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"The reading was a partnership between the two of us; she did not simply recite planetary signs and meanings, but had a conversation with me, continually asking what I made of what she saw, and what I thought I could do to change the things I want to change.

When the names of other people in my life came up, she quickly looked up their charts on her computer and commented on their roles in my life -- painting a fuller picture of where I was, where I wanted to go, and how I could get there.

What was impressive was that Elisabeth took all the planets, people, and situations that made up my life and created a context for them all that was positive, hopeful, and exciting!

She has a lovely personality, a sharp wit, and a gift for astrological interpretation."

--Bill W.
New York

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 11/8/2010

More on color, music and other non-verbal, intangible contemplations. Yesterday (Saturday) featured a strong connection between Mercury (mind, travel) and nebulous Neptune (spirituality, fantasy, sacrifice) often seen in the horoscopes of people with rich imaginations and an aptitude for making music. Is this why the forecast has been delayed (words have failed me) or why I could not stop thinking about a musical episode on the bus ride home from last Sunday’s Rally for Sanity? (Bear with me, this really is going somewhere…eventually about the New Moon):

I asked our eccentric lady bus driver if she’d mind changing the static-ky  (stat-icky?) radio station that was poisoning the airwaves,  and she said she’d be happy to replace it with a CD, if a passenger had one handy. A CD? How quaint…but darned if a college kid didn’t happen to have one he was excited to share. “These are bluegrass instrumental arrangements of some songs by the Beatles!”, he says (with a great deal of authority),  as we were treated to the opening bars of “I Want to Hold Your Hand” a la banjo . Cheesy? Yes. But darned if those Lennon-McCartney tunes didn’t hold up with every twang — and I found myself marveling at the beauty of each chord progression and wondering WHY — as in, “why do these sounds gathered together in this particular way have so much power to move the soul — why are they so beautiful?”

Fast forward to yesterday (pun obviously intended), in which I persuade a composer friend to break down the chord structures of — you guessed it — “Yesterday”, etc. on a Yamaha baby grand — what exactly am I hearing when the juxtaposition of two chords strikes me as beautiful, and why is this music so timeless? Composer Friend explains that what I’m hearing is a chord in a major key immediately followed by a chord in the relative minor..blah blah “roots in church music dating from 500-600 AD through the Middle Ages”…blah blah Modal harmony, as in the “Dorian mode”, more church music, Mozart, Bach, etc., which goes back to the music of the Ancient Greeks…and while I’m kicking myself for not taking more music theory in college, am I also appreciating that the reason these Beatles tunes feel timeless is because they are; humans have been responding to the intrinsic beauty of these sounds for who knows how long, and at least as far back as and Ancient Greeks…

…which finally brings me to the Scorpio New Moon. Scorpio is opposite the sign of Taurus, which naturally rules areas in life related to the assets and values of an individual, including intangible values such as self-worth.  Scorpio rules, among other things, areas related to assets shared with an other, including shared values. Co-mingling shared assets can be incredibly creative — and procreative, as in great sex, great investments and a great inheritance. The keyword for Taurus is I HAVE. The keyword for Scorpio is I CREATE.

In the chart for the New Moon at 12:52 AM EDT 11/6/2010 we see five planets running wild — Mars (energy applied), Saturn (structure, control), Pluto (change) and Sun-Moon (union, new cycle, birth). By “wild” I mean that they are not connected to any other planet in the chart; each one is an island unto itself. A “wild” planet (the astrological term is “unaspected”), as my teacher Noel Tyl explains, it, makes a lot of noise in order to attract attention, with the hope that it will eventually be noticed and given a constructive outlet. With so many “islands” in this New Moon horoscope, is it any coincidence that the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 14 degrees of Scorpio is “telephone linemen at work”…”an image of men at work stretching lines of communication from pole to pole…connecting the telephone lines, repairing faulty or fallen lines”?

Wherever this New Moon at 14 Scorpio falls in your horoscope is where you may have an opportunity ripe with creative potential, where success will likely depend on effective lines of communication. You may have to lay down some lines in uncharted territory — ooh — adventure! You may need to repair lines downed by a storm (Venus is still retrograde in Scorpio). Finding a common ground between you and that “other party” (a Beatles tune?) is a recommended first step…

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 10/27/2010

Is Rand Paul determined to become the poster child for Venus retrograde in Scorpio 2010? First, Mr. Paul refuses to shake his opponent’s hand during a political debate several days ago, in a flagrant violation of social conventions we expect to happen in polite society. Then, as you may have heard, one of Mr. Paul’s campaign volunteers stomps on the head of a woman who was present outside another debate. Talk about bad manners! Granted, there are other tense planetary patterns contributing to the edginess many may be feeling, but throwing common courtesy under the bus is one common manifestation of Venus, planet of social expression, retrograde — and the fact that it’s happening in Scorpio, a sign that takes no prisoners, adds to the potential for nasty behavior. How are your social interactions going? We’ve got another 23 days of this — hang in there!

Angelenos, you’ll experience a void-of-course Moon from 7:19AM – 12:14PM. I’d love to hear how many of you may experience alarms not going off, a desire to sleep in late, a general slow start to the morning, including unusual traffic jams, meetings that get canceled, agendas that are not followed or clients calling with crises that turn out to be much ado about nothing.  On the other hand meditation, routine activities, yoga and brainstorming can be productive — as is any activity where your intention does not involve moving in a straight line. Stay loose…and be ready to take action after lunch, when the Moon will be in Cancer, nudging us to tend to issues of home, foundations, family and emotional security. New Yorkers — please do the math for the Moon void an adjust your schedule accordingly. A long lunch hour sounds perfect, so long as it doesn’t involve impulse shopping (you really don’t need it) or a serious business conversation.

Oh — and about those emotional security needs — our feelings may be especially vulnerable to cutting words and other sharp objects, thanks to a challenge to Moon (emotional response) from ruthless Pluto.

Finally — for no particular reason I deleted a sentence from yesterday’s forecast about likely news from the underground (Sun in Scorpio making contact with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, in earthy Capricorn); yesterday’s headlines did include a deadly volcano and a tsunami. Have a fabulous day!