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-- Michael D.
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Good Morning!
The slow start to your work week from an astrological perspective is suggested by the Taurus Moon being void as of 8:54PM ET Sunday. It wanders without focus until 3:29PM ET today. Roll with whatever twists and flakes disrupt your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Crises that crop up during voids often turn out to be much ado about nothing. Stick to routine…and since the Moon is in Taurus, do something that makes you feel materially secure and comfortable.
Information and chatter drive the rest of the day, once the Moon enters Gemini. Around 10:42 PM ET, be advised that the Moon will be challenged by Mars, spoiling for an outburst about a perceived lack of perfection, perhaps.
Saturn (structure, patriarchy, authority) is in harmony with Venus (what we value; how we express ourselves socially) — exact on TUESDAY at 8:49PM ET. The former is in opinionated, boundary-pushing Sagittarius; the latter is in regal Leo. So we see an opportunity for serious strides to be advanced regarding money, women, aesthetics — expressed with drama and flair. Exhibit A: Read the extremely complex, often political Q&A portion of the Miss America pageant, says today’s WaPo. Beauty queens with righteous political opinions? I’m there — with a special shout-out to Miss North Dakota, the underdog winner who claimed her crown during last night’s underdog-favoring Moon void.
Random Moon-void thought: if the U.S. presidential election had included a swimsuit and evening gown competition, which candidate would have won?
The easy flow of Saturn in harmony with Venus would seem to contrast with the heaviest pattern of the week: a challenging square between Saturn and the Virgo Sun (leaders, ego recogition; life force), exact on WEDNESDAY. Here are some news items from a Sun-Saturn square in 2014. This can be seriously sobering — particularly if you are a head of state or some other fearless leader. For some it is an opportunity for advance. For others, it may be an encounter with a brick wall. You’ll feel the push forward or block either way more personally if you have a planet or angle at 21 degrees of Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo and Gemini.
A sweet cooperation between Venus and Jupiter helps smooth ruffled feathers in the wake of the Saturn-Sun cuts. Remember that sweetness on SATURDAY at 3:01 PM ET, when Mercury and Mars meet up for the third time in recent week. Mercury and Mars together in Virgo may forcefully separate the wheat from the chaff.
Other than today, the Moon will be void on WEDNESDAY 2:35 PM – 6:12 PM ET and FRIDAY 5:23 PM ET – 9:09 PM ET.
And now, the news.
Hurricane Irma traveled as anticipated, in synch with planetary patterns. Initially projected to head up Florida’s East Coast, that projection changed by Saturday AM, on an early morning upset suggested by the Moon’s square with disruptive Uranus. Irma was definitely heading West. The Moon left RAMbunctious Aries at 12:23 PM ET and settled into stability-seeking Taurus. Mercury left rip-roarin’ Leo at 10:52 PM Saturday for cooler, earthy Virgo. Moon went void Sunday at 8:54PM ET, fizzling the Moon’s focus and drive. By then, Irma had been downgraded from at Cat 5 to a Cat 2 — strong enough to do damage, but not nearly as much as feared. Coincidence or conspiracy?
Meanwhile, the strongest earthquake to hit Mexico in over a century — a devastating 8.2 –– hit in the early morning hours of Friday’s Aries Moon. Elsewhere, I’ve been meaning to include news of the mess in Myanmar, which 300,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled since August 25th, the day Saturn in Sagittarius (foreigners; religion; control; borders) turned direct. Why? “A textbook example of ethnic cleansing,” says the UN human rights chief.
In other news, wildfires made headlines in the Pacific Northwest, Southern California and Greenland, of all places. It’s also a mess in St. Martin/St. Maarten and other islands hit by Irma as a Cat 5. Food and shelter are in short supply. And the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey is far from over, with many residents left homeless. Bottom line: do you think the total solar eclipse was an accurate harbinger of natural disasters (especially last week, when the eclipse was triggered by Mercury and Mars)?
More headlines reflecting secrets revealed, suggested by the eclipse: Equifax was hacked — bigtime. Equifax is one of the three major credit agencies in the U.S. The personal data of 143 million Americans — half the population — was likely compromised. The hack happened weeks ago — only now is it being revealed (naturally). Forbes offers these tips to protect your credit, because Equifax really isn’t offering much.
Meant to post this one from last week’s opposition between the Sun and Neptune (water, oil, plastic). Plastic fibers have been detected in tap water around the world –– the U.S. has the highest percentage — 94% of all samples tested. Plastic fibres have also been found in sea salt.
Surely there must be some good news in synch with planetary patterns, right? Yes. Here’s one. Sun trine Pluto (Pluto refers to malignancy) plus Sun square Saturn (skin, control): Australian researchers find two ways to stop melanoma from spreading and killing patients, reports the Sydney Morning Herald.
Elsewhere, all of the famous polydactyl cats at the Ernest Hemingway House in Key West are fine.
RIP — almost. The Cassini spacecraft, which has orbited Saturn for past 13 years, is scheduled to plunge to its fiery death on Friday, September 15th. Cassini launched on October 15, 1997 — at 4:43AM in Cape Canaveral. How curious to see that Cassini’s launch horoscope has the Sun and Mercury at 22 and 23 Libra, where transiting Jupiter (expansion) is right now. The horoscope also has the Moon in pioneering Aries, moving to a meet-up with….Saturn! Isn’t astrology amazing? Here is the NASA timeline for Cassini’s impending demise.
Meanwhile, Caroline Kennedy’s horoscope has recovered from the streamlining cut it had in January. That’s when transiting Saturn crossed her Sagittarius Ascendant, and she was dismissed from her post as the U.S. ambassador to Japan. Patterns in her horoscope are more expansive now. The lunar eclipse on August 7th was exactly on her Moon at 15 Aquarius, suggesting a change in domestic affairs. Meanwhile, transiting Jupiter returned to its natal position at 23 Libra a few days ago. That definitely suggests expansion. So what happened? The wedding of her daughter, Tatiana — on Saturday. A potential expansion is suggested in John F. Kennedy’s horoscope, too. Transiting Jupiter squares his 23 Cancer Midheaven. The horoscope lives forever!
What’s going on in your horoscope? Here is the 411 on reports and consultations. We will have an excellent discussion together.
Thank you for reading this forecast — and for all the lovely referrals. Your friends and family are awesome!
Happy Monday!
…in the aftermath of the Full Moon, which was exact at 8:52AM ET. Moon is now void for the next 12 hours, suggesting a focus on routine matters in your Moon-in-Taurus efforts to build and preserve material security. Once the Moon enters Gemini at 8:23PM ET, the focus will be on information and communication — real and unreal, as Moon makes challenging contacts with Neptune and Saturn TUESDAY at 10:53 AM ET and 9:34PM ET, respectively.
Moon will be void on WEDNESDAY at 5:57AM ET until 7:57PM ET, again suggesting a focus on routine matters. Impulse shopping expeditions are not advised. Whatever runaway buzz of a crisis that may dominate headlines on Wednesday is to be viewed cautiously, as crises which crop up during voids often prove to be much ado about nothing. Roll with whatever twists and flakes may deter your efforts to move forward in a straight line. Chill!!
Moon enters Cancer on Wednesday at 7:57PM ET, suggesting a focus on emotional/home/homeland security. Said security may be disrupted by an upset and/or power play as the Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto and Uranus, at 9:39PM ET Thursday and 7:10AM ET on FRIDAY. Moon will be void between 5:02PM ET and 10:14PM ET. It then enters Leo for the rest of the weekend, carrying out its regally entitled agenda or partying like there’s no tomorrow. Which will it be for you?
Planetary aspects this week include a cooperative aspect between Mercury (thought, information) and Mars (action), facilitating initiative on your brilliant ideas. Said brilliance may be visionary. It may also be delusional, given that Mercury will be challenged by Neptune at 11:04AM ET on Friday, followed by an alignment between Venus and Neptune at 6:04PM ET on Saturday. Neptune aspects come with rose-colored glasses. Buyer beware — unless you’ve consciously signed up for a fantastic escape.
Not only that, but Neptune turns direct at 11:39PM ET on Saturday, ending a five month period of subtle focus on your own dreams and intuition for guidance. When a planet is retrograde, the suggestion is to turn inward on issues involving that planet, as opposed to looking outside the self. You’ll feel the effects of Neptune’s change of station more personally if you were born 8-11 days into Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius…or if you have a planet or angle at 8-11 degrees of those signs. What kind of effects? Oh…perhaps you are feeling somewhat bewildered…or less inclined to be in Type A personality mode (if you are normally a Type A personality). You may find yourself needing to express your creativity — even if you have never thought of yourself as a “creative” person. You may also find being of service richly rewarding.
In the news this weekend, watch for headlines involving Neptune concerns: oil, victims, suffering, forgiveness, music, drugs, scandal, lies, suicide, refugees, rarefied art, spiritual concerns, drinking — to name but a few.
Other planetary patterns to keep in mind as we continue through the year and into year. First, Saturn is now halfway through Sagittarius — at 15 degrees of that sign. Here’s an excerpt from a post dated 1/27/2015 — read the full post for the rest of the story.
The Saturn in Sagittarius lesson here is that the police chief did not like the photo — so much that, according to the promo producer’s boss, he would not give the TV station any more one-on-one interviews. Restricted access (Saturn) for that TV station (Sagittarius). The boss was not happy. He thought the photo the promo producer used made the police chief look like “a buffoon,” if the recording of the conversation made by the promo producer is authentic. Does it look that much different from the one that ran in the New York Daily News? Why, when the police chief refused to grant the TV station any more interviews, didn’t the station make that a news story?
Here’s a detailed post about what we can expect when planets travel through the back half of a sign. Briefly, with Saturn in the back half of Sagittarius through 2017, we see the potential for actions taken to control and incorporate (Saturn) Sagittarius concerns (publishing, collective beliefs, foreigners, travel, broad comedy, broadcasting, religious dogma, sports, opinions).
Consider also that Pluto is now at 15 Capricorn, ruthlessly moving forward on its power agenda of breaking down (Pluto) the Establishment (Capricorn). Consider also that Jupiter — which refers to expansion — has been triggering the series of disruptive Uranus-Pluto squares we experienced between 2012 and 2015. Jupiter is currently at 13 Libra; the squares are triggered when Jupiter hits 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14 and 15 degrees of Libra — which it will do several times now and through 2017. So we see the potential for expanded disruption of the status quo, for better or for worse. We live in interesting times.
What do these interesting times have in store for you? Book a personal consultation and move ahead with renewed clarity and confidence — here’s how to contact me.
And now, the news.
Newspaper headlines are expressing concern that the current president-elect’s administration will usher in restrictions on press freedoms. This would be in sync with patterns noted above. Other headlines express concern about surveillance, another way of controlling opinions and publishing. When Melania Trump announced she would campaign against bullying on social media, we see another potential control on freedom of speech/opinion/publishing, for better or for worse.
Meanwhile, media maven Stephen K. Bannon has been named to a special post in the president-elect’s administration. No birth time is available. Born Nov 27 1953. Sun in Sagittarius; I’d argue Moon in Leo — where it would be aligned with his boss’s Leo Mars and Ascendant — but it could be early Virgo, too — and still aligned with his boss. The Moon would be conjoined with Pluto, suggesting added emotional intensity to a regal need for ego recognition (if the Moon is Leo) — or a need to be seen as right (if it is Virgo). Further thought and research is required. What’s hot in what we can see of his horoscope now is transiting Pluto squaring his Mars, suggesting he’s been on a major action plan for empowerment all year and into 2017. His natal Pluto will be eclipsed in August — and possibly his Moon, too — we’d need a birth time to be sure.
UPDATE: I no longer believe Mr. Bannon’s Moon is in Leo — though still likely aligned with his boss’s Ascendant.
Washington insider Reince Priebus has been named White House Chief of Staff. He is a Pisces with the Sun at the Aries Point, destined to attracted prominence and power. His Sun at 28 Pisces is opposed by Pluto at 0 Libra — also the Aries Point. Both are involved with Scheat, a Fixed Star known for its association with intellectuals and shipwrecks. This is likely a sensitive soul who may have felt suppressed in his early home life. His Taurus Moon suggests a need to establish material comfort and security however he may feel things “ought to be.” His naturally buzzing me-me-me Aries mindset is opposed by Uranus, and that’s being supercharged now by transiting Pluto — adding power and persuasion to potentially disruptive ideas.
Also of interest: his Mars at 24 Taurus, just illuminated by today’s Full Moon. His Mars is on his boss’s 23 Taurus Midheaven. 23-24 Taurus corresponds to the Fixed Star Capulus. You will recall that Capulus refers to “male sexual energy” — and we’ve seen in the horoscope of Roger Ailes Donald Trump, Gretchen Carlson, Mick Jagger and David Crosby. Hillary Clinton has her North Node at 24 Taurus.
Really — Gretchen Carlson? Yes — and here is her NYT op-Ed on sexual harassment — published under the illumination of the Full Moon conjunct Capulus. Astrology is amazing.
Meanwhile, in Donald Trump’s horoscope, we see the first of three hits to his Moon, Sun and relationship point from transiting Saturn on 12/30, 1/6 and 1/14, respectively. Thus begins an ambitious agenda (upside) or a feeling of restrictive focus, control or loss. This pattern hits again in July, September and October. The Moon is only exactly hit once, but will still be under pressure in July. The restrictive influence of Saturn suggests he will not be able to have everything he wants — bringing to life the reality of the song he kept playing at rallies, despite objections from the artists.
These limitations are countered by expansion — in the form of three hits of transiting Jupiter to his Jupiter, ruler of the area of his horoscope which refers to creative self-expression, children and speculative ventures. Saturn co-rules that area of his horoscope, so it may be six of one; half dozen of the other. Expansion of power and resources is suggested by an extraordinary double whammy of Pluto — also to his Jupiter — now and through 2017.
A need for innovation and excitement that disrupts his mindset, communication and professional status is also at work in 2017, suggested by transiting Uranus squaring his Venus. When I think of Venus with Uranus, I think “I love you, but don’t take it personally.” I think of unconventional attractions and surprises involving women, values, money and aesthetics. OMG I am just realizing that Venus will be retrograde in brash Aries from March 4 through April 15th. What an inauspicious time to be redecorating the White House.
Back to the president-elect…
Chiron the Wounded Healer is still in play now and next year, continuing to expose toxic patterns and relationships going back years. This week, a month from now and January-February are active for Chiron, as are June, July and August. Of special interest: the total eclipse that will fall across all of the continental United States on August 21st. This hits two points in Trump’s horoscope: Mars and his Leo Ascendant, at a time when Mars (action, aggression) will be more easily provoked. The eclipse will be triggered on September 3rd (this applies to anyone with a point or planet at 29 Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio). Mitt Romney’s Ascendant was eclipsed in May of 2012. Jeb Bush’s Ascendant was eclipsed in September of 2015. Mark your calendars.
Thank you for reading this forecast. If you find my insights informative and helpful, I encourage you to give generously to the Cosmic Tip Jar, with much gratitude for your appreciation of the service I provide.
Good Morning!
Moon is in Taurus, happily connected to Mercury and Pluto — which are also happily connected. More of the easy flow of energy aimed at keeping things exactly as they are supposed to be: comfortable and secure. Plus a ton of dirt from whatever Mercury and Pluto can dig up. Moon goes void on an easy alignment with the Virgo Sun at 11:32PM — nothing to be concerned about. Your only caveat today is that Mercury is STILL retrograde — so keeping on double checking and triple checking before you ship.
Let’s get right to the news.
So. We had a Full Moon and an eclipse last week, and Mars, which symbolizes assertion/aggression — for better or for worse — was closely involved. Over the weekend, Mars triggered the eclipse — and hopefully some of you remember my mentioning a few weeks ago that when Mars triggers an eclipse, we often see a release of bottlenecked energy. And it was quite the weekend of aggressive releases in the U.S. Eight people stabbed at a Minnesota mall — and incendiary devices set off in New Jersey and Manhattan — like clockwork, if you are tracking Mars relative to a recent eclipse. And darned if the arrest of the prime suspect on Monday didn’t flow exactly in synch with planetary patterns:
A rare cooperative alignment between Venus and Mars bodes well for efforts to rein in boundary-pushing action with iron-fist-in-velvet-glove directives…
It’s enough to make this astrologer do a Snoopy dance. And be ever so grateful that the chart for the time of the explosion on 23rd Street at 8:30PM ET 9/18/2016 in NYC was ruled by a quirky guardian angel, with planetary placements suggesting a diffuse and ineffective expression of energy that could otherwise have been lethal. Did you know that the pressure cooker device was apparently “accidentally disarmed” by two men who then took the suitcase in which it had been placed? In New Jersey, two homeless men were credited with alerting police when they found a backpack with wires and explosives.
It is interesting — but not surprising — that Ahmad Khan Rahami’s horoscope was also eclipsed last week and on Sept 1st. Birthdate: Jan 23, 1988 — in Afghanistan. Aquarius — Moon in either Pisces or Aries — probably Aries, meaning it would have been hit by transiting Uranus back in 2011, sparking a significant change. “Bomb Suspect Changed After Trip Abroad,” says the NYT. Right. Meanwhile, his Venus is at 9 Pisces, exactly square Mars at 9 Sagittarius — eclipsed by the New Moon at 9 Virgo. That tense pattern has also been under the surreal ambition suggested by the exact Saturn-Neptune square on Sept 10th. Neptune on its own has been exerting its potentially bewildering influence for over a year. Friends say he became more religious. Makes sense. His natal Saturn and Uranus are together at the end of Sagittarius, suggesting a strong need to shake things up, someone marrying the old and new. This pairing was also hit by last week’s eclipse AND by transiting Jupiter (expansion), just before it entered Libra — and by transiting Mars, too. Astrology is amazing. Let’s move on.
UPDATE: Hillary Clinton. Her Moon is at 22 Pisces, so it was hit by the eclipse and attacked/provoked by transiting Mars at 22 Sag. Her natal Uranus is at 25 Gemini, so it was also affected. Her Midheaven — which refers to status and reputation — was hit by the solar eclipse on September 1st — but not as intensely last week’s lunation. In August, a measurement in effect for several months became exact, suggesting potential overexertion and sudden crisis, necessitating a fight. This was a measurement among Saturn, Uranus and Mars — which I am not going to explain in detail here — but clearly it applies. Other measurements involving Neptune (viruses, infection, scapegoats) in her progressed horoscope reflects more of the surreal spin. At the beginning of September, the NYT estimated her odds of winning the election at 90% compared to Trump’s 10%; as of today it was at 79% to 21%. Mind-boggling, if you didn’t understand the planetary patterns at play. Actually, it’s still mind-boggling.
On September 25th, Venus in Scorpio will meet up with her Scorpio Sun. This suggests a lift, just before the first debate, scheduled for the 26th. On the 27th, another long-term measurement will be exact — between Pluto (power, transformation) and her Midheaven (career, status). This is a make it or break it opportunity for power as a karmic reward, if you will. The potential downside of Pluto-Midheaven patterns is a total tear-down.
UPDATE: Donald Trump. His opinionated Moon in Sag is at 21 degrees; his doubletalking, ever-changing Gemini Sun is at 22 degrees. Both were provoked by Mars and eclipsed last week, a day before he held a press conference in which he conned the media into giving him free airtime to promote his new hotel in Washington. Furnished with things that weren’t made in America. Koran and prayer rug happily supplied upon request, which is hospitable, but seems to contradict other things he’s said: “Trump’s New Hotel Offers Everything He Claims to Hate.” At the end of the lengthy free political campaign commercial alleged press conference, he announced that the total lie about Barack Obama being born in Kenya — a lie he perpetuated since 2011 — was in fact a total lie because he finally said it was. Then he blamed the start of the lie on Hillary Clinton. If you’ve been reading this forecast since 2011, you may remember what was going on in his horoscope back then: transiting Neptune opposing his Mars and Ascendant, suggesting a meltdown, delusions, fanaticism, etc.
Are you familiar with the term “gaslighting?” It’s what I think of whenever I think of Donald J. Trump and his tight Mercury-Neptune square; Mars in Leo in the 12th conjunct the Ascendant; double talking Gemini Sun conjunct erratic Uranus, both of which oppose the Sag Moon; a mean-spirited meet-up between Venus and Saturn; the testosterone surge otherwise known as the Fixed Star Capulus on the Midheaven. Gaslighting. I hope you look that one up.
UPDATE: Edward Snowden. As anticipated in earlier forecasts, he’s made an ambitious reach this fall, making a case he should be pardoned by President Obama on moral grounds. And Oliver Stone’s movie about him is now out.
UPDATE: Keith Olbermann. The opportunities for expansion in media in communication expected this summer (noted here in March), have materialized. He has a new show on GQ and he’s generating buzz on Twitter. Another Snoopy dance for this astrologer.
UPDATE: Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin. This is another person we’ve been writing about since 2011. Perfectly in synch with that dirt-digging double Mercury-Pluto alignment today and Friday, the governor is the star player in an absolutely must-read expose of money, power and resources in corporations and government. It’s called “Because Scott Walker Asked,” and Donald Trump is in it, too. Here’s an excerpt from the Guardian’s riveting piece:
In July 2015 the state’s highest court, the supreme court of Wisconsin, terminated the John Doe investigation before any charges were brought. The conservative majority of the court ruled that the prosecutors had made a basic misreading of campaign finance law and targeted individuals who were “wholly innocent of any wrongdoing”.
In a contentious twist to the ruling, the justices ordered the prosecutors to “permanently destroy all copies of information and other materials obtained through the investigation”.
This latter-day equivalent of a book burning could have condemned the John Doe investigation into permanent oblivion, leaving voters none the wiser. But at least one copy of the evidence gathered by the prosecutors survived the bonfire, and have now been leaked to the Guardian.
One day I may write about current patterns in the governor’s horoscope. Too many other items to put into today’s clown car of news.
My Celestial Calendar did arrive yesterday, but I didn’t need it to know that on Sunday, Venus (women, social expression, art, money) was in a supercharged contact with rebel Uranus. In the NYT Sunday magazine, one story was about two producers involved with Transparent, the TV series about a family patriarch who identifies as female and thus makes the transition. The producers are also trans — and used to be a couple. Elsewhere in the NYT, Modern Love’s essay was about how a mother handled her six-year-old son’s wish to wear skirts and dresses to school.
The Sunday before last, you may recall that Venus was supercharged by Pluto — suggesting empowerment of the feminine and also potentially “witchy-bitchy” women. Who saw the NYT op-ed that ran on that day, titled “The Bitch America Needs” — referring to Hillary Clinton. Is this not amazing? Astrology is AWESOME — and if you’re an Avid Reader who’s been thinking about maybe booking a personal consultation to find out how you can use astrology as a Really Useful Tool, here’s the 411.
Finally, this tidbit from Avid Reader Katya, who thoroughly understands the potential of Venus with Pluto (and Uranus) — and wanted to make sure I did not miss this item, now taking schools in France by storm: “This is a 3D Model of a Clitoris — and the Start of a Sexual Revolution.” Absolutely spot on, Katya. Thank you.
…and I just glanced at the horoscopes of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Tremendous pressure in both from transiting Uranus and Pluto to multiple planets and angles. Added pressure for him from transiting Neptune squaring his Ascendant. Something is not as it seems; we see a potential deception or wipeout. Big needs for greater freedom of individual expression for them both — all well and good — but how is their marriage going to accommodate those needs? Ms. Jolie has filed for divorce.
Thank you for reading this forecast and sharing it with the entire Free World.