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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 3/18/2016 & the Weekend: Cosmic Channels; Sun in Aries


Party on and color it rose for the next few days. The Moon entered Leo at 3:54AM ET, looking for love in sublime places, if Sunday’s meet-up between Venus and Neptune in soulful, compassionate Pisces takes the high road. Otherwise that beautiful dream may be just that…a dream.

Planetary patterns are light on Friday and Saturday. The Leo search for love and ego recognition may incorporate old guard and avant garde on Saturday,  before going void with a sigh at 4:43PM ET. Your rip roarin’ evening adventures may be of little consequence, but still enable you to shine, shine, shine! Moon enters Virgo (to clean up the confetti at 1:39PM ET on Sunday. Sleep in, why don’t you?

Meanwhile, at 12:31AM ET on Sunday, the Sun enters Aries and the New Year officially begins. Happy Vernal Equinox! Happy Astrology Day, too!

Courage, self-reliance, inspiration and a pioneering spirit are keywords for the Sun in Aries, sign of the ram — and the lamb.  That’s on a good day. Otherwise, Aries falls down stairs because it’s faster than walking. They can be impatient, reckless and fierce in their belief in impossible things.  Aries is the baby of the zodiac. In the Northern hemisphere (the birthplace of Western astrology),  the Sun’s ingress into Aries  is a time of renewal and rebirth.

In astrology, the first day of each season (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) corresponds with the first day (or first DEGREE) of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, respectively. Got that? Good. These four signs are called CARDINAL signs of the zodiac, with “cardinal” here suggesting (from the Latin root of the word), “that on which something turns or depends.”  Cardinal signs take ACTION. They INITIATE. Nothing happens without ACTION. And action leads to  NECESSARY CHANGE. As in a change of seasons — suggested by solstices and equinoxes. Clear?

The first day of a  season is prominent in our culture, right? We make a big deal over it — yes? So can you see that in astrology, we observe that PLANETS that are at the first degree of a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn), tend to pack a more powerful, prominent punch. They suggest ACTION which leads to CHANGE — prominently! The first degree of the cardinal signs is known as the ARIES POINT. Got that?

On Monday, Mercury will enter Aries and thus be at the Aries Point,  bringing pioneering communication to the forefront. Watch the headlines. If your personal  horoscope has a  planet or angle at the Aries Point, you can expect that the energy of that planet will demand prominent expression in your life. Your friends and family — and perhaps the entire free world — will notice it. Consult your local astrologer for details.

No sleeping in on Monday. It’s a busy day and we’ll be warming up for a Full Moon and Eclipse early Wednesday morning. There’s a lot to sort through that no longer serves between now and then. How else are you going to make that fresh start?

And now, the news.

Not much, because I’m tired of writing about Donald Trump. Except for this bit about a prescient “Simpsons” episode which aired on March 19, 2000 — on the last day of Pisces, natch — perfect for a doomsday scenario. It imagines an America “gone insane” — and electing Donald Trump for president. Things are pretty bewildering in Brazil, too. And elsewhere. Sign of the times.

Dreams, endings and chaos are themes in the latest message from The Hathors.   As many Avid Readers know, they are my favorite disembodied entities, channeled by sound healer Tom Kenyon. Someone turned me on to them over a decade ago, and they always seem to send a message right before a particularly intense period of planetary action. Coincidence or conspiracy?

I wish this one wasn’t quite so dire, but we are at the end of the astrological year…with Uranus and Pluto running full speed ahead in the back half of Aries and Capricorn for the next few years…along with this year’s bewildering righteous tension between the other outer planets: Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. And then some. We live in interesting times — similar to what we experienced in the 30s and 60s — as you’ve known for years — and as certain media types are now finally starting to realize.

How to stay centered?

Many have written about the benefits of gratitude, but I especially appreciate the Hathors’ view that gratitude — and joy — are empowering. If you are grateful, you are a Have, not a Have-Not. And out of that gratitude and empowerment, you can be joyful. We really need more of this practice in the world — and the Hathors offer tools you may find intriguing. If all else fails — if you’re not a meditative type — there is music and dance — as in this piece about “sober raves” — a latest craze. Sounds like fun — and how fitting for a weekend with Moon in love play love Leo.

Meanwhile, one of my favorite embodied entities is the gifted intuitive (and Avid Reader) Peri Lyons. It’s her birthday today. Happy fabulous solar return!

Finally, news from the cosmos. First,  “what we’ve learned about Pluto” in the past eight months — posted the day after Pluto pulled focus in the astrological world with its trine to expansive Jupiter. So of course we should expand on Pluto. Even more expansive: “meet the BOSS — the largest structure in the Universe discovered (so far) — a wall of galaxies one billion light years across”.

There must be a bunch of beginnings in that big ginormous wall. I wonder how we fit in to the grand scheme of things. It’s hard to believe there are no other life forms out there pondering the same question…

Thank you for reading this forecast.



Astro-logical Forecast for 3/14/2016: Sneak Peek at the Week

Happy Start of the Work Week!

Monday is driven by the Moon in Gemini, which can be quite the pixie chatterbox in its quest to keep you informed and entertained. Today the pixie-ness may be subdued by a challenge to mental Mercury from Saturn at 3:26PM ET. This suggests a need for gravitas in thought and communication, as well as a potential need to push through blocks and limitations if need be.

How receptive the other party is to your persuasion may be tempered by a charged aspect at 4:48PM ET between Venus (feeling quite sensitive in Pisces) and Mars (needing to push boundaries in Sagittarius). If you’ve noticed any tension between the sexes in your own personal world, you may have a planet or point in the very early part of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius. Or you just might happen to be a divorce lawyer.

As the evening approaches, the Gemini Moon bounces off three planets in two hours: first by a potential chill or push forward by taskmaster Saturn at 8:54PM ET; second, by a challenge to Mercury in Pisces (striving to make verbal sense of how it feels about it) and third, by a challenge to Jupiter in Virgo (needing to expand on every little detail) at 10:51PM ET. Are things up or down, that is the question.

By the time you wake up on Tuesday, your mind may have a deeper understanding of whatever heavy matter landed on Monday’s plate. Gravitas may be replaced with an exuberant or excessive release as Mercury challenges Jupiter at 5:42AM ET.  It then hits 19 degrees of Pisces — triggering the degree of last week’s New Moon/Solar Eclipse. Who’s most likely to be affected by a potential release or realization? People with planets halfway through Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces.

For added clarity, consider the challenge you may receive to your New Moon agenda around 1:03PM ET on Tuesday, as the First Quarter Moon energizes the day and then goes void until 8:57PM ET. Roll with whatever twists may crop up in your efforts to move forward in a straight line; focus on routine concerns. Chill out over crises that may arise; a Moon void usually suggests it’s much ado about nothing. Use that note to put First Quarter Moon challenges in perspective.

There will be no other Moon voids during business hours for the rest of the work week. On Wednesday we’ll have the second of three easy alignments between Jupiter (expansion) and Pluto (power & resources), exact at 4:26PM ET. The first in this series happened on October 11th; the third will be on June 26th. We may see a re-think of issues that were up in October, along with more stories about power and resources, especially energy resources such as oil, gas and nuclear. Early last week, when the Sun made contact with Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter withing a two-day span, I noted a strong uptick in stories in that vein, especially the last one.

This is the last week of the Sun in Pisces, the end of the astrological year. On Sunday at 12:31AM ET, Sun enters Aries and it all begins anew. Pisces can wallow in endings, sometimes…forgetting that a new spark is just around the corner.

And now, the news.

Today’s Mercury-Saturn and Venus-Mars squares can be grumpy. I wouldn’t pick this day for a wedding, even with Venus shining so brightly in compassionate Pisces. Over at Facebook, there’s a whole Department of Compassion striving to make relationship break-ups and other endings less painful, reports the NYT. And look what I found when trying to retrieve that Facebook story. This headline: “Martin Sabo, Minnesota Congressman Known for Compassion During Era of Partisanship, Dies at 78” That story just hit the wires. Congressman Sabo was a Pisces — born February 28, 1936:

“I’ve always believed the fundamental problem with politics today are people who over-promise and overstate. I’ve tried to do the opposite,” Mr. Sabo said. “I’ve also tried to treat my colleagues with respect. I don’t recall ever making a public statement critical of my colleague, whether it’s Democrat or Republican.”

He was thought of as “understated,” which we could expect with his Pisces Sun conjunct sobering Saturn, both blurred somewhat by contact with Neptune.

As for stories of power and resources, some are more hopeful than others.  Hopeful: a father-daughter team proposes an innovative way to re-charge electric cars by having them drive on electric roads.   Not hopeful: North Korea saying it has the capacity to hit New York with a hydrogen bomb. North Korea has been making quite a bit of news in recent weeks. It declared its independence on September 9, 1948 — Sun at 16 Virgo square to Jupiter at 19 Sagittarius, suggesting a potentially bombastic, excessive need for ego aggrandizement. Transiting Jupiter is making contact with this square now for the second time, and both planets were affected by last week’s eclipse. Interesting to see that North Korea has a provocative square between Mars in potentially brutal Scorpio and Venus in drama king Leo, echoing the Mars-Venus square that is exact today. Not only that, but North Korea’s Mercury is conjunct visionary/delusional Neptune, another patterns we’ve experienced in recent days.

Astrologer Jamie Partridge has proposed a birth time for North Korea of  12:39PM in Pyongyang, which would give a Midheaven of 17 Virgo — conjunct the Sun and square Jupiter — thus exacerbating the need for aggrandizement. This would also give North Korea a Sagittarius Moon, just like Donald Trump. This suggests a need to push boundaries and — more important — have its opinion respected. Ya think?

Yesterday the NY Times ran a lengthy piece striving to analyze why Mr. Trump is the way he is and why he does what he does.  It concluded with this obvious-to-any-skilled-astrologer fact, adding that what was motivating Mr. Trump to run now was a “desire to be taken seriously”. Which is what was noted in detail in this forecast back in early August (and in less detail even earlier). Still, the chronology of events in the NYT article is a mesmerizing read. I was especially struck by this point:

In 2014, he cut a quarter-million dollar check to the Republican Governors Association, in response to a personal entreaty from the group’s chairman — Chris Christie.

I wonder if there’s any connection between that check and Governor Christie recent endorsement of Mr. Trump. I wonder if the media could forget about the zillions of dollars of revenue Trump has generated, and decide it has a moral obligation to give him as much attention as it gave…oh…Jim Webb, George Pataki, Lincoln Chafee or Jim Gilmore. What would happen then?

Meanwhile, reflecting the information junkie buzz of today’s Gemini Moon, along with other aforementioned provocative patterns, a reporter at Breitbart and her editor resigned from the conservative news outlet. Why? Because the reporter alleges she was assaulted by Mr. Trump’s campaign manager (witnessed by a reporter at the Washington Post). The reporter — Michelle Fields — felt her employer did not stand by her.

On a lighter note, today — 3/14/16 — is Pi Day. Here is a puzzle for you to solve, courtesy of The Guardian.

If the puzzle makes your head hurt, consider that while today may be Albert Einstein’s birthday, it is also DJ Rick Dees’s birthday. Quack if you remember his ’70s hit, “Disco Duck” .

Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. We will have a most excellent discussion together.



Astro-logical Forecast for Monday & Tuesday 10/12-13/2015: Sneak Peek at the Week; New Moon in Libra; Take Me to Your Leader

Happy Thanksgiving in Canada. Happy Mattress Sale Day in the United States.

We’re still dealing with a dead Moon, waiting for the New Moon to begin at 8:06PM ET. Lucky you if you’ve got the day off…or are planning a covert operation. We can expect a jolt or other disruption of the status quo around 6:20PM ET, when the Moon is opposed by rebel Uranus. Perhaps it’s related to a power play or emotional catharsis that occurred earlier around 7AM ET, courtesy of  Pluto.

Once the New Moon does kick in, it it will immediately go void until 5:38PM ET on TUESDAY. This suggests twists favoring the underdog, a lack of focus and/or other challenges to efforts made in a straight line. This does not suggest you stay home under the covers all day. It suggests you use your awareness of the Moon void potential in how you choose to react to the day’s events. If a crisis erupts, the conventional wisdom suggests it’s likely much ado about nothing, so chill and just go with the flow. Got that? Be advised that on Wednesday the Moon will go void at 8:58PM ET…not to enter the next sign until FRIDAY at 5:18AM ET.  So most of Tuesday and all of Thursday ET are likely to be a bust in terms of moving things decisively forward.

This doesn’t mean there won’t be plenty of diplomatic, practical thinking and physical and/or assertive drive at your disposal, as well as dreamy/artsy inspiration that may or may not be hopelessly tinged with rose. The only exact aspect on Tuesday is the third in a series of easy aspects between sobering Saturn and mental Mercury at 5:55AM ET. Whatever practical solution you reached on the second of the series may be up for a rethink. That was last Tuesday 10/6.

If power and control are your aim, planetary patterns on Tuesday night and all day Wednesday offer more support, for better or for worse. The only exact aspect on Thursday is an easy alignment between action hero Mars (in perfection-seeking Virgo) and Pluto (in big business/government Capricorn) at 11:31PM ET. We should see plenty of headlines along those lines between now and then. If you’re a Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn born in the first half of those signs…or if you have a planet or angle between 4-14 degrees of those signs, this is probably not the time to rest on your laurels.  Consult your local astrologer for details.

Friday and Saturday look primed for high-flying exuberant spin or vision, again for the sake of perfection — perhaps on a “big picture” principle. Friday begins with the gravitas of a Moon-Saturn meet-up in Sagittarius (right on Rep. Paul Ryan’s Ascendant — hmmm). The evening is dominated by a dreamy face-off between Venus (money, women, aesthetics, social expression) in Virgo and visionary/delusional Neptune at 10:54PM ET. Saturday’s big news is a meet-up between expansive Jupiter and assertive Mars in Virgo at 6:40PM ET.

And now, today’s New Moon.

The New Moon is the monthly meet-up of the Sun and Moon.  It offers us an opportunity to re-set  intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.  Sometime today or tomorrow, light a candle and make a list.  Around October 20th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 27th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on November 3rd, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon on the 11th.

Libra is the sign of partnerships. Marriage is an obvious partnership; some business relationships are partnerships, including adversarial ones. Since March, we’ve gone through the first half of the zodiac with New Moons focusing on the Self: Aries = my identity; Taurus = my values/possessions; Gemini = my mind/communication; Cancer = my emotions/family; Leo = my creative self-expression/love to give; Virgo = my service/work/body.

Starting with Libra, we’re ready to go public. Take a look at your relationships: how are We doing? What is the State of Our Unions?  How do they reflect the Libran needs of justice, fairness, diplomacy, peace, beauty and sweetness? Is there resentment or a lack of appreciation? Are there issues hanging in the balance (Libra is the sign of the Scales)?

Use a bit of creative visualization in your New Moon meditation  — and if you’re not a meditating type, grab a pen and paper and make a list of partnership objectives for the next few months.  If there’s anything/anyone on that list that you already have, make time for social graces and express your appreciation. Libra NEEDS appreciation for being valuable in relationship; by extension, our relationships need grace and appreciation, too.

Patterns in this New Moon chart suggest a big push for idealized perfection. These patterns include those that will be exact as the week progresses (noted above). They also include patterns that were exact over the weekend and described in detail in Friday’s forecast: Venus square Saturn, Jupiter trine Pluto and Uranus opposing the Sun. It’s the last one that suggests the potential for upsets to the status quo in relationship. In addition to opposing the Sun, Uranus is opposing the Moon.

You will be more personally impacted by the breakout potential if you have a planet or angle around 20 degrees of Libra or Aries — and to a lesser degree, Cancer or Capricorn.

The Sabian Symbol for 20 Libra is “a Jewish rabbi,” and here’s what Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee has to say about it. “…an image of a spiritual head and teacher whose responsibilities lie in interpreting and disseminating matters of the laws of the living….As a leader, his task is to feed his community in order to help others find their right place and time regarding their heritage”.  Fascinating, in light of current headlines about leadership (and lack thereof).

Bovee suggests we apply this symbol with a mind to “creativity generosity to help situations along; compassionate sensibility that transcends rules…sustaining rather than suspending…today’s outsiders being tomorrow’s leaders…nourishing wisdom as opposed to smug intellectualism…generosity of the heart as opposed to free handouts.”

And now, the news — briefly.

Talk about power and resources. Reflecting Sunday’s potent Jupiter-Pluto alignment, consider this NYT article listing the 158 families who have provided $176 million —  “almost half of all seed money raised to support Democratic and Republican presidential candidates.”.

Not since before Watergate have so few people and businesses provided so much early money in a campaign, most of it through channels legalized by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision five years ago…


Did you see this bizarre story about three teenagers who died after a school principal abused his power (Pluto square Sun) and hypnotized (Mars opposing Neptune) his students?  In other news, take the visionary and spacey potential of Mars-Neptune, mix it with the intensely futuristic potential of Sun opposing Uranus and other current energetic patterns, and you might see a NYT homepage piece about a non-profit organization in upstate New York that has recreated sets from the original Star Trek TV series in order to produce a new series, Star Trek: New Voyages, which you can view online. Beam me up.

Mets fans are not happy today. During Saturday’s  all-day Moon void, their team’s shortstop suffered a broken leg after LA Dodger Chase Utley slid into him. A Moon void during sports matches does suggests a higher than average potential for upsets and other freaky occurrences. The slide was ruled illegal; Utley was suspended for two games. Now Utley has appealed, and since the appeal isn’t going to be heard by the start of the game tonight, it appears Utley will be able to play….or so the NYT was reporting earlier today. Perhaps that will change.

Saturn square Venus suggests harsh realities and women. Sun opposing Uranus suggests technology and mavericks. What is it that keeps women out of tech fields, wonders the NYT?  Why did a Democratic congresswoman claim she was disinvited from Tuesday’s Democratic debates? An acclaimed astronomer apologizes for sexual harassment. A 48 million year old fossil is discovered — pregnant at the time of its death. An update on anorexia — a harsh illness impacting mostly women — makes the home page and becomes one of the most widely-viewed items on the NYT homepage. And on and on. Isn’t it interesting how planetary patterns are reflected in the news?

Finally, Rep. Paul Ryan. The Republican congressman from Wisconsin has apparently been begged by his party to run for House Speaker. So far he’s been saying no, though reportedly that isn’t his final answer. Back in 2012, I wrote a lengthy bit on Mr. Ryan — here it is.  His horoscope was quite hot back then, and it’s heating up again now. What will he decide to do with all this potential? That’s up to him. However, the opportunity to run for Speaker coincides with transiting Saturn (heavy responsibility) right on his Ascendant. That’s a challenge to his natal Neptune-Ascendant conjunction:  to get real about his natural projection of pixie-dust and vision, the kind that’s convinced some  that he’s more of a con than a congressman.

It is interesting to note that Mercury, the ruler of Mr. Ryan’s 10th house of public status/career is being supercharged by transiting Pluto, adding an extra dose of persuasiveness in mindset and communication. This will continue into 2016. It is also interesting to see transiting Venus, Mars and Jupiter about to hit his Midheaven — all before November 4th. These transits increase the potential for elevated and expanded public status, especially the Jupiter transit, because it rules his Ascendant and will continue into 2016. Also of note: The last two eclipses hit points in Mr. Ryan’s horoscope: Mars (assertiveness; creative self-expression) and his Midheaven.

Hopefully you can now appreciate why Mr. Ryan is attracting so much attention right about now. And if you understood what was going on in your horoscope, you’d be able to anticipate when opportunities are likely to manifest for you, too.

Thank you for reading this forecast.