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Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 12/11/2013: The Comforting Conservatism of Jupiter Trine Saturn

More of the same from yesterday, only with less of the edge you may have experienced before nightfall. The Moon is still charging through impulsive, fiery and adorably self-absorbed Aries, but by the time you wake up — at least in the Americas — it will have moved past irritable action-oriented Mars, disruptive Uranus and ruthless Pluto. Huzzah! You may well find spirits lifting throughout the day, courtesy of Moon’s connection to Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy, around suppertime ET.

Take advantage of the cooperative — albeit risk-averse — spirit suggested by tomorrow’s harmonious alignment between jolly Jupiter and stern Saturn. We’ve seen a couple of headlines reflecting potentially “good for business” news: after so many months of talk that it felt like the thing had passed already, the “Volcker Rule” finally looks like a done deal. Banks may not be thrilled about this regulation, which allegedly bans banks from engaging in proprietary trading.  Though apparently there will be exceptions to the rule, and the rule won’t go into effect until 2015, etc., etc., whatever. Meanwhile — I hope you are sitting down — because Congress has reached a budget deal — and it’s being hailed as a “modest compromise.” See? No risks happening here. Thank you, Jupiter trine Saturn.

In other news, consider and contrast this truly high-flying item reflecting Tuesday’s exact trine between mental Mercury and rebel Uranus: a robotic mission to Mars is announced — that is intended to pave the way for the first human colony on the Red Planet. But wait, there’s more: evidence of a freshwater lake (since dried up) has also been discovered. Whoa!

Last but not least, the second installment of the NYT’s in-depth report about Dasani, the indomitable 12-year-old girl whose family is homeless — and somehow surviving — in New York. Awareness of income inequality is one potential reflection of current planetary patterns, doncha’ know…and that’s why I’m bringing this poignant story to your kind attention.

Want to know what’s going on in your horoscope? Contact me to schedule a personal astro-logical consultation. And thank you for reading — and sharing — this forecast.


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 12/10/2013: Charge!

Readers across the Pond may notice the shift into neutral suggested by the void-of-course Moon from 1:41AM ET – 8:06AM ET today…many in the Americas will sleep right through it. Once the Moon does engage, it charges ahead in warrior Aries. Cue Reveille now, please. And I do mean “charge,” given that the Moon will be opposed by action hero Mars at 10:40AM ET, suggesting the potential for a clash or outburst of will. Be careful on the roads…

This zippy pace is noticeably different than the dreamier flow of Monday’s Moon in Pisces. Much can be accomplished — with more inspired ideas courtesy of a harmonious alignment between mental Mercury in high-flying Sagittarius and innovative Uranus.

And now, the news.

OMG — talk about empathy, compassion, suffering and institutions — all Moon in Pisces keywords. The NYT hit a home run yesterday with the first of five installments in a series called Invisible Child.  Fact: there are more than 22,000 homeless children in New York — more than any time since the Great Depression. If every homeless child was invited to a concert in Madison Square Garden, there wouldn’t be enough seats for over 4000 of them.

Invisible Child focuses on one 12-year-old girl  over the course of a year. Her name is Dasani — and The Coca-Cola Company should immediately become her patron saint. Dasani is the oldest of eight brothers and sisters, one of whom is legally blind. Her parents have struggled with drug addiction. They are homeless. How do they manage to survive? Read the article. Of course when it revealed her birth date (May 26, 2001),  I looked up her horoscope.

Dasani seems so much older than her chronological age — no surprise, given that her pixie-chatterbox Gemini Sun is tempered by a heavy conjunction with stern Saturn. That is serious. We’d expect a strong awareness of responsibility, and in fact, she spends a lot of her time taking care of her siblings and her mother. It helps that her Moon is in nurturing Cancer; she needs emotional security. She often gets into fights — verbal and physical — with her peers. Well, of course she would, with an exact opposition between mental Mercury in Gemini and Mars in rowdy Sagittarius. Not to mention Venus in Aries — sign of a warrior in social expression — impulsive, inspiring and indomitable. Just read the article. Maybe if enough people read it, we can have some productive discussions on how we’ve gotten to a point in the world where so few people have so much more than everyone else.

As it turns out, planetary patterns do suggest an overturning of the status quo — though not without a fight. Fast-food workers striking for a higher minimum wage are likely just the beginning. As for how much money you’re likely to earn, based on your Myers-Briggs personality type, here are the results of that study.

OK…other news. How about a story about magical (Mercury-Neptune) thinking out of the box (Mercury-Uranus). It seems our intelligence agencies have been practicing their Secret Squirrel activities disguised as orcs and trolls —  in role-playing fantasy worlds like Second Life and World of Warcraft. No word on whether they discovered any suspicious activities. Meanwhile, 500 of the world’s leading authors are calling for a “digital bill of rights,” arguing that “state surveillance of personal data is theft.”

Mercury-Uranus aspects can suggest brilliance, nervous energy, madness or at the very least, an unconventional mindset. Here’s a fascinating item about autism: a new study suggests that some of the behaviors associated with the condition are actually gastro-intestinal issues and could be treated with probiotics. That’s your PSA of the day.

Why not gift yourself — or a special someone on your holiday shopping list –with a personal astro-logical consultation? I have lovely gift certificates to email or snail mail — and here’s the 411 on all that.


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 12/9/2013: Woodrow Wilson & Leonardo DiCaprio’s Perfect Match

A sensitive, soulful Pisces Moon starts off the work week, along with First Quarter square from the gamboling/gambling Sagittarius Sun at 10:10AM ET. This suggests a challenge to whatever New Moon agenda you set last week, though there’s enough optimism offered by a harmonious connection from expansive Jupiter to give you hope of quashing whatever obnoxious fly lands in your ointment. Your brain could channel all sorts of innovation solutions today and tomorrow, courtesy of an inventive alignment between mental Mercury and rebel Uranus. Think outside the box!

Your Moon voids this week: Tuesday 1:41AM ET – 8:06AM ET; Thursday 10:37AM ET – 3:40PM ET — not bad for productivity and holiday gift shopping. Know anyone who might appreciate being gifted with a personal astro-logical consultation? I have a few gaily — yet tastefully — decorated gift certificates I would be delighted to send via snail mail or email. That “anyone” might even be you. Here’s the 411 on all the various consultations to choose from.

There’s plenty to report in the news, including ongoing upheaval in Thailand and the Ukraine — areas to watch for ever-escalating tensions at the end of the month.  More accidents and aggression pulled focus over the weekend, reflected by physical Mars at the prominent Aries Point (0 Libra, on Saturday). One accident led to a rare eruption of violence in Singapore; bad weather and careless driving led to another 50+ car pile-up — this time in Pennsylvania.  But the story I had to investigate further was Maureen Dowd’s Sunday NYT column entitled, “Woodrow Wilson, Stud Muffin”.

Really, Woodrow Wilson? Stud muffin? Yes, really — and a Pulitzer prize-winning author — A. Scott Berg — wrote a book about our 28th president that was published a few months ago. Not only that, but Leonardo DiCaprio has optioned the book. I had to investigate the planetary patterns behind these events. So here they are. Woodrow Wilson is a Capricorn — born Dec 29 1856 (here is the horoscope). If you’ve been paying any attention to my writings on the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square, you know that Capricorns born at the end of December were super-charged in 2012 and 2013. Saturn, which rules Wilson’s Capricorn Sun, is at 11 Cancer — also under the influence of Uranus and Pluto.  We’d expect Wilson to become more prominent and empowered during this time.

But Pluto and Uranus aren’t finished with Wilson’s horoscope yet. Wilson’s Ascendant is 15 degrees of Libra; his Midheaven (career status/reputation) is 17 Cancer; his Mercury is 18 Cancer…and all three points will be super-charged by Uranus-Pluto in 2015. If the film is made — and released in 2015, it should get quite a bit of attention. Let the record also show that right now, transiting Jupiter (expansion, publishing) is on Wilson’s Midheaven, suggesting public recognition/honor — and it’s been there since mid-September, when the book and movie deal hit the headline. Makes sense!

As for the “stud muffin” part, that’s easy to see — with loving Venus and horny Mars exactly conjunct in Aquarius (and square to Uranus), we could expect Wilson to have a bit of a buzz about him, unconventional relationships and a strong appreciation for friendship. Other aspects to Pluto in his horoscope suggest intense emotional engagement — even with all that “I love you, but don’t take it personally” Aquarius/Uranus emphasis.

There are other intriguing measurements in Wilson’s horoscope that suggest a strong connection with the public right now, and any students of astrology should check out the current solar arcs. They are fun, but what is going on in Leonardo DiCaprio’s horoscope is even more fun, as it reflects perfectly his connection to Woodrow Wilson! DiCaprio is a Scorpio — born 11/11/74– here is the horoscope. He has Moon at 15 Libra — exactly on Wilson’s Ascendant — this is a compelling emotional connection. Not only that, DiCaprio’s has three planets — Sun, Venus and Saturn — making an easy connection with Wilson’s Midheaven. Sweet!

Solar arcs and transits in DiCaprio’s horoscope over the next 2-4 years suggest increased public prominence and acclaim. The synchronicity with Wilson’s horoscope is faaaaaascinating –I could write more — but for now,  I’m dashing this off — and we’ll see how this film project develops over the next two years. Di Caprio should do very well, regardless.

Glad to hear so many enjoyed my thoughts on Mars in Libra — posted Friday. Thank you for your kind emails of appreciation.

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 12/6/2013 & The Weekend: Mercury Square Neptune; Mars in Libra

Moon entered the humanitarian sign of Aquarius at 1:53AM ET, suggesting a focus today on matters of social significance. Innovative, imaginative and empathetic thoughts and communication can be yours, suggested by the rose-colored challenge between mental Mercury and dreamy Neptune — yes, we’ve been talking about it all week — and it’ll finally be exact at 4:31PM ET. That aspect suggests bigger-than-usual tabs at watering holes everywhere, given the Mercury-Neptune square’s need for a (spiritual) escape.

Mercury-Neptune contacts can also refer to  music, and isn’t it interesting that the hills and airwaves were alive with The Sound of Music — broadcast live last night on NBC — and earned record ratings? Interesting that the Julie Andrews movie everyone knows and loves was released in 1965, during the Uranus-Pluto conjunction. Here’s what the cast members of that film are doing now.

At 7:11AM ET on Saturday, the Aquarius Moon goes void on a “wet blanket” challenge from stern Saturn. Moon won’t enter the next sign — Pisces — until 3:34AM ET. That means no impulse purchases at yard sales — and really, I’d hold off on holiday shopping until Sunday, when the Moon will actually be in gear.  The Moon void should make for some interesting football games — likely favoring the underdog — and strikingly aggressive. This is suggested by action hero Mars entering Libra at 3:41PM ET, where it will remain….now pay attention here…until July 27, 2014.

Why will Mars be in Libra for so long? Because on March 2nd, Mars will turn retrograde — at 27 Libra. It will turn direct at 9 Libra on May 21st. Mars goes retrograde every two years — here’s a blurb written just before the last retrograde in 2012, so you know what to expect. Mars in Libra can be challenging. Libra is a partnership-oriented energy that dislikes conflict. Mars is an ego-oriented energy that thrives in battle — or on a crusade. Thus becoming a “warrior for peace” would be an exalted manifestation of Mars in Libra. And you know who has Mars in Libra? Many people, of course — but right now I’m thinking about Nelson Mandela, who passed away last night at the age of 95. A “peaceful liberator” reads one headline — here’s his horoscope. Pope John Paul II is another famous warrior for peace who had Mars in Libra — here’s his horoscope. May the lives of these two men serve as inspiring role models over the next several months.

On Sunday, Moon enters soulful Pisces at 3:34AM ET. Note your dreams upon waking, as the Moon will hook up with Neptune at 8:16AM ET. You’ll find plenty to talk about around midday, when Moon is squared by Mercury in opinionated Sagittarius. And yes, feel free to shop for gifts — maybe something intangible will inspire you, such as music, films, all things spiritual and the healing arts. You might even consider gifting someone very special with an astro-logical consultation — contact me for details.

There’s no Moon void on Monday, the start of the next work week. Be prepared to hit the ground running. Meanwhile, have a lovely weekend!


Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 12/5/2013: Practical and Pie-in-the-Sky

Good morning!

Planetary patterns suggest more of the same from yesterday: a proactive Moon in “make-it-happen” Capricorn, aided and abetted by the rose-colored vision of mental Mercury in “pie-in-the-sky” Sagittarius, challenged by nebulous Neptune in empathetic Pisces. My favorite headline reflecting those patterns is this: a Dutch work program for alcoholics that pays participants — in beer. Also in the news: scientists testifying in Congress about how close they are to confirming life forms beyond our home planet. Plus this bewildering story about how the discovery of a 400,000 year-old thigh bone has challenged theories of human evolution.

Heads up to those born around an equinox or solstice…or if you have a planet or angle near 0 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. You may be feeling exceptionally energetic or irritable. That’s because action hero Mars is fast approaching Libra, which is a highly provocative point in the zodiac. This transit is in effect over the next few days. If you don’t know where Mars is in your horoscope, why not consider booking a personal astro-logical consultation? Here’s the 411 on how to make that happen.

Meanwhile, speaking of practical and pie-in-the-sky,  I just have to tell you that yesterday I put on my rose-colored glasses and checked out New York’s new health insurance exchange website — mandated by the Affordable Care Act. I was surprisingly impressed by the number of options available in my county of residence. The premiums are not outrageous, and the deductibles and benefits are much better than what I’m getting with my current health plan. Amazing! Not only that, but for those people whose income is below a certain level, the premium costs may be further reduced. To find out what plans are available in your state, start here. That’s your PSA of the Day.


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 12/4/2013: Mercury in Sagittarius; Pie in the Sky

An enterprising Moon in Capricorn means business this morning, but you’ll be forgiven if you take time to note your dreams upon waking, courtesy of a cooperative connection between the Moon and nebulous Neptune. Go about your business with earthy practicality. Note the potential for an upset as we get close to 3:38PM ET, when that proactive Moon is challenged by rebel Uranus. A few hours later, the need to make things happen can be intense, resulting in an emotional catharsis or power play. You’ll feel it more personally if you have a planet or angle around 8-11 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Capricorn and Libra….or if you were born around the 30th of March, June, September or December.

At 9:42PM ET mindset and communication gets lighter, as mental Mercury fiiiiiinallly ditches intense and controlling Scorpio for the philosophical, pie-in-the-sky world of Sagittarius.  Give yourself a day or so to adjust to the shift in gears, especially with Sagittarius (world-famous for its vulnerability to foot-in-mouth disease). Not only that, but Mercury is fast-approaching an exact square to nebulous Neptune, suggesting exceptionally rose-colored thinking through the weekend. Cue The 5th Dimension now, please. Or The Beatles, if you prefer. And do pay attention when you are in motion over the next few days. Your head may be in the clouds, but keep your feet firmly planted on the ground, lest ye trip and fall.

Speaking of a head in the clouds…you may recall it was no surprise to hear “speed” cited as a possible cause of the Metro North train that derailed in The Bronx on Sunday, killing four people. The chart for the approximate time of the accident — 7:20AM ET — has aggressive Mars prominently placed. And yesterday it was reported that the train was doing 82mph in a 30mph zone. With nebulous Neptune in the area of that chart referring to mindset, I have been waiting for the papers to report that the train engineer’s mental state was seriously befuddled — and here is that headline.

Also in the air — reflecting the aerospace breakthrough suggested by the Monday’s New Moon and the weekend’s harmonious alignment between the high-flying Sagittarius Sun and rocket scientist Uranus in pioneering Aries: have you heard that Amazon can hardly wait to start delivering its wares by air –as in thousands of cute little drones flying right to your front door? Call me a Luddite, but I’m with Maureen Dowd on this one — especially when she tells us how other cute little drones are already being used in so many ways.

Finally, as anticipated in Monday’s forecast — two “good-for-business” headlines reflecting next week’s alignment between expansive Jupiter and authoritarian Saturn: 1) Detroit may file for bankruptcy, rules a federal judge; and 2) Illinois just passed a bill to overhaul its pension system for state workers.

Need another dreamy fix of The 5th Dimension? Here’s “Aquarius/Let the Sun Shine In” — written in 1969, three years after the exact three hits of the Uranus and Pluto conjunction in Virgo.  I wonder what kind of music we’ll be hearing in 2018, three years after the exact seven hits of the current Uranus-Pluto square…


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 12/3/2013: Walk the Talk

New Moon energy in opinionated Sagittarius fuels an energetic synchronicity of thought and action. It’s all yours for the taking, aided by a cooperative flow between mental Mercury and willful Mars, exact at 11:35AM ET. Brainstorm away — and have those heavy discussions early in the day, because as the day progresses — oh, say — after suppertime on the East Coast, there’s less cooperation suggested by a righteous clash between Mars (in perfectionist Virgo) and the Moon (exact at 10:45PM ET). Chill for the next three hours, as Moon will be void until 1:49AM ET on Wednesday…

If you missed yesterday’s forecast, you missed the whole New Moon enchilada and a sneak peek at the rest of the month — check it out…

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 12/2/2013: New Moon in Sagittarius; Sneak Peek at December

Moon entered high-flying Sagittarius at 1:31AM ET, offering the opportunity to lighten up as it joins the  equally high-flying Sagittarius Sun. Did you note your dreams upon waking? I know I was somewhere quite fantastic, no doubt courtesy of a rose-colored challenge to the Moon from (dreamy) Neptune at 5:54AM ET. That aspect, and a tech and people-friendly connection between Moon and innovative Uranus (Happy Cyber Monday!) are driving this dead-Moon day, until finally….the moment we’ve all been waiting for…the New Moon and a new cycle early this evening. Until then, use this work day to wrap up projects from the old lunar cycle.

The New Moon in  Sagittarius officially begins tonight at  7:22PM ET, offering us an opportunity to re-set  intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.  Around the 9th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 17th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on the 25th, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon on January 1st.

Sagittarius refers to collective belief systems —  e.g. law, religion and the philosophical foundations of political inclinations, as well as “big picture” avenues of communicating these beliefs, e.g., publishing, broadcasting and academia. Belief systems are not always factual, yet they’re used to create all sorts of constructs that control how we live in the “real world.” Ooh, deep thought. I had to share it. And needing to share deep thoughts and opinions is very Sagittarian indeed. You don’t have to ask a Sagittarius for input on anything; they’re sure to tell you — bluntly and righteously.  So there.

OK, so. This New Moon. With Sagittarius, the sky’s the limit. Patterns in this New Moon chart are quite optimistic. Mental Mercury (mindset, communication) is under a rose-colored spell cast by nebulous Neptune and in a cooperative alignment with action hero Mars, suggesting an inclination to walk that idealistic talk. You can brainstorm away, and even take a few wobbly steps. Expansive Jupiter is not quite as expansive now, given that it is retrograde, but it is in a harmonious alignment with disciplined Saturn and that’s good for business. Is that good for everyone else?  Well, that’s a matter of opinion, isn’t it?

If you’re one who thrives on disruptions of the status quo, you won’t be disappointed by the headlines as this month progresses. On December 7th, Mars, planet of action, enters Libra, and assertive actions are sure to be noticed. Libra is a partnership-oriented energy, concerned with harmony and balance. Mars is an ego-oriented energy, concerned with exerting will. It’s a challenging placement, unless you’re a warrior for peace. I’ll write more about this later in the week.

On December 17th, we’ll have a Full Moon in Gemini and rebel Uranus turning direct, suggesting more shake-ups as actual facts are revealed. On the 21st, we’ll have the Winter Solstice (a turning point), and Venus (social expression, women, money, beauty) going retrograde in status-conscious Capricorn thru January. That will add to the relationship challenges suggested by Mars in Libra, which will become more prominent through these last days of December. How so? Because Mars — and also the Sun — will make contact with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square (exact 12/25, 12/30 & 1/1/14),  suggesting news from underground, technological breakthroughs, accidents and acts of aggression/rebellion that demand our focus. Stay tuned to this channel for further details.

You will be more personally affected by the intensity of that Mars-Uranus-Pluto challenge if you have a planet or angle between 8-11 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn…or if you were born around the 1st of April, July, October or January. You would benefit strongly from a personal astro-logical consultation at this time.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “the lamp of physical enlightenment in the left temple,” and thank goodness Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee has some helpful thoughts on this cryptic image.

An image of being guided by an illumination, an ideal sense of physical reality. Imagine getting up in the night and walking into an object in the darkness. In that moment, a flash of enlightenment blazes through the experience, turns on the ‘lamp,’ so to speak…

Sounds like a wake-up call to me. Nothing like getting smacked in the head to effect a change of course — or perhaps get real about a dream. How interesting that this one Symbol captures the start and finish of this lunar cycle, yes?

But why the “left temple?” Bovee writes: “the left temple of the head may refer to the rational, analytical function of the brain, although the left side ever refers to the feminine, creative, receptive capacities of the mind and body.” So fascinating! I can’t quote all five paragraphs of Bovee musing here — just get his book already, won’t you? Bottom line, heed Bovee and  be on the watch for physical experiences that “evoke empathy and insight,” including new ways of understanding physical reality. We may be hearing a lot more from “the left” during this cycle, too — and it will likely be more than talk.

You will be more personally affected by the New Moon if you have a planet or angle around 10-11 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces or Virgo…or if you were born around the 1st of December, June, March or September.

And now, the news.

An initial report cites speed as a possible cause of the commuter rail crash that killed four people in the Bronx on Sunday. Yeah, no kidding: the chart for the crash around 7:20AM 12/1/13 has Mars on an angle. Same thing for the 65-car pile-up that happened about 20 minutes earlier in Western Massachusetts. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Following up on the themes suggested by tonight’s New Moon, here’s an intriguing article that argues that America is not one nation united but actually eleven nations thrown together, each with decidedly different belief systems that define decidedly different realities. How the heck does our federal government get anything done, indeed. Here’s the NYT’s Gail Collins with a fabulously entertaining quiz about some things that have been recently accomplished. Here’s a little test that can tell you if you are left-brained or right-brained. And here’s a little song from The Book of Mormon about the amazing things that people can believe — and how they are inspired to take action.

Oh — Moon voids this week — not many. Tuesday 10:45PM ET – Wednesday 1:49AM ET; Friday 12:31AM ET – 1:53AM ET. Get to work!