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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 11/15/2010

Your Monday AM, especially if you’re on the East Coast, could get off to a bumpy start, thanks to a challenge to Moon (feelings) from Mars (action) at 8:15AM  NY time. A possible clash of wills or someone’s loudmouthed opinion that could cause a little spat? That’s a possible downside. On a possible upside, you just might wake up with a burst of enthusiasm and energy as you prepare to tackle the work week. Who needs caffeine when you’ve got an easy connection to the Sun from expansive and sometimes downright jolly Jupiter, the Cosmic Sugar Daddy? If you’re born around March 13, November 14 or July 15, you may be on the receiving end of a special dose of good fortune — you might even splurge on a lottery ticket or two.

Whatever you have on your plate, get it done today if you can. The Moon will be void of course from 11:37AM – 5:59PM NY time on Tuesday, suggesting a day of rest, brainstorming, routine, flaking out…or things not going quite as planned.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 11/11/2010

Hmmm….it’s 11/11 — is that significant? Some people believe that when you see 11:11, an angel is trying to get your attention. Check it out here:

We are wrapping up the last few hours of Moon in proactive, strategic-minded Capricorn, so use the morning  — until 2:57PM NY time to get things done. Then you can rest for a few…until 5:32PM NY during the void-of-course Moon. A long lunch on the West Coast; an afternoon of “letting things settle” on the East Coast. Remember Moon voids are good for routine activities, creative brainstorming, napping and flaking out. Be aware that surprises and upsets are more likely to occur during a void period when you are trying to do anything that involves moving in a straight line.

After the void, Moon enters the humanitarian sign of Aquarius. No exact aspects this evening suggests a quiet night. Enjoy.

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 11/12/2010 and the Weekend

Unless you are currently under pressure from stressful transits from heavy outer planets in your own personal horoscope (contact your local astrologer for details), there is no reason why you can’t have a perfectly lovely weekend appreciating the beauty of friendship and other common bonds. And even if you ARE under pressure from stressful transits, you could, if you choose to do so, decide to find one thing in your life for which you are grateful…which immediately puts you in the position of a HAVE, as opposed a HAVE-NOT…and this can be very empowering.

Here’s a fun collective endeavor I spotted today — it was published on 10/31/2010 — but no matter — it feels like a wonderful manifestation of news from the underground (Pluto in Capricorn) combined with the rarefied, out-there, extravagant, collective spirit of Jupiter-Uranus at the end of compassionate “we are the world” Pisces, and Neptune “sublime art forms” in humanitarian Aquarius:

I encourage you to appreciate a collective art form this weekend, if you are so inclined.

On Friday, Moon in Aquarius in a cooperative connection with Mercury (mind) and Mars (action) can be extremely useful in your quest to lay down and/or repair lines of communication likely involving joint endeavors (remember the New Moon agenda from last week).  Saturday may present a challenge to that agenda — thanks to the First Quarter Moon at 11:39AM. Perhaps something in the headlines about crossing or reaching across party lines (a “party line”, as those who grew up in the Stone Age know, is an old-fashioned mode of communication via telephone — an actual shared telephone line).

Saturday evening could be a delicious escape, thanks to a rose-colored hook-up between nebulous Neptune and the Moon; Sunday the communion may well continue when Moon enters soulful Pisces at 5:24AM NY time, after a void starting at 1:33AM.  If you’re working over the weekend on a creative project that needs to be structured, you may find it flows ever so easily…a vibe that will likely carry over into Monday. Yay.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 11/10/2010

Another day of Moon in “make-it-happen” Capricorn, an ambitious earthy placement that is ready and willing to facilitate your plans for global domination. Arise, go forth and conquer…with extra bonus points for wielding your creative powers with grace.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 11/9/2010

If you’ve been feeling a bit wobbly over the past couple of days, it might be related to Mercury and Venus changing signs and Neptune turning direct. Venus moved backwards into Libra at 10:07PM NY time Sunday, softening a bit of the edginess and Scorpionic sting some have been feeling in social expression; Monday at 6:43 PM NY time Mercury also left Scorpio — and moved forward into high-flying, opinionated, foot-in-mouth oriented Sagittarius. Two personal planets leaving an emotional, controlled, penetrating water sign for cerebral air and boundlessly enthusiastic fire in 24 hours can be a bit of an adjustment — a little patience goes a long way!

Tuesday begins with Moon entering Capricorn at 8:36AM NY time. Blink and you might miss the one hour void beforehand. Today is a day to make things happen — so start climbing that mountain and/or plan that strategy. Be mindful of a potential moody bastard or battle for control that might show up around 3:14PM NY time (that’s the possible down side); on the other hand, a possible intense and/or insightful revelation could offer the opportunity to clear the air. Onward!

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 11/8/2010

More on color, music and other non-verbal, intangible contemplations. Yesterday (Saturday) featured a strong connection between Mercury (mind, travel) and nebulous Neptune (spirituality, fantasy, sacrifice) often seen in the horoscopes of people with rich imaginations and an aptitude for making music. Is this why the forecast has been delayed (words have failed me) or why I could not stop thinking about a musical episode on the bus ride home from last Sunday’s Rally for Sanity? (Bear with me, this really is going somewhere…eventually about the New Moon):

I asked our eccentric lady bus driver if she’d mind changing the static-ky  (stat-icky?) radio station that was poisoning the airwaves,  and she said she’d be happy to replace it with a CD, if a passenger had one handy. A CD? How quaint…but darned if a college kid didn’t happen to have one he was excited to share. “These are bluegrass instrumental arrangements of some songs by the Beatles!”, he says (with a great deal of authority),  as we were treated to the opening bars of “I Want to Hold Your Hand” a la banjo . Cheesy? Yes. But darned if those Lennon-McCartney tunes didn’t hold up with every twang — and I found myself marveling at the beauty of each chord progression and wondering WHY — as in, “why do these sounds gathered together in this particular way have so much power to move the soul — why are they so beautiful?”

Fast forward to yesterday (pun obviously intended), in which I persuade a composer friend to break down the chord structures of — you guessed it — “Yesterday”, etc. on a Yamaha baby grand — what exactly am I hearing when the juxtaposition of two chords strikes me as beautiful, and why is this music so timeless? Composer Friend explains that what I’m hearing is a chord in a major key immediately followed by a chord in the relative minor..blah blah “roots in church music dating from 500-600 AD through the Middle Ages”…blah blah Modal harmony, as in the “Dorian mode”, more church music, Mozart, Bach, etc., which goes back to the music of the Ancient Greeks…and while I’m kicking myself for not taking more music theory in college, am I also appreciating that the reason these Beatles tunes feel timeless is because they are; humans have been responding to the intrinsic beauty of these sounds for who knows how long, and at least as far back as and Ancient Greeks…

…which finally brings me to the Scorpio New Moon. Scorpio is opposite the sign of Taurus, which naturally rules areas in life related to the assets and values of an individual, including intangible values such as self-worth.  Scorpio rules, among other things, areas related to assets shared with an other, including shared values. Co-mingling shared assets can be incredibly creative — and procreative, as in great sex, great investments and a great inheritance. The keyword for Taurus is I HAVE. The keyword for Scorpio is I CREATE.

In the chart for the New Moon at 12:52 AM EDT 11/6/2010 we see five planets running wild — Mars (energy applied), Saturn (structure, control), Pluto (change) and Sun-Moon (union, new cycle, birth). By “wild” I mean that they are not connected to any other planet in the chart; each one is an island unto itself. A “wild” planet (the astrological term is “unaspected”), as my teacher Noel Tyl explains, it, makes a lot of noise in order to attract attention, with the hope that it will eventually be noticed and given a constructive outlet. With so many “islands” in this New Moon horoscope, is it any coincidence that the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 14 degrees of Scorpio is “telephone linemen at work”…”an image of men at work stretching lines of communication from pole to pole…connecting the telephone lines, repairing faulty or fallen lines”?

Wherever this New Moon at 14 Scorpio falls in your horoscope is where you may have an opportunity ripe with creative potential, where success will likely depend on effective lines of communication. You may have to lay down some lines in uncharted territory — ooh — adventure! You may need to repair lines downed by a storm (Venus is still retrograde in Scorpio). Finding a common ground between you and that “other party” (a Beatles tune?) is a recommended first step…

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 11/5/2010

Moon entered Scorpio at 2:15AM NY time — after a little over seven hours of being void-of-course (and as I’m typing this now at 10:37PM on Thursday). Were you chilling last night? Any pleasant surprises?

Imagination and creativity — straight from the Source — might be on deck today. And by Source,  I’m thinking about the second chakra — did you know you had one of those? It’s orange, like autumn leaves and pumpkins, and it resonates with D in the musical scale. Colors and music — on this day before a potent New Moon in Scorpio, you could do worse than contemplate the power of expression and experience that does not depend on words. Magnetism, moods and mystery — yeah, that, too.

In other news, I  was intrigued to learn that a healthy second chakra enables us to adapt to change — useful to know in light of this week’s events in the US. Google “second chakra” and you’ll find thousands of links — here’s one for your reading enjoyment:

I’ll post something later about the New Moon on Saturday and the forecast for Sunday.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 11/4/2010

An ease of communication, plumbing the depths of feeling, may permeate the day, courtesy of an easy connection between expansive, philosophical Jupiter in watery, soulful Pisces and Mercury (mind) in investigative Scorpio. Expand your mind. Wax philosophical. Don’t worry, be happy. Dare to go deep.

This evening, another cozy connection between Moon in charming, socially-oriented Libra and nebulous, transcendental Neptune favors the sublime, the spiritual and the aesthetic. Peace out.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 11/3/2010

Well, alrighty then. Typing this as a few East Coast races still hang in the balance — we’ll see how they turned out when the sun rises — or not, in the event someone wants a recount. Moon is now in people-pleasing Libra, about to crash into ruthless, mince-no-words Pluto at 6:54AM NY time, likely putting an edge on the speeches — concession and victory — we’ll be hearing this morning. You can apply that forecast to whatever you’ve got planned in your own personal world. Cut your losses; be gracious and try not to be pushed off-center by the blunt speech of another. There’s plenty of potential to assert yourself productively throughout the rest of the day — though by 8:34PM NY time I expect we’ll hear some sobering, possible downer making the headlines, thanks to the monthly meeting of Moon (today needing to be appreciated by others) with controlling, “eat your vegetables” Saturn. “They” will be trying very hard to be diplomatic and/or charming, in order to assure you that “they” are responsive to your needs. Watch the headlines to discover who “they” will turn out to be.

We are moving into the last days of the old moon cycle — a time of listlessness, restlessness — and the knowledge that something is around the corner, but we don’t know what it is yet — that’ll be the New Moon on Saturday. Clear your desks — wrap things up — think about what you’re learning about your significant others this month — and get ready to tune in to the optimism that will likely shine on Thursday, even if your team didn’t win on Tuesday.

For the record, the only candidate’s horoscope I looked at in this election was Meg Whitman’s — you may recall my post about her little domestic help problem a few weeks ago; at that time, I was not convinced she would become the next governor of California – and it seems — at the moment — that in fact, she will not. As for the other races — well — even astrologers go freewheeling every now and then ; )

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 11/2/2010

Vote early. Seriously — if you haven’t voted by mail, get up and get to the polls in the morning; don’t wait until after work. Why? Because this AM we’ve got the Moon in analytical, discriminating Virgo making a supportive aspect with Mercury (mind, communication, travel) and the Moon is not void of course, suggesting that the probability of your vote actually counting is higher; that the your ballot won’t be eaten by the dog or an electronic snafu. As the day progresses, I anticipate a fever pitch of overblown analysis to clog the airwaves (Moon opposing expansive Jupiter), with Moon going void just as it opposes disruptive Uranus at 5:36PM LA time — that’s 8:36PM on the East Coast. You’re more likely to flake out during a void-of-course Moon, which is another reason I encourage you to vote in the morning.

During the void there is a higher potential for “much ado about nothing”, events not going as planned and underdogs triumphing in a surprise twist of fate. The Moon void ends at 1:19AM NY time on Wednesday — that’s when any confusion over outcomes will begin to clear.

We are voting during a Venus retrograde, suggesting that what we find attractive now, especially if it is a sexy, unproven thing, may not be what we find attractive a couple of months from now. Do your own due diligence — and vote. I’m Elisabeth Grace, and I approved this message.