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"All I know is that you... Miss Elisabeth Grace are AMAZING! The reading you gave me was so accurate that it still blows my mind 6 months later!!! I also love your daily astrology information!"
--Tim R.
Los Angeles

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Monday 1/28/2019: Sneak Peek at the Week; Kamala Harris & Randy Rainbow

Writing during the void of a Scorpio Moon on this 74th day of January, 2019. Moon went void at 5:38 PM ET; it won’t enter the next sign — Sagittarius — until 9:33 AM ET on TUESDAY. Chill tonight and — East Coasters — if you happen to sleep through your alarm tomorrow, no biggie. If you’re working this evening, roll with any twists and flakes that may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line.

Once in Sagittarius, see if you notice the mood lighten. A Sag Moon needs to push boundaries with righteous enthusiasm. Engage in a debate; enjoy a gambol or a gamble; take in a foreign film. Your path on Tuesday is free and clear; the only planetary pattern is the humanitarian (but hopelessly idealistic) meet-up of Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, exact at 9:52 PM ET. In Congress, the House Judiciary Committee will hold hearings on H.R. 1 — a.k.a. the “For the People Act,” which the Sierra Sun Times describes as

 …a sweeping package that offers the most transformational and comprehensive pro-democracy reforms in more than four decades. The hearing will focus on ensuring election access, restoring voting rights, protecting the integrity of our elections, reforming our ethics laws and campaign finance reform.

No one believes for a minute that the Senate will pass it. File it under “hopelessly idealistic.” For now. Just wait until Jupiter and Saturn meet up purposefully in early Aquarius at the end of 2020, followed by Pluto in 2023. Mmm-hmm.

Other patterns this week:

  • WEDNESDAY: Moon continues thru Sag all day, with mostly clear sailing. These relatively free and clear sailing days can only help the federal workers who are back on the job and facing mountains of backlogged everything. What’s not clear will likely be made apparent in the aftermath of a challenge between the Moon and wiggy Neptune, exact at 2:07 PM ET.
  • THURSDAY:  The first of three sincere balancing acts between vision and practicality happens at 9:21 AM ET, as Saturn (practical realism) and Neptune (vision; fantasy) form a cooperative aspect called a sextile.  The other two dates are June 18 and November 8, 2019. On this first sextile, Saturn will trigger the New Moon partial eclipse that happened on January 5th, so if you have a planet around 15 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn, take note and let me know what happens. Meanwhile, the Sag Moon continues sailing along until 5:33 PM ET, at which point it goes void until 7:47 PM ET. Then it enters Capricorn, ready to take care of business on FRIDAY and into the weekend.
  • FRIDAY is driven by the achievement-oriented Capricorn Moon. There is one exact planetary pattern and we’ve been feeling it all week. At 10:15 PM ET, Mars in trigger-happy, crusading macho speed demon Aries will  square ruthless Pluto in Capricorn. If you have a planet or angle around 21 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, this provocative energy release will affect you personally. Consult your local astrologer for details. In the headlines watch for more fun items like this: UAE’s Gender Equality Awards Won Entirely by Men
  • SATURDAY is still driven by the no-nonsense Capricorn Moon, albeit with greater emotional intensity than usual. It meets up with Saturn at 1:57 AM ET for a sobriety check, followed by a power play or emotional catharsis as it meets up with Pluto at 3:13 PM ET.  One hour later, Moon clashes with Mars, facilitating your outburst, for better or for worse. The evening has a more tolerant vibe, as Venus in Sagittarius (pushing boundaries in matters of social expression) harmonizes with rebel Uranus. Here’s to unconventional attractions and best buddies everywhere.
  • SUNDAY may start with a jolt, as Moon squares Uranus at 5:53 AM ET. It enters Aquarius just in time for the Super Bowl. Should be plenty to talk about, as Mercury (mindset/communication) will harmonize with expansive Jupiter. In fact, boundary-pushing social expression, women, money and aesthetics (see SATURDAY forecast) are sure to be prominent. Why? Because Venus will be at the Aries Point as it leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn at 5:30 PM ET. Let the social climbing begin…all through February. Venus in Capricorn has that covered.
  • On MONDAY, the Moon resets for a new lunar cycle in Aquarius at 4:04 PM ET — stay tuned, stay tuned, stay tuned.

And now, the news.

Random cool article for political information junkies: the NYT put together a visual presentation tracking the career path of every member of Congress. Wanna find out how your representative got there?

UPDATE: on 9/11/18 we looked at Kamala Harris’s horoscope and wrote:

We could expect Senator Harris’s mindset and communication to be innovative and disruptive right about now, with her Mercury in depth-seeking Scorpio feeling the provocative buzz of that Mars-Uranus square. Earlier this year, Uranus was opposing her 27 Libra Sun while sitting right on top of her 27 Aries Moon, intensifying her crusading initiative. It is not surprising to learn that she got a book deal in July — with a publication date set for next year. A quick glance ahead looks like extraordinary recognition and reward in 2019. The upside potential for 2020 suggests ambitious drive, with further recognition received at the end of the year and into 2021. Here is her horoscope.

She just formally announced her campaign for president — and to the surprise of no one who has been reading this forecast, she’s hit the ground running.   We’re lucky to have her birth time; we don’t have times for all of the contenders — so obviously can’t compare. Still, astrology is amazing, right?

In other news, Avid Reader Karen asked if I had seen the video of the meteor slamming into the Moon during last week’s eclipse. I had — and if you haven’t, here it is.

Meanwhile, Avid Reader Diane asked if I had seen the new song parody from political humorist Randy Rainbow. This time, he’s mixing the latest developments in the Mueller investigation with the “Cell Block Tango” from Chicago.  It compelled me to investigate the planetary patterns that would manifest such a meticulous and surreal production. Randy Rainbow was born July 6, 1981 — somewhere in Long Island — no birth time available. But the planetary patterns on the day of his birth just make perfect sense! Sun in Cancer driven by a perfectionist Virgo Moon — there’s his need for discernment and exacting detail. His Sun is 14 degrees Cancer, right on the US Cancer Sun and square the US Saturn.  We can see why Mr. Rainbow would be so focused on U.S. politics.

Even more intriguing: Mars at 22 Gemini opposing Neptune at 22 Sagittarius. This suggests showbiz glamour galore — and it is also connected to the horoscope of the U.S. Avid Readers will recall that the U.S. has Mars square Neptune at 21 Gemini and 22 Virgo, respectively. This is the part of the U.S. horoscope that reflects our need for “the American Dream,” and also our idealization (Neptune)  of war, guns, cowboys (all Mars symbols). That Mars-Neptune square reflects one of the U.S.’s most influential exports: Hollywood (glamour, film, celebrities).

But wait — there’s more! Randy Rainbow’s Mars-Neptune oppositions falls exactly on The Donald’s 22 Gemini Sun — 20 Sagittarius opposition. We can see why his provocative imagination would be so inspired by The Donald Drama.  Fun fact: Randy Rainbow’s Cell Block Tango parody was released with transiting Venus at 22 Sagittarius, activating his Mars-Neptune opposition. The Venus transit suggests his social expression may be especially well-received at this time….and here is an astrologer writing about his horoscope and his creative efforts in a positive light right now. Coincidence or conspiracy?

Did you know that your horoscope explains why you might be attracted to a particular entity — be it a place, event or person  — and that it doesn’t matter if that person is dead or alive? If you’re just fascinated with — say — Marilyn Monroe or David Bowie — I bet there are connections between your horoscope and theirs. Astrology applies to every moment in time.

What’s going on in your horoscope? Have you made a plan for 2019 yet? All planets are moving forward through February — what are you waiting for?

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Friday 1/25/2019 & the Weekend: Eclipse Triggers, AOC & Cardi B


I started writing this forecast yesterday…like this:

“The Virgo Moon has been void of course since 8:50 AM ET, suggesting a possible lack of focus, a twist, flake or upset to your usual routine. Roll with any crisis that may rear its ugly head; chances are it will vaporize once the Moon get back into gear…which happens tonight at 11:02 PM ET.”

Right. That was so yesterday. Here’s what I wrote yesterday about today and the weekend:

FRIDAY is driven by a rush of energy aiding and abetting compromise, justice, harmony and diplomacy in relationship. Action hero Mars in crusading Aries will trine (harmonize) with expansive Jupiter in righteous Sagittarius at 12:53 PM; watch the morning news feed for the big news. The Libra Moon travels without bumps until around 11:10 PM ET, when it is challenged by controlling Saturn. A wet blanket on a compromise?

SATURDAY note the potential clash around  4 AM ET, as the we- we- we Moon is opposed by combative me-me-me Mars. Also note the potential for an emotional catharsis around 11:30 AM ET, as the Moon makes its weekly supercharged connection with roto-rooter Pluto. The rest of Saturday is free and clear, and there’s no Moon void to deter your shopping adventures.

SUNDAY is a shift. Moon is opposed by rebel Uranus at 12:21 AM ET and then goes void for a couple of hours — you’ll hardly notice. At 2:31 AM ET Moon plunges into Scorpio, seeking an end to airy-fairy theory and a beginning of actual depth and substance, however it may feel. Those deep feelings may be at odds with a more detached and humanitarian mindset, as the Moon squares Mercury (mindset) and the Sun (willpower) around 1 PM and 4 PM ET, respectively.

No sleeping in on MONDAY, but do note your dreams upon waking, as Moon will be in touch with visionary Neptune at 5:15 AM ET.

And now, the news — written today, a.k.a. Friday in the Eastern Time Zone:

I’ve been watching the action in the chart for The Donald’s Big Fat Partial Government Shutdown. Though the Senate failed twice to pass a bill to re-open the government Thursday during the long Moon void, I can see an astro-logical pathway to resolving this stalemate sooner, rather than later. As of Friday morning there is talk of a possible deal to start paying federal workers again…but only for three weeks seriously what kind of banana republic are we living in.

Regardless, three weeks from now, transiting Mars will ditch Aries for Taurus, triggering last week’s lunar eclipse (and by extension, the horoscopes of Nancy Pelosi, The Donald’s inauguration and anyone else with a planet or angle at 0 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius). So that’s a date when Something Significant is Likely to Happen. Please note that my random capitalization is intended as an homage to A.A. Milne’s quirky tales from the Hundred Acre Woods (a.k.a. Winnie the Pooh), not a mimicry of The Donald’s efforts to Make American (English) German Again.

MEANWHILE…the first trigger to last week’s total lunar eclipse happened yesterday, with transiting Mercury at 0 Aquarius. We expected significant information on The Donald’s administration, and we were not disappointed (file this under “told ya so”). Yesterday indictments were filed against Richard Nixon groupie Roger Stone, and this morning he was arrested by FBI agents in a pre-dawn raid that was captured on CNN.

In other news, during yesterday’s long void, Senator Michael Bennet  (D-CO) delivered a fiery speech excoriating his colleagues for enabling The Donald’s shutdown. I watched it while prepping client consultations, and you can watch it here.    Pundits were startled that this “mild-mannered” senator thrashed Ted Cruz (R-TX)  for the Texas senator’s “crocodile tears,” but patterns in Bennet’s horoscope (11/28/64 in New Delhi, India — time unknown) suggest why he’s thrashing now. Transiting Jupiter has activated a pile-up of planets (Mars, Uranus and Pluto) that are square his righteous Sagittarius Sun. This expansive pattern will continue through 2019, along with transiting Uranus firing up his Venus in Scorpio. His social expression and value system need to be experienced as innovative and/or disruptive. And with his natal Saturn in Aquarius, this suggests his motive is to help.

Speaking of disruptive, astrologer Arthur Lipp-Bonewits has obtained the birth time for New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, so we now have her complete horoscope.  As noted here back in June, after she won the primary election (no surprise to any astrologer, though the media was shocked, shocked, shocked), Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has Sun in Libra, currently supercharged by Pluto. This is a statement of potential big change and empowerment. With a confirmed birth time, we now know her Moon is in me-me-me Aries (no big surprise), and she needs to find fulfillment as a pioneering initiator. Her Sagittarius Ascendant suggests she needs to be seen as a righteous boundary-pusher, but always thinking positively. While her image will continue to expand as transiting Jupiter activates her Ascendant all year, she will also experience the serious focus that transiting Saturn adds as it squares her Libra Sun.

Guess who else has a Libra Sun and a me-me-me Aries Moon? Rapper Cardi B, whose recent political tweets prompted Stephen Colbert to start a petition inviting her to give the Democratic rebuttal to The Donald’s SOTU address, whenever it is scheduled. Here is what we know of her horoscope.  Like Ocasio-Cortez, Cardi B has a hard aspect between her Libra Sun and Mars; together with their Aries Moons, these are warrior women for sure. However, Cardi B was born with the emotional overkill potential of Venus conjunct Pluto…in Scorpio. Ocasio-Cortez’s Venus is in Sagittarius, aligned with Mercury and her Midheaven. Cardi B’s social expression needs to be intense — potentially erotic (she’s a former stripper). Ocasio-Cortez’s social expression has a different kind of intensity:  righteous, spontaneous, idealistic — but playful, as we saw last week as she led the search for #WheresMitch?”

The horoscopes of Venezuela and Nicolas Maduro are also functioning as designed. The latter has transiting Pluto hitting him from all angles, suggesting an inevitable test of power destined to break down and transform. Last year, Pluto squared his Midheaven, impacting his public status/profession. This week transiting Pluto got personal — and opposed his Cancer Ascendant. Lo and behold, a powerful opposition materialized — in the form of opposition leader Juan Guaido.  He declared himself the legitimate interim president, offering Maduro amnesty.  The U.S., Canada and other countries are backing Guaido;  Russia, China and the Venezuelan military are sticking with Maduro. Hmm…what could happen? Months to watch for Maduro: April, May and December/January.

But wait — there’s more! If you find my work of value, I invite you to support it, using the nifty link to my Cosmic Tip Jar. To find out what’s going on in your own personal horoscope, I’d be delighted to schedule a consultation — though don’t just take it from me. Here’s what Avid Reader Tam has to say:

“I pulled out notes from our initial consultation, and am just fascinated with how accurate it is. Everything we discussed happened. With some changes going on around me, I would like to schedule an annual check up and order the Your Year Ahead report too.”

Thank you, Tam! And thank you — cherished Avid Reader — for reading this forecast.


Monday 1/21/2019: Sneak Peek at a Short Work Week; Full Moon/Eclipse in Leo & Much More

Happy post – Super Full Blood Wolf Blitzer Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo! Did everyone see the big red ball in the sky last night? Here are pix, in case you missed it. The eclipse was exact at 12:16 AM ET this morning. When set in Washington, D.C., it looked like this:

A Leo Moon facilitates a sense of play, creativity and self-expression. Let the drama queens reign, for better or for worse. For better, throw a party and help others shine. For worse, throw your weight around like a spoiled would-be king.  What drives a Moon in Leo is the need for love and adoration; flattery is your coping strategy if you need to tame a roarin’ lion.

Last night’s eclipse was at 0 degrees of Leo, opposing the Sun at 0 degrees of Aquarius. The Sun left Capricorn for Aquarius on Sunday at 4 AM ET, and if yesterday or today is your birthday, my money says you’re in for a groundbreaking year. Have you checked in with your astrologer lately?

Aquarius is an airy, mental energy, primed for organizing ideas into a fixed form.   Keywords for Aquarius include innovation, eccentricity, friendship, humanitarian, unconventional, rocket scientist and/or mad genius. If you were born with the Sun in Aquarius, you have the energy to innovate and intellectualize with others. If your Moon is in Aquarius, you need to be socially significant — and dare I say appreciated for it. You probably need to be unusual, too.

When a Leo Moon opposes an Aquarius Sun, we see the potential for illumination and release regarding two conflicting drives: 1) the Leo Moon’s need for personal expression and recognition and 2) the Aquarius Sun’s energy to build a functional group dynamic. Famous people born with Moon in Leo and Sun in Aquarius include Omarosa, Paris Hilton, Zsa Zsa Gabor and Sonny Bono. See any similarities?

A lunar eclipse facilitates a release or illumination on a matter that arguably needs to be brought to a close. That release or illumination may not happen immediately. What often happens is that the release is triggered when another planet connects with the degree of the eclipse, which in this case is 0 degrees of Leo and Aquarius — and arguably 0 degrees of Taurus and Scorpio. Will any planet make that connection in the near future? Yes. Mercury will be at 0 Aquarius on January 24th; Mars will be at 0 Taurus on February 14th; Venus will be at 0 Aquarius on March 1st; Uranus will be at 0 Taurus on March 6th. If you have planets around 0 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio, write those dates down. Everyone else can watch the headlines, especially for news involving these entities born with planets around 0 Aquarius. Kellyanne Conway, Nikki Haley, Bill Maher and the inauguration of The Donald are examples.

The chart for this Full Moon set in Washington is striking. The Leo Moon is exactly at the top of the horoscope, opposing the Aquarius Sun at the bottom. Chart ruler Venus has just separated from a challenging square with Neptune (a visionary feminine healer? a bewildering aesthetic? a monetary scandal?). Venus will next meet up with a high-functioning Jupiter (a.k.a. the cosmic sugar daddy), in the area of the chart related to money and values. Can we all get paid now, please? Perhaps, but first we have to live through the militant stand-off of macho Mars in Aries squaring patriarchal Saturn in Capricorn, which was exact today at 6:16 AM ET.

After the Mars-Saturn stalemate, the expansiveness of the Venus-Jupiter meet-up on TUESDAY at 7:26 AM ET brings relief. If you have a planet around 16 degrees of Aries, Leo, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, Libra  — and especially Sagittarius — buy a few lottery tickets.  A stroke of luck and/or optimism is aided and abetted by innovative communication and ideas, suggested by WEDNESDAY’s square between Mercury and Uranus, exact at 6:13 AM ET.

At 12:50 AM ET on THURSDAY, Mercury enters Aquarius, activating today’s lunar eclipse. As Mercury will conjoin the 0 Aquarius Sun in the horoscope for The Donald’s inauguration, we see an opportunity for significant communication. A high-functioning harmony between Mars (in Aries) and Jupiter (in Sagittarius) adds a rush of expansive energy to the mix, exact on FRIDAY at 12:53 PM ET.

Bottom line: the planetary patterns in this eclipse chart suggest a big release this week — and when the eclipse is triggered on the dates noted previously. That it falls right on the Sun of The Donald’s inauguration chart is verrrry interesting, one way or the other.

To recap the notable planetary patterns for the week:

  • MONDAY (today): big fat total eclipse in Leo — maybe a total eclipse of the heart, as Leo rules the heart…hmmmmm. Mars in Aries square Saturn in Capricorn: militant stalemate, personally affecting people with planets around 13 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn
  • TUESDAY: potentially joyful, as Venus meets up with Jupiter in Sagittarius at 7:26 AM ET. Sagittarius refers to: foreigners, travel, media, opinions, courts, universities, liver, pancreas, horses. The Leo Moon goes void at 8:19 PM ET. Moon enters Virgo to clean up the confetti and get everything organized at 10:22 PM ET.
  • WEDNESDAY: Mercury squares Uranus at 6:13 AM ET. Watch for groundbreaking, innovative and/or disruptive news involving aviation, technology, gender benders.
  • THURSDAY: Virgo Moon is void between 8:50 AM ET and 11:02 PM ET — that’s allllll day, folks. Roll with the twists and flakes. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. Stick to routine and trust that the details will be sorted out once the Moon enters the next sign, which is Libra. Chill!
  • FRIDAY: Libra Moon seeks balance and harmony, big time. Mars trines (harmonizes) Jupiter at 12:53 PM ET. What could spoil this party? Moon squares Saturn at 11:10 PM ET, possibly throwing a wet blanket on the newsfeed.

Before I get to the news, please note that new rates for consultations and reports are now posted. After four years of holding steady, I deserved a raise. However, to show my appreciation for cherished Avid Readers and clients who consistently support my work, if you book a consultation in 2019, and  1) it’s been less than a year since your last consultation; OR 2) you referred a client to me in 2018,  I will be pleased to offer you last year’s rate. Clear?

And now, the news.

The weekend was driven by a Moon in Cancer, needing emotional, family and homeland security. Add in the Venus-Neptune square (idealism with a possible feminine, musical, healing, spiritual or delusional vision),  and the militant stalemate of the Mars-Saturn square (“get off my lawn!”)…AND the rising emotional tide of the Full Moon. Sure, we can now see how competing marches on Washington, i.e., the Women’s March, the March for Life and the Indigenous Peoples’ March could result in this image dominating the news:

That’s Kentucky resident and Catholic schoolboy Nick Sandmann in the MAGA hat, balefully staring down Vietnam veteran and tribal elder Nathan Phillips, who is chanting tribal chants. Under the foggy Venus-Neptune spell, circumstances of the encounter weren’t quite clear, and other parties were involved. With Venus square Neptune now in the rear view mirror, WaPo offers this illumination.

We could also see the tension of these two squares, coupled with last week’s provocative patterns, in a new commercial from Gillette tackling “toxic masculinity”  An SNL parody of the Gillette ad is just as provocative and on point, but with the quirky humor of this week’s Mercury-Uranus square, if you ask me.

Meanwhile, a strategic approach in romance, with no small amount of idealism and deception can be found here: “You Matched With Someone Great Online, or Her Ghostwriter.”

In other news, the  potential “militant stalemate” and bewildering judgment of planetary patterns could arguably be seen in both the NFC and AFC championship games. The LA Rams trounced the New Orleans Saints, but only after one of the worst no-calls in football history, say the experts. Looks like that call may have happened around 5 PM in New Orleans, but I can’t find a record of the time online. Meanwhile, the Patriots are heading to the Superbowl again…but they had to go into overtime to beat the Kansas City Chiefs. No one was backing down.

Finally, an update on Jeff Bezos, whose horoscope we haven’t talked about since 2015.  Back then we noted the potential for a declaration of independence, courtesy of transiting Uranus squaring his Capricorn Sun. Last year, transiting Uranus squared his natal Mars, suggesting strong potential for risk and excitement. The first hit happened in May — and guess what he did? According to US Magazine, that’s about when he started an affair with his business partner’s wife….oh geez…really….? During a summer with Mars retrograde…? And his wife and business partner were informed in the fall, perhaps around the time of the second hit to Mars from Uranus and a Venus retrograde. Well…OK then. Are we surprised?

Now Bezos is getting a divorce. Do you think he consults with an astrologer? Next up for him: transiting Pluto on his Sun, breaking down his old self and building him anew, with the upside potential being empowerment. Resistance is futile.

No sleeping in tomorrow. We’ve got a busy next couple of days; you can chill on Thursday.

Meanwhile, if you’ve been waiting for me to email you back, you will hear from me tomorrow. Thank you for your patience…and thank you for reading this forecast.

Tuesday 1/15/2019: Late, Late Sneak Peek at the Week; Catching Up on the Big News

Alll-righty then!

Late post this week — and there’s so much going on. Plus, I caught a cold over the weekend, and my stunt double wasn’t available to fill in. Getting caught up now, thanks for your patience.

The Moon is Taurus, doing its best to preserve material comfort and security, while refusing to change. Still, whatever you’re doing, keep at it, because the Moon is cruising without much interference. Can’t say as much for the Capricorn Sun (leaders, CEOs) which is scheduled for a self-destruct or toxic release as it meets up with the South Node (a symbol of toxic release/destruction) just after midnight on THURSDAY. Not only that, but the Sun (leaders, willpower, heart, spine, gold) and all that is symbolizes is under added stress from its square this FRIDAY with rebel Uranus. In the language of astrology, Uranus refers to space oddities, genetic mutations, seismic activity, aviation, technology and revolution. You are more affected by the wacky buzz if you have a planet or angle around 25-28 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn.

Other patterns this week:

  • WEDNESDAY: Taurus Moon goes void at 1:34 PM ET, inviting us to chill and focus on routine concerns. No freaking out over twists and flakes; this, too shall pass. I find writing during Moon voids to be highly fulfilling.
  • Moon enters Gemini on Wednesday at  8 PM ET, seeking the big story in every trivial detail. A day with Moon in Gemini can be chattier than most, and also quite mercurial.
  • FRIDAY features a harmony between Venus (women, money, art ) and Mars (men, action, courage, aggression).  Mars is in Aries all month, driving us forward with urgency in its need to get there FIRST. Venus is in Sagittarius, pushing the boundaries of social expression with enthusiasm some may find less than refined, but it still works. The Venus-Mars harmony is exact at 11:50 AM ET,  but in effect all week, facilitating passionate alignments, especially if you have planets around 11 degrees of just about any sign.
  • FRIDAY also features a penetrating meet-up between Mercury (how we need to think) and Pluto (news from underground). This happens at 3:01 PM ET, followed at 8:32 PM ET by that raucous Sun-Uranus square. Lord only knows what investigative dirt will hit the fan — I hope there are tapes.
  • Moon goes void on FRIDAY at 8:32 PM ET and enters Cancer at 10:44 PM ET. The void is a nothingberder — you’ll barely notice. The Cancer Moon suggests a weekend of focus on family, homeland and emotional security, driven by a beautiful humanitarian ideal.
  • Sun enters Aquarius on SUNDAY at 4 AM ET; Venus squares Neptune at 11:24 PM ET; there’s your drive for a beautiful humanitarian ideal, illuminated by the eclipse of a Supermoon in Leo minutes after midnight on MONDAY. This one should reflect quite a release; even its  1 Leo Sabian Symbol is daunting: “a fit of apoplexy” — same as the New Moon in Leo from July 2017 — take a look back here and see what was going on then.

Awww…look what just landed in my inbox from Avid Reader Regina:

I wanted you to know that on New Year’s Day I went back and listened to the tape of your astro reading from last summer. With the benefit of time, distance, and reflection, I was just blown away by how accurate it was. In fact, I remembered things that did not occur to me under the pressure of hearing the reading for the very first time (which is why the tapes are so invaluable). Can’t wait for our next consultation!

That just made my day — hope your day is filled with equal appreciation.

And now, the news.

Heavy reality checks involving power and leadership beyond your wildest imagination. That’s one potential under last weekend’s:

  • Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
  • Mercury conjunct Saturn in Capricorn
  • Jupiter in Sag square Neptune in Pisces (the first of three this year)

In the horoscope of the U.S., the heavy reality check hit hard, reflecting transiting Saturn opposing the U.S. Sun and square U.S. Saturn. We see the potential for America to be severely diminished and squeezed.  Exhibit A: the current government shutdown is now the longest in U.S. history. Exhibit B: while The Donald was on the TeeVee last week, reading the Teleprompter something something non-existent humanitarian crisis (told ya so)  blah blah,  The Donald’s Administration downgraded the status of the EU’s diplomatic mission (without telling anyone beforehand). “The Donald” is how he was named in the tabloid press decades ago,  back in the good old days, and I think we need a dose of good old days right now. Plus, I’m not convinced that occupying the White House has changed him at all since then.

Exhibit C: on Friday, we see the  NYT and WaPo reporting 1) that the FBI opened an investigation into whether The Donald is a Russian asset or agent; and 2) a gentle reminder that no one in our government has any idea what was discussed between The Donald and Vladimir Putin. This goes against all protocols — especially the part about The Donald seizing his translator’s notes.  In short, this is not normal — and lord only know what they’ve got on Mitch McConnell and his three (at least) planets in stubborn-as-a-bull Taurus.

First thought: “Thank gawd the FBI was paying attention (and their investigation was transferred to Mueller’s watch).”  Second thought: “None of this is remotely surprising to anyone who’s been paying attention since 2016, the year of the surreal Saturn-Neptune square…or anyone who’s been paying attention to The Donald for decades.” Third thought: “OMG…but so many people aren’t paying attention, including my adorable Republican chiropractor, who has no idea who Merrick Garland or Paul Manafort are.” Fourth thought: “As comedy is a coping strategy for pain, let’s see how funnyman Stephen Colbert presented the news of Exhibit C.

Like Stephen Colbert, I was also mercifully distracted by the video of gymnast Katelyn Ohashi scoring a perfect 10 with a mind-blowing floor routine that lit up social media. First thought: “She has to be an Aries.” And she IS…and about to launch an empowered run into the fall of 2020, as transiting Pluto squares her Sun. Birth data: April 12, 1997 in Seattle — no time available.

Meanwhile, across the pond, it was another dreadful day for UK PM  Theresa May, whose Brexit deal was resoundingly defeated in Parliament.  Well, she was never in favor of Brexit anyway. What will happen now? I do not know, but I note that on February 1st she will have the first of three squares to her Jupiter from transiting Jupiter. This is interesting because when she became PM, she was having a Jupiter return. This upcoming square is like a First Quarter Moon. Either she’ll push through the challenges of the seeds planted when she took on the job or the challenges will derail her. February 1st is a likely marker, so let’s watch.

Avid Readers may recall that the Brexit vote happened during that bewildering Saturn-Neptune square of 2015-2016, a time when borders and foreigners would be more likely to be controlled. Saturn was in Sagittarius, remember? Saturn is control/borders; Sagittarius refers to foreigners.  Now that we have Jupiter in Sagittarius (square Neptune), we see the potential for a more expansive attitude in these matters.  Add in the penetrating reality check of Mercury’s current contact with Saturn and Pluto, and in the U.S. we see: “Court Blocks [The Donald’s] Administration from Asking About Citizenship in the Census.” Huzzah.

RANDOM OBSERVATION about the horoscope for the current U.S. government shutdown, which began at midnight on December 22, 2018 in Washington, D.C.: The Donald said he would own it. And went it went into effect, the Moon was at 22 Gemini — same degree as his Gemini Sun. Coincidence or conspiracy? No idea when the shutdown might end, but the 22nd and 23rd look interesting.

Guess who else has Moon at 22 degrees of blah blah blah Gemini? Rep. Steve King (R-IA), known for being a “staunch opponent of immigration and multiculturalism,” as they might say in polite society. Of course he would also be known for being an ally of The Donald, with his Gemini Moon exactly conjunct The Donald’s Sun. This is an easy magnetic pull.

But Rep. King pushed his luck over the weekend, saying in an NYT interview, “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?”  This was the straw that broke the elephant’s back, apparently.  Rep. King was stripped of his committee positions by his Republican colleagues — yep happened yesterday.

Now the NYT asks,  “Why Not Sooner?”   Well, we do have a birth time for Steve King and thus a reliable horoscope.  What just happened? The immediate trigger is transiting Mars, which squared his 9 degree Capricorn Ascendant yesterday. Mars in hard aspect to an angle alerts us to an impulsive outburst, accident or attack. Today he trashed his GOP leaders, including Liz Cheney (R-WY), whose horoscope suggests she’ll be making all kinds of headlines later this year. Stay tuned!

Thank you for reading this horoscope.


Monday 1/7/2019: Brief Sneak Peek at the Week; Venus in Sagittarius; Sun Conjunct Pluto & More

Good Morning!

The work week begins with Moon in Aquarius as of 1:46 AM ET. Who’s yer buddy and what’s your humanitarian crusade? Arise, go forth and network, in your quest to be recognized for your unique individuality and social significance. The Moon cruises without road bumps today and into WEDNESDAY.

Meanwhile, here’s to the huge sigh of relief that started this morning at 6:19 AM ET, with Venus finally finally finally completed its months-long journey through Scorpio for Sagittarius. Social expression and matters of women, finance and aesthetics can now receive an optimistic lift. A planet in Sagittarius can be playful and boundary-pushing,  compared to Scorpio’s desire for control. While Sagittarius is known for pushing boundaries in matters of opinion, its motive is to express the truth — without intending to strategically wound or destroy.

And having just said that, please note that on TUESDAY at 5:05 AM ET, a tense pattern between Mercury (how we need to think) and Mars (how we need to act) will release. This square between Mercury and Mars suggests conflict and other verbal provocations, possibly related to a yang/patriarchal concern (because Mars is in warrior Aries and Mercury is in hard-headed, patriarchal Capricorn). You’ll feel the burn more personally if you have a planet or angle around 4 degrees of Aries, Capricorn, Libra or Cancer. Be careful in traffic and around sharp objects.

Other planetary shifts and patterns of the week:

  • WEDNESDAY: The Aquarius Moon goes void at 11:53 AM ET until 2:44 PM ET. Chill and roll with whatever flakes and twists may disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Once in Pisces (the next sign), the Moon drives the rest of the work week with a need for vision, ideals, empathy and accommodation.
  • Keep on truckin’ through THURSDAY; Moon is traveling mostly free and clear. There’s an expansive expression around 7 PM ET, as Moon squares Jupiter, El Cosmic Sugar Daddy…followed by the visionary delights of a meet-up with Neptune around 8 PM ET.
  • Sometime before 6:36 AM ET on FRIDAY (possibly the day before), the Sun makes its annual meet-up with Pluto, which has occurred in Capricorn since 2009, when I started writing this forecast. Wow.  The Sun refers to heads of state and CEOs; Pluto suggests breakdown, news from underground and a reach for power. Pluto also refers to nuclear issues, mines, volcanoes, things coming to the surface after being long-buried. Watch the headlines. You are more personally affected if you have a planet around 20 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn — and if you haven’t booked an appointment to discuss this with your astrologer, you really should. Why? Because Pluto transits are life-altering. Resistance is futile — and that can be challenging.
  • The Pisces Moon goes void on FRIDAY at 9:25 AM ET for the rest of the day — giving you plenty of time to chill and process whatever transformation the Sun-Pluto meet-up presents.
  • SATURDAY: Moon enters Aries at 3:18 AM ET, needing to get where it’s going before anyone else, meaning not now, but RIGHT NOW. Note the potential for courage, assertion or aggression around 7:12 PM ET, when the Moon meets up with warrior Mars.
  • SUNDAY: A day of action and release, as two patterns in effect all week will be exact. Mercury (how we need to think) meets up with Saturn (necessary control) at 8:31 AM ET, facilitating practical, no-nonsense ideas and communication that some may find heavy-handed or downright depressing. Countering that sobriety is the first Jupiter-Neptune square of 2019, exact at 2:01 PM ET. This is likely to be a week for big news involving the press, oceans, legal matters, foreigners, refugees, scandals, churches, faith, oil, drugs (including CBD), film, spirits of all kinds, etc., etc., etc. Also countering the Mercury-Saturn sobriety: a harmony between Mercury and Neptune, suggesting no small amount of idealism. So either the big idea is either a heavy-handed approach to an imaginary concern…or it is a practical solution, applied with actual vision. If it’s coming out of P45’s head, I reckon it would be the former.

And now, the news.

I really wanted to watch the Golden Globes last night, and not just because I would have been happy to see a few people I’ve met take the stage. I know you know how that feels, because I’m sure you’ve crossed paths with one or two celebrities in your life, too. This concludes the Jupiter (big) square Neptune (glamour, film, charisma) portion of this forecast.

Anyhoo….what did the critics have to say about the show? That it “wasn’t any fun” — as if anything would be FUN with 27 planets including the Moon in “let’s get down to business” CAPRICORN with Venus at the last degree of SCORPIO. Sheesh! (Actually there was some fun, but apparently it was all off-camera — though how interesting that most in these pix are wearing standard-issue Capricorn black). With Uranus just turning direct, and the Moon squaring Uranus late last night, we’d expect upsets, and there were plenty. Bohemian Rhapsody (how very Uranus direct meets Jupiter square Neptune) won Best Drama; Green Book won for Best Comedy. Freddie Mercury, though now deceased, has transiting Uranus (surprise!) exactly opposing his Venus at 28 Libra. We can appreciate his disruptive social expression, even though he’s no longer among us. The horoscope lives forever, doncha’ know.

But what really stole the show — say the critics — was host Sandra Oh’s touching tribute to her parents, who were there to see her win the night in so many ways. Yep, honor and respect for parents definitely would rule on a night dominated by so many planets in Capricorn. We don’t have a birth time for Ms. Oh, but she is a Cancer with Moon perhaps in Cancer. What jumps out at me is her Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (Jupiter at 27 Scorpio; Neptune at 0 Sagittarius), which transiting Venus activated over these past few days. We can see how this would be an apt time for her to shine. Interesting to note that Jupiter and Neptune are in a strong relationship in her horoscope…and also in current planetary patterns. I see this all the time. Astrology is amazing — and it turns out that the Jupiter-Neptune square is such big news that it took over the whole forecast.

Now is the time to book your consultation to plan 2019 — especially if you haven’t seen your astrologer in over a year. You’re due for a check-up — and I can’t wait to see you in person or connect with you by phone.

Thank you for reading this forecast. No time to proof it before hitting “post,” so apologies for any typos.





Sunday 1/6/2019: New Moon/Eclipse in Capricorn; Dominant Patterns in 2019; Uranus Direct; the 116th Congress

Happy New Moon in Capricorn!

With this short holiday week it’s hard to believe the weekend is upon us again. And practically gone, as I write this on Sunday.

Moon has been in Capricorn, since 1:55 PM ET on Friday. Until 8:28 PM ET on Saturday (last night), it was a dead Moon, i.e., the end of the lunar cycle.  That would explain a feeling of listlessness or restlessness you may have had until today, as you sensed something new was just about the corner, but you weren’t sure what. Now that the new cycle has begun, take a few minutes to focus your intentions and make a list to carry you through until the next New Moon on February 4th.

Capricorn is an earthy, enterprising, social-climbing energy which means business like no other sign in the zodiac. Capricorn knows how to use resources (including people) to get what it needs, which is to make things happen and move things forward. This New Moon chart has three other planets in Capricorn. Mercury, having just entered Capricorn on Friday, is at the Aries Point, demanding an end to pie-in-the-sky theories in favor of practical, “show me” deals. Saturn has been in Capricorn since December 2016, and in this chart we see the Sun and Moon moving away from Saturn’s focused ambition and/or squeeze.  Where are they heading? On to Pluto, marching relentlessly through the back third of Capricorn, galvanizing and/or exposing all who are striving to die with the most power, resources and other toys.

This New Moon is at 15 degrees of Capricorn. If you have a planet or angle around 15 Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra, your horoscope is activated more than most. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “Boys and girls in gymnasium suits.” Sabian Sage Blain Bovee suggests we apply this symbol with a mind to “a naked approach to life as a wholesome training for future potentials; flexibility and fitting attire for what one wishes to master.” Let the games begin — and let’s see how this Sabian Symbol plays in the headlines. Did you know that “gymnasium” literally means to train naked? Me, neither!

Meanwhile, this New Moon activates two noteworthy midpoints. A midpoint is the halfway point between any two planets in a horoscope. These midpoints respond to planetary transits, just as planets do. Here we have the Sun and Moon in touch with the Mars/Uranus midpoint, and the Saturn/Pluto midpoint. An activated Mars/Uranus midpoint suggests potentially daring or reckless willpower/action; Saturn/Pluto suggests a ruthless application of ambition against the threat of great loss.

As you can see from the chart, Saturn and Pluto are just beginning to make contact with each other. They will not make an exact connection until January 12, 2020, but the agenda this impending meet-up symbolizes is one of the dominant patterns of 2019. Saturn refers to structure, control, authority, patriarchy, limitations. Pluto refers to breakdown, power, transformation. Together in Capricorn, they suggest a focused ambitious authoritarian initiative in government and/or corporate affairs, launched under likely duress or threat of loss. The last Saturn-Pluto conjunction was in 1982, in Libra; the one before that was in 1947 in Leo. Upside potential: perhaps the world finally makes a serious effort to tackle the climate crisis. Or else.

Another dominant pattern for 2019 in this New Moon is the first of three squares between Jupiter and Neptune (exact on January 13th, June 9th and September 21st). Pushing the limits of faith? In Sagittarius, Jupiter refers to expansion and/or excess in matters including, but not limited to: opinion, dogma, horses, liver, pancreas, optimism, bombast, foreigners, media, law. In Pisces, Neptune refers to fish, oceans, drugs, spirits, lies, fog, refugees, victims, gurus, viruses, chemicals, toxins, suicide, etc.  Here’s one of many headlines reflecting this pattern: “Japan’s Sushi King Pays $3 Million for Giant BlueFin Tuna.” That’s one BIG (Jupiter) FISH (Neptune), and it wouldn’t command such a high price if it weren’t so SCARCE (Saturn-Sun-Pluto conjunct in Capricorn)

In other news, we see the potential of shake-ups and/or revelations in the New Moon chart with rebel Uranus at a standstill. Uranus turns direct TODAY at 3:26 PM ET, less than 24 hours after the New Moon. Watch the headlines for more stories than we’ve already seen involving technological advances, aviation, accidents, seismic action and cosmic revelation.  Example: U.S. airline pilots write letter to P45, urging an end to the government shutdown, as TSA employees without paychecks call in sick. In your own personal world, you’ll feel the need for a break more personally if you have a planet or angle around 28 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Set in Washington D.C., note the angles of the New Moon chart: 22 Taurus (Midheaven) and 28 Leo (Ascendant). close to the angles of P45’s horoscope. Right. Him again. So what else is new? Challenging a regal projection of willpower is Venus at 28 Scorpio, suggesting ruthlessness, honor and tenacity in matters involving women, aesthetics, money and social expression. Mars in Aries adds a need for crusading assertion or action, in harmony with that ruthlessness. Hmm.

This New Moon has extra potency for planting seeds, as it is also a partial solar eclipse.

A Solar Eclipse can act like a “bottleneck” of energy. Light flowing from the Sun is temporarily interrupted, focusing attention on that interrupted point, allowing something new and possibly fragile to enter the picture and grow. And here I would be thinking of Michael, the kindhearted policeman in the storybook Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden. Got that?

Depending on what degree of the zodiac an eclipse falls, it will later be activated when another planet makes contact with that same degree. Saturday’s New Moon/Eclipse happens at 15 degrees of Capricorn. It will be triggered this month by Mercury (on January 15th) and by Mars (on January 23rd). Saturn will trigger the eclipse on February 4th. Those are dates to watch for a potential surge of action — especially the 23rd.

And now, the news, starting with some thoughts on the horoscope for the 116th Congress. Here is the chart:

What drives this Congress? A Moon in Sagittarius, seeking to be respected for its righteous opinion. About what? Probably shared resources and values, suggested by the Moon’s placement in the 8th House (of “other people’s money/values and other stuff”). Exhibit A: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy made sure to let everyone know (as he introduced Nancy Pelosi as new Speaker of the House) that “Republicans will always choose personal freedom over government control.” Exhibit B: Congresswoman and Dancing Queen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s modest proposal of at 70% tax on the super-rich.

This Sag Moon is an almost-dead Moon, more apt for cleaning up old messes than starting new construction. Hmmm. Sag is a Fire Sign, relying on improvisation for direction. This particular Sag Moon is fearfully focused, tempering its expression. Focused on what? Matters involving homeland/home/family security. Put those items at the top of its agenda — and add another megadose of optimism, faith and belief in its own press. We saw that focus right away when Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was sworn in, surrounded by children.

Mars in Aries is the ruler of 116th Congress chart, demanding attention and seeking bold action.  This Mars is more effective than the passive-aggressive/steamy Mars in Pisces that ruled the chart of the 115th Congress. Still, its action potential may limited by its placement in the 12th house. How so? Mars also refers to anger, and the 12th is the house of the self-undoing and hidden enemies. On the other hand, a 12th house Mars is apt for a surgeon or a quarterback — i.e., one who is seeking to apply its ego drives for the benefit of a team. Which will it be?

Meanwhile, it should not surprise anyone to see Mercury (communication, mindset) in pie-in-the-sky Sagittarius in a challenging square to Mars. We can only imagine the bickering to come, as the Dems control the House — but not the Senate…and even among themselves, we expect heated arguments between the incoming rebel forces and the old standard-bearers. Same among the Republicans, too. Already some are going bonkers over newbie Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who was heard at an event outside of business hours declaring that the Democrats would “impeach the (expletive ),” to demonstrate to her son that “bullies don’t win.”

Note that Mercury is close to the end of Sagittarius — at 27 degrees, near the Aries Point, and also conjunct the Galactic Center. Did that make your head spin? Good, because the Galactic Center is the ginormous center of our galaxy around which everything in it revolves. With Mercury at the Galactic Center in the 116th Congress chart, we see the potential for its mindset/communication to express reeeeeeeeeally BIG PICTURE ideas; i.e., ideas that consider their effect on the whole world; stakeholders, as opposed to shareholders.

Another note about how the 116th Congress needs to think: Mercury is trine (in harmony) to Uranus, suggesting an easy flow of ideas that are innovative, humanitarian, tech-savvy and potentially revolutionary. It is the closest aspect, giving it added punch. Uranus is also quite strong in the 116th Congress chart — in the 1st House, where everyone can clearly see it. It is at a standstill, not quite ready to move forward. But y’know what? In the horoscope for the 117th Congress — in 2021 —  the chart ruler is once again Mars in high-functioning Aries — 28 degrees, to be precise — which is where Uranus is right now. Revolutionary initiatives that can’t get off the ground in the 116th, may have their day in 2021. Plus, Mars will be in the 1st House — a much stronger position. I find this hopeful.

In the 10th House we see the Capricorn Sun, sandwiched between Saturn and Pluto, a.k.a. a rock and a hard place. But the limiting squeeze and “resistance is futile” potential of that placement is softened by a harmony with Neptune, planet of empathy, compassion, healing, drugs, dreams, oil, fog, oceans, etc. A kinder, gentler corporate/government institution? One that is more inclined to separate fact from fiction, and toss the latter in the dumpster? One can only hope. When Saturn (fact/real) and Neptune (fiction/surreal) are in harmony, it suggests a balance between ideals and practicality. When Saturn and Neptune are in conflict, we get a bubble of baloney, waiting to burst.  Cue the 2015-2016 Saturn-Neptune square now, please. What happened back then. Anyone remember?

For all its focus on ideas and debate, the chart for the 116th Congress has no planets in Air Signs (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius) — and neither did the 115th Congress, frankly. Astrologer Noel Tyl describes this imbalance as a difficulty in “seeing the self as others do” and/or a “awkwardness” in understanding society’s norms of intellectual expression. Horoscopes with no Air are often not big talkers; writing is a studied and strategic form of expression. To be continued…and let’s note the potential for significant action/combat on January 14th, 15th, 25th, 26th and 27th. For starters.

In other news, fun stuff reflecting the “far out!” potential of Uranus turning direct, with extra vision added by Neptune (FANTASTIC) square Jupiter (JOURNEY):

I’m still grooving to my Headspace app — the meditation thingamajig I started using on last month’s Mars (head) – Neptune (meditation/space) conjunction. I just completed its ten-day course on how to use the energy of anger, which made perfect sense for ten days with Mars at the Aries Point (demanding attention) and moving into Aries (the sign it rules, where it functions with high efficiency.

No sleeping in tomorrow, as there’s no Moon void and much work to be accomplished. Onward!

Thank you for reading this forecast.