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I have been sitting with the incredible experience of your gift and knowledge and letting it sift down into my understanding and psyche. It was a powerful time for me. I told a friend, "she is the real deal." I don't say that very often!
--Diana S.
New York

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 6/17/2013: Sneak Peek At the Week

…and we’re off…to the start of a work week with surprisingly few “hard” planetary patterns, compared to what we’ll see in coming weeks…

Moon entered Libra last night at 9:19PM ET, seeking balance and appreciation for its people-pleasing, diplomatic skills. As a Libra Moon tends to think about what it feels, it offers an opportunity for objectivity and rational discourse, even if it has difficulty making a final decision. It’s hard to choose when you can see the merits of both sides! A surprise jolt or emotional power play, however, may be felt between 4 and 7pm ET, when the need to keep the peace and avoid conflict is disrupted by challenges from the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square. At 7:49PM ET, an easy flow to the Moon from glib Mars in Gemini fuels lively discourse and innovative action as a result. Speaking of innovative action, new ways to invent the wheel may be experimented with all day, especially in the tech and outer space sector, as the multi-talented Gemini Mars is supported by  technogeek Uranus. Think outside the box.

There are few Moon voids to derail your efforts to move forward in a straight line this week, so much can be accomplished — and should be accomplished, especially since Mercury will be turning retrograde on June 26th. BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS AND TECHNOGIZMOS NOW. I don’t want to hear you whingeing that you lost all your data in the volatile weeks of July. You have been warned.

About the voids: we’ve got a brief on on Tuesday at 11:55PM ET until 2:39AM ET Wednesday — no big deal. On Thursday, we’ve got a void starting at 3:16PM ET until 4:31AM ET — that one is significant, as it affects people trying to get things done during business hours. Schedule important meetings and deal closings around it.

This week is dominated by two enthusiastic and expansive connections. First the annual meet-up of the Sun with jolly Jupiter happens on the 19th and makes everything feel oh so good. This is especially true if you were born around the 19th of June, and I hope you Geminis are enjoying the potential comfort, expansion and luck that often accompanies a transit (Jupiter conjunct the natal Sun) that happens every 12 years. The second aspect is a meet-up between Mercury and Venus in Cancer which suggests a certain idealistic outlook and/or spin on issues involving emotional/homeland security, family, foundation, Mom and apple pie. Watch the news for those kinds of stories.

The week concludes with the Summer Solstice early Friday morning, marking yet another turning point in our journey on Spaceship Earth…

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 6/14/2013 & the Weekend: Drama to Perfection

The drama queen Leo Moon goes void of course with a long sigh at 7:14AM ET, on a cooperative connection to jolly Jupiter. This suggests a fun-filled morning of meh or unexpected flakes and twists to your morning routine. Go with the flow, and if you’re at the office this Friday, recognize that the day won’t really get into gear until 12:26PM ET, when the Moon enters perfectionist Virgo. You can then spend the rest of the day cleaning up whatever hot mess might have happened during the Leo Moon’s morning void. Organize it, sort it and analyze it to death. This Virgo Moon travels without interference until 10:36PM ET, when it aligns itself constructively with disciplined Saturn…and then opposes nebulous Neptune thirteen minutes later. An evening of serious dreams in search of details?

Continue your analyzing crusade all day on Saturday. There is no Moon void to dissuade you from finding fabulous thrifty bargains at malls and yard sales. There is, however, the potential for a clash of wills with the persnickety Moon finds fault with Mars-in-Gemini doubletalk at 9:04AM ET. And this clash could run quite deep — emotionally and resourcefully — given the Moon will also exactly trine Pluto. Then it’s another day of clear sailing, boosted by only one other exact aspect: a pleasant and indulgent connection between the Moon and loving Venus. On a date night? How sweet…

Sunday morning continues in the industrious Virgo vein, though note the First Quarter Moon is exact at 1:24PM ET. This may bring a challenge to your New Moon agenda…which likely has something to do with a massive compilation of information…or is it knowledge…or is it wisdom? Whatever it is, consider backing up your computers NOW — because Mercury will be turning retrograde on June 26th.  An expansive, expensive challenge between Moon and Jupiter keeps spirits high at 5:26PM  — which is a lovely and indulgent aspect to have on this Fathers Day.

Moon goes void until 9:19PM ET, suggesting the first hour of the 40th Annual Daytime Emmys may be a bit of a bust or have some surprise upsets (if you’re watching the show, see if you notice my name in the credits). The rest of the evening (after 9:19PM) is brought to you by Moon in people-pleasing, rational and beautiful Libra. Enjoy.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 6/13/2013: Adorable

Good Morning!

A few days ago I received an email from a reader who noticed something discreetly placed at the bottom of these emailed forecasts that she’d never noticed before. “Make an experiment and put it at the top and see what it brings,” she suggested. OK, why not. Here goes:

The Daily Astro-Logical forecast is a labor of love. If you find it valuable and wish to make a donation, you will make my day. Thank you!

And speaking of love, planetary patterns are light today, and the festive, regal, drama-loving Leo Moon has few distractions. Work, play and shine, shine, shine — and help others shine, too, by telling them how great they are. Moon in Leo loves this stuff — and if you have Moon in Leo, you know what I’m talking about. If you have Moon in Leo and you do not know what I’m talking about, I would argue that your life would be much more fulfilling if you found a conscious and positive way to meet your need for applause.  I learned from master astrologer Noel Tyl how much a Leo Moon needs to loved and adored, and the world is a much happier place when these Leo Moons get what they need. Keep that in mind when you are tempted to roll your eyes at the kingly or queenly dramas of your Moon-in-Leo friends and family. Rub the bellies of these big cats — or scratch them under their chins — and watch them purr. Eva Peron, Barbra Streisand, Paul McCartney and Dolly Parton all have Moon in Leo.

Meanwhile, note that the Moon will be void-of-course tomorrow between 7:14am and 12:26PM ET, so plan your calendar accordingly. Remember that project I was working on that absolutely, positively had to ship last Thursday, during a day-long void? All of the materials had to be re-done — twice. And the ship date was delayed by a week — as I suspected it would be — on Monday, the first business day of the New Moon cycle. Fascinating….but not surprising, when you know something about astrology.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 6/12/2013: Let It Shine; Belated New Moon in Gemini

Finally the Moon is in gear, having entered the fiery, regal, organizing, playful sign of Leo at 12:58AM ET this morning. Find way to shine and help others shine, too! A helpful authority or a stern wet blanket may dampen your enthusiasm or modify your plans around 11:41AM, when Moon is challenged by disciplined Saturn.

As the day progresses, may you reap the benefits of a cooperative connection between the Moon and assertive Mars in Gemini, suggesting an easy flow between will and action. Minutes later, we’ll have the exact square between Venus (social expression) in Cancer (emotional security, homeland) and rebel Uranus in me-me-me pioneering Aries. Many of us were feeling the disruptive potential of that aspect during yesterday’s void, as I heard several reports of startling communication and/or emotional outbursts. The plus side of Venus-Uranus contacts include appreciation and attraction to unconventional expressions in relationships, as well as technical and creative breakthroughs.

As for the New Moon in Gemini which was exact at 11:56AM ET on Saturday, now that the Moon is no longer void, you can take some steps in your New Moon agenda. The New Moon offers us an opportunity to re-set  intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle. This week is about planting seeds to turn your intentions into reality. Around the 16th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 23rd , we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on the 30th, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon on July 8th.

I’ve broken down the patterns active in this New Moon in prior forecasts (read last week’s and today). They include the pixie-dust, magical and /or delusional potential of the square between Mars and Neptune and two Grand Water Trines involving Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Neptune, which offer the potential for inspired and structured visionary thinking and social expression. On the potential downside, we could see efforts to contain and control these issues. And of course we can’t forget the ongoing square between rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto, which is hellbent on challenging the Established Order.

This New Moon happened at 19 degrees of Gemini, and it might feel somewhat familiar. Why? Because we had a Full Moon and lunar eclipse at 19 Gemini/Sagittarius in December of 2011. In light of the story dominating the news in the US, which involves one Edward Snowden’s “revelation” that our intelligence agencies are compiling all sorts of data on apparently anyone and everyone, including information that you, as a private citizen, might find intrusive and unwarranted, you will love the Sabian Symbol for 19 Gemini: “a large archaic volume reveals a traditional wisdom”.

In this case, I went to my Dane Rudhyar reference book, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle and Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases” for more on this Sabian Symbol. The “archaic volume” suggests a “reserve of collective knowledge and wisdom beyond true individual self-expression,” and “deference to past experience.” But beyond just being a collection of data (like a phone book or record of your personal phone calls), a higher potential suggested by this symbol would be an engaged discussion of what will be the “seed ideas” that will define our collective thought and thus our collective action. What do we value and how will we grow in that direction?

You are more affected by this New Moon than most if you have a planet or an angle at 19 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces.

When you watch the video of Edward Snowden explaining why he did what he did  (see link above), you’ll notice a cool, steady gaze (along with a bit of tension in the jaw — not surprisingly). Snowden is a Gemini, but that gaze suggested Scorpio, and sure enough, his Moon is in Scorpio, suggesting a need and/or awareness for depth and substance, as well as information used for the sake of power and control. More on him later

To be continued…


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 6/11/2013: Mind the Void — and the Landmines

Just a quick reminder about the planetary patterns of today:  Moon is VOID of course in Cancer, an extremely sensitive placement (read: hurt-prone). Venus is opposed by ruthless Pluto and squared by disruptive, rebel Uranus. Translation: there is potential today for provocations and emotional outbursts of a most explosive kind. My advice is to refrain from arguing with anyone who seems to be operating from a place of ego, pride or clueless self-absorption. There’s no need to turn a molehill into a mountain. Seek instead to be a source of peace, light and calm to those around you. Think about how you can make someone feel emotionally secure. And roll with whatever delays and detours the day deals out — especially if you’re on campus at Princeton University.

If all else fails, here is a cool video to occupy your time today. Astronauts(Uranus) reflecting on what it’s like to see Planet Earth — our home (Moon/Venus/Mercury in Cancer) — from outer space. You’ll love its deep perspective (Pluto). Tomorrow I’ll post more on the New Moon and the horoscope of Edward Snowden, which is fascinating, as you might imagine…

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 6/7/2013: Setting the Scene for the New Moon and Next Week

Dear Readers, I am catching up on forecasts. Friday was such a dynamic day, I have to post about it. Stay tuned as I get us up to the present day and thanks for your patience…

This post was written early Friday morning:

A busy and dreamy buzz! Moon finally got into gear last night in airy Gemini at 11:32PM – after nearly two days of going nowhere in voidy Taurus mud. Can you feel that the pace has picked up? Moon in Gemini needs to be talking, moving and keeping itself informed and/or entertained.

The dreamy part of the buzz is courtesy of a grand water trine between Venus,  nebulous Neptune and disciplined Saturn exact this morning between 7:46AM and 11 something or other AM ET. Remember on Monday we had Mercury (mind, communication) involved in this pattern. So now the issues ruled by Venus – women, social expression, art, money – are tinged with that same rosy glow that could put some roots down in reality, thanks to the serious and structured energy suggested by Saturn. If you’re an artist, a healer or trying to work out a serious piece of diplomacy, use this energy to your advantage.

As the day progresses, issues of deception and revelation may become more pressing, suggested by two patterns mentioned earlier this week: mental Mercury squared by Uranus & opposed by Pluto (exact at 6:01PM ET tonight and 2:47PM ET Saturday); and aggressive Mars peddling oh-so-much snake oil as it is challenged by nebulous Neptune at 7:58PM ET tonight.  In the U.S., the Op-Ed sections of newspaper are shocked –shocked I tell you – over the story that broke yesterday about the US government collecting phone logs and other information from Verizon and now, apparently, nine internet companies as well. More jolts, dirt revealed and emotional ruthlessness are sure to follow next week, as Venus follows Mercury into the Uranus-Pluto square. In your own personal world, you’ll feel the intense and potentially liberating buzz of social expression most if you were born around the 1st of April, July, October and January…or if you have a planet or angle at 10-11 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Last, but not least, at 4:26AM ET, nebulous Neptune turned retrograde at 5 degrees of Pisces. When a planet turns retrograde, it suggests we turn inward for insight and guidance in matters ruled by that planet. So with Neptune, which refers to inspiration, vision, faith and soulful connection, the suggestion is to tune in more to your own intuition over the next few months (Neptune turns direct on November 13th). In the news, we can expect issues of faith and vision to become highly charged, given that Neptune’s station is squared by aggressive Mars in double-talking Gemini. “Negative” manifestations of Neptune we can expect to see highlighted involve deception and delusional fog – some of which may be quite fanatical.

My own personal experience of all these buzzy jolts and weirdness was clearly felt just after 6AM on Friday. I was rushing to get to Penn Station via subway to catch a 6:55AM train that would take me to my college reunion. Well, I didn’t catch that particular train because someone on the subway pulled the emergency brake, and we sat in the tunnel for about 40 minutes. Weird — but not surprising, given my horoscope is personally affected by just about every wiggy exact planetary pattern I’ve been writing about. It all turned out fine; in fact, the disruptive jolt was a blessing. Instead of paying about $70 to take an Amtrak train, it only cost $20 to travel on a regional carrier, Metro North, which is where I starting writing the forecast you’re reading now — on Tuesday, June 11th.

Random astro-logical side thought: take all this emphasis in water signs, including the glamorous potential of the Mars-Neptune square, with Neptune at its station turning retrograde in Pisces, and isn’t it fascinating that aquatic goddess and screen legend Esther Williams passed away? Miss Williams is a Leo with Moon and Ascendant in Libra. Let the record show that her regal, dramatic Leo Sun is exactly conjunct nebulous ethereal Neptune — just one of the planetary patterns in her horoscope that perfectly reflects the life she lived on Earth. RIP, Miss Williams. You are missed.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 6/10/2013: Briefly….

Dear Readers, I’ve been traveling and will post a lengthier forecast later. Briefly, take advantage of the creative and proactive New Moon energy we have today. Launch a project; take the initiative; make the call. The Moon will be void of course in Cancer starting at 5:15PM ET….not to enter Leo until 12:58AM ET on WEDNESDAY. You know what that means: get it off your desk today or deal with it on Wednesday. Roll with whatever twists come your way in your efforts to move forward in a straight line, and do your best to chill, baby chill. Take care of routine projects at home — whatever will make you feel emotionally secure (the Cancer Moon supports this). Feed your soul…and your tummy.

Other Moon voids this week — so you can plan around them: Friday, 7/14AM Et – 12:26 PM ET. Not bad — you can get a lot done this week — film at 11.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 6/6/2013: The Secret’s Out & Mind the Void

We are still in the long void of course Taurus Moon, which started yesterday at 9:25AM ET and will continue to drive the day pretty much nowhere until 11:32PM tonight, when the Moon enters Gemini. I know, I do go on and on about these voids, but after observing them for years, I feel they are significant. And thus I seek to inform you about how they work, so you can live your life better.

For example, during Tuesday’s void when the Moon was in Aries, I wrote that we should be aware of the potential for  some to be rushing about in a dangerously self-absorbed and unaware frame of mind. In my world, this was reflected by a handyman flaking on a scheduled appointment. Then, as I was walking to the subway, I paused before crossing the street, even though the “walk” signal said it was OK. To my left, I saw a truck barreling towards the intersection, and I sensed the driver had no intention of braking. My sense was correct; the truck flew through the intersection and the crosswalk. And while my pause at the crosswalk caused me to miss my subway train by a matter of seconds, it also prevented me from becoming road kill.

Missing the subway, led to me missing the shuttle bus that would take me to my final destination, where apparently a meeting had been scheduled that I did not know about, because I failed to notice the email announcing said meeting when I logged on to my office computer. But there were no consequences for my missing the meeting — and I am not sure if anything productive came out of it, anyway.  Meanwhile, there was a kerfuffle over some missing video footage, which was eventually discovered after a few fiery Moon in Aries exchanges. But alas and alack, another issue was discovered with said footage during yesterday’s all-day Moon in Taurus void, etc., etc., etc. Get the picture? If you do not have the luxury of chilling for the next 15 hours, go with the flow and do not let your egos turn molehill snafus into mountains, even if others around you are visibly stressing out. You can be like oil on troubled waters, given your special awareness of planetary patterns.

While there are no exact aspects today, there is a huge truckload of other patterns that will be exact tomorrow and are being felt, especially in the news. First, as we mentioned yesterday, we’ve got mental, communicative Mercury in homeland security-focused Cancer being challenged mightily by the Uranus-Pluto. So what secrets have hit the fan? How about this bombshell: a domestic surveillance program that seems to involve the Obama Administration getting records of perhaps every phone call anyone has ever made. Really, it looks that intrusive…and why? Perhaps because they can. Thus is it really a surprise? There was another story about seizing information — SCOTUS ruled a few days ago that it is OK to take DNA samples from anyone taken into custody…

In other front page news, American prosecutors charged Chinese scientists working in the US with leaking trade secrets involving technology. Another leak — this one involving Neptune themes of water and Uranus-Pluto themes of radiation — has been discovered at the Fukushima nuclear plant, just as two planets (Mercury and Venus) hit the Aries Point this week, which was where Uranus (nuclear energy) was on the day of the original earthquake/tsunami in March of 2011. When Mars and Jupiter hit the Aries Point in the first two weeks of July, we’ll probably see more headlines on this story.

More news involving the void of course Moon. As I have mentioned before, the 113th Congress — the one driving all the legislation for the next two years, started its session during a persnickety and ultimately ineffectual void Moon in Virgo. So it is no surprise to see this story alleging that it plans to vote on legislation to defund an organization that no longer exists…and which it already defunded back in 2009. How’s that for an action that is of no consequence?

For news involving Mars-Neptune themed fraud, here’s an important safety tip about fake websites on Facebook that will attempt to wipe out your bank account — presented here as a public service. Mars-Neptune also refers to razzle-dazzle and Hollywood glamor, and thus it is interesting to see a front page article arguing that Hollywood film stars are losing their luster when it comes to selling magazines.

Last but not least — another PSA. Robert Reich, a Berkeley professor who served as Secretary of Labor in the Clinton Administration and whose Cancer Sun was just blessed with a communicative hit from Mercury and Venus, has posted another intriguing video, this one in response to last month’s revelation on how corporations like Apple avoid paying taxes, and specifically, what it means to you when corporations rebel against the boundaries of a nation-state. It concern the battle for control of resources, another Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn ongoing theme. Whether you agree with his take or not, it’s good fodder for a (hopefully) intelligent discussion. And don’t you just love the quote about astrologers on Reich’s website (the first link in this paragraph)?

Have a lovely day, and thank you for reading this forecast.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 6/5/3013: Tonight At Noon*

A restless buzz battles the comfort and stability-preserving needs of the Moon in Taurus, which goes void of course with a long sigh at 9:25AM ET. This void period…during which the Taurus Moon will make no aspect with any other planet…lasts until 11:32PM ET on Thursday. And we are at the end of the lunar cycle, in that listless phase where we sense that something new is on the horizon, but we don’t quite know what it is. Chill, baby, chill!

The restless buzz is attributable to a number of patterns, First, the information and communication-oriented Gemini Sun is, as the Moon soon will be — unaspected — and thus running wild in cosmos, demanding focus, even though it isn’t quite sure how to fit in. Jupiter is also unaspected — and running wild like a giant wind bag — also in blah blah blah Gemini. Third, mental Mercury is fast approaching a supercharged alignment with Uranus (the mad scientist) and oh-so-perspicacious Pluto, which is what got me up at 4:45 AM, even though the exact aspects won’t happen until Friday and Saturday, respectively. Finally, we’ve got action-driven Mars in multi-tasking Gemini, about to square off with nebulous Neptune. This connection can be starstruck, surreal, irritable,bewildering, visionary or infectious…and you’re feeling that particular pattern if you were born around the 23rd of February, May, August or November…or if you have a planet or angle around 5 degrees of Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius.

Over the next few days I expect we’ll see a number of startling revelations and breakthroughs, including news from underground. Here are two from today’s pages: an update on an ancient underwater city and this bit about a Brooklyn townhouse with a deceptive facade (Mars square Neptune). Falling into the category of Revolution in General here’s an update on the situation in Turkey (government cracks down on protestors fighting to save a park from being turned into a shopping mall), and a few setbacks for Monsanto here and here — which the mainstream media doesn’t seem to be covering as much as it could. Cue Joni Mitchell now, please…

…and be patient with whatever twists and delays may crop up over the next two days in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. That crisis that just landed on your desk is likely “much ado about nothing”.

*a reference to a wonderful book by Sue Mingus about her life with jazz great Charles Mingus — which fits the musical, magical and surreal potential of current planetary patterns…



Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 6/4/2013

OK, so yesterday was a bad day for links. If you’d like to see the Cheerios commercial and the story about colonoscopies mentioned in yesterday’s forecast, the correct links are now on the post on the website.

Most of us are waking up to an impulsive Aries Moon that is void-of-course, suggesting you can catch a few extra minutes of sleep (guilty!) without consequence. Roll with whatever twists you may encounter until 11:53AM ET, and realize that the people who are running around madly don’t appreciate that during Moon voids, wheels are more likely to spin than take you directly to your destination. Be patient with them.

The day gets into gear when the Moon enters Taurus, contributing its material security and comfort-seeking energy needs to the already static emotionally self-sufficient qualities of the Grand Water Trine we discussed yesterday among mental Mercury, stern Saturn and nebulous Neptune. Should be a rich week for creativity, finance, art and social expression — though not without a dose of magical, infectious or irritable weirdness suggested by a fast-approaching challenge between nebulous Neptune (viruses, pixiedust, sublime spiritual states) and aggressive Mars in double-talking Gemini, which is exact on Friday at 7:58PM ET. Oh, the TMI that may blow our minds between now and then.

And here I would be thinking of a TMI, nitty-gritty (Saturn in Scorpio) interview now going viral (Neptune in Pisces), pun obviously intended: Michael Douglas allegedly talking about what may have caused his Stage 4 throat cancer. A quick glance at Douglas’s horoscope and we instantly see a pixiedust hook-up between his Libra Sun and nebulous Neptune (glamour! intrigue! bewilderment — possibly — about one’s one identity) squared by an enterprising Moon at 3 Capricorn. (isn’t it interesting that Douglas has a solid reputation as a no-nonsense, enterprising producer — more so at various points in his career than as an actor).  With those placements of the Sun and Moon we conclude there would have been a tremendously intense period of development in his life in 2009 and 2011, when Uranus in early Aries and Pluto in early Capricorn put pressure on them. We also note a hook-up between mental Mercury and expansive Jupiter in detail-obsessed and health-conscious Virgo (!!); so it’s no surprise that Douglas would be so forthcoming about his health — in all of its excruciating detail —  instead of telling the reporter to mind their own business.

I have been meaning to write about Catherine Zeta-Jones (who is married to Douglas) ever since it was announced a few weeks ago that she was seeking treatment for mental health issues. Why? Because when I read the story, I immediately thought — “oh — her Mercury (mind) must be under pressure by the disruptive Uranus-Pluto square”.  And that is exactly what was going on! Her Mercury is at 10 Libra (retrograde), and was exactly opposed by Uranus at 10 Aries and squared by Pluto at 10 Capricorn when this story broke on April 30th.  This is why I find astrology so intriguing. Something happens and astrologers expect to see a certain planetary pattern; and there it is. Of course there are other measurements in Zeta-Jones’s horoscope which suggest a possible need to collapse on the nearest faintest couch, and there are also some striking similarities between her horoscope and her husband’s chart that would make for a compelling article. If you’re interested, I’ll write more on the subject tomorrow. Right now, I gotta run….