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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday & Tuesday 4/20-21/2015: Neptune Musings; Sneak Peek at the Week

Good Morning!

A double dose of earthy, steady Taurus energy kicks off the work week, as the Sun enters the sign of the Bull at 5:42AM ET and joins the Moon — currently void until 7:28PM ET. Perhaps you will need an extra push to get you going this morning. Or your plans may be subject to a higher than average “flake factor” of twists, delays and “crises” that later prove to be much ado about nothing.

Once you do get started, however,  you are likely to find an easy flow of applied action and resources, driven by some big idea. Why? Because mental Mercury and expansive Jupiter are making exact contact just past midnight on Tuesday. By happy hour Tuesday, Mars (action) and Pluto (resources) will also make contact. Got it? What are you working on today that will build upon your need for material security?

At 7:28PM ET, there may be plenty to talk about, as the Moon enters pixie chatterbox Gemini. Tuesday looks productive, for reasons noted in the preceding paragraph. Get the word out — gather the facts — for your New Moon plans for world domination.  On Wednesday, the Moon will be void all day, suggesting you resist the urge to formally launch anything you wish to be of consequence. Planetary patterns on Wednesday do favor serious research and resourcefulness, however, as Mercury moves on from Jupiter to potent Pluto and then Mars. Or we may see a lot of talk, but no action.

The only other Moon void this week happens on Friday at 1:04PM ET….until 9:13AM ET on Saturday. Overall, a week that begins with solid enthusiasm, backed by brainpower, resources and good cheer. If your unique horoscope is experiencing more challenging transits, call or shoot me an email and we will make an appointment to talk about it. Astrology is a wonderful tool for gaining clarity, whether you’re struggling to make sense of your own life or others around you.

And now, the news.

More headlines cropped up in the “big is beautiful” vein, courtesy of last week’s charged connection between Mars (action) and Jupiter (big).  Big money in politics received another  tax break from our elected representatives in Congress. Do not despair, as George Lucas demonstrated what Sir Isaac Newton first determined: that “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”. With that Mars in Taurus (building and maintaining material security) and Jupiter in regal, generous Leo,  he announced he’d build and finance 224 units of affordable housing on his own land, “because we’ve got enough millionaires here,” thank you very much.

Power, resources and status quo disruptions are of course what we expect in the wake of the seven Uranus-Pluto squares. I love this one — the most-emailed article in Sunday’s NYT: “Solar Power Battle Puts Hawaii at the Forefront of Worldwide Changes” — guess who prevented one homeowner from installing solar panels that would have saved him $12,000 in one year? Meanwhile in California, a battle over another resource is brewing, as residents consider whether it makes sense for a private company to export bottled water for profit when they are being asked to reduce water consumption because of a drought. The San Bernardino Desert Sun did some investigative reporting and found that Nestle’s bottled water business “has been taking water from some of California’s driest areas on permits that expired as long as 27 years ago“.

Update on Meryl Streep, whose horoscope was last written about here in mid-February. Planetary patterns suggested themes of empowerment and emancipation, along with a fresh start in matters of career and reputation. Over the weekend, on that big Mercury (writing) – Jupiter alignment, laced with a dash of Venus (women) square Neptune (charity, arts), her “significant” contribution to an initiative supporting women screenwriters over 40 was announced.

Update on Jon Stewart, also last covered here in mid-February:  in a lengthy interview published in The Guardian, he explains what motivated him to leave The Daily Show — and it all sounds exactly what you’d expect to hear from someone going through a heavy period of Neptune, followed by Saturn. Translation: feelings of dissatisfaction, lack of purpose and bewilderment….followed by ambition and gravitas.

Update on Monsanto, which was written about here last week:  U.S. regulators announce they “may” start testing food for glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round-Up, Monsanto’s ubiquitous pesticide, which was labeled a “probable carcinogen” in a recent WHO study.

Update on John Harrison, a British clockmaker who has never been covered here before. He made news, as his horoscope suggested he might, despite having died over 200 years ago. Mr. Harrison’s has Sun at 14 Aries, conjunct Mercury at 16 Aries, and if you’re an avid reader of this forecast, you know that any planet or point at 14-16 Aries would likely be pushed into prominence or celebrated for its uniqueness — big time — thanks to two eclipses and the seventh Uranus-Pluto square all happening in that part of the zodiac.  Here’s an excerpt from the whole piece in The Guardian:

One of Guinness World Records’ more unusual awards was presented at the National Maritime Museum yesterday. After a 100-day trial, the timepiece known as Clock B – which had been sealed in a clear plastic box to prevent tampering – was officially declared, by Guinness, to be the world’s “most accurate mechanical clock with a pendulum swinging in free air”.

It was an intriguing enough award. But what is really astonishing is that the clock was designed more than 250 years ago by a man who was derided at the time for “an incoherence and absurdity that was little short of the symptoms of insanity”, and whose plans for the clock lay ignored for two centuries.

I appreciate the “maritime” theme of this story, given Neptune (ruler of oceans, fish) being so prominent in the weekend’s planetary patterns. Neptune also refers to refugees. With Neptune in a loose square to Saturn in Sagittarius (travel, foreigners), it is not surprising to read of an ocean tragedy: an estimated 700 migrants presumed perished while attempting to cross the Mediterranean from Africa to Europe.

On a lighter note, I appreciated the timing of Sunday’s NYT piece on trout-fishing — in the sports section — which included this dreamy Neptunian prose:

We stand in the stream and we become part of the circulatory system of the planet — the rivulets, brooks, streams and rivers that pulse throughout our lands and connect the land to the sea, and those seas to other seas (and through water vapor and clouds, and migratory birds and fish, those seas back to the land). Through fishing, we can, for brief moments, achieve a kind of immortality when we step into this perpetual flow, and see our reflection in the water, and become part of it.

Isn’t that lovely?

For another transporting experience, I submit this breath-taking and thought-provoking illusion: a time-lapse recreation of the evolution of the New York skyline — from 515 years ago to the present. It’s what visitors to the new World Trade Center Observatory during the elevator ride to the top.

Your horoscope is also awesome. If you’ve never taken the time to learn about its mystical patterns — and been amazed at how they have manifested in your real life, I invite you to do so now. Checking in with your  astrologer every six-twelve months will help you plan, prioritize and keep things in perspective. You can also use astrology to build better relationships with family, colleagues and friends.

Thank you for reading this forecast — and for sharing it with the rest of the Free World.


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 6/30/2014: Sneak Peek at the Week

Good Morning!

Hopefully many of you enjoyed a bit of sweet, soulful inspiration over the weekend, brought to you by cotton candy-flavored contacts between Sun, artsy-loving Venus and visionary Neptune. Was it a dream or a rose-colored fog? It may take some time to sort it out, given that mental Mercury is now at a dead stop — about to turn direct on Tuesday at 8:50AM ET

The Moon is in Leo, seeking love and adulation, and possibly lording it over everyone in the process. People born with Moon in Leo need that kind of attention, and life for everyone else can be so much easier when their lovable drama king or queen is getting it. In return, they will inspire you to play and happily mentor you so that you can shine, too.

Exact aspects today are a mixed bag. There’s an innovative, tech-friendly connection to the Moon from rebel Uranus at 1:40PM ET, followed by a stern, possible wet blanket of a clash between the regal Leo Moon and Saturn in controlling Scorpio at 2:58PM ET. Work that conflict out at the gym later — or continue your crusade — when Moon is supported by physical Mars at 5:42PM ET.

Moon will be void from 6AM ET until 5:24PM ET tomorrow AND Mercury will turn direct at 8:50AM ET. Do I need to remind you to double check the facts before hitting send? Patience may be required in all communication and transportation endeavors. There are no other voids during business hours this week, but you can note Friday at 12:21 AM ET until 5:43AM ET if you like.

Other than Mercury’s change of direction, the other pattern of note is a volatile contact between the Sun in Cancer with Pluto on Friday, July 4th. Happy Birthday to the United States…and how would you like your powerful punch? Stay tuned for power plays, corruption exposed, energy resources in the headlines and news from underground. You’ll feel this power surge more personally if you were born on the 4th of July, October, January and April….or if you have a planet or angle around 12 to 16 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. And since you must know by now that we can’t have a Pluto contact without one to Uranus (thanks to the never-ending Planetary Pattern Everyone Should Be Talking About), note that the Sun will challenge rebel Uranus on July 8th.

And now, the news.

Nothing says “pride” like a Moon in Leo, and with the shimmering sparkle of Venus square Neptune, you might as well have a rainbow, too. How perfect for a day of gay pride parades all over the world, and the Boy Scouts joined in, too. Ah…but Neptune also refers to deception and Venus refers to social expression. Thus Facebook was outed for yet another deceptive practice, this time for manipulating our newsfeeds and toying with our emotions. Mark Zuckerberg, shame on you. As a public service, here’s how to opt out of Facebook’s next nefarious ambition: to snoop on your web browsing history so they can find even more ads to put in your newsfeed that you will never, ever click on.

There were and will be plenty of the usual Saturn in Scorpio news items involving sex, death and debt and its consequences. Here’s Gail Collins valiantly trying to make light of one pronouncement involving a unanimous Supreme Court ruling about free speech and abortion protesters, as well as a decision expected today about whether a company that invests in other companies that manufactures contraceptives AND sells merchandise made in China (which has strict family-planning policies) may refuse to provide its employees health insurance that would include coverage for contraceptives, on religious grounds. Got that?

Thus it was somewhat of a relief to find this bewildering (Neptune) yet somehow comforting article about the elusive Higgs boson, “which seems to prove that the Universe doesn’t exist.”  Food for thought, with your morning coffee. Then, go out there and shine, shimmer and sparkle, like the being of pure light and love that you truly are.

 Your donations never fail to make my day, with much gratitude to you for  your appreciation. Gratitude also to those of you who share this forecast with friends. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. Have a wonderful day!


Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 6/27/2014 & the Weekend: New Moon in Cancer

Note your dreams upon waking this morning.

The New Moon in  Cancer officially began today at 4:08AM ET, offering us an opportunity to re-set  intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.  Around July 5th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 12th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on the 18th, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon on the 26th.

This New Moon occurs at 6 degrees of Cancer and the only connection it makes is a harmonious aspect with Neptune, the planet referring to vision, intuition, deception, delusion, spirits of all kinds, oil, oceans, drugs & other toxins, charity, suffering and martyrdom  — just to name a few. Moon is generally very happy to be in Cancer, the sign it rules. In Cancer, the Moon seeks to fulfill a need for emotional/homeland security; this month we can expect that need to be met in rose-colored hues. Venus in this New Moon chart is also making contact with one other planet — and again that would be Neptune. This suggests idealism in social expression, as well as in issues concerning women, art and money. You may recall that Neptune and idealism were strong themes in last month’s New Moon, so we can expect more of the same — some of it magical; some of it mystical and some of it simply bewildering.

In the New Moon chart, mental Mercury is retrograde and running wild in Gemini,  suggesting this month will be again notable for shifts in the way we think and communicate. Given that Mercury is retrograde, we can expect plenty of that thinking to be concerned with reviewing issues from the past (a positive potential of Mercury retrograde), or flat-out sloppy and misinformed (a downside potential of Mercury retrograde). Mercury turns direct on July 1st and reaches the Aries Point (o Cancer) on July 13th; watch the headlines for especially prominent mindshifts — some of involving women, now that I’m also noting Venus at the Aries Point (0 Cancer) on July 19th.

Mars, symbolizing our need for action, is still in Libra, but picking up speed for its entrance into Scorpio on July 26th. Huzzah! In this cycle we will continue to process the tension released this month by the warrior planet’s forceful contacts with the Uranus-Pluto square, which on the upside may be reflected in the supercharged World Cup soccer games. Go team! Jupiter and Saturn are also running wild, but with very different agendas. Jupiter is wrapping up its year-long stay in Cancer, seeking its reward in the expansion of emotional security/nourishment/home/family concerns, augmented by an obsession with power and resources. Jupiter enters Leo on July 16th.

Saturn remains in Scorpio, continuing its nitty-gritty reality check on the consequences of sex, death and money, i.e. debt — watch the headlines. It turns direct on July 21st, but will spend the entire month sitting at 16 degrees of Scorpio. So if you have a planet or an angle around that degree — or also around 16 degrees of Leo, Taurus or Aquarius, I can appreciate why you may be feeling squeezed by outside controls — or feeling pressured to act on your ambition all month long — and wondering why it also feels as if you’re not making any progress. Same applies if you were born around the 9th of August, November, February or May. President Obama is in this category; his Ascendant is 18 Aquarius.

Neptune is retrograde in Pisces, hanging out at 6-7 degrees all month. You’re feeling the fog and/or need for a more beautiful vision more personally if you were born 5-9 days into Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius…or if you have a planet or angle at 5-9 degrees of those signs. Neptune in Pisces will continue to be reflected in the headlines with stories of oceans, fish, drugs (all pot all the time in the US) and the huddled masses, large and small. And let us not forget the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square challenging the status quo and exposing corruption in our hallowed institutions.

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 6 Cancer is “game birds feathering their nest,” which I see echoed in the New Moon chart by Jupiter — as described above. The always-insightful  Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee observes that this Symbol refers to refining home security concerns and prosperity accumulated by tending to one’s property or thoughts for future comfort. He offers the curious observation that “game birds” are the quarry of hunters, and that “anyone thought to be fit for ridicule or criticism is said to be ‘fair game'”. Hmmmm.

Bovee suggests we apply this Symbol with a mind to “an urgent sense of making progress; a sense of frustration with obstacles…considering [among other things] overrefinement of strategies; game natures clashing with ponderous delays.” (If you enjoy these Sabian Symbols, I recommend you get Bovee’s book so you can read his whole take on each Symbol).  If you have a planet or angle around 6 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra, you will feel initiative (and perhaps the urgency) of this New Moon more than most.

General notes for the weekend: dreamy, courtesy of exact contacts between Sun and Venus with Neptune at 3:23AM ET and 3:31PM ET on Sunday, respectively. Vision, spirit, healing, music — all sorts of idealized beauty and rose-colored escapes are favored. Add a dramatic flair when Moon enters Leo at 4:43AM ET Sunday.

But first — on Friday — a potential power play or deep emotional response around 5:39PM ET, when Moon is challenged by Pluto…followed by an upset or revelation around 1:16AM ET, when Moon is challenged by rebel Uranus. Be careful on the roads late Friday night and in the wee hours on Saturday.

No exact aspects during the day on Saturday until 9:03PM ET, when Moon hooks up with expansive, expensive Jupiter. Oh joy! Moon will be void until 4:43AM ET Sunday. No harm, no foul.

And no sleeping in on Monday.

And now, the news.

Interesting to note right after I posted yesterday’s forecast noting stern Saturn’s challenge to Obama’s Ascendant that the Supreme Court issued a control (Saturn!), ruling that certain recess appointments he made in 2012 were unconstitutional. On a lighter note, I wish I’d seen this fun Tweet from the coach of the US soccer team in time to share it with you before yesterday’s all-day void of course Moon. It’s a permission slip you could have given to your boss, excusing you from work so you could watch the US play Germany at the World Cup, and thousands did — as reported by WJLA in DC. What perfect timing!

 Your donations never fail to make my day, with much gratitude to you for  your appreciation. Gratitude also to those of you who share this forecast with friends. Here’s the 411 on personal consultations. Have a wonderful day!


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 4/4/2012: Mercury Turns Direct

Mercury turns at direct at 23 degrees of Pisces as of 6:11AM ET, suggesting that great ideas that were put on hold may once again move forward. But don’t rush to sign on the dotted line until you’ve carefully reviewed that proposal on your desk. So often, when Mercury (mind, communication and travel),  moves forward, we find that what we thought were solid concepts have more than a few holes. What was that mantra you were given a few days ago? Focus, focus, focus and patience, patience, patience — especially with the details.  Give yourself until the 23rd to get your brain fully up to speed.

The day itself may be defined by the Moon in Virgo’s need for perfection, especially the perfection of a (romantic) ideal – or perfect organization. Check out yesterday’s notes on nebulous Neptune’s challenge to loving Venus, which will be exact on Thursday, as we are under the influence of this rose-colored pattern right now. Here’s to rarefied art, matters of spirits and other dreams that may be too good to be true, but delicious and delectable while they last.

Astro-logical Forecast for 2/12/2012: Whitney Houston, RIP

From Saturday through Wednesday we build to a potential outpouring of emotion and inspired thinking that can be delusional, practical and/or transcendental. The emotions are suggested by Wednesday’s challenge between ruthless and oh-so-deep Pluto and Venus (love, women and money); the thinking is suggested by Tuesday’s exact hook-up between mental Mercury and nebulous/inspired Neptune and Monday’s easy connection between Mercury and disciplined, sober Saturn. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to conclude that these patterns seem perfectly aligned with the outpouring of emotion expressed by the public after Whitney Houston’s sudden passing at age 48 on Saturday afternoon. I’d say 85% of the posts on Facebook right now are tributes to Whitney Houston. The other headline I’m seeing right now is that Catholic bishops are rejecting Obama’s compromise on contraception, which could be seen as another possible manifestation of a Pluto (ruthless, resources) challenge to Venus (women, money) and Neptune (fantasy, illusion, intangible) connected to Mercury (mind, communication)

In your own personal world, Sunday may well begin on a balanced note, with an ease of communication courtesy of a trine between Moon in cerebral Libra and mental Mercury in equally cerebral Aquarius. As the day progresses, sober Saturn weighs in, either dampening spirits or providing needed structure to your plans for world domination. This Saturn-Moon hook-up is exact at 4:09PM ET, followed by an hour long void; Moon enters moody bastard Scorpio at 5:01PM ET, promptly co-mingles with nebulous, glamorous Neptune and sets the tone for the nebulous, glamorous celebration of music (an intangible), known as the Grammys.

Whitney Houston was born August 9, 1963 at 8:55PM in Newark, NJ. Sun in regal Leo, with Moon-Jupiter conjunction in Aries. The prime directive of this horoscope is a huge need to be seen as inspiring, pioneering and Number One (if you have Moon in Aries, or if you are in a relationship with someone with Moon in Aries, now you know what they need). With Moon and Jupiter in the first house, we’d expect her to be an entrepreneur — someone who needs to do her own thing in her vocation. All together, these planets are in a pattern that suggests tremendous projection of an aura of self-sufficiency and a defensive posture that interferes with relationship.

Contrasting that need for self-expression and affirmation is a heavy emphasis on planets in the Western hemisphere, suggesting Houston gave herself away to others at the expense of developing her own strengths. An emotionally sensitive, downright watery Pisces ascendant would add to that vulnerability…and Mars, running wild in the area of the horoscope related to partnership, suggests tremendous energy applied to relationships and/or the general public for the sake of self-worth (or lack thereof).

Houston’s Sun (life force) and Venus (social expression, aesthetic sense) together in Leo suggest a sunny idealism; both are squared by Neptune, which likely reinforced an idealized or bewildered sense of self. Artistic talent and charismatic appeal would be another potential…and a need for a rose-colored outlook on life. How far does someone go to keep those rose-colored glasses on? Drugs? Well, drugs are one possible avenue for a horoscope with a strong Neptune under high tension.

Meanwhile, an intense hook-up between mental Mercury and ruthless Pluto in Virgo (the eternal perfectionist/critic) is a sure sign of sharp verbal communication (vocal perfection?) — and in Houston’s case, likely experienced in one-on-one relationships (the two planets are in Houston’s 7th house).  Rebel Uranus adds nerves, excitement, genius and risk — again likely played out in partnership — and in the body. Other aspects suggest a huge influence on the part of the mother; a remote or overly strict relationship with the father (the latter relationship likely created anxiety over her ability to be loved). Another connection involving Jupiter, Pluto and the Aries Point is nearly always a sign of fame — or at least association with — the rich and famous. Which is likely why everyone in the Free World is posting tributes on facebook…and I’m writing this forecast instead of the one I planned to write about Clint Eastwood, the perfect timing of his”Halftime in America” Super Bowl commercial (given that Mars is retrograde), and what the heck is going on in Greece.

As one would expect, there are patterns of dynamic stress active in Houston’s horoscope at this time.*  Ruthless Pluto, for example, is exactly square that runaway Mars, suggesting tremendous force and a potential for accidents. Stressful patterns or not, 48 seems way too young to exit, stage right. Rest in peace, Ms. Houston. Right now, you are Number One in our thoughts and prayers.

*the horoscope never dies; it is not unusual for posthumous tributes and/or a resurgence in popularity to coincide with planetary patterns…amazing, isn’t it?


Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 10/31/2011: A Practical, Magical Halloween!

Monday’s baaaaack…time to make the doughnuts with Moon continuing thru the practical, pro-active, get down to business sign of Capricorn, the crusty old Goat. No Moon voids during business hours all week, either — save for one hour between 5-6pm Tuesday — blink and you’ll miss it. So tackle your chores and responsibilities with a vengeance.

The potential for beautiful fantasy or other rose-colored escapism rules on All Hallow’s Eve, suggested by a dynamic connection between nebulous Neptune and art & beauty loving Venus. I expect to see some truly fabulous costumes — let your imagination run wild. You can rose-tint your world from now until Tuesday, as mental Mercury is also challenged by nebulous Neptune. This suggests double checking EVERYTHING twice and being mindful of those who promise more than they can deliver. But if you’re looking for a vision or a visionary in the next couple of days, chances are you won’t have to look far. Music, spirit, soulful mingling and other intangibles…enjoy.