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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 1/17/2014 & The Weekend: TGIF

Good Morning!

Moon in Leo seemed oh-so-fitting for yesterday’s announcement of this year’s Oscar nominees, though the clash between retrograde Venus and Mars did suggest the potential for a few ruffled feathers. Apparently there were plenty of “surprises and snubs”. But of course, with Venus — referring to aesthetics and social expression — retrograde, we’d expect the Academy to fall in love with a a few oddball choices…and wonder in  February, when Venus turns direct, what the heck they were thinking.

The Moon continues its regal promenade through drama queen Leo, making  contact with inventive Uranus and mental Mercury in the wee hours ET; action hero Mars at the end of the business day. That bright idea you have? Run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes.

Saturday the Moon goes void at 3:51AM ET….not to enter Virgo until 8:23PM ET. Avoid the yard sales and the malls, as impulse purchases bought during voids rarely live up to expectations. Sleeping in is a wonderful activity to pursue during Moon voids. So is yoga and meditation…and here’s a nifty article on recent discoveries about the latter. Try it; you’ll like it.

Once the Moon does enter Virgo, a need for order and perfection likely kicks in, with the potential for an intense cleanse Sunday night.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 1/16/2014: Full Moon Fallout

Moon enters sunny, dramatic Leo at 8AM ET, perhaps stoking the fires of whatever passions might be on your agenda, courtesy of the day’s only exact aspect: the square between retrograde Venus in enterprising, status-conscious Capricorn and action hero Mars in relationship-focused Libra. Play ardently, and do something positive with that supercharged energy…or something positively physical, especially if you have a planet or angle at 18 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn.

Don’t know where your planets are? I’ll be happy to email you a computer-generated Astro-Basics Report, which will give you house placements of the planets, what sign and degree they are in, as well as the aspects between them. For each placement you’ll get a little bit of descriptive text on what having Venus in Virgo, for example, “means”. That way when you read this daily forecast and see that a transit is most likely to affect someone with a planet at — say — 6 degrees of Pisces,  you will know if it applies to you. The report is not a substitute for the in-depth guidance and synthesis you’ll receive in a personal consultation, but if you are interested in knowing exactly where your planets are in astrological terms, you will find this report helpful.

To get the report 1) make an $18 donation; and 2) email me your birth data. I will e-mail you the report within 24 hours.

After all the build-up to last night’s Full Moon, the Leo Moon suggests a need for celebration and appreciation. Let yourself shine — and shine some of that love on others, too.  I challenge you to defy the potential pitfalls of the Venus-Mars square by paying someone a compliment. Maybe write your congressional representative, and tell them how positively thrilled you are that they got into the flow of the New Moon’s proactive push, and actually passed a budget yesterday. Does it matter if the 1500+ page bill was released just two days ago, suggesting few people actually read it? Is that a rhetorical question? Probably, since I am typing this during a Moon void…

Meanwhile, in a country far, far away (Iceland)…a follow-up to an unconventional approach taken by this small island nation in response to a ginormous fiscal crisis sheds Full Moon illumination on Cancer-Capricorn themes of homeland/emotional security needs vs. the needs of big business (in this case, big banks). Instead of bailing out its financial institutions, Iceland forced them to go under. How are they doing now? And how will you think outside the box on a day when a cooperative connection between mental Mercury and rebel Uranus (exact after midnight on Friday ET) favors breakthroughs and other innovations? Write those ideas down over the next couple of days…

This golden hue is brought to you by the Moon in regal Leo. Have a sunny day!


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 1/15/2014: Full Moon in Cancer

Hump Day, indeed!

The Cancer Moon is waxing full — exact at 11:52PM ET — where it will oppose the earthy Capricorn Sun. How will the need for emotional security be fulfilled, given the ambitious reach of the past two weeks, when you launched your New Moon agenda? The Cancer Moon refers to nurturing, including motherhood. The Capricorn Sun refers to more patriarchal concerns, such as business. How fascinating to see an article posted this morning entitled “Moms In Survival Mode as U.S. Trails the World on Benefits”.

Did you know that of 185 nations, only the U.S. and Papua New Guinea do not provide or require paid maternity leave? Check out the article linked above for some interesting remedies going on in California, New Jersey and Rhode Island…

This soft grey is brought to you by the light of the silvery Moon in Cancer, encouraging you to honor your need for emotional security. A personal astro-logical consultation can offer comfort and support.

A Cancer Full Moon suggests especially sensitive and overflowing emotions, from the cranky and crabby to the sublimely tearful and sentimental. A challenge to the Moon from Mars this morning (ET) favors the crabby side; as the day progresses, more realistic controls may kick in, courtesy of a helpful support from disciplined Saturn just after lunch (ET). Right after the Moon’s fullness is exact at 11:52PM ET, it goes void with a long sigh, not to enter the next sign — Leo — until 8AM ET on Thursday. If you happen to work in an ER, you could be in for a particularly loopy night of upsets and twists, given the Full Moon fallout.

Keep in mind that a challenging aspect between Venus (women) and Mars (men) is in effect now and will be exact Thursday at 12:13PM ET. Read yesterday’s forecast for thoughts on that — and I’ll just remind you again to mind your manners. Another pattern that will be exact early Friday morning is a cooperative connection between mental Mercury and inventive Uranus, suggesting you pay attention to your brainstorms between now and then.

Last but not least, this headline reflecting the conflicting interests of big business (Capricorn) and homeland security (Cancer) just hit the wires: Wikileaks has just released a draft of the environmental section of the continuing secret secret secret negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership…which, I’ll then counter with the always cheerful, ever-hopeful Good News Network


Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 1/14/2014: Retrograde Venus Square Mars

Moon is waxing full in Cancer over the next two days, suggesting an abundance of emotions, and some of them all over the place. The need for emotional and homeland security is the likely focus.

Generally speaking, the Moon is happy to be in Cancer, which is the sign it rules. Today starts out dreamily enough, aided by a harmonious connection to the Moon from soulful Neptune. A revelation or upset is suggested around lunchtime ET, courtesy of a zap from rebel Uranus…followed by a catharsis or power play around dinner ET.

By all means, be proactive with your agenda — but also be sensitive to how your agenda is being received. You recall yesterday I mentioned that a challenging aspect between aggressive Mars and retrograde Venus (exact on Thursday) suggested we all needed to be vigilant about minding our manners, right? When Venus is retrograde, social graces are more likely to be forgotten — with unpleasant consequences.

Yesterday afternoon in Florida — during the long Moon void — a man was shot in a movie theater by a retired police officer. The victim’s offense? Texting his three-year-old daughter during the trailers. And what’s really bizarre — and yet, so oddly in tune with planetary patterns — is this line from the article:

“The killing underscored the increased debate about when to use smartphones in public.”

…as opposed to underscoring the increased debate about when to use handguns in public, as noted by many in the Reader Comments section (it looks like that line has since been edited out). Yep, the order of the day — with Venus retrograde — is manners, or the lack thereof. Do remember to say “please” and “thank you” through January 31st, when Venus turns direct, won’t you?

You are more affected by the increasing tension between aggressive/horny/action hero Mars and retrograde Venus if you have a planet or angle around 16 to 18 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn…or were born around the 8th of January, April, July or October. An extra hour at the gym or some other physical release is suggested. This transit is excellent if you need to push through resistance on a project that requires a daring initiative. It is more easily channeled if you are working solo, as there is less inclination to consider the needs of others. So if you have to work with others, be extra mindful…

This soft grey is brought to you by the light of the silvery Moon in Cancer, encouraging you to honor your need for emotional security. A personal astro-logical consultation offers comfort and support.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 1/13/2014: Mind the Void

Good morning!

Many thanks to Laura, an avid reader who sent me this lovely email response to last week’s PSA about
Thanks for the tip on finding unclaimed cash during the retro Venus. So far, I’ve found $ for my ex-husband, mother, father and current sister in law on our Illinois site! They’re all quite excited. Wow! Love your newsletter, it’s oh so helpful!

You’re so welcome, Laura. I am delighted to be of service!


In the Americas, you’re waking up in the middle of a 27 hour-long void-of-course Moon that began Sunday at 4:33PM ET. The Moon does not get into gear until 7:25PM ET, when it leaves chatty Gemini for nurturing Cancer. Sleeping in past your usual wake-up call is not an unusual Moon-void occurrence, and chances are you may do it without consequence. Plus, sleeping in is actually good for you, and now scientists are beginning to understand why we need to “spend a third of our lives completely out of it” (see the preceding link for details).

Take care of routine tasks today, and see if you notice any odd twist in your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Enjoy whatever detour may crop up, even if your plane happens to land at the wrong airport, as some passengers flying Southwest Airlines discovered last night. Remember that crises that crop up often turn out to be “much ado about nothing.” Also remember that Moon voids favor surprise upsets and underdogs in competitions, such as last night’s “messy” Golden Globes.

The work week really gets into gear on Tuesday, and in the Americas, there are no other Moon voids to distract you during business hours. Highlights of the week, in terms of planetary patterns, include a Full Moon on late Wednesday night, followed by a charged-up challenge between Venus (women) and Mars (men) on Thursday. Juicy for some; nasty for others; everyone please remember your manners…

In the news, I’m bummed to report an unfortunate “breakthrough” story concerning toxins and water, as reflected by Neptune’s sojourn through Pisces. It involves a company with the mind-blowing name of Freedom Industries, Inc., which owns a chemical-storage facility that just happens to be on a river, and apparently it’s had the freedom to do whatever it darn well pleased since at least 1991 because oopsie. And as of Thursday, 300,000 people in West Virginia have been without drinking water for four days... Gah!

Getting back to the Moon void spirit, so as to end on a lighter note because Monday:  the annual No Pants Subway Ride happened yesterday, with citizens in 25 countries participating.  Talk about a twist in your usual routine, as well as somebody’s knickers…

This bright yellow is brought to you by today’s inquisitive Moon in Gemini. It appeals to curious types needing valuable information about their unique horoscopes. A personal astro-logical consultation is sure to satisfy…

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 1/10/2014 & The Weekend: Money Talks

Another day of practical, organizing Moon-in-Taurus energy could relieve the high-voltage charge many of you have reported feeling at the start of the work week. Sensory overload, was it? Too many roaring egos? The next few days offer potential for grounded and realistic communications, likely involving social status and/or business concerns, thanks to helpful connections between the Sun and Venus to disciplined Saturn. Issues on the table might be a second pass at something that came up around November 24th. If so, you’re likely to get a final hit on the matter around February 25th.

Your only caveat today is the potential wet blanket suggested by a stubborn opposition between Saturn and the Moon around 2PM ET. On the plus side, this very same aspect could also be reflected in an ambitious reach. What will it be for you?

Remember, the energy symbolized by planetary patterns is neither positive nor negative. We have plenty of say in how we choose to use and experience it. You know this cold snap that has had most of America whingeing all week? Entomologists have been doing cartwheels over it, hoping the freezing temperatures will wipe out zillions of invasive pests. Put those long johns on with a smile, and think of how great it is for the trees. Look for a silver lining in any given situation, no matter how unpleasant it may seem.

On Saturday you’ll likely sleep through a very brief void before the Moon enters Gemini at 7:26AM ET. Great for conversation, communication and information — especially with the patterns described above. On Sunday, Moon goes void at 4:23PM ET…and doesn’t enter Cancer until 7:25 PM ET on MONDAY. Ship it Friday if you can…

…and if you didn’t see it yesterday, here’s another chance for you to find a check with your name on it. Go to – it will connect you to the Unclaimed Property Departments run by state comptrollers of all 50 states — and some parts of Canada. Go to the site for every state you’ve ever lived in — see if your name is listed and file a claim. Reviewing finances is a perfect Venus retrograde activity, doncha’ know.  Let me know if you hit pay dirt — and share this forecast with all of your friends and relations. You will make their day.

This soothing pink color is brought to you by the Moon in comfort-seeking Taurus, moooooving you to organize your plans for material security in 2014. A personal astro-logical consultation would be an excellent building block for this project.


Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 1/9/2014: Venus Retrograde Windfall?

With the Moon’s ingress into placid, earthy Taurus last night as of 9:24PM ET, your pace is likely to be slower and steadier than yesterday’s hyped-up drive. Note your dreams upon waking, as a communicative connection between the Moon and nebulous Neptune in the wee hours may put your subconscious mind to good use. The only other exact aspect today is a harmonious connection between the material security-seeking Taurus Moon and deep, resourceful Pluto at 7:27PM ET.

You do remember that Venus (money, art, women, social expression) is retrograde until the end of the month, right? Which is an excellent time to review your finances and your beliefs about money. How cool would it be to find some cash from the past? Check out — it will connect you to the Unclaimed Property Departments — run by state comptrollers of all 50 states — and some parts of Canada. Go to the site for every state you’ve ever lived in — see if your name is listed and file a claim. The first time I did this, I found a few hundred dollars in New York and California — so much fun!  Check it out, let me know if you hit pay dirt — and share this forecast with all of your friends and relations. You will make their day.

Oh what news, what news. Talk about breakthroughs. New York and New Jersey are all abuzz over this one: Christie Faces Scandal Over Traffic Jam Aides Ordered. See, back in September, access lanes from Fort Lee, New Jersey to the George Washington Bridge were mysteriously closed for a few days, resulting in hours of delay for commuters as the whole town was gridlocked. How could this have happened? Inquiring minds started to wonder…and then a few journalists got to work. Seems the lane closings were in fact “a stunningly stupid act of political revenge” aimed the mayor of Fort Lee, who refused to endorse Chris Christie’s re-election bid. Quelle scandale!

You may recall a very brief discussion of Christie’s horoscope in November, noting fierce transits by the Uranus-Pluto square suggesting the naturally brash and opinionated Moon-in-Sagittarius governor was likely to be intensely persuasive in 2013 and 2014. A closer examination reveals solar arcs (not to be confused with transits) suggesting the potential for scandal (Jupiter to Neptune), as Christie’s need to take action (Mars) is heavily challenged by stern Saturn — a.k.a. a brick wall. Another solar arc to Christie’s perfectionist and/or hypercritical Virgo Sun from aggressive Mars suggests “temperament, feeling attacked, accidents, surgery” — according to master astrologer Noel Tyl.  We’ll see where Mr. Christie is at in March…

Meanwhile, two tough stories reflecting Saturn’s passage through nitty-gritty Scorpio force a heart-wrenching consideration of life and death.  A woman in Texas is brain-dead, but the hospital has not honored her family’s request to take her off life support because she is pregnant. In California, a 13-year-old girl — has also declared brain-dead — and her mother went to court to keep her daughter on a ventilator. We have another year to go with Saturn in Scorpio…

…so I’ll close with more awesomeness from Gabrielle Giffords. After writing an op-ed for the New York Times (linked in yesterday’s forecast), she completed a successful skydive. Courage. Determination. Fortitude. Onward!

This soothing pink color is brought to you by the Moon in comfort-seeking Taurus, moooooving you to organize your plans for material security in 2014. A personal astro-logical consultation would be an excellent building block. 

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 1/8/2014: A Breakthrough for Real

East Coasters, use the early morning hours productively before the fiery Aries Moon goes void-of-course at 11:22AM ET, not to enter Taurus until 9:24PM ET. Communication of all kinds is accentuated, though you might notice a shift into neutral around lunchtime. West Coasters, your entire business day may have that “herding cats” feeling, but it does not mean you can’t be productive, too. The challenge is to be patient with any aimless cats you encounter and maintain your cool in during any “crisis” that crops up. My money says it’s likely much ado about nothing, and you’ll have more fun if you can be flexible with your flight plan.

Physical energy and ego energies are running higher than usual, courtesy of a challenge between action hero Mars and bombastic Jupiter. Definitely do something productive with that. On the plus side: more fun and the more the merrier. On the down side: the potential for overindulgence and a lack of oversight; sleepless nights; actions that may be seen as outrageous; and accidents. I’ve had a lot of people who are directly impacted by the Cardinal Grand Cross tell me they’ve  had trouble sleeping this week. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Once the Moon enters Taurus at 9:24PM ET, things will settle down. You can calmly and methodically get organized and build structures for your material security and sensual enjoyment.

Meanwhile, planetary patterns suggest another day of extremes — at least in the weather department. While much of America is freaking out over freakishly low temperatures and radical temperature swings, in Australia it’s hotter than Hades, and in Argentina, too. Massive waves have pummeled Europe, too. Want a bit of inspiring, believe-in-miracles, never-never-give-up news that reflects the indomitable spirit of an Aries Moon, mixed in with the breakthrough potential of the Cardinal Grand Cross? “Breakthrough potential” was the subhead in yesterday’s forecast, right? And this just hit the NYT home page: an update from Gabrielle Giffords about a personal breakthrough — read it through to the end, if you please. All through 2010 and 2011, Ms. Giffords had ruthless Pluto and then rebel Uranus making challenging aspects to her natal Mars (willpower; action) and Uranus, which are at 4 degrees of Cancer and 4 degrees of Libra, respectively. This suggests two years of extraordinary effort (here’s her horoscope — time unknown), resulting in a powerful transformation. In 2013, disciplined Saturn would have challenged her natal Saturn and likely her Leo Moon, suggesting the potential for an ambitious reach. She is awesome, and though I could dig up a zillion other headlines reflecting current planetary patterns, I’d rather let Ms. Giffords’ breakthrough (note that it is a physical breakthrough — how very Mars – Jupiter), carry you through the day.

This fire-engine red is brought to you by the Moon in me-me-me Aries, inspiring you to start the New Year off with an astro-logical consultation that’s all about YOU. Self-indulgent aspects among Venus, Mercury and the Moon demand it! Consultations are described in detail here.



Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 1/7/2014: Breakthrough Potential

Brrrr! It’s five degrees in New York. Even my keyboard froze up last night. Extreme? Score another round for planetary patterns….

My money is on a non-stop day of action, especially for those with planets engaged with the Cardinal Grand Cross discussed in yesterday’s forecast. The Moon continues to charge through Aries, zapped by an Uranian lightning bolt at 6:20AM ET; engaged in a power play or emotional catharsis with Pluto at 11:13AM ET and challenged by willful Mars and expansive/expensive Jupiter just in time for Happy Hour. By the end of the day, you should know what needs to be done to move your New Moon agenda forward, suggested by the First Quarter Moon’s conflict between me-me-me Aries and the (Sun in) Capricorn Establishment.

There may be some idealism involving said Establishment, or at least in areas of status and society, suggested by hook-up between mental Mercury and Venus (social expression, women, art, money) in practical Capricorn, and plenty may be revealed. After writing all the above last night, I am delighted to see on the NYT home page an item in which five activists who broke into a FBI office in 1971  are now breaking their silence.

They were never caught, and the stolen documents that they mailed anonymously to newspaper reporters were the first trickle of what would become a flood of revelations about extensive spying and dirty-tricks operations by the F.B.I. against dissident groups.

Gosh, this sounds familiar. Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, anyone? Could there be an astrological pattern repeating itself? The activists who are the subject of these new revelations were a product of the 1960s, also known as the revolutionary Uranus-Pluto conjunctions of 1965 and 1966. Interesting to note that things really got wild in the aftermath of the exact Uranus-Pluto conjunctions, i.e., up until 1972. Astrologer Bill Herbst has opined that we can expect a similarly increased level of disruption in the years following the seven exact squares between Uranus and Pluto happening between 2011 and 2015.  Wow!

Meanwhile, more news in the power and energy sector, as forecast. Toyota plans to put a hydrogen-powered car on the market in 2015 and last year,  Spain’s greenhouse emissions dropped 23%, thanks to increased usage of electricity generated by wind and hydropower. Why can’t we do that here?

More news from Spain, involving power and corruption in high places: a member of the royal family faces charges of money laundering and tax fraud. Yikes! Meanwhile, in New York, 80 police officers and firefighters were arrested on charges filing fraudulent disability claims — in a several hundred million dollar operation that dates back to 1988 — and possibly even earlier. Wow again! Oh, and JP Morgan Chase will be paying out billions of dollars again, this time to settle charges that it enabled Bernie Madoff’s ongoing Ponzi scheme.

Aries, which is where the Moon is today, rules the head. Thus I leave you with two groundbreaking stories: one about mapping the brain and the other about measuring consciousness. As Rene Descartes famously said, “I think; therefore, I am.” Yes, of course, Rene Descartes was an Aries — with a truckload of other Aries planets in the 3rd house, which refers to mindset and communication. Interesting to note that his Aries Sun is at 10 degrees and his Ascendant is 10 degrees Capricorn — both currently supercharged by the Cardinal Grand Cross. Mais oui, Rene, we are thinking of you aujourd’hui…bodies may pass away, but horoscopes live forever….

This fire-engine red is brought to you by the Moon in me-me-me Aries, inspiring you to start the New Year off with an astro-logical consultation that’s all about YOU. Here’s how to contact me.

If you must ship in the next 48 hours, ship it today or before 11:22AM ET on Wednesday, when the Moon goes void for a 10 hour spell.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 1/6/2014: The Cardinal Grand Cross of 2014

Good Morning!

The first full work week of the 2014 may begin with a twist, upset or detour, courtesy of a “go with the flow” Pisces Moon being void-of-course between 4:44AM ET and 2:45PM ET. Even so, we’re off to another super-charged week in an equally super-charged first half of the year. Who’s feeling the urge to take action the most? People born 10 to 16 days into Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn….and anyone who has a planet or angle at 10 to 16 degrees of those signs. There is tremendous potential for personal empowerment and emancipation — and much of that growth will likely involve change, so get ready!

The urge to initiate intensifies when the Moon charges into Aries at 2:45PM ET. You may be dealing with an idealistic mindset or communication, suggested by a hook-up between mental Mercury and Venus in enterprising Capricorn. Still, the energy and focus is available to flesh these ideas out, suggested by friendly input from disciplined Saturn. This round of action builds to a physical and/or enthusiastic release on Wednesday, courtesy of an exact challenge between aggressive Mars and jovial Jupiter.

This fire-engine red is brought to you by the Moon in me-me-me Aries, inspiring you to start the New Year off with an astro-logical consultation that’s all about YOU. Here’s how to contact me.

The planetary pattern that is reflecting all this proactive, super-charged energy is a Grand Cross configuration, that revs up the high-voltage of the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square with the addition of challenges from physical, willful Mars and expansive — and sometimes bombastically so — Jupiter. This Grand Cross is an easy image to visualize. Just picture a square with one planet at each corner. Uranus in Aries and Mars in Libra are opposite each other; Jupiter in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn are opposite each other. Draw a line between the planets opposing each other, and  you’ve got a Grand Cross — got that?

The Grand Cross is an extremely tense configuration among planets in Cardinal Signs (refer to the forecast posted on the Winter Solstice), and the way Cardinal Signs release tension is to initiate action. Because of the nature of the planets involved, such actions are likely be extreme.  How long will this Grand Cross be hanging around? Off and on through May, with an exact square among all four planets happening April 20th-23rd — mark your calendars, especially since it will be directly impacting the horoscope of the United States.

Here are some topics likely to be dominating the headlines during the Grand Cross. Mars-Uranus oppositions suggest volatility, accidents, aviation, rebellion and technological breakthroughs. Jupiter-Pluto oppositions suggest issues of power and resources of all kinds: energy and currency; corporations and governments. Uranus-Pluto squares suggest disruption of the status quo; with Uranus in Aries it is also the power of one individual to effect radical change, which shakes up the “powers that be” Establishment (Pluto in Capricorn). We can expect the PTB to exert great efforts in order to maintain power and control. Meanwhile, Mars-Jupiter squares suggest great physical stamina and/or overblown ego; Jupiter-Uranus squares suggest sudden windfalls and news from the cosmos.

We’ll recap the Uranus-Pluto square tomorrow; my plan to do that today was preempted by a need to discuss the Cardinal Grand Cross.

FYI, the other Moon void for the work week — other than today — is Wednesday 11:22AM ET – 9:24PM ET.

And now, the news.

Here in New York, commuting delays are rampant, as the subways are officially called “a mess,” courtesy of pouring raining melting whatever was left of last week’s snow. But wait, there’s more. Temperatures will drop from 55 degrees Fahrenheit to 7 degrees tonight. Extreme? Yes, and that’s no surprise.

On corporations & corporate reforms: the NYT Op-Ed section has a piece arguing that the corporate income tax should be abolished, with lost revenue replaced by higher taxes on corporate shareholders. Over the weekend a Maine newspaper published an in-depth report on how the Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty “threatens” that state’s “frail economy”. You do know about the TPP, yes? I have mentioned it several times over the past year or so. This is a big monster trade agreement that is being negotiated in secret, though Wikileaks and other news organizations have managed to dig up some of the dirt, as noted here; the overall scuttlebutt is that if the United States has its way, the agreement will be extremely favorable to corporate interests.

Meanwhile, solar energy stocks are starting the year on a rally, as Ford Motors prepares to unveil its solar-powered “concept car” at this week’s Consumer Electronic Show. Thought I’d close this forecast with a little bit of sunshine from the Jupiter oppositing Pluto “power & energy sector” on this rainy Monday…

Have I mentioned that this fire-engine red is brought to you by the Moon in me-me-me Aries, inspiring you to start the New Year off with an astro-logical consultation that’s all about YOU? Here’s how to contact me.