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- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday-Saturday 12/23-27/2014: Saturn in Sagittarius

After an industrious day yesterday (Monday), the Capricorn Moon went void of course with a sigh last night at 10:17PM ET, and it will continue to wander through today until 9:52PM ET. Is that why I found myself drawn to listen to Ayn Rand, who has Moon in Capricorn, being interviewed by journalists Mike Wallace and Phil Donahue? Does she sound all business? You weren’t expecting that in today’s forecast, were you? Me neither.

Regular readers know that Moon voids suggest twists and detours in  efforts to move forward in a straight line. The flake factor is high; energy levels can fizzle; you may sense a lack of focus. The way to handle voids is to roll with the twists and know that crises which turn up are often much ado about nothing. Brainstorm all you like, but avoid initiating important agenda items and/or finalizing plans until the Moon gets bck into gear. Chill and take advantage of this natural rest period if you can. Avoid impulse purchases, as items purchased during voids often prove to be not as useful as you thought.

Other voids for the week are: Thursday Dec 25th from 10:11AM – 11:07PM ET and Saturday from 10:44AM until 1:35AM ET on Sunday.

Yesterday was also the last full day of karma cop Saturn in Scorpio, where it has been since October of 2012. During that time, as I’ve been writing since September 2012, we could expect to get to the nitty-gritty of issues involving sex (creation),  death (transformation), and money (resources), especially debt. We could expect the revelations to be ruthless and sometimes downright horrific. And in fact, they have been, as stories involving rape, domestic violence, abortion and contraception, questionable death penalty practices (including botched executions and convictions overturned after years of incarceration), and debt have been front and center for the past two years.

Well huzzah, huzzah, finally a change, as Saturn enters Sagittarius today at 11:33AM ET. How will headlines reflect that shift over the next two years?

Saturn refers to control, discipline and structure. Sagittarius refers to collective belief systems, including the law, religion, philosophy and academia. Hmm…how about mind control? Or tests of faith?  It also refers to publishing and other mass communication media, as well as sports and entertainment. Expect efforts involving restrictions and/or restructuring. Sagittarius refers to that which is foreign, so issues of border control will likely become hotter. It refers to travel.  So we can expect headlines involving controls in these areas, too.

Righteousness is another Sagittarius buzzword, as is blunt honesty. As its best, the Saturnine restructuring of Sagittarius concerns will stem from righteousness, much as the restructuring of the institution of marriage (Libra) to include same-sex couples evolved when Saturn was in Libra. Fairness is a big Libra buzzword. Got that?

For those born in December 1985- December 1988 and  February 1956 – January 1959, congratulations, you were likely born with Saturn in Sagittarius. You’re about to embark on your first or second Saturn return, which suggests a critical time in your life,  rich with developmental potential. Many of my clients book their first astrological consultations on a Saturn return.

For those born at the very end of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius,  or the very beginning of Gemini, Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius, these next 12 months are a critical time in your life development, too.  You may need to cut your losses and focus on what’s really important. Saturn transits can inspire your ambition, but they can also be experienced as limiting, isolating and sad. Know that this, too, shall pass. Be brave enough to ask for support if you need it. You are worth it.

Brief detour, courtesy of the Moon void: yesterday’s NYT editorial was a call for the prosecution of “torturers and their bosses,” with the top boss cited being Dick Cheney. It is interesting because the last degrees of Scorpio correspond to an angle in Cheney’s horoscope, and that with Saturn now sitting on that angle, we could expect an urgent need to focus on core personal foundation (and also home/family) issues at this time. That pressure will let up for the first few months of 2015, but will be back (with a vengeance?) for a few months this summer. This is also within the time span that the US horoscope will feel the pressure of transiting Pluto (resistance is futile) to its natal Saturn, suggesting no small amount of anguish. Let’s see what happens.

As for the rest of this week, be advised that mental Mercury will be making contact with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square on Wednesday and Thursday. This suggests breakthroughs and/or upsets in communication and travel. During the all-day Moon in Aquarius void on Christmas, note that whatever sharp words and other dramas that do crop up are more likely to be mountains made over molehills, so chill, chill, chill!  If you looking for peace, healing, music and mystical pursuits, those are favored on Friday and Saturday, when the Moon will be in Pisces and the Sun will be supported by visionary Neptune. Meanwhile, here are some headlines from July, when Mercury also made contact with Pluto and Uranus.

Warmest wishes to you all for a joyous Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa and whatever else you are celebrating. To the fabulous people who have stuffed my stocking with notes of appreciation and other delights, or who share this forecast with others, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

If you’re looking for a last-minute gift for a deserving special someone, gift certificates for a personal astro-logical consultation can be emailed anywhere in the world. The insights are priceless and will last forever. Email me after the Moon void ; )


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 12/2/2014: Thoughts on Saturn in Scorpio & Sagittarius

Alllll-righty, then!

Unless there’s a challenging pattern happening in your own unique horoscope, I can’t think of a single reason not to feel inspired and ready to take on the world this morning. The Moon in Aries is certainly up for a fresh initiative, supported by warm and easy connections from Venus and Jupiter, which are generally considered to be fortunate when so positively aligned. Up and at ’em…..with the caveat being that as we get closer to 9:42PM ET, tensions may build to a fleeting release or spat, as the me-me-me Aries Moon is challenged by action hero Mars in Establishment Capricorn. That’s also when the Moon goes void with a sigh, suggesting you not make a mountain out of a molehill, if that’s what you stumble across. It’ll settle down once the Moon enters Taurus at 12:15AM ET on Wednesday, looking to build something solid out of the inspiration that hit you earlier in the week.

Other notes for the week, which I neglected to mention yesterday: Full Moon in Gemini early Saturday, at 7:27AM ET. That’ll shed light on whatever you launched two weeks ago. Also, be advised that Jupiter, planet of expansion — and sometimes excess — is slowing to a stop and will turn retrograde on the afternoon of Dec 8th (Monday). If you’ve got a planet or angle around 22 degrees of Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius, I’ll wager themes of expansion, abundance and/or excess are up for you all month — how lucky for you. If you don’t know what degrees your planets are at, consider ordering the Really Useful Astro-Basics Report, which I’ll send to you along with a photo-quality rendition of your horoscope against a deep blue background of bright stars. That would make a nice holiday gift, too — as would a hand-crafted gift certificate for a personal astro-logical consultation.

And now, the news.

Just a couple of observations on a few stories that have made headlines as Saturn makes its way through the last degrees of Scorpio. You may remember Saturn started this journey just over two years ago. At that time I anticipated we’d see stories about the nitty-gritty consequences of sexual energy, death and money (debt) capturing our attention in often awful detail. And sure enough, for two years we’ve seen more than the usual share of stories of rape and other forms of sexual assault and harassment, along with abortion, contraception, crushing debt, death penalty fiascoes, assisted suicide, etc.

Once Saturn made its way halfway through Scorpio, which it did this summer, we could expect to see some changing attitudes about these issues, as we collectively integrated the harsh reality check Saturn implies. Now Saturn is at 27 degrees of Scorpio. How have things changed since Saturn started this journey? Yesterday it was reported that two male Princeton students were removed from their officer posts at an exclusive social club after circulating emails containing derogatory (a mild way of putting it) material about women.  Elsewhere, University of Virginia took action after Rolling Stone published an investigative story about rapes on campus. In Pennsylvania, the president of Lincoln University was ousted after making certain comments about sexual assault in a convocation address to women students. In Los Angeles, an ex-boyfriend is going to jail for posting nude pictures of his former girlfriend online in a case of “revenge porn”. And allegations of rape against Bill Cosby aren’t going away any time soon, with consequences. As of yesterday, Mr. Cosby is no longer on the Board of Trustees at Temple University (with more consequences to follow in 2015, planetary patterns would suggest).

These are just a few examples of Saturn in Scorpio concerns, and we clearly have a long way to go. But these stories do reflect a shift, and it’s a start. Saturn will enter Sagittarius on December 23rd. It will move back into Scorpio June 15th and stay until September 18th, so we’ll see more of these kinds of headlines then.  What can we expect from Saturn in Sagittarius? Briefly, a reality check on collective belief systems, foreigners, travel, education, religion, broadcasting and the law, to mention a few possibilities.

To be continued…