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"Her ability to pinpoint exact years of major occurrences was uncanny. And her sensitive insight brought such clarity to the reading."
-- D.H.

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Astro-logical Forecast for Sunday-Tuesday 5/29-5/31/2011

Sunday offers a slower pace than the previous two days. Moon enters Taurus, a sign more likely to be found rolling in a meadow or money than charging off a cliff (that would be Aries). Earthly pleasures and sensual delights are especially appropriate on a holiday weekend with the Moon in the balsamic phase of the cycle. Nothing new to do right now, so why not enjoy wherever you’re at. Don’t forget to smell the roses.

Monday offers more of the same, with this caveat: note the potential for strong feelings or sharp words around 1:43PM EDT…with a chance to kiss and make up in a big way around 9:23PM EDT. If you’re thinking of taking Tuesday off, too, you could probably get away with it. The Moon will be void of course from 11:37AM-7:56PM EDT, offering a chance for extended R & R, so long as it doesn’t involve impulse shopping. Things bought during voids are more likely to be things you didn’t really need. Don’t believe it? Break the rules a few times and see for yourself.

The work week begins with the New Moon and solar eclipse on Wednesday — 5:03PM EDT. Stay tuned for further updates….enjoy the holiday weekend!

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday & Saturday 5/27-8/2011

What jolt, flash or other disruptive and/or illuminating energy might greet you upon waking? The mood of the day, as suggested by the Moon in Aries, is pioneering, impulsive and always up for a new and exciting idea, especially if it’s a better idea than the last two ideas that were pursued (and perhaps abandoned).

Communication today may be intense and single-minded, with a potential ego-clash especially around 10:40AM EDT, when that me-me-me Aries Moon is challenged by ruthless Pluto in Capricorn, sign of the Establishment. Hard aspects to Moon from Pluto can also suggest difficulties with women, emotional upsets, control and/or manipulation.  It can also be incredibly cathartic. Get through whatever obstacles you may find to your Memorial Day weekend escape (frustrated travel plans, perhaps), and then be prepared to enjoy a free-form, adventurous Saturday. Get outside and clear your head.

To be continued…

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 5/24/2011: Rapture Update

Note your dreams upon waking. Moon will have wandered aimlessly (void of course) through much of your REM time before entering soulful Pisces at 8:24AM EDT and promptly hooking up with nebulous Neptune. Who knows where this day may take you. Go with it, and note any challenge or resolution that is connected to your New Moon agenda. Moon makes a Last Quarter square to the Gemini Sun. Information, please?

Rapture Update: Harold Camping, whose prognostications of ecstatic doom and gloom fizzled mightily over the weekend, apologized for his error and issued a new date for global annihilation: October 21, 2011  Now, here’s the intriguing part: planetary patterns on October 21 do have a striking similarity to the patterns on May 21! Here’s a quick rundown for the serious astrology buffs. Both dates share:
•    an exact connection between Sun and Neptune (spiritual transcendence or delusion)
•    a hard aspect between Venus and Mars in fixed signs (sexy!)
•    a compulsive aspect between expansive Jupiter and controlling Saturn, suggesting an obsessive need to prove a point
•    stubborn idealism, suggested by a hook-up between Venus and Mercury
•    little suggestion of worldwide destruction…although some profound news concerning energy, resources and transformation — quite possibly from underground — may hit the headlines that day
Coincidence or conspiracy?

In other news, Tim Pawlenty is now officially running for President of the United States. Tomorrow, a look at his horoscope. I can’t wait to tell you all about it…

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 5/23/2011

There are worse aspects to wake up — or go to bed — with than receptive Venus and assertive Mars hooking up in Taurus, a sign that seeks to establish material comforts: good food, wine, music and other sensual delights. The aspect is exact at 1:27 AM PDT/4:27 AM EDT. A marriage, a melding, a staking out of territory — or the seeds for a creative project fertilized. Your creative venture might even have the potential to serve more than just you and a partner, suggested by the Moon in humanitarian Aquarius. Image of the day: make a beeline for all those flowers. Not bad for a Monday.

As for news over the weekend, let’s review. First, as forecast, the Rapture did not happen and many who believed it would are confused — some even wiped out Second, as forecast, we did see some notable seismic activity/news from underground, in the form of another eruption of Iceland’s most active volcano. Yes, they’ve closed the airport, but the situation does not appear to be one of dire consequences, although more flights in Europe may be disrupted  Third — now this was intriguing. Remember LinkedIn’s “soaring” IPO just before that fantastically dreamy Neptune-Sun challenge, which made me wonder “real or unreal”?  This headline says it all: “Did Bankers Scam LinkedIn Out Of 130 Million Dollars?”

And finally, a bit that is truly out of this world: a horse named Astrology places third in the Preakness. Yes, I wanted to place a bet — but I couldn’t figure out how to do it online. Keep an eye on this rising star, and OMG — that’s exactly what the headline on this article I googled says. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 5/20/2011

Proactive, status-seeking, enterprising, perspicacious. A reasonably smooth flow to all that marks this day with Moon in make it happen Capricorn joining forces with emotionally intense Pluto. Get down to business, even though it’s Friday.

A counterpoint to the serious business vibe is nebulous Neptune’s approaching square to the Sun, suggesting fantasy, delusion, illusion, transcendence and other intangible pursuits.  Hmm. Serious business vibe combined with fantastic ideas about the value of an intangible product? Sounds like a scenario for a “soaring” debut for Linked In  Real or unreal?

More on the rest of the weekend later, assuming the world is still here on Saturday, though I must say the planetary patterns do not suggest an immediate demise ; )

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 5/19/2011

More details on the Schwarzenegger saga released today. We learned that the child he fathered was born in October of 1997, but he wasn’t told it was his “until the boy was a toddler” — so that would be around 2000, yes? I find this of interest only because that timing lines up perfectly with the patterns we looked at in yesterday’s forecast: a major upheaval suggested by a connection to disruptive Uranus and ruthless Pluto happening in 1997 (exact in October!!), with a “wipe-out” happening in…2000-2001, suggested by a hit from nebulous Neptune! Morale of the story: when these planetary heavyweights are active in a horoscope, big stuff is bound to happen! And astrology allows us to know when these hits will happen, so we can plan accordingly.

Today you can plan on waking up to a jolly connection between expansive Jupiter and the Moon, which promptly goes void at 10:17AM EDT, at which point you could take time to rest, chill, brainstorm or take care of what’s routine. Big ideas may be distracting, especially if connected to an apparent “sudden crisis” that later turns out to be much ado about nothing. Such things seem to happen with greater frequency during Moon voids.

The time to start making it happen is 4:16PM EDT, when Moon enters practical, proactive Capricorn. Making a personal pitch and/or establishing a structure designed to build material security is a fine application of energy over the next two days. Mercury, Mars and Venus are tightly aligned in Taurus, the sign of “mine” (this is what toddlers say, right? “Mine. MINE.” Toddlers express Taurean energy very, very well) Ruthless Pluto gives your thoughts, words, feelings and actions a dose of extra power. Should be an interesting couple of days in the headlines…more news from underground, secrets revealed and power grabs…

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 5/18/2011: More Sex, Lies & Horoscopes

I glanced briefly at the horoscopes of Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger on May 10th, noting current patterns in their horoscopes suggesting bewilderment (possible deception) and upsets for Maria, and bewilderment/deception, upsets and “change or die” influences from ruthless Pluto, in the case of Arnold. Would it surprise you to know that disruptive Uranus in Arnold’s chart is making a tough challenge to the Moon (emotions, driving force of the horoscope), much like the challenge Uranus is making in the chart on the another man who’s making headlines, Dominique Strauss-Kahn? And would it surprise you to note that ruthless Pluto, which rules the areas of the chart related to love affairs and children for both men, is also making strong statements in their horoscopes right now? Similar patterns reflecting similar life events.

An astrologer could have anticipated these times for both men well in advance. “Governor Schwarzenegger, patterns in your horoscope suggest the potential for emotional upsets, affecting your image and likely involving women and creative affairs. Why does your horoscope suggest that things may not be quite as they seem in your home life?” We could have also asked him about an intensely emotional time in 2000, coupled with a sense of “ego wipeout” (astrologer Noel Tyl’s term for a challenging aspect from nebulous Neptune), perhaps affecting his sense of self-worth, that could have lasted from 2000-2001. And we would definitely asked him about the major upheaval (likely as a result of acting as if he could do whatever he liked and get away with it), that would have occurred during the summer of 1997 (it is reported that the child he fathered out-of-wedlock is around 14 years old). Planets at work here again: rebel Uranus and ruthless Pluto.Wouldn’t you like to know if such forces might be at work in your horoscope one day?

Meanwhile, Anne Sinclair, the wife of Strauss-Kahn, is standing by her man She doesn’t believe the allegations against him for a minute. And of course he is presumed innocent until proven otherwise. But before I looked at her horoscope, I expected to see a planetary pattern suggesting “rose-colored glasses”. And yes, it’s there. Nebulous Neptune runs wild in the chart, suggesting that ideals can run away with the persona. Astrology buffs would be interested to note a hook-up between Mercury (mind), unconventional Uranus and Venus (social expression), which also suggests a case of idealism.  Oh, but what glamor, power and talent with the written word. That’s in her horoscope, too.

Only one aspect of note on Wednesday: a constructive, sobering connection between Moon in Sagittarius and Saturn, planet of necessary controls. That should help you give practical form to your big ideas. Ship it today or Friday, because the Moon will be void from 10:17 AM NY – 4:16PM NY. Not that Thursday won’t be productive. Watch the headlines for more revelations from underground, as you dig up your own dirt and put a strategy into action.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 5/17/2011: Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Yesterday a reader asked about the horoscope of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the International Monetary Fund and once thought to be a serious contender in the next French presidential election. Strauss-Kahn, as much of the free world now knows, was arrested over the weekend (pulled off an Air France jet that was just about to depart JFK) and accused of sexually assaulting a maid in his $3000/night  Sofitel hotel suite. He is being held without bail in a New York City jail.

Regular readers of this forecast know that if someone is in the headlines, there is something going on in the horoscope. What can we expect to see in this one? First, an aspect suggesting PROMINENCE, right? Hmm…that’s probably ruthless Pluto. Second, we might expect to see an aspect that suggests a disruption of the status quo. OK, readers, what might that be? Rebel Uranus, perhaps?

Strauss-Kahn was born April 25, 1949 at 11:10AM in Neuilly sur Seine. What do we see? Would you believe rebel Uranus making an exact connection to DSK’s Moon in me-me-me Aries, suggesting emotional excitement, impulsive, self-indulgent actions. Astrologer Grant Lewi wrote of this aspect over 70 years ago: “this is an eye-opener for the soul, and whatever events come under it will teach you some very important things about yourself and your ideals.” Would you also believe we find ruthless Pluto making a challenging connection to DSK’s Midheaven (which refers to his status in the community), which suggests major life adjustments and changes in perspective .

Other aspects of note: an expansive challenge to DSK’s Sun from Jupiter, no doubt adding to the grand sense of entitlement already suggested by DSK’s Leo Ascendant. We saw a similar relationship between Sun and Jupiter in the horoscope of Raj Rajaratanam. And look — there’s also an obsessive connection between nebulous Neptune and aggressive Mars, which can often suggest inspiration, charisma and/or delusion about one’s own magnetism; we saw this same obsessive/compulsive aspect in the horoscope of Newt Gingrich. Fascinating, eh? In France, there have been reports of an alibi. Stay tuned…

Meanwhile, falling into the “revelations and creative spin” category of headlines anticipated this week, we note the following as of yesterday:  “Japanese Officials Ignored or Concealed Dangers” of seismic activity to nuclear power plants; “Orchestras On Tour: Names Strike a False Note” (e.g., the Dublin Orchestra is actually from Bulgaria); and “Mortgage Lenders Accused of Fraud”  And it’s not even Tuesday.

Full Moon in Scorpio at 7:09AM EST suggests more than the usual emotional intensity. What do you desire? Fish or cut bait. Seriously. You can mull that over for a few hours…until 1:22PM EST while the Moon is void of course, suggesting a twist to your morning routine. You can expect to hear a number of opinions on what should go and what should stay, courtesy of Moon in high-flying Sagittarius, as the day progresses. You may even have a few opinions of your own.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 5/16/2011

A quick follow-up on the horoscope of Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin. Back in March, I noted a heavy transit to controlling Saturn from ruthless Pluto, exact in mid-February 2011, suggesting “the threat of loss in any area of life; hard, hard work; the threat of self-destruction”, with the observation that this heavy connection would repeat in June and December. Also still in effect is an equally tough connection with ruthless Pluto and aggressive Mars, suggesting, “extreme force, persuasion, brutality, control, excessive effort”. As of last week, nine state senators — six Republicans & three Democrats will be on the ballot in a recall election on July 12th; Governor Walker and his legislative majority are apparently working overtime to pass its agenda before then,-Wisconsin-GOP-attempts-to-ram-through-conservative-wish-list

Another follow-up: Donald Trump. When we looked at his horoscope a few weeks ago, we noted nebulous Neptune currently opposing his royal Leo ascendant. This suggests he may be having trouble seeing himself clearly, and he may be having issues related to deception and betrayal of trust in relationship. Was it a coincidence, then, to see this headline last week: “Trump Sued by Deceived Buyers” (with gratitude to Mr. Trump for recently providing astrologers with his birth certificate, so we could confirm an accurate birth time).

Meanwhile, the Space Shuttle — after several Mercury retrograde schedule changes thanks to technical issues (not surprising) — is scheduled to lift-off at the attention-grabbing time of 8:56AM EST. The general rules in astrology favor launching a mission while the Moon is waxing, which it is. So far, so good.  It’s also currently running wild in the intense, controlling sign of Scorpio. It could be quite a show; the day is ripe for high hopes and inspiration, either grounded — or sharply contrasted with conservative, stubborn thinking.  Hmm. That sounds like a scenario for the continued debates in Congress on raising the debt ceiling and what will be extracted as a “compromise,” I believe are also going on today.

Getting back to things “spacey.” This week features a challenge between nebulous Neptune and the Sun, suggesting bewilderment, refinement, confusion, transcendence, fantasy and other means of escape. This challenge is exact in the early AM hours on Sunday, shortly after the world is allegedly coming to an end on May 21st the Scorpio Full Moon on Tuesday, followed by a connection between Venus-Mars and Pluto on the 20th does suggest the potential for “news from the underground” (including seismic activity), my sense is that it is far more likely that those who firmly believe the world is ending on the 21st will wake up feeling very confused on the 22nd when they wake up and the world is still here. Should be an interesting week of revelations and very creative spin.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 5/12/2011: Raj Rajaratnam

For some, the headline yesterday that brought much good cheer (keeping in line with good cheer anticipated all this week), was the news that Raj Rajaratnam, hedge fund manager extraordinaire, had been found guilty of conspiracy and securities fraud

Rajaratnam was reportedly born in Colombo, Sri Lanka on June 15, 1957 (time unknown); Sun in chatty Gemini (like Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich) and Moon in either make-it-happen Capricorn or socially significant Aquarius (I suspect it’s enterprising Capricorn, but I’m not willing to spend the hours it would take to test for an exact birth time). What else might we expect to find in his horoscope? This is your chance, for those of you who read this forecast everyday, to amaze yourselves with what you’ve learned about astrology and how you can apply it to good use yourself (my secret stealth mission).

Here are some facts about today’s astro-logical poster child, followed by planetary patterns we might expect to see in the horoscope.

  • He studied engineering in college. We’re going to expect to see Uranus (innovation, technology) prominently configured.
  • He is famous for excess, to the point of wretchedness. He reportedly paid Kenny Rogers millions of dollars to perform at a birthday party. One of his favorite songs is “The Gambler”. Think! What planet is associated with EXPANSION? We’ll expect to it placed strongly.
  • Since he was convicted of fraud, we’ll expect to see a powerful placement of the planet associated with things not being as they seem (NEBULOUS). What planet is that?

Let’s go to the chart. We see Uranus (technology, genius, innovation) in royal Leo (grand, sense of entitlement) in an exact connection to Mercury (mind) in clever Gemini. DING! This man is very, very smart. We see expansive……JUPITER in a tight challenge to the Sun. A challenging influence from Jupiter can be over-indulgent. DING DING! Finally, we see nebulous….NEPTUNE in a challenging aspect to Mars. Newt Gingrich, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Bill Clinton all have challenging aspects between these two planets. Would you say that all of these people might be described as charismatic…to the point of being slick? Do they exist in their own unique version of reality? Have they ever been thought of as deceptive? DING DING DING!

Now let’s say this horoscope belongs to someone running for office or applying for a job in your company. Would you vote for them? Would you hire them? If you said “yes,” what other information would you need about them in order to feel confident that you’d made a good decision? What do you think would be this person’s strengths or weaknesses?  Remember: there is nothing inherently good or bad with planetary patterns. People decide how to use — or misuse/abuse their abilities. People decide whether to build all the way up to heaven or all the way down to hell.

Use today’s analytical Moon in Virgo energy to digest this complimentary astro-logical lesson…or anything else on your plate that requires mulling over and organization. Oh– and here’s another example of idealism/”miracles just might happen” thinking hitting the headlines. Yesterday a bill was introduced in the Senate — again — (by Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Jim McDermott of Washington State )to establish a single-payer health insurance/care system in the United States. It is astonishing to me how many otherwise super-smart Americans do not know what “single-payer” means. I am convinced that it is perhaps the most significant reason why the concept hasn’t won greater support. Houston, we have a problem. A MARKETING problem. 

Read about single-payer health care here, or enjoy my pithy explanation. Single payer means taxpayer-funded, as in Medicare For All. OK, what does that mean? It means given a choice between spending your tax dollars to build military bases all over the Middle East or paying your hospital bills in the event you are hit by a bus, how would you choose to spend it? Excellent. I see you are in favor of a single-payer system, as you would prefer to spend your tax dollars on your health care. In the best of all possible worlds, we would use the money we currently spend on, for example, military bases in the Middle East and spend it on keeping you healthy and free from the worry that if you get sick, you will go bankrupt. Y’know, like they do in every other allegedly civilized Western nation. Single-payer/taxpayer funded health care is nothing new. If you know anyone whose parents served in the military, that person has enjoyed the benefits of taxpayer-funded health care. Why should they have all the fun?

Of course, if we don’t spend our money building military bases in the Middle East, we won’t be able to stand guard over all that oil…which means maybe we’ll have to stop relying on oil and come up with an alternative source of energy that doesn’t require a military base to guard it. Oh my, I am really dreaming here. Must be the stars… ; )