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"Thank you SO much for the reading on Wednesday. It's really helped me get back on the road to moving along. You prep so well and are so damn thorough. And moreover, you've got great sensitivity to the material and the patience to listen."
-- Michael D.
Editor, NY

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Monday 3/19/2018: Happy New Moon in Pisces; Mars in Capricorn, Mercury Retrograde & Much, Much More!

…and happy Monday, too!

The work week begins with the Moon in me-me-me Aries, challenging you to arise, go forth and conquer.  If you were born halfway through Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn — or if you have a planet or angle around 16 degrees of Aries, how are you being inspired by the fierce idealism suggested by a meet-up between Venus and Mercury at 16 Aries, exact two minutes past midnight tonight? Meanwhile, power plays and upsets are anticipated today, as the Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto and Uranus, at 5:05 AM ET and 3:29 PM ET, respectively. Moon then goes void until 9:07 PM ET. That would be a time to roll with the twists and flakes, stick to routine concerns and refrain from impulse purchases and making mountains out of molehills. Chill!

Once the Moon enters Taurus, see if you notice the shift from me-me-me impulse to “hey, let’s consolidate, organize and keep things as they ARE — especially with respect to material comfort and security.” The Taurus Moon goes void on WEDNESDAY at 1:21 PM ET for 12 hours. It buzzes into info junkie Gemini at 1:30 AM ET on THURSDAY, driving Friday afternoon’s news dump with a dose of likely emotional overkill, courtesy of an exact square between Venus in Amazon woman/virago Aries and potent Pluto. “If I be waspish, best beware my sting.” Ruthless much? Perhaps, and also exceptionally assertive (for better or for worse), given a square between two high-functioning planets:  Aries Sun and Capricorn Mars. Bottom line: a busy, busy week. Do something good with all of this potential, won’t you?

Mars finally exited loud-mouthed, boundary-pushing Sagittarius for a two-month stay in Capricorn. That happened over the weekend — on Saturday at 12:41 PM ET. Until May 15th, action and assertion seek practical, enterprising, status-improving expression. The goal is achievement — as in taking care of business, period. Got that? The end of March and early April have potential for an exacting discipline — militant, perhaps — as Mars meets up with Saturn.  A rush of action to seize power may be seen around the third week in April, as Mars meets up with Pluto.  Twists, shocks and tech advances are likely to disrupt headlines around May 15th, when Mars will square Uranus at the verrry end of Aries and beginning of Taurus. You’re affected by these Mars patterns if you have points or planets around 8 degrees, 21 degrees and 29 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, respectively. When was the last time you consulted with your astrologer? What’s your strategy for managing all of this can-do potential?

Other shifts this week: on TUESDAY at 12:16 PM ET, the Sun leaves Pisces for Aries, marking the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere; winter in the Southern Hemisphere. It is also the first day of the astrological New Year. Looking at a chart set for Washington, D.C., we immediately see Neptune right on the Midheaven, yet otherwise unaspected. Potential: all themes Neptune — fog, lies, oil, drugs, spirits of all kinds, wipe-out, scandal, etc. — running wild with respect to leaders, government and corporations. Ya think? We also see Mars and Saturn on the cusp of the 7th House, opposing a 5 degree Cancer Ascendant.  Control, cuts and conflict — affecting the need of this Cancer Ascendant to establish emotional/family/home/homeland security.  What drives this chart? A high-functioning Taurus Moon, seeking to preserve the status quo, material comfort and security; otherwise resisting change. Hmm.  Moon is in an obsessive quindecile pattern with Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio, suggesting a compulsive fixation of those juicy Jupiter in Scorpio  scandalous themes of wretched excess in  sex, death and money.  #MeToo isn’t going anywhere, suggested by the Moon’s meet-up with the Fixed Stars  Hamal and Schedir.  Looking at the upside potential, Hamal suggests issues involving following one’s path; Schedir refers to power…of a Queen. Should we be surprised that ancient astrological texts gave short shrift to the constellation containing a star referring to power expressed through the feminine? Time’s up, already! And while we’re speaking of Fixed Stars, let the record show that the Sun at 0 Aries is conjunct the Fixed Star Scheat, affectionately pronounced by some astrologers as “sh*t.” Just remember, there is always an upside potential!

On THURSDAY, Mercury turns retrograde at 8:19 PM ET.  It backs up through Aries until April 15th, when it will turn direct. You may notice this pattern more personally if you have a planet or angle around 16 degrees or 4 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Capricorn or Libra. Wherever Aries falls in your horoscope is where you may apply yourself to a REview of those affairs. NO WHINGING about Mercury retrograde — here’s your survival guide, if you’ve forgotten the essentials.  And yes, I still have a number of my world-famous Mercury Retrograde Bookmarks, so you’ll always know when Mercury is retrograde and how to react to the tech and communication snafus that are sure to be dominating the headlines. Email me for details on how to get bookmarks for you and your friends.

But wait — there’s more! We have to talk about the New Moon in Pisces, exact at 9:12 AM ET on Saturday (last weekend). Set in Washington D.C. (the better to see what’s likely coming down the pike for the U.S.), we immediately note six planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Chiron — buried behind the scenes, in the 12th House. This is a focus on self-undoing, hidden enemies and social institutions where we might house the otherwise invisible (e.g., refugees, inmates, hospital patients, etc). Upsets to the status quo (again!) are suggested by Uranus squaring the Midheaven. As with the chart for the Vernal Equinox, Neptune is unaspected — running amok in a fog of dreams and/or lies, aided and abetted by the idealism suggested by the meet-up between Mercury and Venus. Mars is at the verrrrry end of Sagittarius, suggesting boundaries pushed…and the potential for conflict and righteous action is suggested by its square to Sun and Moon.

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Pisces is a curious reinforcement of the Sabian Symbol for February’s New Moon in Aquarius. For February: “a tree felled and sawed.” For this month: “a harvest moon.” Sabian Symbol Guru Blain Bovee notes this as a time of reaping and gathering…cutting down crops and paying a portion in tribute to the Designated Authority Figures.  In financial matters, Bovee advises us to pay attention to hidden costs and misappropriated funds. Hmm…like that helicopter Jared and Ivanka took from DC-NY today — instead of flying coach? Or Ben Carson’s $31K dining set for his office at HUD? Or EPA chief Scott Pruitt’s $25K sound-proof booth that actually cost $43K? Probably…and much more. Bovee’s bottom line with respect to this Sabian Symbol is this:

The question is: “How is the pie divided up?”

The operational rule could be this: anything that chips away at what you actually have… such as your own financial reserves… is bogus. Anything that nickel and dimes you is vestige of an old system that will drain your life-blood and wallet as sure as harvest time.

What you need to understand through Pisces 27, is ‘where are you in this process?’ If you do not pay attention, you are going to go broke… and be charged interest on that as well.

Well, OK! Let’s watch and see how this Symbol plays out in the headlines. You are more personally affected by the activating potential of this New Moon if you have a planet or angle around 27 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius.

Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. We will have an excellent discussion together.

And now, the news.

Any planet at the end of Pisces — at the very end of the zodiac — is subject to a bit of despair, thinking it’s the end of the world.  The Sunday NYT obliged, with feature and front page stories about the end of Easter Island and whether we should allow some species facing extinction to just die out.   NYT columnist Nicholas Kristof hit it out of the park again with “A Parable of Self-Destruction.”

In the days leading up to the New Moon last week, we had the dark of the Moon adding a sense of listlessness and restlessness to the mix. We may see some prominent exits between now and the Sun’s ingress into Aries. One that qualified bigly was Friday’s late-evening news dump  that  former deputy director of the FBI Andrew McCabe was fired — just 26 hours before his 50th birthday, the day he would have been eligible to retire with full benefits. That means that his pension — for 21 years of public service — is in jeopardy. And isn’t is just fascinating that the firing would come as transiting Mars in Sagittarius squared his 28 Pisces Sun.  And that his Pisces Sun is conjunct Fixed Star Scheat — suggesting shipwrecks? With transiting Pluto supercharging his high-functioning Mars in Aries this year and into 2020, I anticipate persuasive action from Mr. McCabe during this time. For starters.

“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.” Spring is coming!

Meanwhile, this NYT headline sums up two of the major patterns now active in P45’s horoscope:  Newly Emboldened, Trump Says What He Really Feels.  The patterns are (as noted in prior forecasts): 1) a solar arc between the Moon and the Ascendant, suggesting that — hello — his emotional needs and expressions are right on the surface for all to see; and 2) a solar arc between Uranus and Mars, suggesting a need for risk and daring in action. Right. Emboldened. The Moon-ASC arc will be exact on April 23; the Uranus-Mars arc will be exact June 14th. On August 19th we’ll be seeing the expression of another high-tension arc between Mercury (how he needs to think and communicate) and tech-savvy rebel Uranus. Alert the media. Meanwhile, major transits in P45’s horoscope include transiting Saturn (control, authority, heaviness) squaring his natal Mercury-Neptune square. This is the part of his horoscope suggesting an intuitive, fanciful, idealistic or bald-faced lying need in the areas of thinking and communicating. It’s in heavy focus for the rest of the year, with significant developments around Feb 11, Mar 30, May 6, Jun 27, Nov 11 and Dec 10. I’d argue this activation is being reflected by his recent demand that drug dealers (Neptune) be dealt with harshly (Saturn), calling for them to be executed.

Last week, with Mars at the end of Sagittarius, pulling focus as it approaches the Aries Point (o degrees of the cardinal sign Capricorn), we anticipated an increase in headlines of violence, aggression, assertion and accidents, as well as anyone with planets triggered by the Mars making headlines. For example:

  • Vanessa P45 Jr., the wife of P45 Jr., filed for divorce and hired a criminal attorney. In P45 Jr.’s horoscope, last updated here, we noted that 2017 was a year of heavy thinking. Now that Saturn has moved on to conjoin his Venus and will soon be sitting on his 9 degree Capricorn Sun. We see potential cuts in love, money and social expression; it’s quite a potential squeeze. The news of the filing came as transiting Mars squared his natal Mercury at 28 Virgo.  In her case,  her 27 Sag Sun was triggered, soon to be followed by her Mercury at 3 Capricorn. We do not have a birth time; but if her Moon is in the early degrees of me-me-me Aries, the sobering and separating influence of Saturn squaring that Moon would apply.
  • Austin, Texas has a horoscope — as does everything under the sun.  Birth time  for Austin is unknown, so we do not know if it is late Capricorn or early Aquarius. Feels like Aquarius, given Austin’s reputation for quirkiness, humanitarianism and tolerance. Its Capricorn Sun was hit by a third square from disruptive Uranus, and last week its 28 Virgo Mars was triggered by transiting Mars. Since then, the fourth in a series of package bombs has exploded, killing two and seriously wounding others.
  • Last June it was reported that the Russians had developed a cyberweapon that could disrupt power grids of other countries. Last week,  with transiting Mars almost exactly opposite where it was last June, comes an update. Not only do they have these weapons, they have actually infiltrated said power grids, etc. How many times will this story need to be reported before people start paying attention?
  • Do you think Mark Zuckerberg’s horoscope was affected by transiting Mars last week? Yes, and so was the horoscope for the launch of Facebook . In Zuckerberg’s case it was his Neptune at 0 Capricorn. Mars-Neptune patterns suggest infection, scandal, irritability. In the horoscope of Facebook (launched on Feb 4 2004 in Cambridge — if anyone knows the exact time, let me know), we see Venus squared by transiting Mars…and transiting Saturn opposing its natal Saturn, with transiting Uranus squaring Mercury. We see the potential of an attack on social expression, money and values; a critical point in Facebook’s development with challenges/illumination on the success of its original mission statement; a disruption to the status quo in matters related to communication. The big headline over the weekend was that it banned data mining/research company Cambridge Analytica  for using the personal info of 50 million Facebook users in its effort to win support for P45 on social media platforms.  With transiting Uranus about to meet up with Facebook’s natal Mars this summer, I wonder what disruptive/daring initiative we might see…
  • Fascinating read: “I made Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare tool.” This is by the data-mining whistleblower re: the above.
  • Stormy Daniels, whose 26 degree Pisces Sun was activated by transiting Mars and Saturday’s New Moon. She was hit with a $20 million lawsuit by P45 for allegedly breaching an agreement to not talk about an affair P45 says never happened. Meanwhile, her attorney hit back with a no-holds-barred “YES” when asked if Ms. Daniels was ever threatened with physical harm (he did not say by whom). Her attorney is Michael Avenatti. His natal Pluto at 29 Virgo was spiked by transiting Mars. Translation “no holds barred.” Meanwhile, CBS says it will air Ms. Daniels tell-all interview on 60 Minutes…on March 25th. That’s when she’ll have a measurement between Pluto and Moon, suggesting an emotional catharsis.
  • Also triggered — Martin Shkreli — once the most hated man in America.  He’s was sentenced to prison ten days ago, when transiting Mercury and Venus squared his natal Neptune at 29 Sag. Bewildering for him, to be sure.  Over the weekend he had  transiting Mars squaring his 26 Pisces Sun and conjoining Neptune. Provocative

Other headlines reflecting a prominent, boundary-pushing Mars:

I am struggling mightily to find a feel-good piece reflecting planetary patterns. So let’s end on a random quirky one. Those weird purple lights in the sky over Alberta, Canada finally have a name. Meet Steve.

If you’re near a computer around 9:30 PM ET/6:30 PM TONIGHT, tune in to HeyZ Radio. The most excellent host of Cosmic TuesdaysAnthony S. Picco —  has invited me back for another fun 90 minutes of dishing about the astonishing synchronicity of planetary patterns and headline news. Otherwise known as Astrology For News Junkies. Here is the link to tune in. Join the chat room and you can ask questions!

Thank you for reading this forecast.  THANK YOU for the recent contributions to my Cosmic Tip Jar. You are AWESOME.








Friday 6/23/2017: New Moon in Cancer; Mars on the March; the Angst of a Certain Midpoint


The Moon is not yet new, and I don’t know about you, but the restlessness and listlessness of the dead Moon seems stronger than usual. The Moon is in ADD Gemini. Mars (action, aggression) is steaming up a storm in Cancer (emotional security), feeling empowered and expanded by ruthless Pluto and Jupiter. “A Terrifying Threat from Tropical Storm Cindy:  Floating Masses of Fire Ants,” the morning news wants me to know.  Meanwhile, Venus is in harmony with Pluto, adding elements of intensity and transformation to our love of beauty, material comfort and security, including food.

Is that good? Here is the weirdest headline I’ve seen in some time — yet it fits the planetary patterns to a T. “Fitness blogger dies after exploding whipped cream dispenser hits her.” It makes about as much sense as much of the other stories hitting the wires. A dessert topping becomes an instrument of destruction? Sure, OK, this is fine.

Friday morning may have a dose of gravitas (see Fire Ants headline above), as the Moon is opposed by wet blanket Saturn at 8:31 AM ET.  The Gemini Moon facilitates getting the latest buzz on the travesty, supported by a harmony with innovative Uranus at 2:45 PM ET. Head to the nearest golf course, as the Moon goes void with a sigh until 6:07 PM ET, when it enters Cancer.

From that time until the same time on Sunday, the focus is on keeping the home fires bright and finding nourishment and nurturing however we can. There’s a level of emotional depth granted by a harmony between Venus and Pluto at 4;57 AM ET on SATURDAY. There’s no Moon void to deter you from shopping, though be aware of a potentially volatile blast around 3:09 PM ET, when sensitive Moon meets up with crabby Mars. Also be aware of the potential for power plays and emotional catharses around 11:29 PM ET, as the Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto…followed by rebel Uranus at 2:44PM ET on SUNDAY.

Sunday’s highlight is the big big square between physical Mars and Jupiter, followed by an alignment with Neptune at 2:19AM ET on MONDAY. Something cosmic and expansive, perhaps….like Stephen Hawking talking about how we really need to blow this popsicle stand called Earth and move to really really distant lands.  For humanity’s sake, he says. Yes, and…says the Washington Post. As in, “yes, and let’s do a story about Hawking’s ideas about Mars — and the ideas of other famous people, too.”  Because with Sun and Mercury currently at the Aries Point, it needs to be famous!

Here are a couple of headlines from a Mars-Jupiter square in 2015:

Meanwhile, the “expansive” part of today’s flow comes courtesy of an energized connection between Mars (action) and Jupiter in regal Leo — exact on Friday at 8:29PM ET, but in effect all this week. How big is beautiful? Size 24 apparently, as supersized model Tess Munster makes headlines by becoming the biggest ever to sign with a mainstream agency. Doubleplus good for her. Meanwhile, fat yoga, anyone?

Here are some headlines from a past Mars trine Neptune.

Moon goes void on Sunday at 2:44 PM ET…entering Leo at 6:06 PM ET. Make way for the drama queens and kings at the start of the work week. Mercury makes contact with a plethora of planets next week. If anyone has anything to say, we are sure to hear it.

No sleeping in on Monday.

And now, the news.

A dead Moon suggests secrecy — and how fitting that WaPo offers us this lengthy exclusive: “Obama’s Secret Struggle to Punish Russia for Putin’s Election Assault.”  It is also fitting that we’d be hearing from President Obama at this time, given patterns in his horoscope. First, the Sun and Mercury in Cancer at the Aries Point are sitting right on top of his natal Venus. Second, the lunar nodes are at 27 Aquarius and Leo, right on top of his natal nodes. We expect an outreach to the public. Yesterday he posted 1000 words on his Facebook page, warning of the harm that will be caused by the massive tax cut bill thinly disguised as the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act. He’s going to hit the campaign trail in  Virginia this week, too.

We can imagine his frustration, given that transiting Saturn (restrictions; structure) is hitting his natal Mars in Virgo (a need for action that reflects perfection and service, down to the last detail). That measurement will be exact on July 12th, and return for the third and final hit on October 6th. Also on July 12th, transiting Mars (provocation) will oppose his natal Saturn in Capricorn (a need to fulfill ambition which administers progress in the established order). President Obama’s Saturn is in the 12th House and rules his 12th House, often called “the house of self-undoing.” Many of his accomplishments are being undone at this time. His Saturn is also under a series of hits by rebel Uranus. Transiting Uranus in hard aspect to Saturn needs to shake up structure — with innovation (upside) or just plain shock (downside).

Another horoscope activated by the Sun and Mercury at the Aries Point is that of Trevor Noah, host of The Daily Show. I wrote about his horoscope back in 2015, when he won the gig. Since then, his performance has been as his horoscope suggests. He has Neptune at 0 Capricorn. Neptune refers to empathy — and he has that for all the world to see. This week he did a segment on Philando Castile.  As you may have heard, Mr. Castile was pulled over on a routine traffic stop. His girlfriend and her four-year old daughter were in the car. Within a minute, Mr. Castile was shot and killed for no rational cause or reason —  by the police officer. The officer was acquitted by a jury of manslaughter this week, though the officer has been dismissed from the force. There were multiple videos of the shooting, though the dashcam video was only released after the jury’s verdict.  Said Mr. Noah:

When I watched the video, it just broke me…

The whole segment is a MUST-SEE. Consider it a follow-up to my last post about the illusion of equality we see in the horoscope of the United States, awareness of which is being triggered at this time.

Meanwhile, here is the full text of the Senate’s Stealth Health Tax Cut bill.   I probably need to tell you that when a group of disabled Americans — some in wheelchairs — visited Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s taxpayer-funded office to express their concerns about the proposal, dozens were arrested and handcuffed by Capitol Police.  I’m pretty sure you didn’t hear about the parents who brought their sick children to Congress “in an effort to remind them what the health care debate should be about.” Reports WaPo’s Petula Dvorak:

“Is she okay?” the startled legislative staffer asked, eyes shifting to the adults around him as the trach tube protruding from the neck of a 2-year-old gurgled….

Did I mention that I’m writing this forecast on a day with Mercury (mindset) making contact with an anguished Saturn/Pluto midpoint, suggesting (in the words of astrologer Noel Tyl) “depression, stark realism, morbid thoughts; deep study?” Darn those planetary patterns! You are personally affected by this pattern if you have a planet or angle around 6 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Guilty as charged. This too shall pass. Nancy Pelosi — if you’re reading this, that midpoint is right on your Aries Sun, suggesting “threat of loss; hard work; enforced change; separation; potential ill health.” No wonder everyone is ganging up on you — as if they could ever really bring an Aries Sun with Scorpio Moon down.

But seriously — you probably didn’t hear about these stories, but you could have been driven to distraction by news of P45’s tweet yesterday that he has “no idea if there are tapes or recordings” of his conversations with James Comey, but he did not make them nor does he have them in possession.  Well? Is it true? Here’s another bonus offer: I’m writing up an analysis of the moment P45 tweeted yesterday’s “clarification,” just as I did for the moment he tweeted his May 12th “veiled threat,” to Mr. Comey.  Drop $5.88 in my Cosmic Tip Jar and I will email it to you, with gratitude for your interest in astrology.

Thank you for reading this forecast. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.



Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 9/9/2016: High-Flying, High Fashion

Good Morning!

The day is driven by the Moon in high-flying Sagittarius, needing to tell everyone and their dog what they think in very blunt and righteous terms. Sagittarius at its best is an optimist that loves a good gamble or gambol, even if that means it sometimes trips over the furniture. With the Moon in Sagittarius until 8:51PM ET on Friday, consider ways to broaden your mind. Get out in nature; treat yourself to a foreign movie or some other culture that is not your own. The sky’s the limit…at least until just before 6PM ET, when the Moon meets up with Saturn and then clashes with Neptune. Heavy and controlling on the one hand; nebulous, scandalous or visionary on the other. If your exuberant beliefs are walloped by a weird, wet blanket around Happy Hour, you’re experiencing the downside potential of a Saturn-Neptune thing.

Important Safety Tip: Mercury is still retrograde. It turns direct on September 22nd. Double check everything thrice before you hit send. If you find yourself having to repeat things you just said, because your target audience didn’t fully understand, be grateful for the opportunity to clarify. Patience and focus are your best friends when Mercury is retrograde. So is silence, especially when rumors are flying.

And now, the news….

…brought to you mostly by this year’s most-talked about planetary pattern: a series of squares between reality check Saturn and surreal Neptune. The second one was on June 17th; the third one is on Saturday.  Themes we expected to see — and have seen — in the news since last September include: refugees, borders, freedom of the press (and lack thereof), thought control, media restructuring, drugs, oils, faith-based beliefs, bubbles and other event that suggest we have fallen down a rabbit hole.

Exhibit A: an in-depth exclusive in Vanity Fair about Elizabeth Holmes, the Stanford dropout whose “revolutionary blood diagnostics company” — Theranos —   has since been exposed as a fraud. Neptune refers to blood and fraud; Saturn refers to the proverbial brick wall. Fun fact: in Ms. Holmes’ horoscope (Feb 3 1984 in Washington DC), her Neptune is at the Aries Point, suggesting Neptune themes will be especially prominent in her life.  The timing of the Vanity Fair expose coincides with a pattern in her horoscope suggesting that her “Neptune issues” are about to pull even bigger focus this month. In the Vanity Fair piece, the reporter notes that Ms. Holmes has a habit of blinking her eyes — enough to be a distraction. In October of 2012, I wrote about what that likely suggests about people with this unconscious habit.  It’s a tangible expression of Neptune’s bewildering fog at play.

Exhibit B: Creepy clowns — creeping people out —  in North and South Carolina? It’s surreal.  The bewildering potential of Saturn together with Neptune is reflected in an NYT headline about the start of Fashion Week: “Everything You Need to Know About This Crazy, Mixed- Up, (Maybe) Very Good Season.”

Speaking of Fashion Week, if you happen to be at the shows in New York and you happen to pick up a copy of Daily Front Row, you’ll see a headline “Astrologers Weigh in on Vous!”  right on the cover. Wow, right? Actually, it was one astrologer (me) and one astonishingly gifted psychic (my dear friend Peri Lyons) who were invited to speculate on the futures of six fab fashion designers. Astrologer, psychic — eh — what’s the difference? A lot.

The article reports that Peri and I both looked at the horoscopes of the designers in question. Not true.  Peri downloaded her impressions from what I call the cosmic iCloud.  I studied the horoscopes based on available data. Only one designer has an exact birth time on public record. Three have exact birth dates. One has a confirmed Sun Sign and birth year (no confirmed birth day). One has only a confirmed Sun Sign — no birth year or birth day — but fortunately your Aries astrologer loves a challenge. What’s super duper cool is that Peri and I arrived at similar conclusions about our subjects, even though our techniques are vastly different.

If you are reading this forecast now because of Daily Front Row, you’ve earned my thanks and a reward for your follow-through. Mention Daily Front Row when you book a consultation, and I will be pleased to offer a 15% discount. This offer is valid until September 30th.

UPDATE: When last we heard from Elizabeth Gilbert — the author of Eat, Pray, Love — she was getting a divorce. Crushing perhaps for millions who were inspired by her relationship with her husband, as it appear to fulfill a dream of finding true love. A look at patterns on her birth date back then revealed:

Certainly we can see the potential for a break, given patterns on her birth date — July 18, 1969 in Waterbury, CT (birth time unknown). Cancer Sun; Moon in perfection-seeking Virgo. Sun conjunct Mercury. Transiting Uranus is putting pressure on Ms. Gilbert’s Sun and Mercury — likely in the form of a need for greater freedom of expression and communication.

We don’t know the exact degree of her Virgo Moon, but it may well be in a hard aspect to her Venus in Gemini, which is definitely under the streamlining influence of Saturn through this fall. Moon-Saturn and Venus-Saturn transits can be isolating and stark…but the silver lining is that out of the sense of lack or loss, a plan for advance may emerge. Finally, we see in her horoscope another pattern between Pluto and Saturn which was exact last month and in effect for most of the year. Pluto-Saturn measurements nearly always suggest hard work required under threat of loss, often with anguish. The NYT report on the split notes that there were hints months ago that this decision was not a sudden move.

Yesterday Ms. Gilbert revealed that her marriage ended when she fell in love with her best friend — a woman — who has been diagnosed with incurable cancer. So now we have a context for the potential suggested by current planetary patterns in her horoscope. Sudden upsets, a need for freedom — unconventional as it may seem, and an ambition realized in the face of something undeniably heavy. She is, as she writes on her Facebook page, “exactly where she is supposed to be.”

Are you exactly where you’re supposed to be? Use your horoscope as a tool for guidance. Here’s how to schedule a personal consultation about you, your significant other, your child, your career — or any other pressing concern. We will have an excellent discussion together.

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Coming up next: Jupiter in Libra — and much more news!



Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 9/24/2015: The Pope & the Naked Capitalist

Today’s Moon in humanitarian Aquarius makes an easy connection to Mercury at 12:08PM ET, supporting a flow of communication and ideas. Mercury is in Libra, seeking balance and harmony as it weighs alternatives. Sweet and rational as Mercury in Libra may be,  it may also present as intense, no-holds barred and corruption-exposing, as it squares Pluto at 6:32PM ET.

I’m listening to Pope Francis sweetly share his thoughts in a joint session of Congress today. Transiting Mercury is exactly trine his Moon in Aquarius and it seems to be going very well. His own Mercury is at 11 Capricorn — supercharged by today’s Mercury-Pluto square at 12 Libra-12 Capricorn, especially since Pluto is at a standstill now, about to turn direct at 2:55AM ET on Friday.  This is a mighty persuasive transit for a natal chart which already expresses a need for practical ideas, taken to a rarefied level with an easy connection to visionary Neptune.  He’s just sweetly suggested to Congress that it ditch the death penalty.

Later tonight, innovation and tolerance are well supported by a contact to the Moon from Uranus at 10:04PM ET. At 10:18PM ET Mars, the action hero planet, leaves regal Leo for service-oriented Virgo. Perfection and detailed organization in action are Mars in Virgo’s strong points, and with Mercury currently retrograde, cleaning and organizing your files, diet and other elements of your daily routine would be a worthwhile project.

You’ll feel the boost of energy Mars can provide more personally if you have a planet or angle around the early degrees of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius.

Oh good…the Pope is talking about the need to stop trashing the planet (applause). And stomp out poverty. That’s not enough for one climate scientist, who has dismissed the Pope’s agenda as “raving nonsense” because in the scientist’s mince-no-words opinion, the Pope is missing half of the story.

Ship it today if it must ship this week, as the Moon will be void just after midnight tonight, not to enter Pisces until 3:44PM ET on Friday.

And now, the news.

Celebratory social expression that belongs to everyone? Could be a reflection of yesterday’s Moon in Aquarius, coupled with a trine between Venus in party-hearty Leo and Uranus in me-me-me Aries, as a judge ruled that everyone’s favorite song —“Happy Birthday” — was in the public domain and has been for a decades. Will those millions of dollars in royalties paid to the music publisher who claimed it owned the copyright now be refunded?

Meanwhile, lack of focus and attention to details. The potential for gaffes increases when Mercury is retrograde. Consider the news director at WGN in Chicago who issued an apology after the station aired a Nazi symbol to illustrate a story about Yom Kippur.

Yesterday I explained how the Sun is at the Aries Point at the beginning of each season, suggesting prominence. Also at the Aries Point now and conjunct the Sun is the North Node, a.k.a. the nodal axis. The Sun refers to leaders. One way to interpret the nodal axis is that it suggests meetings or connections with the public. I find it interesting that this week we have Pope Francis meeting with leaders in Cuba and the U.S. We also have the Chinese president — Xi Jinping — meeting with President Obama.

Elsewhere, a huge public meeting has become prominent catastrophe, as over 700 were killed in a pedestrian traffic jam outside Mecca

… when two large groups of pilgrims who were preparing for one of the last major rites of their trip met on an intersection of two roads, Saudi authorities said.

Meanwhile, shock and outrage continues to be lobbied at Martin Shkreli, the 30-something former hedge fund manager who infamously jacked the price of a life-saving drug from $13 to $750 per pill  overnight. Mr. Shrkeli has since backed down on the price hike, whilst noting the reduced profit may necessitate staff cuts. Mundane astrologers in assorted chat forums have been scrambling to see what kind of horoscope would produce such a naked display of greed at the expense of saving lives.

Mr. Shkreli was born in Brooklyn on April 1, 1983 — he’s an Aries whose Sun was supercharged by Uranus and Pluto in recent years, more power to him. His Moon is likely either at the very end of Scorpio or very early part of Sagittarius, with an ambitious agenda likely triggered by transiting Saturn in recent weeks. He has a tough-as-nails Saturn-Pluto conjunction opposed by a high-functioning Mars (action) in pioneering me-me-me Aries. This suggests militant, persuasive, take-no-prisoners action.

It is fascinating that Neptune (drugs, vision, intangibles) is at 29 Sagittarius, at the Aries Point and conjunct the South Node. So we can see how drugs could become a point of fame in his horoscope — and to a classical astrologer, perhaps a point of self-destruction. To a modern astrologer, we’d note the potential for some bewildering mother issues. Anyway, all that was just triggered by the Sun-North Node at the Aries Point, squaring his Neptune.  Oh and he has Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius (there’s your potential high-risk, big dream, hedge fund speculator)…and that big dream potential is currently being squared by Neptune (scandal, visions, drugs). And let’s not forget his Mercury in Aries, currently supercharged by transiting Uranus. What a buzz this man has going on!

But here’s the thing.

Everyone is angry at this guy — rightfully so. But just a couple of days ago, the NYT ran a story about how, under the so-called Affordable Care Act, insurance companies are slooooooowly increasing premiums and raising deductibles to a level where middle-class consumers are refraining from getting possibly necessary and life-saving care because they can’t afford to pay the out-of-pocket costs: deductibles and co-pays. And their premiums are getting higher. So yes, everyone has insurance, but they Care the are getting in return is hardly Affordable.  But the insurance industry is booming.

Where is the outrage?

Really, according to planetary patterns, it should be well on its way…

Thank you for reading this forecast.




Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 6/4/2015: Takin’ Care of Business; Disney is Up

Up and at ’em. A pro-active, business-oriented Capricorn Moon drives the day mostly free and clear. It pauses briefly around 2PM ET to gather a bit of inspiration and vision from Neptune, so note what is channeled your way.

At 11:07PM ET the Moon makes its weekly clash with potent Pluto, deepening power urges and emotional catharses. The weekly jolt with Uranus follows on Friday at 6:54AM ET, suggesting more than the usual excitement tomorrow morning.

Ship it today, as the Moon will be void from 6:54AM ET until 1:02AM ET on Saturday. There’s a nice cooperation connection between Mars (action) and Jupiter (expansion) in effect now and exact tomorrow night. Use it to aid your quest for world domination.

And now, the news.

I could write a lot about Walt Disney’s horoscope. As in — wow, what an innovative communicator (and marketeer)  in the world of entertainment (Sun conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius in the 3rd House). Or — boy, does this horoscope mean business (Mars– Jupiter–Saturn conjunct in Capricorn) — and gee, what potential in real estate and other home/family concerns (the conjunction is in the 4th house). And just look at that visionary Neptune demanding prominence at the Aries Point and sitting right on top of the chart (career/reputation), energizing a people-pleasing Moon in Libra (which drives the whole horoscope). And what a mask of perfection — down to the last detail (suggested by a Virgo Ascendant).

The most-viewed article from yesterday’s New York Times is about longtime employees in the tech department at Walt Disney World. They were pink -slipped, despite having outstanding performance records. Then they were required to train their replacements, who were imported to the U.S. on temporary H-1B visas by an outsourcing company based in India. Presumably the temp workers were much cheaper to hire than the longtime Disney staffers.

It’s interesting that the article was published in the aftermath of a Full Moon at 11 Sagittarius. Walt Disney’s Sun is at 12 Sagittarius. It’s also interesting that transiting Pluto is currently at 15 Capricorn, exactly conjunct Disney’s Jupiter (suggesting an expansion of power and resources). Just this week an analyst projected that Disney’s stock could go up as much as 50%. Fascinating.

Mr. Disney’s horoscope will be hit by other significant transits in the near future, and as I said, much more could be written. But really, I’d much rather talk about you. What’s going on in your horoscope? How will you maximize opportunities suggested by planetary patterns. Personal consultations are always meaningful and enlightening– here’s the 411.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 4/16/2015: Pluto Retrograde; Corporate Musings

Chill and go with the expansive flow. Moon is void in dreamy Pisces until 5PM ET. You know the drill: be advised of a higher than average potential for flakes and twists in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. After 5PM ET, the pace and focus should pick up noticeably when Moon enters me-me-me Aries.

Meanwhile, the “expansive” part of today’s flow comes courtesy of an energized connection between Mars (action) and Jupiter in regal Leo — exact on Friday at 8:29PM ET, but in effect all this week. How big is beautiful? Size 24 apparently, as supersized model Tess Munster makes headlines by becoming the biggest ever to sign with a mainstream agency. Doubleplus good for her. Meanwhile, fat yoga, anyone?

Biggest news today is potent Pluto turning retrograde in Capricorn just before midnight. Retrograde planets suggest a time to look inward for authority in whatever matters ruled by that planet. Pluto is power, control, regeneration, transformation, healing. So stop trying to control the world around you, already. Work on controlling (mastering) your own inner world — and then the world around you will start to reflect your newly-masterful self.  Y’know? You’ll feel the potential for a change of perspective more personally if you have a planet or angle halfway through  Aries, Libra, Cancer — and especially Capricorn.

Pluto will continue to hover around 13-15 degrees of Capricorn through the rest of the year. In June and July, it hits 13 degrees and triggers that Cardinal Grand Cross everyone and their dogs were talking about last April. 13-15 degrees Capricorn is in a obsessive-compulsive relationship with 0 degrees Cancer, a.k.a. the Aries Point, so we can expect continuing prominent power plays, changes of perspective and inner transformations in matters of hallowed government and corporate institutions, especially as related to Cancer concerns such as motherhood, nurturing (food), home and home security.

Take Monsanto, for example. In the summer of 2013, The Mountain Astrologer ran a fascinating cover story about Monsanto’s horoscope, concluding with the author’s opinion that Monsanto might well be affected by the status quo-disrupting potential of the Uranus-Pluto square. And when I looked at the horoscope (Nov 29, 1901 at 12p in Jefferson City, MO) for the filing of the initial incorporation papers, a potent conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn at 14 degrees of corporate Capricorn pulled focus. Also of note: Neptune (toxins, ideals, chemicals, vision, deception, drugs, spirit) in Cancer  at 0 degrees. Isn’t it interesting that Monsanto is perhaps best-known for GMO foods, pesticides and a certain lack of transparency? Neptune (ideals/deception/toxins) in Cancer (nourishment). Astrology is an amazing language.

So this Neptune in Monsanto’s horoscope is in an obsessive relationship with its Jupiter-Saturn meet-up, and also with Uranus (innovation, technogeek) in Sagittarius (sky’s the limit). Neptune with Jupiter suggests faith, healing and rose-colored legal eagles; Neptune with Saturn suggests a nebulous component to its structure (albeit with the potential for great compassion); Neptune with Uranus is a potentially freaky disruption of the ideal. Remember the Goth trend of the early 90s? That was Neptune conjunct Uranus in Capricorn. Freaky. In black (Capricorn, natch).


Around the time of 1) the 7th Uranus-Pluto square on March 16th (at 15 Aries-Capricorn); 2) the New Moon/Solar Eclipse at 29 Pisces on March 20th; and 3) the Vernal Equinox at the Aries Point, also on March 20th, I expected that we’d see something significant about Monsanto in the headlines. And in fact, we did.  On March 20th, it was reported that a World Health Organization study had concluded that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round-Up, the world’s most widely-used weed killer, “probably causes cancer in humans”. What timing! Not surprisingly, within days, Monsanto demanded a retraction, as papers such as the NYT published an op-ed calling for glyphosate to be pulled off the market until it could be proven safe beyond a doubt.

Let’s see how this story has developed by the end of June, when Mars will meet up with Monsanto’s Neptune, and Pluto will be close to an exact hit to Monsanto’s Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. It will also be interesting to see what happens in 2016 when transiting Saturn conjoins Monsanto’s 6-7 degree Sagittarius Sun and Midheaven, triggering a lunar eclipse that happened at 7 degrees of Sagittarius on May 25th of 2013. As the The Mountain Astrologer notes, that day coincided with the “first worldwide protest against one company: Monsanto,” followed by its “worst week ever”.

General Electric also made headlines this week when it announced plans to 1) sell its once hugely-profitable GE Capital division; and 2) partner with producers Brian Grazer and Ron Howard on a new techie television series called “Breakthrough”. So I looked at GE’s horoscope, too — April 15, 1892 at 12pm in New York. GE is a pioneering Aries with Moon at 3 Sagittarius, which is currently being conjoined by transiting Saturn. We could expect some separations and also structured ambition related to the empowered visionary needs of Neptune and Pluto opposing its Sagittarius Moon. GE’s innovative brilliance is suggested by a face-off between mental Mercury and technogeek/rocket scientist Uranus, prominently placed near the angles of the chart.

Interesting that these announcements were made when transiting Mars met up with its natal Mercury (the communicator, of course). We can expect more innovative risks this year and into next, as transiting Uranus fires up GE’s natal Mars in enterprising Capricorn. Monsanto has Mars in Capricorn, too.

Meanwhile, Uranian-Pluto upheavals continue to make headlines in the form of strikes, power plays and other disruptions.  I love this story about a Seattle CEO who took to heart a study concluding that the key to happiness was about $70K a year. Less than that causes stress; anything more is just icing on the cake — but does not increase overall happiness. So he’s reducing his $1 million dollar/year salary and giving everyone else in the company a raise — to $70K. The company is called Gravity — a credit card processor — and if I can work with them instead of PayPal, I’ll switch.

News from underground is another trend when Pluto is active in the cosmos. Here’s a story about a woman who believes composting could be the wave of the future when it comes to burying your loved ones. Meanwhile, in Italy…you won’t believe what this man discovered under his home when he embarked on a quest to fix a toilet.

Remember that the Moon is void until 5PM ET today. If you have time on your hands to work on something of no consequence, put your brain to work on this logic problem from Singapore that went viral this week. Can you figure out when Cheryl’s birthday is? You missed mine.

If you’d rather focus on your birthday (and who would blame you), here’s how you can contact me to discuss the unique patterns at your birth that created the magical miracle that is you.

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday-Tuesday 4/13-14/2015: Hillary’s Big Announcement; Sneak Peek at the Week

Good afternoon!

The work week begins with the Moon in humanitarian Aquarius, cruising without too much interference until 3:45PM ET on Tuesday, when it goes void for barely 30 minutes. At 4:12PM ET, Moon shifts gears from the cerebral Air Sign to the emotional Water Sign of Pisces, suggesting a need to go with the intuitive flow.

Mixed messages may crop up on Tuesday night. On the one hand, there’s an ego-indulgent alignment between the Moon and Venus at 10:51PM ET.  Ooh — cake! On the other hand, there’s an ambitious and/or restrictive alignment between Moon and Saturn at 10:59PM ET. Didn’t you say you were dieting? You’ll feel this push-pull more personally if you have a planet or angle around 4 degrees of Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Pisces. Collectively, we may all see stern headlines about strong women, streamlined finances, serious social graces and other values, as Venus is subsequently opposed by Saturn at 12:25AM ET on Wednesday. Here are some headlines from a prior harsh alignment between Venus and Saturn — last paragraph.

Other planetary shifts this week include mental Mercury, which leaves zippy Aries for steady Taurus at 6:52PM ET on Tuesday. That should slow down the pace of collective thought and communication for a few weeks. On Thursday, Pluto turns retrograde, mostly affecting people with planets and angles at 15 Capricorn. On Saturday, we’ll have a New Moon starting at 2:57PM ET, so use the rest of this week to wrap up your projects started at the New Moon — gawd how time flies — on March 20th.

And now, the news.

To no one’s surprise, Hillary Clinton announced on Sunday that she was running for president, and is now on her way to Iowa. Here was the forecast for Sunday:

Sunday morning is lovely for sleeping in, as the Moon will be void between 4:15AM and 1:44PM ET. There’s pixie dust in the air, helpful for artistry and healing, suggested by a cooperative connection between Mars and Neptune. This patterns also supports fantasy and showbiz types, including those who might want to sell you a bill of goods. Don’t buy it during the Moon void.

After the void, the Moon enters Aquarius, favoring gatherings of friends, especially with such an easy connection to the aforementioned chatty Venus in Gemini at 4:08PM ET. The menu might be quite exotic, as well as your guests.

So what do you think? Did Hillary Clinton pick a good day to launch a campaign? There was some debate among astrologers as to what event should mark its official start, and I’m going with 3:27PM ET, which is when her intention to run was announced on her Twitter feed. Also, if you had picked that time in a contest held by The Washington Post, you would have won. Alas, I did not see that contest until today.

Looking at the chart for 3:27PM  in Chappaqua, NY, a few things stand out. First, the Moon is not void and it is in Aquarius, which aims to be everyone’s best friend. Take a look at the diversity showcased in this introductory campaign video. Lovely pixie dust, right? Second, the Moon is in a fine alignment with Venus, which is beautifully placed at the top of the chart. Third, ambitious Saturn is actively engaged with  Ascendant and the Midheaven. This suggests a serious effort, driven by Saturn in righteous Sagittarius ideals. opposed by Venus in eloquent Gemini.

With Virgo rising, we’d expect an image of perfect organization — definitely no drama, despite the drama potential of the candidate herself (she has Mars and Pluto conjunct in Leo). Interesting that the chart ruler — Mercury in pioneering Aries — is not applying to any other planet in the chart. It’s forging ahead on its own.

Nebulous Neptune in this chart has pluses and minuses, as it is also making contact with the Ascendant and Midheaven. On the plus side: vision, charisma, glamor and the aura of a savior. On the down side: potential fog in presentation and interpretation.

If you like learning about Fixed Stars, you may find it fun to know that Mars, planet of action in the chart, is conjunct the Fixed Star Schedir, which refers to “the Queen; female power” (with a certain caveat). Isn’t that interesting? Mars is in an energetic relationship with Jupiter and in easy alignment with Pluto, suggesting stamina and resources (albeit with a potential for overexertion).

We’ll look at Hillary Clinton’s personal horoscope in another forecast. Meanwhile, I am compelled to call attention to NYT columnist David Brooks and his latest Sunday op-ed, because it is getting so much attention on social media — at least here in NY.

Since last fall, Mr. Brooks has been enjoying an expansive transit of Jupiter to his Mercury, Sun and Moon — all in Leo, which is where Jupiter is now. He’s also been experiencing a period in which spiritual concerns would likely become prominent — noted a couple of times before in this forecast — and especially this year, there is a strong suggestion of a need to take action on them. What is the title of this op-ed? “The Moral Bucket List”. Everyone is like “OMG…this is exactly what life should be about!” Check it out.

I wonder if David Brooks has ever consulted with an astrologer. Or Hillary Clinton, for that matter….


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 3/31/2015: Trevor Noah, Jon Stewart’s Heir-Apparent

Moon enters Virgo at 2:12PM ET, ready to sweep up the confetti and sort out the drama that may have played on your stage yesterday. A need for action is suggested by an easy connection between the Moon and Mars soon thereafter. Inspiring and bold analysis may be tempered or facilitated by an easy alignment between Mercury and Saturn, exact on Thursday, but in effect now. General good cheer and plans for expansion may be moved along by another alignment between the Sun and Jupiter. also exact on Thursday.

In other news, Mars, planet of action, slows down its pace as it leaves impulsive Aries and heads into steady Taurus at 12:27PM ET. Note the potential for an ambitious advance or wet blanket around 11:42PM ET, as the perfection-seeking Virgo Moon squares off with taskmaster Saturn.

And now, the news.

Yesterday I noted the potential for prominent news about endings in the headlines, suggested by Mercury hitting 29 Pisces, triggering the degree of last week’s New Moon/eclipse. Exhibit A: it was reported that Andreas Lubitz, who piloted Germanwings 4U9525 into a mountain last week, had been treated for “suicidal tendencies”. Exhibit B: a U.S. pharmacists’ group is encouraging its members to not provide drugs used in lethal injections, thus making it harder (presumably) for states to carry out death penalty sentences. Exhibit C: the governor of Arizona signed a bill “requiring abortion providers to tell women they can reverse the effects of a drug-induced abortion,” even though science does not support such a claim. And that’s all on the NYT homepage now.

Don’t get me started on the legislative efforts we are likely to see over the next couple of years, as Saturn (law, control) makes its way through Sagittarius (collective belief; religious dogma). Add in the approaching challenge to Saturn from Neptune (faith, spirits of all kinds, surreal) in Pisces (ditto) that will also be in effect, and some laws are likely to be…transcendental.

Exhibit D: a successor has been appointed to take over for Jon Stewart, when he prominently ends his run as host of The Daily Show. Trevor Noah was born on February 20, 1984 — no birth time reported yet. His Sun is at 0 Pisces, and would have been impacted by February’s New Moon in Pisces. His Venus is at 0 Aquarius and would have been boosted by January’s New Moon at 0 Aquarius. His Neptune is at 0 Capricorn — the Aries Point — and would have gotten a boost from last week’s New Moon/Eclipse/Equinox — all at the Aries Point. And to top it all off, I would think that Noah’s socially gracious Libra Moon is being supercharged by Uranus and Pluto — and perhaps his Ascendant and Midheaven, too — which would be reflected by his “sudden” prominence. When your horoscope is hot, you’re likely to be hot, too. Wouldn’t it be fun to know about these hot times in advance?

UPDATE: Patterns in Mr. Noah’s horoscope are formidable. A Mars-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio squaring Mercury in Aquarius suggests mindset and communication that can be ruthlessly disciplined, provocative and intense. Emotional intensity and depth of perspective are echoed by another square between Venus and Pluto.


Last, but not least: you may recall a recent forecast in which I randomly listed seven people born with Sun at 29 Pisces or 0 Aries — and thus might be “eclipsed” by the New Moon/solar eclipse on March 20th. One of them was Harvey Weinstein — and here’s how he made headlines yesterday, when Mercury (information, communication) was at 29 Pisces, triggering that eclipse and conjoining his 29 Pisces Sun.  Coincidence or conspiracy?

To find out why you are the way you are — and how you can use awareness of planetary cycles to live your life better, consider scheduling a personal astro-logical consultation. You may not believe in astrology, but rest assured that astrology believes in you.

Thank you for reading this forecast.


Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 5/18/2012: Mark Zuckerberg & the Facebook Obsession

Information about worth and  thinking about the way things should be could dominate the day, as mental Mercury runs wild in the materialistic, resistant-to-change sign of Taurus. And that’s where the Moon — the planet that drives the need of the day — is, as of 6:03 AM ET.

Add to this mix a separating — but still optimistic and expansive Sun-Jupiter hook-up (also in Taurus). Toss in an over-the-top waste of emotions, suggested by loving Venus retrograde in an obsessive connection with ruthless Pluto, plus an equally obsessive connection between old guard Saturn (corporations, structure, discipline) and avant garde Uranus (innovation, rebel, technology). Mix it up with the lingering afterglow of the dazzling pixie dust of the challenging Mars (action) – Neptune (illusion, ideal) opposition that’s been reflected in the news since March.

Sounds like a perfect backdrop for the most talked about IPO in history — a.k.a. the sale of publicly traded stock in Facebook. And with regal Leo on the Ascendant at 11AM ET in New York, it’s hard to imagine this event disappointing in terms of projected confidence and regal glamour. Overvalued? With Venus retrograde, perhaps. Venus is the co-ruler of the MC (public status) of the IPO chart (assuming it starts on time), suggesting it may not be “full speed ahead” as it adjusts to its new public status. And really, who launches anything on a dead Moon just days before an eclipse? Someone who has not consulted an astrologer! Looking at the chart for the launch of Facebook on February 4, 2004, we immediately see Pluto and Uranus right on Facebook’s Saturn (structure)…suggesting a disruption of the status quo & enormous effort and controls required against a threat (real or imagined) of possible loss. Let’s see where that stock is a year from now.

In your own personal world, note the inspired visions that hit you around lunchtime on the East Coast. How will they influence your management of the potentially overwhelming flow of information likely driving this day? The need here is to make visions real…and on a Friday, no less. It’s usually lovely to have the Moon in sensual Taurus through the weekend, giving you time to indulge in feel-good activities — whatever makes you feel comfortable and secure. Do your major shopping on Saturday, as the Moon is void of course from 8:35AM – 7:05PM ET on Sunday.

More on Facebook — specifically, Mark Zuckerberg (5/14/84 — time unknown — White Plains, NY). Today I was watching an interview with him from several years ago. He comes across as very calm and controlled  on camera — a rock solid Taurus. But was that a bit of a stare I saw in his expression? Where was the Scorpio in his horoscope, I wondered (the “Scorpio stare” is not an astrological myth; it’s a fact).

Sure enough, Moon, aggressive Mars and disciplined Saturn are all  together in Scorpio. How this man needs to be seen as a person of depth and substance, using knowledge for the sake of power and control! How he could build all the way down to hell…or all the way up to heaven! Rebel genius Uranus in pie-in-the-sky Sagittarius runs wild in the horoscope — seeking an anchor with two key midpoints that suggest a need for a strong sense of purpose and a soulful need to be of service. Ruthless Pluto — also in Scorpio — challenges mental Mercury, suggesting incisive thinking and a mind that could shred you to pieces if provoked. Driving passions…to the point of obsession? Sure, the horoscope suggests those, too. Nebulous Neptune is at the Aries Point, suggesting a need to become known for working with intangibles. Other measurements suggest an instinctive nose for business and an earthy, practical generosity.

Happy Friday!