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Oh let’s see….upheavals in Libya, Wisconsin, etc.; earthquakes in NZ, volcanoes in the Philippines, traffic jams in LA (caused by snowstorms) — though honestly, it’s hard to get too excited by any of it because it’s in so line with what has been anticipated by many astrologers — for at least the past five years. We live in interesting times. When will things get reeealllllly interesting for us in the United States? Mid-2012 or so. But we’re starting to see cracks in the system now. Interesting times indeed. Keep calm and carry on — and express gratitude whenever you can for the abundance you have in your life. Guaranteed to keep you sane!
Today you can wish George Washington, Ted Kennedy, my dad and one particularly loyal –albeit nameless — reader a very happy birthday (the reader has Sun in the 12th house — those types tend to prefer to remain behind the scenes). And beside, by the time you wake up this AM, Moon will be in Scorpio, a sign known for intrigue, depth, control (of knowledge) — all that cloak and dagger stuff — y’know, “behind the scenes.”
Be productive today. Really, you have no excuse…even with that rebel planet Uranus running wild. Harness the energy and keep moving forward.
Meanwhile, thought this would be a good time to re-post a blurb I wrote about last year’s big astro-event: the Big T-Square Party among the heavies: Pluto, Uranus, Saturn and Mars in a challenging configuration at the Aries Point. You do remember why the Aries Point is significant, yes? If not, re-read last week’s forecasts. Though Saturn and Mars are no longer part of this picture, Uranus (rebellion, freedom, technology) is more definitely active here — and at a place it has not been in 84 years. Read below for the opening number to what we can expect over the next several years. Stay tuned…
Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 7/27/2010
A quick recap of the ongoing Big T-Square Party if you’re just tuning in — that T-Square/Right Triangular shaped pattern happening now among the planetary heavies: Uranus and Jupiter together at the beginning of Aries…opposing Saturn in Libra (joined by Mars at the the end of the week)…with Pluto forming a square (right in the middle) of all of this at the beginning of Capricorn.First, Pluto in Capricorn — where it hasn’t been since around 1762: Pluto, Lord of the Underworld (mines, volcanoes, power, perspective, things hidden below the surface) is in Capricorn (government, politics, “respected” hallowed institutions), where it has been busy exposing corruption therein – big time.
Second, Uranus (rebellion, revolution, genius, intensity) in Aries (pioneering, self-reliant), where it hasn’t been since the 1930s, currently conjoined with expansive Jupiter (optimism, excess, philosophy and other “group think” consciousness). Uranus will be in Aries for seven years; the square to Pluto will likely bring changes on a global scale to our notions of what government is and what it should do; note that the last Pluto-Uranus square in the 30s led to FDR’s “New Deal” and other social programs; note that the conjunction between Pluto-Uranus in the 60s led to the Civil Rights Act and — correct me if I’m wrong — Medicare.
Third, Saturn, which takes about two and a half years to go through a sign — now in Libra, sign of relationships and diplomacy, fairness and justice for all. The opposition to Uranus/Jupiter suggests a conflict between the old guard vs. the avant garde — with the end result being a reinvention of traditional forms in new and exciting ways. The square between Saturn (control, the immovable object) and Pluto (change or die; resistance is futile) suggests those in power fighting tooth and nail to hang on to what they have and a period of hard realizations and hard, hard work.
Mars, planet of action, energy applied and at its worst, war and aggression — triggers the whole T-Square at the end of the week and all through next — and it’s just no coincidence at all that with this pattern activated, here in the US we see leaked documents about what’s really going on in Afghanistan AND we face a vote in Congress on whether to extend funding to the alleged war efforts therein (if you DON’T want to send your tax dollars to fund the war, this is a good time to make your opinions known to your elected representatives).
What’s significant about this T-Square pattern is that it’s happening between planets that haven’t all gotten together like this since the 1930s — a time that most of us on the planet did not live through. Thus it feels like it’s happening for the first time — and it is — to US — but not to humanity. What have we learned since the 1930s? Anything? If we didn’t, we’re bound to repeat the pattern…and its influence will continue for the next few years (we’ve already lived through two years of it — and look what’s happened so far: major meltdown and corruption exposed in our financial sector, just for starters).
This T-Square is ESPECIALLY affecting all those born in the early days of the cardinal signs: Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn (example: Mel Gibson, a Capricorn with Moon (feelings) at 1 degree of Libra, has a meltdown). By cardinal I mean FIRST, as in the first of each of their elements: Aries is the first Fire sign, Libra/Air, Cancer/Water and Capricorn/Earth. Cardinal signs INITIATE — they are very action-oriented. Note that the early days of these signs all connect to something astrologers call the Aries Point — laymen think of it as the first day of spring. And what happens on the first day of spring? Everything comes back to life; a new cycle of growth begins. Bottom line: T-Squares happen all the time in astrology, but one hanging around for soooooo long at the point which marks the BEGINNING OF A NEW CYCLE is especially significant.
If you have questions about any of this, email me. Isn’t this an exciting time to be on Planet Earth? : )
Courteney Cox Arquette and David Arquette announced their split after 11 years of marriage, and I know the question on everyone’s mind has been — “Wow! Could this split be directly related to Venus turning retrograde and torpedoing their relationship?” If only it were so simple. A quick glance at Courteney’s chart (working without a known birth time, so my observations are limited), two measurements leap out: 1) nebulous Neptune opposing Mars, planet of action, which runs wild in the horoscope, suggesting “change of course of action due to dissatisfaction; going to where the grass seems greener; losing focus” (source: astrologer Noel Tyl); and 2) Courteney’s Venus, planet of love/social expression, under extreme pressure from the heavies in the Big T-Square Party (see 7/27/2010 for details on Big T-Square Party) — all of this action has been in effect for a year. In David’s chart we see nebulous Neptune opposing Mercury (mind) and Jupiter-Neptune (Big Picture thinking; his need for reward), suggesting that his already active imagination is likely working overtime. so bottom line, the only Venus retrograde that likely catalyzed this split is the retrograde Venus in Courteney’s own horoscope (very challenging position); the restless tension, bewilderment — perhaps feeling that there is something else better “out there” likely going on all year long.
Meanwhile, what’s up with this wacky weather? Thunder and lightning and HAIL in NYC as I type! Chalk this up to the third in a row of — get ready to learn a new astrological term — SUPER MOONS. A Super Moon is a New or Full Moon that occurs when the Moon is 90% or greater of its mean closest approach to Earth — the term was coined by astrologer Richard Nolle a few decades ago (so he says — no reason to believe otherwise) — and experience has shown that these New and/or Full Moons coincide with stronger tides, leading to heavy storms and other weather extremes. I’ve been reading his research for over a year now — and he’s been remarkably accurate about this phenomenon, calling the 11th-13th and the 18th-26th of this month as time spans of potential heavy weather action — so now I am sharing it with you. August and September were also Super Moons; the next one happens in February 2011 — with likely serious winter weather.
For today, the first day back to work for East Coasters — we’ve got Moon (emotional response) in high flying Sagittarius, tossed around in the late afternoon by expansive Jupiter (4:15PM NY) and erratic Uranus (8:07PM NY). Could be some big ideas making a pitch — or an unsettling emotional encounter. Moon goes void at 8:07PM NY — take the evening off and relax.
Here on the East Coast, we’re looking at a holiday weekend — any chance of making an early escape? The Moon is void of course from 9:38AM – 3:52PM — suggesting a day of letting things take care of themselves instead of rushing around trying to make things happen. Angelenos have until 1PM to let things settle while mulling over whatever heavy news or communication that came in overnight or early this AM — East Coasters, if you didn’t escape early, you’ll be mulling it over, too.
The “heavy” is a hook-up between Mercury (mind, travel, transportation, communication) and restrictive Saturn at 7:35AM NY — you may recall that last week I anticipated jarring headlines as the Messenger Planet made contact with the Big T-Square Party this week, yes? This Mercury-Saturn connection is the last of it. An example of a jarring headline: NJ Gov. Chris Christie’s abrupt decision yesterday to halt the construction of a tunnel linking NJ and NYC because NJ allegedly can not afford it. Two decades of planning and billions of dollars allocated — and then — sorry — the piggy bank is empty. Sign of the times (and the planetary patterns).
But wait — there’s more! Venus, the ruling planet of Libra and Taurus turned retrograde at 3:06AM NY — and it will stay retrograde until November 18th. Keywords for Venus include: love, money, values, beauty and women — issues related to all of these are now up for review. Venus is also charm, appreciation and social graces — and it’s fascinating how quickly these qualities fly out the window during Venus retrograde. Therefore, be especially mindful of your interactions with others — you may find yourself forgetting words like “please” and “thank you” — and you won’t be alone. You may also be unwilling to compromise or consider your partner’s point of view. Venus retrograde can be quite a bitch, especially in Scorpio. But now that you understand the pattern, you can consciously choose not to (over) react to it, right?
Money concerns may also come up; questions about what you are really worth may arise — as if we need any more of that in this economy. If money is not your concern, still be advised that the general rule is not to purchase items of art, beauty or luxury during this time; our sense of aesthetics is often “off”. What you meet and fall in love with this week may not seem so attractive in two months — and that applies to people, too.
So what’s the up side of this potentially witchy, bitchy Venus? By getting in touch with our baser instincts, we have an opportunity for clarity in our existing relationships. Those that are based on fluff are not likely to stand; do you really need that dead wood in your life? And speaking of baser instincts, political debates are likely to become even more heated and barbed as we head towards Election Day. If you don’t know which candidates are nasty or nice, you will soon enough…
Get it done today — don’t leave it until Monday, especially if you’re on the East Coast. Monday the Moon will be void-of-course between 9:53AM and 4PM NY time; Angelenos can expect the work week won’t get into gear until after 1PM. And after this week’s heavy influence from Saturn the taskmaster, odds are good you’ve got a hefty to-do list on your desk this morning. So have at it, with a big dose of optimism likely provided by a face-off between Mercury (mind, communication) and expansive Jupiter. Some of the ideas and opinions expressed today may be downright outrageous.
Speaking of Mercury, it makes contact with the Big T-Square Party among the heavies beginning today with the aforementioned face-off against Jupiter at 6:36PM NY tonight, brilliant but Uranus tomorrow at 10:24AM, ruthless investigator Pluto on Tuesday and controlling Saturn next Friday. During this time span communications and travel may be erratic or otherwise jarring — in possibly productive ways such as technological breakthroughs and corruption exposed. On the down side, I’m anticipating a lot of spin in the headlines — likely over highly charged words that can’t be taken back. On a personal level, though your insights may be absolutely right, think it through before you open your mouth or hit “send” — your audience might not be ready to hear it.
Fortunately this is a weekend where you may not need to say much at all. The Moon will be in dramatic, playful Leo as of 2:21 PM NY (shoppers note the void from 11:21PM – 2:21PM NY – resist the urge to splurge at that time). Your urge to indulge in pleasures that are not material can be richly rewarding, thanks to a sexy, steamy hook-up between loving Venus and assertive Mars in Scorpio at 5:59PM NY. Find a partner and play — and if you don’t have a partner, get in touch with your inner child and create something of depth and substance.
Considering how to express the potential manifestations of this likely pro-active day, I couldn’t help but notice an odd synchronicity: it’s Fran Drescher’s birthday — and it’s possible that some portions of this day may feel like the sound of her voice ; )
A Moon void between 6:36 – 9:46AM NY may get the East Coast off to a loopy start…and as the day progresses, efforts to establish emotional security (the Moon will be in Cancer), may be thwarted by sudden limitation (the possible down side)…or bolstered by plans that begin to take solid form (the possible up side). This serious tone will likely show up in relationships: you’re either coming together with a sense of strong purpose or cutting your losses– with both scenarios likely in the headlines. (Exhibit A: Meg Whitman’s quest to become the next governor of California is blindsided by a former (undocumented) maid; yes, Whitman’s chart is directly affected by the Big T-Square Party and nebulous Neptune, too).
If you’re on the chilly side of the reception line this evening, do your best to surround yourself with the comforts of home. An optimistic outlook is likely to return just in time for the weekend as we begin moving closer to a second hook up between loving Venus and randy Mars — in passionate Scorpio, no less — on October 3rd. That can be very, very good.
Today marks the last day of summer — the Sun is at the end of Virgo and will move into Libra at 11:09 PM NY tonight and then…happy Autumnal Equinox…a perfect balance between day and night.
The first day of each season is especially powerful. We are immediately alerted to the likelihood of change and the beginning of a new cycle. These days are prominent, noticed and in some cultures even celebrated. The astrological signs that mark the seasons are Aries (spring), Cancer (summer), Libra (fall) and Capricorn (winter). Thus if you are born on or near the first day of those signs, or you have a planet or ascendant within the first two degrees of those signs, you will likely have a drive to be noticed in whatever areas of your life that planet signifies. For example, William Shatner, whom I wrote about a few weeks ago, has really been making headlines this year. His Aries Sun is right at the beginning of the sign and that Sun is — or recently was — being transited by Pluto, Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter (all in the current Big T-Square Party) at the beginning of Capricorn, Libra and Aries, respectively. This man can’t help but be noticed, especially now!
Libra is a airy, mental sign, generally concerned with relationships, social graces and with promoting fairness, justice and balance. This does not mean Librans are balanced; it means they generally are seeking balance and are quite capable of swinging back and forth wildly as they search for it. As sweet as Libra can be, they are not marshmallows. The term “iron fist in a velvet glove” often applies. Jimmy Carter is a Libra — and yes, points in his chart are being triggered by that Big T-Square Party right now, pushing him back into the headlines, along with a heavy mantel of gravitas courtesy of an authoritative, tell-it-like-it-is Saturn transit about to hit Carter’s Libra Sun.
About today: with the Sun at the beginning of Libra, it is joining the current Big T-Square Party (see forecast for 7/27 if you don’t know what that is). Thus we can expect a lot of activity — especially pro-activity. Be mindful of the potential for overloads and short circuits in your system, including your technology. Keep your grounding cord down and move forward. Note we are warming up for a particularly active Full Moon early tomorrow AM — watch this space for details — and watch the headlines for grand statements on social policy over the next few days — fairness, justice and balance in relationships.