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Breakthroughs in technology. You may remember I mentioned the likelihood of such headlines commanding our attention while Uranus, which rules technology, genius, revolution and random genetic mutations (without which we could not evolve), is near the Aries Point (re-read Tuesday’s forecast). Add expansive Jupiter to the Uranus-AP conjunction and the wow! factor really increases (re-read the forecast for January 4th). How’s this for a breakthrough: “Computer Wins Jeopardy!” Ahhhh…but isn’t this interesting: meet-ups between planets often happen in a series: once — twice — and then a third time. The third connection between Jupiter and Uranus was exact on Jan 4th (I believe the Watson show was taped on 1/14); the first connection was on June 8th — and here’s what made the Sunday Times on June 20, 2010: “Smarter Than You Think: IBM’s Watson to Challenge Jeopardy!: OMG, that story came around again — like it’s in some kind of a cycle — perhaps even a planetary cycle — amazing! How do they do that?
Today Moon continues waxing full in Leo, suggesting drama, big hearts and big egos, along with a potentially dazzling or dizzying Neptunian fog that makes me think of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland or Monty Python’s surreal “Confuse A Cat” sketch. Or Paris Hilton — oddly enough, it’s her birthday today.
Note that words and wills may be at odds with feelings as the day progresses. You may not be seeing things clearly, so think twice before initiating a clash or a spat, especially tonight. The Moon is Full Friday at 3:36AM — I’ll tell you all about it in tomorrow’s forecast.
Reports from the field confirm that this was indeed a particularly intense, proactive Full Moon, just as anticipated. I’m hearing stories of explosive confrontations (ego-based), sudden crises in a doctor’s office and an overall busier-than-business as usual mood of the day. Also hearing stories of deals coming close to fruition — especially speculative proposals backed by an enthusiastic and innovative sales pitch — and all of this fits within the realm of possibility suggested by the planets this week.
Today the Moon is still in me-me-me Aries, suggesting abundant enthusiasm and pioneering strategies, on the one hand — and the possibility for more ego spats if someone feels they are not being Recognized. TGIF! While the Moon (emotional response) is not being buffeted around like tumbleweed today, we are approaching a challenge between ruthless Pluto and the Sun, exact Saturday at 8:24PM NY. Already we are seeing in the headlines more revelations of corruption in hallowed institutions, like GMAC admitting that it signed off on thousands of foreclosures without actually reading any of the files, despite the fact that it was legally obligated to do so. And then there are health “insurers”, scrambling as best they can to put their bottom line first, no matter what (which, for the record, they are legally obligated to do), with endearing strategies like eliminating health insurance policies for children. Ruthless! And — what’s this? Minutes ago, this headline in the New York Times: “Hidden Under Tax-Exempt Cloak, Political Dollars Flow”. Well, thanks to Pluto moving through Capricorn, they’re not hidden anymore ; )
Saturday the Moon is Void from 9:12AM – 4:17PM NY — so consider yourself advised to avoid impulse shopping during this time period. Odds are you don’t really need it — and later you’ll wonder why you bought it. The key word here is “impulse”. If it’s something you’ve already scoped out, planned to purchase — and are just waiting for the weekend to pick it up, that’s another story. You may find the day better spent catching up on sleep, exercising, meditating or just wandering around and seeing where the day takes you. Let me know if you encounter any twists.
Moon moves into sensual Taurus at 4:17PM NY for the rest of the weekend, making dynamic connections to both Mars (action) and Venus (social expression), suggesting a Saturday and Sunday well-spent indulging in pleasures of the senses, especially with a significant other if you’ve got one hanging around. Even if you’re flying solo, the weekend can be delightful.
If you’re feeling constructive and pro-active today, the planets will likely support you in your endeavors. Bring it on! Moon is still in “make it happen” Capricorn, facilitating your efforts to climb whatever mountain you’re facing. A communicative connection between Mars, planet of action and investigative Pluto offers even more resolve — especially when it comes to getting right to the heart of the matter at hand. Yes you CAN be enthusiastic about your objectives if you tap into the potentially wildly speculative, sky’s the limit alignment of expansive Jupiter with inventive Uranus (though both of these aspects are exact on Saturday, they’ll likely be in effect all week).
I expect some technological breakthrough to make headlines between now and then, even if it’s just Virgin Mobile offering 300 minutes of phone calls and unlimited texts, internet access and all the social networking apps you can handle — for just $25/month (saw an ad for it on the subway on Wednesday) — how cool is that?
Special note to Pisces, Virgos, Geminis and Sagittarians born in the last two days of their respective signs: yes, it really IS all about you. In what ways are you declaring your independence — a process that’s been going on all summer?