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" of the most illuminating readers I've come across. She is quick, perceptive and is very fluent with weaving in what she sees in your chart into what's happening and likely to happen and has happened in your life. I plan to keep Elisabeth as one of my periodic life counselors."
New York, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 7/6/2015: Sneak Peek at the Week

Good morning!

I trust you all had a lovely holiday weekend. Here’s what’s on deck for the week:

Today’s Moon continues its journey in Pisces, beautifully supported by the nurturing Cancer Sun and regenerative Pluto around 10AM ET. Whatever power play or purge is dropped on your plate this morning, courtesy of the Sun’s opposition from Pluto at 11:36AM ET may be more easily integrated. A sensitive Pisces Moon can go with the flow more than most, even as it seeks to identify and work with what is most ideal.

You’re more likely to be dealing with a personal power play if you have a planet or point around 14 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. Whatever it is may well be related to something that was lit up for you in mid-March and early April.

Other planetary patterns of note this week include a harmonious connection between Mars in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces, exact on Wednesday. Mars-Neptune aspects suggest charisma and other forms of pixie-dust, facilitating starpower and scams. Less so with the scams, given that is an easy Mars-Neptune connection, but still. This particular configuration conjures up images of nourishment, family, peace offerings, spirituality and (the potential downside) more than a little fanaticism, likely of a religious kind. Combine this with power play of today’s Sun-Pluto push, and it sounds like a great backdrop for Pope Francis to razzle-dazzle ’em in South America this week. Neptune refers to music and other intangible art forms such as photography. The weekend’s final Grateful Dead concert fits the mix, too. So does the cover story of Sunday’s NYT magazine, subtitled “Looking back with Robert Frank, the most influential photographer alive”.

Also happening on Wednesday: mental Mercury finally leaves Gemini for Cancer. Mercury functions ever so quickly and cleverly in Gemini, detached as it can be from weighty emotions. Not so in Cancer. How we feel about it — especially how emotionally secure — is likely to be more of a factor in thoughts and communication until July 23rd. Meanwhile, the 3rd Quarter Moon is also exact on Wednesday, adding an energetic push to the day.

As we get closer to the weekend, shake-ups are in store. Rebel Uranus challenges the Sun late Sunday night — but we’ll feel it beforehand. I doubt you’ll be bored this week, but if you are — just wait until next week, when planetary patterns — including a New Moon — are even more exciting.

Your Moon voids this week are as follows:  Tuesday 10:36AM – 12:37PM ET; Thursday 9:47AM – 3:49PM ET; Saturday 5:52pm – 8:16pm ET. Not too many natural breaks in the action. If you are new to this forecast and unfamiliar with Moon voids, here’s a primer.

And now, the news.

So last week we were thinking that today’s Sun-Pluto power play would be reflected in the ongoing drama in Greece. Yesterday voters rejected the notion of more austerity as a condition for a bailout. Today, banks are still closed and the finance minister has resigned. Last week we were tracking patterns in the horoscope for the establishment of modern Greece’s democracy. Today I’m looking at the chart for Greece’s  independence in February of 1821 and noting that this chart is also under pressure from transiting Pluto through the fall. Next year, when Uranus hits this chart’s Aries Ascendant, we can expect an intensification in areas of shake-ups and break-ups. Until then, this chart is feeling the pressure to streamline as transiting Saturn squares its Sun through August.

We do not have a confirmed birth time for Greece’s Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras. We have enough information to see, however, that persuasive communication and mindset through next year is strongly suggested, as transiting Pluto opposes his Mercury. It is also interesting to note rebel Uranus running wild….and sitting exactly on the 7th house cusp of 1821 chart. We’d expect his  drive for freedom and independence to shake up the whole country.

So much more to talk about. Did you know that today is the birthday of the Republican Party? That’s a horoscope I hoped to write about today, but will have to wait until tomorrow.  The Democratic Party was born on May 13th, 1792. We’ll get to that horoscope, too.

I’ll leave you with a positive power play: the United States won the Women’s World Cup last night. If you were thinking that planetary patterns on Carli Lloyd‘s birth date were supercharged now, you’d be right.

If you’re wondering whether patterns in your horoscope are supercharged, consider scheduling a personal consultation. Here’s the 411.


Astro-logical Forecast for Friday & the Weekend 7/3-5/2015


Exact planetary patterns are light today and tomorrow, with the Moon now in Aquarius. Fitting for the U.S. as it celebrates another birthday tomorrow. It was born with an Aquarius Moon. With “liberty and justice for all…” or at least that was the idea, and how appropriate, given that humanitarian Aquarius is a cerebral sign. Get together with all of your eccentric friends and brainstorm matters of social significance. Planetary patterns among mental Mercury, Jupiter and Venus favor expansion and idealism in your thoughts and communication.

The Moon goes void for two hours on Sunday morning, entering soulful Pisces at 10:23AM ET.  A heavy square between the Moon and Saturn at 8:31AM ET may put an edge on the morning. We’ll likely see more “news from underground,” including matters of power and resources, as the nurturing Cancer Sun is opposed by Pluto on Monday at 11:36 AM ET. The announcement of BP’s $18 billion settlement for its part in the Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster falls into that category. So does this piece about a ginormous dome of radioactive waste in the Marshall Islands that is now leaking.

Right now I’m thinking about Saturn transits, as I scan the headlines. On the plus side, Saturn suggests opportunity for an ambitious reach and/or increased executive authority. On the down side, it suggests separation, streamlining and loss — of favor, material goods and sometimes — sadly — loved ones.

Three men whose horoscopes are undergoing heavy Saturn transits are Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden. We’ve been tracking the progress of Saturn in the President’s horoscope for years. Search the archives for the latest. In the case of Donald Trump, Saturn squaring his Ascendant (combined with other authority-seeking measurements), has coincided with a run for public office.  However, his big Moon-in-Sagittarius mouth has offended numerous business partners who have consequently severed ties.

As for the Vice-President, it was anticipated here last year that 2016 would likely be a time of expansion in his career, preceded by the heavy focus of Saturn on three planets in his horoscope this year. And in fact, it has been heavy for Biden. His son Beau passed away on May 30 at age 46. Loss. But now there is talk of the Vice-President contemplating another presidential run. Ambition.

Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders continues to gather steam, as anticipated — under pressure from Uranus and Pluto

Where is Saturn in your horoscope? Are you on the brink of an ambitious reach? Are Uranus and Pluto putting pressure on you to make a fresh start? Maybe you’re up for a major reward or promotion, courtesy of a Jupiter transit. Awesome, but here’s the thing: if you do not know that this potential is on the horizon, you might miss a valuable opportunity. I could tell you many stories about chances taken because someone knew of an upcoming transit that suggested positive results IF an effort was made. That is the benefit of knowing where you are at in planetary cycles of timing.

People ask me all the time, “how often should I consult with an astrologer”? I’d advise a check-up on your horoscope at least once a year — as often as you would make an appointment with any other healthcare practitioner. If you’re in a crisis mode, you might see an astrologer more often.

And just for fun, check this out:


One of the Sabian Symbols for last month’s Full Moon was “a flag turning into an eagle that crows”. And here it is in the flesh, just in time for 4th of July. Here’s the full story. Thank you for reading this forecast. Have a happy 4th!



Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday & Thursday 7/1-2/2015: Full Moon in Capricorn; Chris Christie; Return of the Hathors

Good Morning!

Moon entered enterprising, Capricorn at  5:11AM, bringing the fiery and lofty aspirations of the past two  days of Moon in Sagittarius down to earth. What can you build on those high ideals?  Look for a boost or a bump in the action around 1:32PM ET, as the strategizing Moon opposes a sensitive (and possibly cranky) Mars in Cancer. Not the time to pick a fight.

The day’s practical agenda is infused with celebratory fallout from yesterday’s meet-up between Venus and Jupiter. Did you see them together in the sky last night? These girls probably did.

Add in a rosy-dreamy alignment between the Sun and Neptune, exact at 5:10pm ET. Mix with the rising tide of emotion that releases at 10:20pm ET, on the Full Moon, which is also aligned with Neptune. Stir it all up with a very active Mercury, which refers to mindset and communication. It touches base with three planets over the next three days, suggesting much potential for innovation, expansion and idealism. Make that pitch, if you haven’t already done so.

Tomorrow we’ll have more of the same, with a potential power play around 6AM ET, as Moon meets up with Pluto…followed by an upset or revelation around 4PM ET, with Moon makes its weekly clash with Uranus.

Here are the Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon. For the Sun at 10 Cancer: “a large diamond not completely carved”. For the Moon at 10 Capricorn: “an albatross feeding from the hand”. Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee suggests these two share themes of “adamantine resolve” and “grace in the rough or refined gracelessness”.  How so?

Think of a diamond in the rough. It’s one-of-a-kind, with awesome creative potential — but not quite there yet. It’s hard and faceted, as all diamonds are.

Albatrosses are “sometimes awkward, sometimes graceful…bestowed with the gift of nourishment”. Bovee offers more intriguing observations. He notes that albatrosses are known for being clumsy, with disparaging names like “stupid gull” and “gooney bird”. And who knew that while “alba” means “white”, “‘albatross’ is actually a corruption of the Portuguese alcatraz, a notorious prison”. I love etymology.

You could have a field day connecting these images with current headlines. Against the backdrop of this week’s planetary patterns, you might see — for example — the visionary exuberance of Governor Chris Christie tossing his hat into the Republican pool of presidential contenders. The New York Times sees the potential downside of these patterns: lies, excess and bluster. A local New Jersey paper is equally unimpressed. What is nebulous Neptune doing in Governor Christie’s horoscope?

Even without a birth time, we see Neptune making contact with his Virgo Sun, suggesting a need for vision. Neptune is also part of a Grand Trine among expansive Jupiter and Mars. This combination can run long on faith and fog; short on facts. While a Grand Trine is often considered a lucky pattern, suggesting the ability to function as if it is above the law, it also suggests a defensive posture, i.e., a projection of emotional self-sufficiency which acts against relationship.

Transiting Neptune may be casting its rose-colored spell on Christie’s Moon, if it is in high-flying, righteously opinionated Sagittarius. It’s definitely in touch with his natal Sun-Pluto conjunction, boosting  a need for what is ideal, but also presenting perhaps a long stretch of confusion/delusion.  Meanwhile, Christie’s square between Mercury (mind, communication) and Mars (action), certainly reflects his trademark brash communication style. With transiting Jupiter conjoining his Sun-Pluto this fall and again next May, he is likely to gain traction and further expansion — for better or for worse.

Meh. Enough with the news.

Also reflecting the potential for sublime vision, benevolence, innovative communication with practical application, guess what just showed up in my emailbox? Angels! This is the topic of the latest missive from my favorite disembodied entities, The Hathors — as channeled by sound healer Tom Kenyon. In past forecasts I’ve noted the potential for a volatile summer in the world arena. The Hathors have a knack for sending messages just before a “chaotic node” — as they call it — begins.  Coincidence or conspiracy?

Never fear, however, because fear is counterproductive. Thank you for reading this forecast.