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"The reading was a partnership between the two of us; she did not simply recite planetary signs and meanings, but had a conversation with me, continually asking what I made of what she saw, and what I thought I could do to change the things I want to change.

When the names of other people in my life came up, she quickly looked up their charts on her computer and commented on their roles in my life -- painting a fuller picture of where I was, where I wanted to go, and how I could get there.

What was impressive was that Elisabeth took all the planets, people, and situations that made up my life and created a context for them all that was positive, hopeful, and exciting!

She has a lovely personality, a sharp wit, and a gift for astrological interpretation."

--Bill W.
New York

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Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 5/12/2011: Raj Rajaratnam

For some, the headline yesterday that brought much good cheer (keeping in line with good cheer anticipated all this week), was the news that Raj Rajaratnam, hedge fund manager extraordinaire, had been found guilty of conspiracy and securities fraud

Rajaratnam was reportedly born in Colombo, Sri Lanka on June 15, 1957 (time unknown); Sun in chatty Gemini (like Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich) and Moon in either make-it-happen Capricorn or socially significant Aquarius (I suspect it’s enterprising Capricorn, but I’m not willing to spend the hours it would take to test for an exact birth time). What else might we expect to find in his horoscope? This is your chance, for those of you who read this forecast everyday, to amaze yourselves with what you’ve learned about astrology and how you can apply it to good use yourself (my secret stealth mission).

Here are some facts about today’s astro-logical poster child, followed by planetary patterns we might expect to see in the horoscope.

  • He studied engineering in college. We’re going to expect to see Uranus (innovation, technology) prominently configured.
  • He is famous for excess, to the point of wretchedness. He reportedly paid Kenny Rogers millions of dollars to perform at a birthday party. One of his favorite songs is “The Gambler”. Think! What planet is associated with EXPANSION? We’ll expect to it placed strongly.
  • Since he was convicted of fraud, we’ll expect to see a powerful placement of the planet associated with things not being as they seem (NEBULOUS). What planet is that?

Let’s go to the chart. We see Uranus (technology, genius, innovation) in royal Leo (grand, sense of entitlement) in an exact connection to Mercury (mind) in clever Gemini. DING! This man is very, very smart. We see expansive……JUPITER in a tight challenge to the Sun. A challenging influence from Jupiter can be over-indulgent. DING DING! Finally, we see nebulous….NEPTUNE in a challenging aspect to Mars. Newt Gingrich, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Bill Clinton all have challenging aspects between these two planets. Would you say that all of these people might be described as charismatic…to the point of being slick? Do they exist in their own unique version of reality? Have they ever been thought of as deceptive? DING DING DING!

Now let’s say this horoscope belongs to someone running for office or applying for a job in your company. Would you vote for them? Would you hire them? If you said “yes,” what other information would you need about them in order to feel confident that you’d made a good decision? What do you think would be this person’s strengths or weaknesses?  Remember: there is nothing inherently good or bad with planetary patterns. People decide how to use — or misuse/abuse their abilities. People decide whether to build all the way up to heaven or all the way down to hell.

Use today’s analytical Moon in Virgo energy to digest this complimentary astro-logical lesson…or anything else on your plate that requires mulling over and organization. Oh– and here’s another example of idealism/”miracles just might happen” thinking hitting the headlines. Yesterday a bill was introduced in the Senate — again — (by Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Jim McDermott of Washington State )to establish a single-payer health insurance/care system in the United States. It is astonishing to me how many otherwise super-smart Americans do not know what “single-payer” means. I am convinced that it is perhaps the most significant reason why the concept hasn’t won greater support. Houston, we have a problem. A MARKETING problem. 

Read about single-payer health care here, or enjoy my pithy explanation. Single payer means taxpayer-funded, as in Medicare For All. OK, what does that mean? It means given a choice between spending your tax dollars to build military bases all over the Middle East or paying your hospital bills in the event you are hit by a bus, how would you choose to spend it? Excellent. I see you are in favor of a single-payer system, as you would prefer to spend your tax dollars on your health care. In the best of all possible worlds, we would use the money we currently spend on, for example, military bases in the Middle East and spend it on keeping you healthy and free from the worry that if you get sick, you will go bankrupt. Y’know, like they do in every other allegedly civilized Western nation. Single-payer/taxpayer funded health care is nothing new. If you know anyone whose parents served in the military, that person has enjoyed the benefits of taxpayer-funded health care. Why should they have all the fun?

Of course, if we don’t spend our money building military bases in the Middle East, we won’t be able to stand guard over all that oil…which means maybe we’ll have to stop relying on oil and come up with an alternative source of energy that doesn’t require a military base to guard it. Oh my, I am really dreaming here. Must be the stars… ; )

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 5/11/2011: Newt and Callista Gingrich

Shall we talk some more about idealism and people with idealism strongly suggested in their horoscopes making news at this time? Oh, let’s. I do hope you’re out there pitching this month….

Yesterday morning Newt and Callista Gingrich entered the race to become the Republican nominee for President of the United States in 2012. Callista, a reportedly devout Catholic, began her relationship with Newt in 1993, while he was married to his second wife. Their affair went on for seven years. While involved with Callista, who is 23 years his junior, Newt called for the impeachment of President Clinton  — for lying about his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. What kind of planetary patterns in a horoscope could suggest such bewildering, seemingly hypocritical actions and beliefs?

In the horoscope of Callista, we immediately see Mercury (mind, communication) in touch with Venus (social expression) — a classic sign of idealism (birth data: March 4, 1966, Whitehall, WI — time unknown). Other patterns suggest a likely challenging relationship with the father; an element of being somehow suppressed in her early home life, and a sense that life is hard work. These same patterns also suggest great discipline, determination and achievement. A Pisces with Moon in regal Leo, she likely has a bit of a queen complex, as well as more than a bit of glamor and charisma suggested by a connection to Mars from nebulous Neptune. With idealism identified in a horoscope, one is inclined to wonder — what unpleasantness that rose-colored outlook be masking?

In the horoscope of Newt, we find more than one familiar pattern. First, Sun in Gemini and Moon in opinionated Sagittarius — just like Donald Trump. Fascinating!  Signs of idealism? How about nebulous Neptune (fantasy, delusion, glamor, spirituality, drugs, sacrifice, deception, enlightenment) commanding attention at the Aries Point (remember how active that point was in global events back in March), in a challenge to Sun (Barack Obama, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck also have this aspect) AND  opinionated, often preachy Moon in Sagittarius. This Moon is augmented by a grandiose connection to expansive Jupiter, not unlike the Moon-Jupiter connection in  Charlie Sheen’s horoscope. Sure, he can be extremely inspirational. But there is also the potential for more than a bit of magical thinking…

For today: Moon is void between 12:52 – 9:59AM EST. A slow start or a twist to your usual morning routine is suggested, after which Moon enters the discerning sign of Virgo, where it can spend the entire day in search of perfectly organized bliss. Though frankly, with the luscious abundance suggested by a “big idea” connection between Mercury and Jupiter…AND an indulgent connection between loving Venus and the cosmic sugar daddy (Jupiter), “organized” might be a challenge. Leave it to Mars, entering the sign of stable, stubborn Taurus, to temper the impulsive urge to take action we’ve experienced for the past few weeks with Mars in Aries. Some of us will breathe a huge sigh of relief.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 5/2/2011: Osama bin Laden Dead

From the Weekend Forecast for Sunday: “But wait — what about that jubilant, “believe in the impossible” (and act on it) connection between horny Mars and expansive Jupiter, happening right after midnight?” Well, what about it, indeed. As anyone who isn’t living under a rock now knows, on Sunday evening President Obama announced that Osama bin Laden was dead, having been killed by US forces in an (obviously) covert operation. And America was jubilant (and likely still is, on Monday morning). What an end to a New Moon cycle so full of promise for daring, self-reliant, status quo-disrupting words and actions to dominate the headlines (re-read the forecast for the New Moon posted on 4/3/2011 for answers to the question, “what just happened?”). I can’t help but note that the announcement came on a void-of-course Moon; suggesting a certain element of “no consequence.” Hmmm.

Of course I immediately began thinking about how the events of the weekend reflect patterns in Obama’s horoscope. President Obama, a Leo with Moon in news junkie Gemini, is driven by a need to inform. And wasn’t he informative (not mention clever, entertaining and intense), while holding court at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner — especially at Donald Trump’s expense? You’d never know he’d recently authorized a deadly, high-risk covert operation that was about to rock the world.

You may recall a post a few weeks ago about the impact of nebulous Neptune’s current influence on Obama’s career/public status. Neptune energy can manifest as confusion (as in, “why is our Nobel Peace Prize-winning President bombing Libya??) or as guile, deception, illusion, vision, glamor, sacrifice or salvation. With Neptune, writes astrologer Noel Tyl, “things are not as they seem.” In sharp contrast to nebulous Neptune is a potentially brutal, driven, forceful, hard working connection between ruthless Pluto and controlling Saturn, exact in Obama’s horoscope on July 26 — but also influential right now — and certainly an apt description of the qualities of this covert operation. Also of note is a contact between aggressive Mars and Obama’s point of career/public status (technical term: the Midheaven), exact a couple of days ago. We would anticipate that he would be especially assertive at this time.

Use this day to wrap up the adventures of the last New Moon cycle; clear your desk and get ready for the next cycle, which begins at 2:51AM Tuesday in the sign of Taurus, where it is right now, seeking to establish material security and other creature comforts. To be continued…