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Los Angeles

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Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 1/16/2012: Of Dreams, Martin Luther King,Jr. and Mars Retrograde

A third challenge to your New Moon agenda may present itself today, even though you may not be at the office. It’s a holiday for most in the U.S., and the markets here are closed. Still, you can be energized by the 3rd Quarter Moon that pushes you up and at ’em this morning (the aspect is exact at 4:08AM ET).

Mixed messages at 10AM and 10:29AM ET — first from a serious connection to the people-pleasing Moon in Libra from disciplinarian Saturn, seeking to cut out the fat. More austerity is likely in store — and a challenge to leaders everywhere — when Saturn challenges the Sun on Thursday….but we’ll likely be feeling the influence all week. We’ll see how the European and Asian markets respond to all the downgrades issued on Friday

The second AM connection is a dreamy swoon between nebulous Neptune and that peace-seeking Moon in Libra (West Coasters note your dreams), followed by a Moon void until 11:33AM ET, suggesting a natural rest period and a slower than usual start to the day. At 11:33AM ET Moon enters moody bastard Scorpio, seeking knowledge for the sake of power and control…but lo! Today, the moody bastard Scorpio Moon is aspected by an enthusiastic and possible expensive connection from lucky Jupiter (1:34PM ET), and a delightful kiss from Venus at 5:05PM ET, which favors social connections of all kind. If you need to gather intelligence today, do it.Your target may actually play along and you can plumb some delightful depths….

Today we honor the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., who was actually born on January 15, 1929 at 11:21AM in Atlanta, GA. King was a Sun Sign Capricorn (the energy to make things happen in order to move forward), with Moon in Pisces, which needs to work with the collective soul and other intangibles…a dream, perhaps? Interesting to note that a child born today would have more than one pattern in the horoscope that is similar to King’s: Jupiter at the beginning of Taurus, which seeks the reward of material comfort and security; and rebel Uranus running wild at the beginning of the pioneering Aries. Also running wild: mental Mercury in humanitarian Aquarius and Venus, ruling social expression, in Pisces (echoing the Pisces Moon). Sounds like a recipe for a brilliant orator to me. Also noted in King’s horoscope: Jupiter is involved in a pattern that suggests tremendous self-sufficiency; and stern Saturn is challenging Mars in what could have been quite a militant, rigid approach…except that Mars is retrograde. King was wise to use this energy to advocate a peaceful approach. If you’re a regular reader of this forecast, you know that Mars will turning retrograde next week, suggesting a three-month long strategy session. Consider how MLK put a retrograde Mars to good use, and remember, as of January 23rd: No fights. No lawsuits. No wars! Got that?

Astro-logical Forecast for Sunday 1/15/2012: Venus in Pisces & That Sinking Feeling

Moon has been in people-pleasing Libra since 8:28AM ET Saturday, adding to the need for beauty and harmony suggested by Friday’s hook-up between idealistic Neptune and loving Venus, still in effect thru the weekend. As of 12:47AM ET Saturday, Venus left “who’s your buddy?” Aquarius for the soulful depths of Pisces. Whereas Venus in Aquarius can take a scientific approach to relationships some find a bit detached and/or maddening, Venus in Pisces does not need to analyze; it just feels intuitively, with compassion and empathy. See if you notice that shift in social expression over the next few weeks.

Your Saturday date night offered an interesting mix of the aforementioned soulful social expression cheered on by a connection to jolly Jupiter, challenged by a potentially intense emotional catharsis, suggested by that people-pleasing Libra Moon squared by ruthless, transformational Pluto. Such was the scenario just before 1oPM ET — anyone have any good stories?

There are no exact aspects among the planets on Sunday, save for an expressive Moon-Mercury challenge at 2:15AM ET, suggesting a need — perhaps — to lay things on the line. After that, the need for peace and harmony prevails — unless you’re one of those lucky people born near a solstice or an equinox. What’s that bzzzzzzzzz you’ve probably been feeling since February of 2011 all about, hmmmm?

In other news…the Patriots were favored to win Saturday’s game — and they did. Go, Pats! Meanwhile, I can’t find an exact time of departure for the cruise ship that ran aground in Italy on Friday the 13th but looking at the charts for 8PM (when the accident apparently occurred) and 9:30PM (a time of great confusion on board the ship, according to some reports I’ve read) in Giglio Porto. Measurements suggest the possibility of a “sudden event” and an insistence on self-sufficiency when it would have been more efficient to ask for input from — ???  Nebulous Neptune and status quo-disrupting Uranus are quite strong in both of these charts, suggesting the possibility of confusion, accidents and/or risky behavior. Moon and Mars conjunct in perfectionist Virgo suggests much argument over the right thing to do — even as those arguing had, according to the horoscope,  likely lost their bearings.

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 1/13/2012: TGIF!

Another day to focus on perfection, organization and discrimination — suggested by the Moon and Mars in Virgo. If someone has a strong feeling about what that perfection ought to be, you may well hear about it around 7:36PM ET, when those two planets align. Factor in a hook-up between ruthless Pluto and mental Mercury, exact at 8:03 AM ET, and it’s possible that what you think or hear is a revelation — or brutally honest. Meanwhile — as noted in earlier forecasts, a rose-colored connection between nebulous Neptune and loving Venus will do its best to create the loveliest experience possible — even if it’s based on an ideal or an illusion. And isn’t fascinating that as I am writing this forecast, this story was published on the NYT website, reporting audience outrage when a brutal cellphone ring went off during an New York Philharmonic performance one of the most sublime pieces of music ever written  It’s a good illustration of the potential consequences should the energy of these two hook-ups be working at cross purposes.

There’s also a certain physical drive that’s been building over the past two days — finding a productive channel for that energy is highly advised. For me, current patterns resulted in a compelling need to take a ballet class Thursday night: physical release, the beauty of music & dance and the concentration required to execute Virgo perfectionist moves across the floor — and no cell phones went off during the class. How about you?

Moon goes void at 8:58PM ET, on a harmonious connection between Moon and Sun in practical Capricorn. Happy hour and/or your date tonight could be an especially romantic escape, accompanied by sweet music, art and perhaps more than one transcendental libation. Along with the romance you may encounter a particularly intense mindset or conversation — but hopefully it won’t be as jarring as the concert performance described above — or as the latest on this building tension between the U.S. and Iran Send some positive light on that situation if you can; with Mars going retrograde for a from January 23rd to April 13th, the impulse to pick a fight can be high — with unfortunate consequences for the instigator of the conflict. In your own personal world, remember that Moon voids are best suited for chilling out — and that “crises” that turn up during voids — like the one tonight — are likely to be of no consequence. Happy Friday!!!

P.S.: to the reader who asked about horoscopes for newborns — to give as a baby gift: special price — $99 — please read the Consultations section of this website for more information — and thanks for asking!



Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 1/12/2012: More Frabjous Day!

A potentially self-indulgent connection between Moon in Leo and beautiful Venus in quirky Aquarius approaches at 12:29AM Thursday. Could that have influenced my buying an electric blue (Aquarius), but otherwise oh-so-feminine (in a goddess sort of way) Tahari top on the way home from the office last night? Moon wasn’t void, so chances are, I’ll put it to good use.

After a 45 minute void (blink and you’ll miss it), Moon enters perfection-seeking Virgo at 4:44AM ET, needing know the details of everything, including the meaning of the number 444. “Thousands of angels surrounding you and loving you…” writes angel number guru Doreen Virtue OK, I’ll buy that — and it’s perfectly in tune with Friday’s exact hook-up between ethereal Neptune and Venus, the goddess of love, beauty and money — suggesting the potential for pure bliss.

Nebulous Neptune and optimistic Jupiter both connect with the Moon just before waking hours — do note your dreams for a potentially fantastic adventure or insight. Coupled with constructive connections between the Moon, mental Mercury and take-no-prisoners Pluto, you could find yourself especially perspicacious today…and into the weekend. Consult yesterday’s forecast for more details. Bottom line: much can be channeled, comprehended, created and accomplished over the next two days. You can do it!

In the news, mirroring the Moon’s two-day promenade through regal Leo, I could not help but note the word “royalty” in a New York Times headline on Monday night, reporting the birth of Jay-Z and Beyonce’s baby girl, Blue Ivy, at Lenox Hill hospital on Saturday, January 7th. Apparently there was quite a fuss made over the alleged “royal” treatment of the celebrities, at the expense of the regular Joes and Janes. And this morning, I’m absolutely positive I saw the headline “Princess Ride” on the front page of either the NY Post — coincidence or conspiracy?

Now you’re probably wondering what to give the new parents to help welcome their bundle of joy, and I can’t think of anything more perfect than a horoscope interpretation for little Blue Ivy, can you? Just think how helpful it might have been if your parents had your chart done when you were a wee lad or lass. They would have had more than just a clue about who you were and what you needed in order to avoid spending thousands of dollars in therapy! In Blue Ivy’s case, we know this little girl has tremendous potential — she was born on the same day as this web site. It would be so nice to know the exact time….

Astro-logical Forecast For Wednesday 1/11/12: Rose-Colored Glasses for Practical Cats

More of the same need for drama, recognition, adoration and sunny optimism, suggested by Moon purrring its way through Leo — review yesterday’s forecast for details. Add to the Moon a few other potent planetary patterns which will be exact Thursday through Friday, that flavor the fun as follows:

First, a smooth flow of practical energy applied, aiding and abetting your quest for perfect status, suggested by Mars (action) trine Sun (life force); second, a stable connection between disciplined Saturn and Venus, planet of love, money and beauty, suggesting the potential for solid ground in these areas, even as the desire to see everything in the best possible light intensifies (optimism has been ruling the markets this week; I would be surprised if that changes in next few days). Feel like making a commitment to a romantic/spiritual or other intangible ideal?

Writers, thinkers and investigators; artists and healers — or anyone who works with things of value, whether tangible or intangible, chances are you’re feeling mighty empowered and inspired — enough to carry you through the rest of the week.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 1/10/2012: Oh, Frabjous Day!

Oh happy day! Moon is in regal Leo, with no major aspects for the next two days. No — it’s not a void, but it could feel like a never-ending party — or a night at the opera. Leo does like to have fun, when it’s not throwing its royal weight around, seeking love and adoration. Come February, we’ll have the potential for frustration, suggested by Mars retrograde; come June, we’ll have who know what sort of sudden upheaval, suggested by the first of seven challenges over the next few years between ruthless Pluto (resistance is futile) and rebel Uranus. But this week — oh joy, oh potential joy — certainly for today and tomorrow — count your many blessings and let your spirit soar.

A note about one of the new features of the new website. You can now SEARCH the daily forecasts! Maybe you’re dying to know if I’ve written anything on Hungary or Herman Cain or the effects of Neptune square Sun or Moon in Pisces. Search and ye shall find! I have about two years’ worth of forecasts to post –and they will be added to this site over the next few weeks. I think we’re at October 2011 right now…with more to come…

Astro-logical Forecast For Monday 1/9/2012: Full Moon in Cancer & Choosing the Right Time for an Event

With the Moon in Cancer all day Sunday — waxing full at 2:30AM this morning, of course I spent part of the day cooking up a storm. Moon in Cancer seeks emotional security and comforts of home, including food that nourishes the body and feeds the soul.

While the day begins on a positive connection between Moon (need for emotional security) and Mars at 8:48AM ET, suggesting an easy flow of organizing your beginning of the week agenda, as the day progresses, adjustments may have to be made — especially where women, social expression, money and beauty are concerned. At 9:25PM ET, a potentially chilly challenge to Moon by “wet blanket” Saturn could send West Coasters straight to the nearest happy hour. Go ahead and chill even further, as the Moon will be void until 11:35PM ET…and will move into Leo, looking for an excuse to party. How quickly moods can change!

Mercury — relating to mind, travel, communication and NEWS — continues to pull focus, just as it did in the days leading up to and during the weekend. Interesting to note on the front page of the New York Times this piece about how the three major broadcast networks are striving to present the news with their own unique spin  That’s right, today the news IS the news. Watch one network to the exclusion of the others, and you’ll get a version of reality that is different from the other two. Have your own unique thoughts and you’ll manifest another version of reality that other people don’t share. Hmmm….I’m sure there is a very deep thought in there somewhere. Suffice it to say that in this Full Moon is an opportunity to release thought patterns that manifest a version of reality you’d rather not watch. What will it take to change your channel?

Speaking of changing channels, you can now get the Astro-logical Forecast delivered directly to your emailbox. Sign up on my website, — and the wizards at Mail Chimp will email you the forecast at 6AM ET every day. If you’ve friended me on facebook, I’ll post a notice when the forecast is up — for those of you who like to read the forecast as soon as I’ve written it — but you’ll have to click the link to the site to see the actual text. Thanks to all who’ve sent comments on the new site  so far — feel free to send more, if you have them — because I do take all suggestions seriously!

Finally, a reader asked about the birthday of the new site — does it have a horoscope, he wanted to know. Absolutely — and the time of its “birth” was chosen deliberately. Choosing the appropriate time for an event — e.g., a marriage, a business launch, the signing of a contract, etc. , is one of astrology’s nifty tools.

The new website launched at 10:50AM on January 7, 2012 in Kingston, NY. The horoscope chosen needed to support what the entity is designed to do; in this case, we’ve got a website which needs to communicate astrological information to an international audience. This website has a practical Capricorn Sun…with Moon in Gemini (which needs to inform and entertain), in the 3rd house (many born with 3rd house Moons are natural salespeople, communicators, actors)…and this Gemini Moon makes a supportive connection to my Venus (in Aquarius), which rules my career. It was very important that the chosen time be compatible with my own horoscope — and wouldn’t you know it, I also have a Gemini Moon.

Other notable aspects in the website horoscope include rebel Uranus, which rules astrology, exactly on the pioneering and inspiring Aries Ascendant (I have a Capricorn Ascendant and an Aries Sun — another sign of compatibility between my own horoscope and the website.) Uranus makes a dynamic connection to the Moon in Gemini, and also Mercury (mind, travel, communication), which is in the 9th house of publishing, broadcasting and other “big picture” arenas….and also to the Midheaven, which rules career/public status. Not bad to have Uranus, ruler of astrology, making a connection to the part of the horoscope that relates to public status, right?  I’m also delighted that mental Mercury is superbly supported by expansive Jupiter, which rules that 9th house of travel, broadcasting, education, internationalism and publishing. Strong Mercury-Jupiter aspects in a horoscope are often a sure sign of a writer — another reason why I chose this particular date and time — and yes, I have strong Mercury-Jupiter aspects in my own natal horoscope.

There’s more, but you get the idea.  Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing this site with the entire free world.  Have a great Monday!


Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 1/6/2012 & The Weekend: Rick Santorum and Other Mind-Blowing Potential

More buzz on Friday as Moon continues in information-junkie Gemini, and Mercury (mind, communication, travel) pulls strong focus through the entire weekend. Really, this is an apt time for big, bold, innovative, inspired  — possibly revolutionary — statements and ideas. For details on the Mercury connections please see forecasts posted earlier this week. I’ll be seizing the day by launching a redesigned website on Saturday. Just think — you’ll never have to search for an astro-logical forecast again; you’ll be able to sign up on the site and have forecasts delivered to your emailbox as soon as they are posted. Won’t that be fun?

No exact planetary aspects happen on Friday until just before the witching hour. One is a lovely connection between Moon and Venus (sweet!); the other is a potentially combative challenge between Moon and Mars (action/aggression). Hmmm. Watch for brief flare-ups of temper and see if you can find a positive channel for that rambunctious energy — it is Friday night, after all…

On Saturday Moon goes void at 2:52PM ET for 73 minutes, and then flows into emotional-security seeking Cancer. Note the potential for a jolt, flash or other upset around 5:58PM ET, when Moon is challenged by rebel Uranus. Emotions may be running high, as we are building to a Full Moon in the sign of the Crab at 2:30AM ET Monday. But first we’ll need to adjust to Mercury’s shift from outrageously opinionated Sagittarius to ambitious, strategic Capricorn at 1:34AM Sunday. Given the rush of energy channeled into mental Mercury by expansive, enthusiastic Jupiter and Uranus, the mad scientist, more than one circuit — or mind — may be blown. Could be exciting.

Speaking of mad scientists and minds being blown, I haven’t been paying much attention to the current marathon race for the White House, since I’m not a big fan of reality TV shows.  But Rick Santorum has suddenly captured the limelight, which means something is active in his horoscope — probably Pluto (prominence) or Uranus (sudden breakthroughs) — so let’s see what it is.

Santorum was born May 10, 1958 in Winchester, VA — birth time not available. He’s a Taurus with Moon in Aquarius, which suggests a need to be of social significance, along with the potential to come across as a little detached emotionally, echoed by a Grand Trine which suggests a strong aura of self-sufficiency. There’s also a likely conflict between building material security for himself (Taurus Sun) and helping others (Aquarius Moon); which appears to have manifested as described here Issues of spirit and what might be called the paranormal — or just plain weird —  are also likely prominent.

Santorum’s natal Mars is running wild, suggesting action/aggression/machismo taking over the horoscope (perhaps reflected in his staunchly anti-gay credo); but given that Mars in is the sensitive sign of Pisces (“Macho” is not the first word that comes to mind when I think of Pisces), perhaps this drive is overcompensating…for…??  But what’s hot right now is Santorum’s natal Venus (social expression) challenged by ruthless Pluto — hello! — there’s a bit of prominence for you. And this: rebel Uranus currently connecting with Mars (action) and Jupiter (expansion), suggesting “explosive expression, breaking loose, domination”. Amazing.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 1/5/2012: Buzzing Around Town

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been buzzing around all morning, inspired by the Moon’s move into pixie chatterbox Gemini at 5:44AM ET. If you were feeling “stuck” over the past two days, now you really have no excuses. Get the info you need, sow your seeds,write your pitch.  multitask to your heart’s content…and take note of any dreams or flashes of insight that may have hit you before your morning dose of caffeine.

More of the same tomorrow…

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 1/4/2012: Keep Calm & Carry On

Read yesterday’s forecast for thoughts on Moon in Taurus, where it remains today. Did you notice a strong shift Monday around 5PM ET, when the Moon left fast-paced Aries for the sign of the Bull? I did hear from some readers that they were feeling “stuck”…which is not surprising, given the Taurean need to preserve the status quo (or whatever is most comfortable).

A  dynamic connection to the Moon from Mars as I am typing this now at 11:38AM ET, suggests the potential for an easy flow of productivity to carry you through the day.