, you can expect that the energy of that planet will demand prominent expression in your life. Your friends and family — and perhaps the entire free world — will notice it. Consult your local astrologer for details.

No sleeping in on Monday. It’s a busy day and we’ll be warming up for a Full Moon and Eclipse early Wednesday morning. There’s a lot to sort through that no longer serves between now and then. How else are you going to make that fresh start?

And now, the news.

Not much, because I’m tired of writing about Donald Trump. Except for this bit about a prescient “Simpsons” episode which aired on March 19, 2000 — on the last day of Pisces, natch — perfect for a doomsday scenario. It imagines an America “gone insane” — and electing Donald Trump for president. Things are pretty bewildering in Brazil, too. And elsewhere. Sign of the times.

Dreams, endings and chaos are themes in the latest message from The Hathors.   As many Avid Readers know, they are my favorite disembodied entities, channeled by sound healer Tom Kenyon. Someone turned me on to them over a decade ago, and they always seem to send a message right before a particularly intense period of planetary action. Coincidence or conspiracy?

I wish this one wasn’t quite so dire, but we are at the end of the astrological year…with Uranus and Pluto running full speed ahead in the back half of Aries and Capricorn for the next few years…along with this year’s bewildering righteous tension between the other outer planets: Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. And then some. We live in interesting times — similar to what we experienced in the 30s and 60s — as you’ve known for years — and as certain media types are now finally starting to realize.

How to stay centered?

Many have written about the benefits of gratitude, but I especially appreciate the Hathors’ view that gratitude — and joy — are empowering. If you are grateful, you are a Have, not a Have-Not. And out of that gratitude and empowerment, you can be joyful. We really need more of this practice in the world — and the Hathors offer tools you may find intriguing. If all else fails — if you’re not a meditative type — there is music and dance — as in this piece about “sober raves” — a latest craze. Sounds like fun — and how fitting for a weekend with Moon in love play love Leo.

Meanwhile, one of my favorite embodied entities is the gifted intuitive (and Avid Reader) Peri Lyons. It’s her birthday today. Happy fabulous solar return!

Finally, news from the cosmos. First,  “what we’ve learned about Pluto” in the past eight months — posted the day after Pluto pulled focus in the astrological world with its trine to expansive Jupiter. So of course we should expand on Pluto. Even more expansive: “meet the BOSS — the largest structure in the Universe discovered (so far) — a wall of galaxies one billion light years across”.

There must be a bunch of beginnings in that big ginormous wall. I wonder how we fit in to the grand scheme of things. It’s hard to believe there are no other life forms out there pondering the same question…

Thank you for reading this forecast.