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"Last night’s session was a delightful time for me. IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME!!! You are so articulate and caring, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time, all the nu- ances you brought to it and your obviously experienced, long- time expertise."
- Bill R.
Los Angeles

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Monday 1/22/2018: Sneak Peek at the Week; Mercury Pulls Focus; Sun-Venus-Uranus in the News

Happy birthday to Aquarius! The Sun entered this airy (mental), fixed (organizing) sign on Friday at 10:10 PM ET.  Keywords for Aquarius include innovation, eccentricity, friendship, humanitarian, unconventional, rocket scientist and/or mad genius. If you were born with the Sun in Aquarius, you have the energy to innovate and intellectualize with others. If your Moon is in Aquarius, you need to be socially significant — and dare I say appreciated for it. You probably need to be unusual, too — and somewhat stubborn in your strategy. Friendships are essential, even if your motto might be “I love you, but don’t take it personally.” If you were born around January 19th – 21st, you’re about to embark on a dynamic period of development. How will you declare your independence — and never mind the disruption of the status quo? Book a consult with your favorite astrologer and make a plan for 2018. These marching orders apply to those born around the 19th -21st of April, August and October, too.

The Moon has been in Pisces since Friday at 3:26 PM ET, needing to go with the flow, possibly in sync with a shimmering ideal. Empathy and compassion reflect Pisces at its finest; escapism — perhaps not so much — especially when the escape route involves alcohol and drugs. FYI, the planetary ruler of Pisces is Neptune, which has been traveling through Pisces non-stop since 2012.  It’s about to hit the halfway point of its journey — and perhaps then we will see some action taken on the awareness built over the past six years, e.g., the plethora of stories involving drugs, addiction and people eating Tide pods.

The Pisces Moon goes void with a sigh at 8:13 PM ET tonight (Sunday). Chill and get ready for the Moon to enter Aries at 1:27 AM ET on MONDAY, looking to fire things up. No sleeping in!

The first challenge to the work week kicks in at 8:41 AM ET, when the me-me-me Aries Moon is challenged by patriarchal Saturn in Capricorn. Rise to the occasion and try to put a humanitarian spin on the situation. The rest of the day has an easy flow; can’t say the same about TUESDAY, when the Aries Moon suggests a clash of thought around 10:29 AM ET, followed by a power play around 1:47 PM ET, when the Moon makes its weekly collision with Pluto. A disruption to the status quo is likely around 11:16 PM ET, when the Moon meets up with rebel Uranus (and then goes void until 8:39 AM ET on WEDNESDAY).

Mercury — the way we need to think and communicate — is pulling focus this week. It meets up with Pluto on Wednesday at 3:47 PM ET, an apt time to turn a pen into a sword. Or a word into a machete. Robin Williams was born with Mercury conjunct Pluto, and he was known for his razor-sharp wit. In the news, we can expect headlines involving sharp words, power plays and investigations revealing major dirt. Said dirt may involve publishing, academia and legal eagles, reflected by Mercury harmonizing with expansive Jupiter at 6:28 AM ET on THURSDAY.  On SUNDAY, what is revealed may be even more shocking, as Mercury is challenged by rebel Uranus. Look for themes involving gender benders, technology, astrology and aviation, too.

Also of note this week: Mars, planet of action and aggression leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius on FRIDAY at 7:27 AM ET.  In Sagittarius, Mars suggests a need for high-flying and righteously opinionated action, pushing boundaries as it goes. Mars will be in Sagittarius until March 18th. The last time Mars entered Sag was in early March 2016. What will return to the headlines that was initiated back then? Stay tuned.

Other Moon voids this week: Thursday 10:17 PM ET until Friday 12:40 PM; Sunday 5:39 AM ET until 1:57 PM ET. No impulse shopping during those times.

And now, the news.

The Patriots won again — heading for another Superbowl.  Quarterback Tom Brady’s horoscope continues to be hot.


Look, Ma! No government! It’s shut down. Just like that, reflecting the potential for a structural collapse noted here last Wednesday (here is an actual physical reflection of that potential: “Watching A Ridge Slide in Slow Motion, A Town Braces for Disaster”). As I type, “moderates are racing to close a deal” before the start of the work week. And perhaps they will, given the harmony between the flexible Pisces Moon and the ruthlessly effective Scorpio Mars, exact tonight at 8:13 PM ET. I just wonder about that authoritarian advance/wet blanket likely to make headlines in the early morning. Meanwhile, it should surprise no one that the horoscope for the start of the shutdown (12:01 AM on Jan 20th  in Washington DC), had rebel Uranus in a tense aspect with the Midheaven. The shutdown took some media attention away from the hundreds of thousands of women who marched over the weekend, though without any hard aspects among the planets on either day, I have not seen any news of marchers being arrested and/or otherwise harassed.

Here is the official Womens’ March website. Next critical date: November 6th. Are you registered to vote? Do it right here right NOW. Because if you don’t vote, someone else will — and then you will be sorry.

Last week’s exciting and disruptive squares between Uranus to the Sun and Venus were certainly reflected in the story about P45 paying hush money to porn actress/writer/director Stormy Daniels. Surprise — but really, who is shocked?  I read with interest the detailed interview Ms. Daniels gave to In Touch magazine back in 2011. She comes across as friendly, open-minded — detached-yet-curious about the human condition, in a scientific way. “Hmmm,” I thought. “I bet she has Venus in Aquarius — or the Moon and Venus in touch with Uranus.” Guess what? All of the above! Ms. Daniels was born on March 17, 1979 in Baton Rouge, LA. Venus in Aquarius — square to Uranus and probably her Scorpio Moon, too. Her steamy Mars in Pisces is trine to Uranus. Astrology is amazing. Patterns in her horoscope suggest a potential windfall this year…and oh — look — she’s just gone on tour

In other news, have you seen the Google Arts & Culture app — the one that created such a buzz under those Uranus-Sun-Venus patterns? Take a selfie – and let Google match it with a work of art. Does it look like you? Me, neither:

Mrs. Robert Harrison 1886  by John Singer Sargent

Shocking, isn’t it? But here’s what I love about this story:

Though Google introduced the feature last December, it exploded over the weekend, as Twitter and Instagram users shared screen grabs of their best—and often worst—pairings.

Meanwhile, another compelling recent read: Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance, Murder and One Man’s Fight For Justice by Bill Browder.  He was the driving force behind the Magnitsky Act — perhaps you have heard of it? Sergei Magnitsky was a Russian lawyer/auditor who worked for Mr. Browder.  He is the victim in  the murder part of Browder’s book. A former hedge fund manager, Mr. Browder is now a “full-time human rights activist.” Born on April 23, 1964 in Chicago, he is a Taurus with Moon in either late Virgo or early Libra. He has Mars at 19 Aries, suggesting a need to be a crusading pioneer. Of course he’d be the first Westerner to invest in Russia when the opportunity arose.  A strong Aries statement needs to be fearless and courageous, often on the side of the underdog.

Mr. Browder’s  Mars-in-Aries was triggered by Uranus in 2015, right when Red Notice was published. Uranus with Mars suggests risky action — and one might argue that going on a book tour and matter-of-factly declaring yourself  Vladimir Putin’s #1 enemy carries a bit of risk. Last year and continuing through 2018, Mr. Browder’s Mars will be supercharged by transiting Pluto, suggesting a greater need for persuasive effort. Here he is on C-Span last December, after testifying before Congress. He’s currently working on a movie adaptation of his memoir, so more people will know what happened to Sergei Magnitsky.  Is there anything in the horoscope that would reflect why Mr. Browder is so focused on humanitarian action in Mr. Magnitsky’s name? Sure. Sergei Magnitsky was born on April 8, 1972 in Odessa. His Sun is at 18 Aries, right on Mr. Browder’s Mars.

What connection does your horoscope have with the horoscope of a significant other, child, friend or colleague? Astrology is a powerful tool for understanding the attraction — and how the two of you can function effectively together. Here’s the 411 on consultations designed to help improve relationships.

Hmm…the Moon is void, and still no deal to settle the shutdown…and it seems they have now tabled it until noon tomorrow. But this just ran across my newsfeed, and it’s apt for the ruthless dirt-digging potential of this week’s meet-up of Mercury and Pluto. From Politico“The 270 People Connected to the Russia Probes,”  — one for every electoral college vote needed to win the U.S presidency…

Thank you for reading this forecast.

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday-Sunday 3/10-13/2016


But first — Thursday — which I was not able to post in time, in part due to technical difficulties.

The Moon in me-me-me Aries continues its charge through the day — seeking to get things started — not now, but RIGHT NOW. It cruises without interference, bolstered by helpful structured input from ambitious Saturn, exact at 4:36PM ET. Late afternoon and evening hours may be marked by a power play, catharsis or upset, as the Moon makes its weekly clash with Pluto (at 6:01PM ET) and Uranus (at 8:43PM ET).  And let’s not forget about the visionary/delusional potential of mental Mercury meeting up with dreamy Neptune at 1:01AM ET on Friday. How will that rose-color your next few days? You may need to take some of what you hear with a grain of salt.

On Friday, the Moon continues in Aries with less of an edge. It connects easily with Venus at the very end of Aquarius at 1:24PM ET, suggesting an awareness of unconventional social expression and values — more on that in a minute. Moon goes void until 2:44PM ET, at which point it enters Taurus, shifting the energy of the day to one that seeks material comfort and security, good food, sweet music and a snuggle with the nearest sweetie. Oh joy oh joy.

There’s no Moon void to derail your shopping adventures on Saturday. Creative connections to Mercury and Neptune may infuse your morning with senseless beauty, especially since Venus will have moved into Pisces at 5:24AM ET. This facilitates compassion and empathy in social expression. Meanwhile, your efforts to build and maintain comfort and security may benefit from a surprisingly easy resource, as the Moon makes a smooth connection to Jupiter (expansion) and Pluto (power and resources) at 6:41PM ET and 7:36PM ET).

On Sunday, the Taurus Moon will be void between 5:46AM ET and 5:03PM ET. Not a day for impulsive purchases. Chill and focus on routine concerns; avoid the temptation to make a mountain over a molehill of “much ado about nothing” crisis. This too, shall pass.  Once the Moon enters Gemini at 5:03PM ET, the mood may become quite chatty and buzzed. Be advised that the Moon will challenge Venus at 8:21PM ET and Mars at 9:42PM ET. Find a productive outlet for any charged/irritable/confrontational energy you may be feeling in relationship. The operative word is “productive”.

There’s no Moon void on Monday, so no sleeping in. The need for a buzz continues through Tuesday, along with other high-energy patterns to be discussed in the next forecast.

And now, the news.

Over the years I have noticed that when the Moon is void for over a few hours, a story will often run wild in social media that is of little consequence, but feels really big at the time. Remember that big debate over whether a certain dress was blue and black or gold and white? Moon was void. On February 24th, during a mostly all-day void,  news outlets were all over the possibility that Governor Brian Sandoval of Nevada would be nominated for the Supreme Court. I was skeptical.  The next day, the story evaporated.

Yesterday, during a long Moon in Pisces void, the “big story” was outrage over President Obama “snubbing” Nancy Reagan by not attending her upcoming funeral. This was followed by outrage over the outrage — all over Facebook. There’s no story here. President Obama has another commitment — booked months in advance at SXSW.  First Lady Michelle Obama will attend Mrs. Reagan’s funeral. Let’s move on — and the take away here is “measure twice; cut once” when you see a story spinning out of control. Check to see if the Moon is void.

Moon voids also suggest a higher potential of upsets which favor the underdog. During Monday evening’s long Moon void, the jaws of pollsters and pundits on a number of payrolls hit the floor when Bernie Sanders defied their odds and won the Michigan primary 50%-48%. Are you surprised? Not if you’ve been reading this forecast. Am I suggesting that Bernie Sanders will win the nomination? Not yet. I am suggesting that his horoscope is strong and should not be discounted, particularly against a backdrop of planetary patterns — Uranus (rebel) in Aries (individual) challenging Pluto (power) in Capricorn (Establishment).

And now, a long pause while I process the fact that on a potentially nihilistic Moon-Pluto square, 500 words of carefully crafted analysis about Marco Rubio’s recent bout with the flu, Donald Trump’s prospects for much love  –– this just in –– in tonight’s debate, Bobby Jindal’s wipeout, Neptune transits in general, etc.  — have all been obliterated. Thank you, tech snafu. Also obliterated: the part about how Mercury in touch with all of the outer planets over the next several days bodes well for SXSW and other forums for empowering ideas and communication (including those happening in your own personal world).

Do you find these forecasts informative and entertaining? I hope so. If you’d like to express your appreciation by making a donation, you’d make my day. I learned an important lesson since the last time I brought this gold DONATE button to your attention. I’ll tell you, so you can benefit from it, too.

I noticed that Avid Readers would click on the gold button — such a lovely impulse — but most would not actually follow through. I found this bewildering. So a couple of weeks ago, I gathered my courage and I called an Avid Reader whom I know personally. I apologized profusely for putting her on the spot and asked for insight. We’ll call her Jane.

Jane was sooooooooo gracious and kind. She told me she absolutely appreciated my efforts, but was unsure of how much to give. She did not want to give “too little” or too much. She needed me to suggest some guidelines. She needed — and perhaps on an even grander scale, the Universe needed — me to declare a value for the insights I provide.

Huh. What a concept. Declare one’s value. Ask — and ye shall receive. Don’t ask — don’t receive. Something to think about.

So I shared with Jane some guidelines. And I was pleased she felt they were reasonable. These guidelines are now posted here, with gratitude for your kind consideration.

Hopefully my experience will help you declare your worth to the Universe, too — with tangible rewards to follow. Meanwhile, I owe Jane a big thank you — handwritten and sent via snail mail.

And now, more news:

Here’s an abbreviated bit about Bobby Jindal’s magical thinking – –posted here two years ago. Here’s his horoscope. Here’s the article that prompted me to dig it up. Apparently Louisiana is facing its worst budget crisis in the history of forever, and all of that magical thinking is getting a reality check. What’s going on in Mr. Jindal’s horoscope? An aforementioned wipeout from all angles, suggested by transiting Neptune dissolving his Ascendant (personal projection) and Midheaven (career status, reputation). Guess who’s being blamed for Louisiana’s dire straits?

Here’s a story reflecting Venus (women, social expression, aesthetics) at the very end of unconventional, gender-bending Aquarius, as promised. Writer/director Lilly Wachowski announced today that she, like her sister Lana, is transgender.   The Wachowskis are the creative force behind The Matrix, among other mind-blowing films.

You’d expect that such a dramatic life-changing event would be clearly reflected in the horoscope, so naturally I went and looked it up. Lilly Wachowski is an enterprising Capricorn, capable of stern discipline and responsibility, driven by a Sagittarius Moon that needs to push boundaries to infinity and beyond, as Buzz Lightyear might say. A need to be seen as someone of depth and substance is suggested by a Scorpio Ascendant — a.k.a., a mask of mastery and self-control. It is softened by a rose-colored meet-up between Venus and Neptune in Scorpio — and in the First House. Something about her personal projection could be alluring – and not as it seemed. “Lilly” seems like an apt name for a beautiful feminine ideal. A need to be herself without compromise –prominently so — is suggested by rebel, unconventional Uranus at the Aries Point.

Looking at developments in the horoscope, we see the suggestion of a need for a fresh start in 2010, impacting core family and foundation concerns. In the two years that follow, we see transiting Pluto and Uranus challenging her with an opportunity for a transformed and liberated ego identity and mindset, but not without hard, hard work. In 2012, we’d expect her to find her place in the sun (this is the year her sister Lana made her first public appearance as a transgendered person, earned a humanitarian award and made a deeply moving acceptance speech). Now that Lilly’s transformation is also public, it’s fascinating to see how a measurement from Pluto to her Ascendant  later this year suggests the potential for another empowered shift in identity perspective. More power to her for living the potential of her horoscope as only she can do.

Potential. This is what we see in the horoscope. How that potential is brought to life is up to the individual.  Millions of people have experienced challenging Uranus-Pluto transits which did not result in a gender transition. But I’d argue they  became emancipated and/or empowered in other ways.

To find out what’s going on in your horoscope, here’s how to contact me.  And here are those nifty new guidelines again for those inclined to support my efforts to keep you informed and entertained.

Closing now with an adorable penguin who swims 5000 miles every year to visit the Brazilian bricklayer who saved his  life. All of life should be so sweet.

Thank you for reading this forecast.


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 1/28/2015: Mind the Void

Patience, as you arise and go about your business. If you’re tuning in, you may feel as if the day is idling in neutral. Stick to routine tasks and roll with whatever detours and delays that crop up on Moon void and Mercury retrograde. How many times will you have to repeat yourself? I don’t know, but best to make sure what you said is what was heard.

Moon enters chatty Gemini at 5:36PM ET and is challenged by Venus in soulful Pisces at 8:57PM ET. Sounds like a backdrop for the “Madeleine Episode” of Remembrance of Things Past, presented here for your entertainment. Sleep on those fond memories before the potential wet blanket of a face-off between Moon and Saturn hits at 11:44pm ET…and sends you into a fit of restless melancholia.

And now, the news.

Earlier this year I wrote about the fantasy/reality challenge of a the approaching square between Neptune and Saturn. I noted that these two planets were in a challenging pattern around the time of the housing bubble/bust, and the internet bubble/bust of the late 90s, too. I wondered where we might see another bubble rising, and it seems there might be one in the wild, wacky world of auto loans — made to people who have no real means of paying them back. Deja vu all over again? Let’s watch how this story develops as we move into the Fall and 2016.

Quite a scandal in the NY State Assembly on Monday,  as the Speaker of the Assembly, Sheldon Silver, is alleged to have taken “millions in payoffs”.  He’s been Speaker for 20 years, and now he’s history. Just like that. Add it to the list of sudden disruptions of the status quo as planetary patterns reflect a pressing need for corruption to be exposed.

Meanwhile, in Greece, the new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras unveiled his new cabinet of “mavericks and visionaries,” just in time for today’s innovative connection between Mercury and Uranus (and discussed in yesterday’s forecast).

I must share this item posted on the last day of Venus in Aquarius, sign of unconventional attractions. Now that Venus is in empathetic Pisces, the warm and fuzzy quotient may be doubly appreciated. It’s a story about animal friendships — between dogs and donkeys; goats and rhinos; cats and pigs. With lots of pictures and videos. Melt my heart….and let the power of the potential for us humans sink in. If you can be like a rhino or a donkey and still see yourself reflected in the eyes of a goat or a dog, you’ve got the hang of Pisces, which understands deeply that we are all in this together…and if that dog or goat becomes your best friend in the world, you’ve got the hang of Aquarius, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal…

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 1/20/2015: New Moon in Aquarius; the Surreal Fallout of Mars Conjunct Neptune

At 4:44 AM ET — an Angel Number suggesting “all is well” —  the Sun enters Aquarius. The Moon follows at 7:59 AM ET, and the Sun and Moon both meet up at 8:14 AM ET. Happy New Moon! This is our chance to re-set intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.  Make a list; light a candle; plant those seeds. Around the 26th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. How are our seedlings doing?  Keep on nurturing them, and at the time of the Full Moon, they may flower. We will receive illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle, either way. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on February 11th, we can harvest our achievements, then tie up loose ends, compost and get ready to begin another New Moon cycle on February 18th.

Aquarius is an airy (mental), fixed (organizing) energy. Keywords for Aquarius include innovation, eccentricity, friendship, humanitarian, unconventional, rocket scientist and/or mad genius. If you were born with the Sun in Aquarius, you have the energy to innovate and intellectualize with others. If your Moon is in Aquarius, you need to be socially significant — and dare I say appreciated for it. You probably need to be unusual, too. I learned these nifty, pithy expressions of solar energy and lunar needs from my mentor, Noel Tyl. “I love you, but don’t take it personally” is another nifty, pithy Aquarian  expression — and I came up with that one all by myself. If you have Venus in Aquarius, chances are you especially know what I’m talking about.

In the chart for this New Moon, the Sun and Moon are augmented by practical Saturn in high-flying Sagittarius. There’s a need for easy communication of humanitarian ideals and how they are to be achieved. Mercury and Venus, which refer to mindset and values — are also in airy, Aquarius, which is also the sign of “the people”.  Both are opposed by expansive Jupiter in kingly Leo. Hmmm. With Mercury at a near standstill and about to turn retrograde on Wednesday (BACK UP YOUR COMPUTER NOW), big ideas may be stalled and up for review before they can move forward.

Meanwhile, action hero Mars and visionary Neptune are together in soulful Pisces, adding pixie dust and considerations of sacrifice, empathy, idealism, surrealism or fanaticism to the mix.  Interesting that the Sun and Moon in humanitarian Aquarius are reaching out to Saturn; Mars and Neptune (and all that they represent) are moving away from Saturn, which refers to structure, ambition, etc.  Moving from vision to practical reality?

Last, but hardly least, the revolutionary Uranus-Pluto square is inching closer to its grand finale scheduled for March 15th. Isn’t this an interesting backdrop for President Obama’s State of the Union speech tonight, which is not happening during a Moon void, and thus may actually be of consequence? Tax breaks for the middle class — to be offset by an increase in taxes on the richer are allegedly on the agenda.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “an old adobe mission,” or, as Sabian Symbol guru Blain Bovee describes it, “a sun-baked building erected for a specific cause in a foreign territory…imagine the burning fervor of someone whose deep beliefs motivate a journey to a foreign, even hostile place”.  Bovee suggests we apply this degree with a watchful eye toward “a willingness to go into hot spots; a willingness to take on hard cases.” In light of current events, I am particularly struck by this: “The quest to carry beliefs far afield exposes all concerned to the inadvertent spread of foreign disease; in this case, even a kindly message can have striking repercussions”. Watch for these themes in the headlines.

In your own personal world, if you were born around the 20th of January, April, July and October…or if you have a planet or angle around 1 degree of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and especially Aquarius, you will be more personally affected by this New Moon. Wherever it falls in your horoscope is where you can expect a fervent belief to spark a mission. Consult your local astrologer for details, especially since Mercury will turn retrograde on Wednesday. Mercury REtrogrades are excellent times to REview your life!

And now, the news.

It’s interesting to read the headlines of obituaries in the New York Times and marvel at how they reflect current planetary patterns, such as Monday’s charismatic, magical and/or surreal Mars-Neptune conjunction in Pisces. “Jane Wilson, Artist of the Ethereal, Dies at 90“. “Kim Fowley, Rock Producer and Svengali, Dies at 75“. “Yoko Nagae Ceschina, Countess and Fairy Godmother to the Arts, Dies at 82”. Fairy godmother? Ethereal? Svengali? Clearly the NYT reporters are under the influence. Yea verily, you may not believe in astrology, but astrology definitely believes in you.

Here’s a wiggy item in the world of sports (Mars),  in which the New England Patriots, who defeated the Baltimore Colts on Sunday, are now being investigated to determine if they cheated (Neptune) and used “deflated balls” in order to tip the odds in their favor. As this story broke during yesterday’s all-day Moon void, I’m inclined to think this is much ado about nothing. Meanwhile, in the world of film (Neptune), we have the surreal box office success of “American Sniper,” (Mars). It’s earned ten times more than “Selma,” a film about Martin Luther King, Jr and the civil rights movement. Here’s a how a few people who saw “Selma” reacted, while in Alabama, a school superintendent refused to allow a high school history club to see it, because of concerns that the language would be offensive. So they all saw “American Sniper” instead.

OK, I made that last line up. Point is, when Neptune is prominent, double check for accuracy. Especially in the news. That advice also applies to the next Mercury retrograde, which will continue through February 12th.

For example, elsewhere in the media (Neptune), Fox news issued an apology for repeatedly perpetuating the falsehood (Neptune) that parts of Paris and the UK were considered “no-go zones” for anyone who was not Muslim. Did you know that Jon Stewart has an equal in France? Here is a French version of “The Daily Show,” in which the Fox story is deconstructed and exposed. On a bien rigole!

Finally, here are a couple of “wake up and smell the coffee” items in the spirit of the Uranus-Pluto square. They’re about climate change and income inequality. First, a study released yesterday (on that expansive and indulgent Venus-Jupiter opposition), reported that the 1% now own 50% of all the wealth in the world. But true to the spirit of the Aquarius New Moon, this issue will allegedly be a hot topic at the world economic forum starting on Tuesday in Davos (and in the State of the Union speech, as noted earlier). Second, three more studies on climate change were released last week — in case you had not heard.

On days when I read articles like these, Angel Numbers like “444” are doubly reassuring. Onward!




Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 3/13/2014: Good Vibes & Good Business

While Moon continues its sojourn through drama queen Leo, the Sun makes an easy connection to disciplined Saturn. A good day to get down to business in ways that allow you to shine — the earlier, the better. The Sun-Saturn trine is exact at 5:16pm ET; after that, the Moon is challenged by a “wet blanket” square from Saturn, exact at 8:48PM ET. Get it off your desk today or ship it after 10:17AM ET Friday, as the Moon will be void of course from 3:24AM – 10:17AM ET on Friday.

So. Moon is in Leo, craving love, love, love… in the most personal, adoring way. Yet Venus, which refers to social expression and affection, is in “I love you, but don’t take it personally” Aquarius. And what is trending all over the web? This little video about strangers paired up and asked to kiss for the very first time. Oh, who cares if they’re “models”?  Charmed, I’m sure. “Play it, Sam…”

Oh, and if you’re thinking of booking a personal astro-logical consultation, now is a good time to do it, as I will be traveling off and on over the next couple of weeks…

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 1/30/2014: New Moon in Aquarius

The New Moon in Aquarius begins at 4:38PM ET, offering us an opportunity to re-set  intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.  Around February 6th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 14th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on the 22nd, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon cycle on March 1st.

Aquarius is a airy (mental), fixed (organizing) energy. Keywords for Aquarius include innovation, eccentricity, friendship, humanitarian, unconventional, rocket scientist and/or mad genius. If you were born with the Sun in Aquarius, you have the energy to innovate and intellectualize with others. If your Moon is in Aquarius, you need to be socially significant — and dare I say appreciated for it. You probably need to be unusual, too. I learned these nifty, pithy expressions of solar energy and lunar needs from my mentor, Noel Tyl. “I love you, but don’t take it personally” is another nifty, pithy Aquarian  expression — and I came up with that one all by myself. If you have Venus in Aquarius, chances are you especially know what I’m talking about.

The chart for this New Moon has Uranus, ruler of Aquarius in a cooperative connection, suggesting  innovative, status quo-disrupting ideas affecting the masses (also ruled by Aquarius) are likely to be key throughout this lunar cycle. These ideas are likely to involve power and resources — who has it; who doesn’t. An overkill of emotions about these issues is also likely to be seen, along with visionary (or delusional) thinking, and courageous (or reckless) applications of willpower in order to maintain — or establish —  power and control. Sounds like a lot of excitement, and Mercury will be retrograde through most it, suggesting some spectacularly misfired communication signals making headlines. And we haven’t even gotten to the likelihood for supercharged action we’ll see later in the year — and discussed in this earlier forecast.

OK, so. What does this mean for you? The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon — at 11 degrees of Aquarius — is “man tete-a-tete (head-to-head) with his inspiration.” It’s not clear if this is an image of one man or “man” in a general sense, as in “mankind”.  Hmm.  As usual we turn to Sabian Symbol guru Blaine Bovee for additional insight, who writes: “a private experience of being aroused to a higher wisdom, knowledge or creativity…sudden brilliant flashes of a timely sort…a focus of inner, personal reflection of an exalted nature…re-collecting oneself around a sturdy inner core.”

Personal reflection and “re-collecting” just happen to be keywords for the aforementioned Mercury retrograde, starting on February 6th and turning direct on February 28th. Use this New Moon energy to reflect and reconnect with your own divine inspiration, i.e., that which delights you and makes you feel alive.

If you want to know where 11 degrees of Aquarius falls in your horoscope, here’s how I can help you.

A divine inspiration might be your soul purpose, a.k.a, your sole purpose. Why are you here? Right now?  That’s a big, fat question — and since we’re asking it on an Aquarian New Moon, we might also consider that all of our friends and associates — all of humanity, in fact — probably wrestles with the same big, fat question, too.  We are all in this together. We are each here to contribute something unique. This applies to people we may not like very much — or whom we don’t think are part of our collective. Ooooh, deep thoughts.

You are more personally affected by this New Moon energy if you were born around the 29th of January, April, July and October….or if you have a planet or angle around 11 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. For clues to what we can expect as the Cardinal Grand Cross of 2014 increases in intensity (especially this April), talk to your Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn friends born in the first eight days of those signs. Ask them what empowering and/or emancipating upheavals they experienced in the past few years. Then ask your friends born 9-12 days into those signs what big changes they’re going through right now.

And now — a quick look at a recent headline. You may have heard of the New York congressman who blew up at a reporter and threatened to throw him over a balcony — all caught on camera at Tuesday’s State of the Union, yes?  Sounds like that congressman has a bit of temper, right? Immediately any skilled astrologer would be thinking,”Hmm….temper…sudden outbursts…gaining prominence now. There’s gotta be a Mars (aggression) – Uranus (hair-trigger) challenge in that horoscope…and I bet it’s impacted by the Uranus-Pluto square.” Well guess what? The congressman in question — Michael Grimm — was born February 7, 1970 — and he does have a challenge between Mars (10 Aries) and Uranus (8 Libra), and it is being impacted by the Uranus-Pluto square! Coincidence or conspiracy? You know I do not believe in coincidence.

Back to you in the studio…

This cobalt blue is sponsored by the New Moon in Aquarius, inspiring you to seek lightening bolts of insight in a personal astro-logical consultation.

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 2/1/2013: Mars in Pisces; Venus in Aquarius

Moon continues its sojourn through airy, rational Libra today, going void-of-course at 8:03PM ET until 7:02AM ET on Saturday. There are no disruptive lunar aspects to interfere with the flow of business or civilized conversation or debate — which bodes well for social engagement. At the end of the day, we will have two planetary shifts of note.

First, Mars — which refers to action and/or energy applied (in a situation) — leaves rebel Aquarius at 8:54PM ET, and plunges into the watery depths of Pisces. Frankly, Mars is not particularly comfortable in Pisces; it’s like putting a hot poker into a vat of water. What do you get? Plenty of steam! Point is, Mars is more comfortable in an element which allows it to be direct, whereas the nature of Pisces is diffusive. Not only that, but over the next few days Mars will be aligned with nebulous Neptune, ruler of Pisces. What does that suggest, you ask. On the plus side, it is excellent for glamor, charisma, show-stopping Hollywood spectacles, healing, faith and sublime escapes. On the down side, it can facilitate con artists and deceptions of all kind, fanaticism and seamy scandal — often in government and religious institutions. Actions taken or proposed may not be what they seem to be — so read the fine print if you’re considering something that seems too good to be true. This Mars-Neptune hook-up is exact on Monday, and already there’s a story about Cardinal Roger Mahoney of Los Angeles being removed from his duties after internal documents were released, showing how he shielded priests who were accused of sexually abusing children. Delightful.

The potential for weirdness is echoed by the second planetary shift: Venus leaves  social-climbing Capricorn and enters Aquarius at 9:47PM ET. Aquarius places a huge value on friendship and is known for its unconventional aesthetics and social expression. It is quite comfortable living on the fringe. Feel free (another Aquarius word) to expand your social circle and challenge your tastes over the next few weeks.

More on the rest of the weekend –and maybe the Super Bowl — later. I am working on a few special consultation offerings — just in time for Valentine’s Day (thanks to those of you who have asked). So stay tuned and I’ll posts the deets on those today or tomorrow.





Astro-logical Forecast for Friday & Saturday 2/17-18/2012: Practical Idealism

Well the markets certainly took the enthusiasm suggested by yesterday’s  Moon in Sagittarius, along with expansive Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius in happy contact with mental Mercury, to heart. Good news on the job front sent markets soaring — were you soaring, too?

Moon enters make-it-happen Capricorn at 12:03AM ET on Friday, needing tangible structure and results from all that optimism. So if you haven’t already taken off early for the holiday weekend (it’s Presidents Day in the US), you can anticipate a proactive day at the office, even with Mars retrograde and the Moon at the end of its monthly cycle. At the end of a busy day, an indulgent celebration is suggested by a challenge from loving Venus to that make-it-happen Moon.

The Capricorn energy continues on Saturday, making it a great day for taking care of business. Our need for practicality is augmented by an even more practical connection between disciplined Saturn and the life-giving Sun, exact at 11:02AM ET. More headlines about fairness, justice and equality will likely show up beforehand. Note the potential for rich rewards as a result of investigations, suggested by an easy connection between ruthless Pluto and mental Mercury, exact 4:23PM ET. Go ahead and dig deep; you won’t be the only one talking about life, the universe, everything — and what you found swept under that rug.

Saturday is the last day of  the Sun in humanitarian Aquarius. It’s also the day that cardinal-in-waiting Timothy Dolan (currently Archbishop of New York and also an Aquarius) gets to drop the “in-waiting” from his job title. And what a fitting day to contemplate structure and authority (suggested by strong Saturn patterns and the Capricorn Moon), along with spirit. Nebulous Neptune makes its once-a-year hook-up with the Sun on Sunday at 3:42PM ET; regular readers of this forecast know the keywords for Neptune: fantasy, transcendence, spirit, drugs, alcohol, rarefied art, music, photography, soul union, illusion, confusion — and all sorts of other intangibles. In your own personal world, the mix of Neptune’s rose-colored glasses and Saturn’s realism can make for an elevated  experience for you, too.

Timothy Dolan was born on February 6, 1950 in St. Louis, Missouri — birth time unknown. But even without a birth time, we see that horoscope has the potential to be quite a powerhouse. Dolan has the Sun in Aquarius in close connection with expansive, lucky Jupiter, also in Aquarius — and wow! that dynamic duo is challenged by ruthless Pluto, suggesting great resources and empowerment. When he enters the room, he makes his presence known (Dolan is reportedly 6’3″ and described as “a bear of a man”).  A need to be concerned with matters of spirit is no doubt suggested by nebulous Neptune (spirit) in strong contact with that Sun, Jupiter  and Pluto.

There’s also a challenge from Neptune to mental Mercury in practical, authoritative Capricorn, echoed by an easy contact to Mercury from practical, authoritative Saturn. Mercury-Saturn contacts suggest a conservative mindset, and Dolan does describe himself as a conservative. On the flip side, however, Neptune-Mercury contacts, while inspired, also suggest the need for idealism. Isn’t that interesting? A combination of the practical and the idealistic…Saturn and Neptune…the two planets pulling focus this weekend.

Dolan has Moon in Libra, suggesting a strong need to be appreciated (which he is) and a preference for peace over conflict. It’s likely that Mars is conjunct that Libra Moon, adding great energy and drive to cerebral matters — a need to talk and debate…probably a quick temper (despite the desire for peace) that had to be managed…and also a need to be cerebral about emotions. In fact, there is likely a disconnect with personal relationships, suggested by Venus (social expression) in stubborn,  “I love you, but don’t take it personally” Aquarius…which is also retrograde. Venus retrograde is rare…and it’s a reliable signal that  relationships (especially intimate relationships with other humans) are going to be a challenge.  There’s much more that could be discussed, but suffice it to say that Timothy Dolan’s need to take a vow of celibacy, devote his life to matters of spirit and ideals, become a powerhouse within a structured organization and connect with the collective so effectively that parishioners gush, “he makes everyone feel like he’s their best friend” (an Aquarian’s dream come true  is a fascinating and awesome series of choices of playing the hand suggested by the horoscope. It would be interesting to see how a few of Dolan’s astrological twins played theirs.


Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 2/8/2012: Venus in Aries: More on Mitt & Rick

Process whatever emotional fallout remains from yesterday’s big, bold Full Moon in Leo while the Moon wraps up its sojourn in Leo this morning. You’ll have plenty of grounded energy to work with, suggested by a steady connection from Moon to sober Saturn, exact at 11:42AM ET. Then, after a brief Moon Void (blink and you’ll miss it), Moon returns to earth at 12:32PM ET, when it enters Virgo (an earth sign) and is challenged by nebulous Neptune at 12:52PM ET.

On the plus side, this combination of practicality and attention to detail (the Saturn influence and Moon in Virgo), along with the inspiration suggested by Neptune can facilitate most excellent progress in bringing intangible ideas into tangible form. Toward the end of the day and into the evening, enthusiasm and resources for creating tangible forms will likely be evident, as the Moon moves into harmonious connections with Jupiter (expansion) and Pluto (resources). All eyes are on the markets right now — will we reach a new high? Given the supportive planetary patterns that have been active in the horoscope of the United States for the past few months (involving the aforementioned Jupiter and Pluto), it seems likely…though I can’t rule out a possible surprise or upset when Uranus, disruptor of the status quo, makes an exact aspect with US’s Venus (which relates to finances) later this month. Perhaps a surprise to the upside…

Speaking of Venus, the planet of money, beauty and social expression entered Aries this morning at 1:01AM ET — and won’t that be wonderful for Rick Santorum, who has Venus at 5 degrees of Aries (yes, it will be wonderful — for Santorum and others with planets in early Aries). Santorum, in case you hadn’t heard, was declared the winner in the Republican primaries of Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado last night  But this should come as no surprise to readers of this forecast, who were briefed on planetary patterns consistent with Santorum’s sudden surge in popularity vs. the Neptunian fog affecting Mitt Romney’s personal projection in earlier posts (search the archives for the details). That fog in Mitt’s horoscope is here to stay for the rest of the year; managing it successfully will likely continue to be challenging.

Venus is Aries is a bit of a flirt, frankly. It needs a much more personal and passionate expression than…say…Venus in “I love you but don’t take it personally” Aquarius (Mitt has that placement; Venus in Aquarius wants to be your best friend, not necessarily your lover. For this, it is often accused of being somewhat cool and detached). Venus in Aries right now should spice up our social interactions for the rest of the month and inspire you to connect with new people. This week you may even connect with some weird, wacky people, suggested by a hook-up between Venus and rebel Uranus that is exact tomorrow at 9:30PM ET. Get out and mingle over the next few days; the experience could be just the breath of fresh air you’ve been looking for.



Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 12/20/2011

Those wonderfully exuberant feelings of good cheer I mentioned yesterday? A number of them are exact today — hooray. Moon enters Scorpio, seeking emotional depths at 5:33AM ET, after a brief rest and self-indulgent embrace from loving Venus at 4:49AM ET. A jolly good bounce from Jupiter, the cosmic sugardaddy follows at 6:14AM ET. Tune into this energy of bliss and you may find — to your surprise — that it’s a most excellent way to meet that Scorpio Moon’s need for power and control.  People may wonder what’s your secret.

Meanwhile, when Venus, planet of beauty, love and social affection leaves social-climbing Capricorn for the eccentric sign of Aquarius at 1:26PM ET, even the stuffiest stuffed shirt may be inclined to respond positively to what is friendly, unconventional and/or surprising. If you are going to a holiday party this evening, watch for overindulgence and grand gestures — especially of the liquid and juicy emotional kind — lest they lead to outrageous opinions expressed that you may later wish you hadn’t.

On Thursday, erratic Uranus challenges the Sun in earthy Capricorn at the first degree of that sign. I anticipate a continuation of the headlines we’ve already been seeing related to jolts, shake-ups, space, aviation, telecommunications, rebels, accidents, innovation, genius and revelation — things that disrupt the status quo. Be advised that events suggested by Uranus tend to show up earlier, rather than later.