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“I can't thank you enough for the incredible adventure in astrology. You have that rare gift that certainly all who call themselves astrologers don't possess... you're the real deal!! It seriously blew me away that you were able to not only nail so much from my past (exact times/years certain events took place, along with situations with family, relationships and beyond) but you've already helped with my present! The answers you gave to the specific questions I asked pertaining to important career-related happenings this week have already proven true. I will look forward to an update in a year or so.”
– S.L.
New York, NY

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 11/25/2013: A Rosy Sun-Neptune Square; Sneak Peek at the Week

Good Morning!

OK, show of hands to these questions: how many of you experienced yesterday as a bit of a wandering, dreamy detour? Any unusual twists in your everyday routine? Have any trouble getting motivated to plunge into a planned project? Did any of you suspect that the Moon might be void of course — i.e., drifting along without a clear sense of direction? That was my suspicion almost immediately upon waking. I’m often at the local greenmarket bright and early, but yesterday was not the case. And the usual greenmarket was anything but, given that a fierce wind had blown away most of the awnings covering the stalls. I couldn’t get the fennel seed-laced scone I’d been looking forward to having all week, as the scone lady was so frustrated by the destructive wind — and that it was 25 degrees outside — that she packed up all the scones and was leaving by the time I got there.

By then my suspicion was a conviction: the Moon had to be void — and when I finally got home after a afternoon of wandering nowhere, I checked the astro-logical calendar and confirmed that as of 3:59AM ET on Sunday until 7:11AM ET on Monday, the Moon is void in Leo. Best use of this energy (if you’re reading this before 7:11 AM) is to chill, play, shine — and help others shine, too. Any crises that crop up in this time period is likely much ado about nothing.

A sense of dreamy wandering was — and still is — amplified all the more by another pattern exact on Sunday: a challenge between the Sun in high-flying Sagittarius and nebulous Neptune in Pisces. When Neptune is prominent, rose-colored glasses are often appealing. So is music, art, healing, spirits of all kinds, visions, fantasy, glamor and peace. On the flip side: deception and bewilderment. You would feel this planetary pattern more personally if you were born a few days into Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius…or if you have a planet or angle around 2 degrees of any of those signs.

The rose-colored glow will likely still be present when you wake up on Monday. Although the Moon will be in earthy, discerning, perfection-seeking Virgo, it too, will be challenged by Neptune — at 12:21PM ET. At 2:28PM ET, we’ll have the 3rd Quarter Moon, suggesting a challenge or resolution regarding the New Moon agenda you set on November 3rd. That’s when some of the glow may fade, to be replaced by the serious thinking that a hook-up between mental Mercury and stern Saturn suggests, exact at 8:55PM ET.

Your Moon voids for the week: Wednesday: 6:44AM ET – 5:00PM ET; go with the flow if you’re traveling that day. Same goes for Friday: 6:14 AM ET – 11:03PM ET; now you have an astro-logical reason to skip those Black Friday sales, as the Moon void rules suggest you won’t get much use out of whatever you buy.

Meanwhile, I promised you a pile of dirt uncovered, courtesy of last week’s cooperative connection between mental Mercury and Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. So what happened? How about this story: “Two Surprises In DNA of Boy Found Buried in Siberia” (the boy in question is 24,000 years old). Shades of nebulous Neptune in that story, too. How so? Because Neptune works to dissolve whatever it touches, including ideas of separation. “We are all connected” is another way of expressing Neptune — through empathy, telepathy and understanding that we all come from the same Source.

On Friday, during a nostalgic, patriotic Moon in Cancer and healing, rose-colored potential of the approaching Sun-Neptune challenge, we were all connected by the 50th anniversary of the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.  On Sunday, the empowered communication and synergy of last week was reflected in this story — also on a healing, we-are-all-connected theme: an accord that would “temporarily freeze much of Iran’s nuclear program”.  Finally, speaking of nuclear, empowered communication and synergistic action, on Thursday, the Senate voted to change a key rule that will allow most executive and judicial nominees to be approved by a simple majority. Which means no more filibustering these nominations by members of an opposing party. Yes, I am bewildered by the use of the term “nuclear option” to describe this rule change, too. And as you might suspect, the minority party in the Senate did not like this rule change one bit, even though twelve members of this party expressed very different sentiments back in 2003 and 2005.

You can sort through a lot over the next two days, and Thanksgiving offers plenty of potential for expressing gratitude. Get out there and have a great day — and when you need some personal, astro-logical insights, here’s how to reach me.




Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 11/16/2010

“Up, up and away…in my beautiful balloon…” feels like no coincidence that I’d encounter this song on a evening (Monday) under the influence of a jovial connection between Sun and expansive, often high-flying Jupiter — and oh — this can’t be a coincidence, either — the recording is by The Fifth Dimension and today (Monday) I noted yet another news item about scientists being confident that the existence of other dimensions will likely be proven in a year or so —

Angelenos, if you’re reading this after 8:37AM LA time, the Moon is void of course until 2:59 PM LA time. Maybe you overslept — or will face a more challenging commute to the office today. New Yorkers, you probably got to work just fine…and hopefully accomplished a lot before 11:37AM. The rest of your day is great for creative noodling and for taking care of routine matters. If a crisis materializes during your afternoon, I’d be willing to bet that it is much ado about nothing. Chill, float…go with the flow…listen to some groovy music…until Moon blasts into pioneering, full-speed ahead Aries at 5:59PM NY time. You may notice the shift in energy immediately as the pace picks up.

Now granted, we can’t always plan our days perfectly according to the planetary patterns. Perhaps you have some Very Important Meeting scheduled this AM. Don’t panic! Just be aware of what’s going on when you’re in that meeting. Is it hard to stay focused on the meeting agenda? Is there an unexpected twist that requires you to drop your original strategy and adjust to a new game plan? If so, just roll with it — even if the twist is that the person you’re meeting with doesn’t show up– physically — or worse — mentally. You’ll have a chance to regroup later.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 11/11/2010

Hmmm….it’s 11/11 — is that significant? Some people believe that when you see 11:11, an angel is trying to get your attention. Check it out here:

We are wrapping up the last few hours of Moon in proactive, strategic-minded Capricorn, so use the morning  — until 2:57PM NY time to get things done. Then you can rest for a few…until 5:32PM NY during the void-of-course Moon. A long lunch on the West Coast; an afternoon of “letting things settle” on the East Coast. Remember Moon voids are good for routine activities, creative brainstorming, napping and flaking out. Be aware that surprises and upsets are more likely to occur during a void period when you are trying to do anything that involves moving in a straight line.

After the void, Moon enters the humanitarian sign of Aquarius. No exact aspects this evening suggests a quiet night. Enjoy.

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 9/24/2010 and the Weekend

Reports from the field confirm that this was indeed a particularly intense, proactive Full Moon, just as anticipated. I’m hearing stories of explosive confrontations (ego-based), sudden crises in a doctor’s office and an overall busier-than-business as usual mood of the day. Also hearing stories of deals coming close to fruition — especially speculative proposals backed by an enthusiastic and innovative sales pitch — and all of this fits within the realm of possibility suggested by the planets this week.

Today the Moon is still in me-me-me Aries, suggesting abundant enthusiasm and pioneering strategies, on the one hand — and the possibility for more ego spats if someone feels they are not being Recognized. TGIF! While the Moon (emotional response) is not being buffeted around like tumbleweed today, we are approaching a challenge between ruthless Pluto and the Sun, exact Saturday at 8:24PM NY. Already we are seeing in the headlines more revelations of corruption in hallowed institutions, like GMAC admitting that it signed off on thousands of foreclosures without actually reading any of the files, despite the fact that it was legally obligated to do so. And then there are health “insurers”, scrambling as best they can to put their bottom line first, no matter what (which, for the record,  they are legally obligated to do), with endearing strategies like eliminating health insurance policies for children. Ruthless! And — what’s this? Minutes ago, this headline in the New York Times: “Hidden Under Tax-Exempt Cloak, Political Dollars Flow”. Well, thanks to Pluto moving through Capricorn, they’re not hidden anymore ; )

Saturday the Moon is Void from 9:12AM – 4:17PM NY — so consider yourself advised to avoid impulse shopping during this time period. Odds are you don’t really need it — and later you’ll wonder why you bought it. The key word here is “impulse”. If it’s something you’ve already scoped out, planned to purchase — and are just waiting for the weekend to pick it up, that’s another story. You may find the day better spent catching up on sleep, exercising, meditating or just wandering around and seeing where the day takes you. Let me know if you encounter any twists.

Moon moves into sensual Taurus at 4:17PM NY for the rest of the weekend, making dynamic connections to both Mars (action) and Venus (social expression), suggesting a Saturday and Sunday well-spent indulging in pleasures of the senses, especially with a significant other if you’ve got one hanging around. Even if you’re flying solo, the weekend can be delightful.