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Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/15 and the Weekend

East Coasters, note that there’s a void-of-course Moon from 5:49 – 10:24AM, suggesting that if your alarm doesn’t go off, don’t worry about it; if there’s a twist in your morning commute, don’t worry about that, either. Angelenos, you have no excuse for not getting to work on time. Moon will be in the mental sign of “I love you, but don’t take it personally” Aquarius all day Friday until 10:52PM Sunday, suggesting a receptive atmosphere for endeavors promoting the common good.

Friday is relatively quiet, marked only by a likely burst of early morning exuberance, followed by a strong cooperative spirit of innovation. More exuberance and potential excess are suggested on Saturday AM — what is being expressed that is not being especially well-received? If it’s all about you and your ego, take another look at the last line of the paragraph above.

Sunday AM is good for passion and pillow talk…bordering on the romantic and/or delusional at 2:49PM NY, when the Moon goes void for eight hours. If you’re shopping this weekend, do it on Saturday. Impulsive purchases made during Moon voids generally tend to be not that fulfilling — trust me on this — or go ahead and break the rules — sometimes that’s the best way to learn. Given the dreamy hook-up between Moon (feelings) and nebulous Neptune at the beginning of the Moon void, inspiration, meditation, music and other helping/healing pursuits are suggested for this lazy Sunday afternoon (I will be communing with nature on a golf course. Dreamy!)

In fact, “dreamy” is the key word for all of next week — those who work in film, art, psychic or spiritual pursuits should really dig it. Much of the edge we’ve been experiencing over the past several weeks will have lightened up. Hoorayyyyyy… be continued…

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 10/14/2010

Presumably you are putting the power of today’s Moon in Capricorn to work by making it happen. The urge to get others on board with your agenda might hit a bit of a snag this afternoon thanks to a challenge between Moon and Mercury (mind, communication, travel). Don’t forget that Venus is retrograde — you’ll have to be extra-conscious of your social interactions and remind yourself to sweeten your demands with a bit of sugar. That might be the additional challenge presented today via today’s First Quarter Moon. Whatever you’re putting out there, feedback may suggest a few adjustments to your Grand Plan.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 10/13/2010

Writing this while watching a live feed streaming on — as the first of the Chilean miners are being pulled out of the depths into the light. Honestly, humanity, there is no limit to the good we can do on this Earth…if we could only…oh…I dunno…get out of our own way.

This concludes the soapbox portion of this forecast.

Moon is in “make it happen” Capricorn, making contact to Pluto, Lord of the Underground this morning — which would seem to bode well for the miners — Capricorn rules mines, along with Pluto. You can apply this intensely focused energy to whatever initiative you launched in conjunction with last Thursday’s New Moon. Plumb the depths!

Meanwhile, in keeping with our collective two-year focus on re-examining rules for treating each other with fairness and justice (Saturn in Libra), yesterday a federal judge banned “don’t ask, don’t tell” — but note that this issue is likely not completely settled — we’ve got two years to go before this “focus group” concludes.

Finally, another split hit the headlines yesterday: Christina Aguilera and her husband are reportedly ending their marriage. And since I looked at Courteney Cox and David Arquette last night, I thought I’d see if there were any similarities happening in Ms. Aguilera’s chart, especially since I have allegedly accurate birth data of 12/18/1980, 10:46AM in Staten Island.

Immediately we see nebulous Neptune sitting right on Aguilera’s ascendant and challenging Uranus, which rules her house of one-on-one partnerships. Neptune tends to dissolve whatever it touches, so here bewilderment, confusion, fantasy, escapism, idealism — or a combination of all the above — are all suggested, clouding her sense of identity and directly affecting her relationship with her partner. Isn’t it interesting that Neptune is also quite active in the charts of Cox and Arquette? You might be experiencing a bewilderment of your own if you were born around Feb 14-16, May 15-17, August 17-19 and Nov 17-19 — though not necessarily impacting your marriage or other significant partnership — but a bewilderment nonetheless. Consult your local astrologer for details.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 10/12/2010

Courteney Cox Arquette and David Arquette announced their split after 11 years of marriage, and I know the question on everyone’s mind has been — “Wow! Could this split be directly related to Venus turning retrograde and torpedoing their relationship?” If only it were so simple. A quick glance at Courteney’s chart (working without a known birth time, so my observations are limited),  two measurements leap out: 1) nebulous Neptune opposing Mars, planet of action, which runs wild in the horoscope, suggesting “change of course of action due to dissatisfaction; going to where the grass seems greener; losing focus” (source: astrologer Noel Tyl); and 2) Courteney’s Venus, planet of love/social expression, under extreme pressure from the heavies in the Big T-Square Party (see 7/27/2010 for details on Big T-Square Party) — all of this action has been in effect for a year. In David’s chart we see nebulous Neptune opposing Mercury (mind) and Jupiter-Neptune (Big Picture thinking; his need for reward), suggesting that his already active imagination is likely working overtime.  so bottom line, the only Venus retrograde that likely catalyzed this split is the retrograde Venus in Courteney’s own horoscope (very challenging position); the restless tension, bewilderment — perhaps feeling that there is something else better “out there” likely going on all year long.

Meanwhile, what’s up with this wacky weather? Thunder and lightning and HAIL in NYC as I type! Chalk this up to the third in a row of — get ready to learn a new astrological term — SUPER MOONS. A Super Moon is a New or Full Moon that occurs when the Moon is 90% or greater of its mean closest approach to Earth — the term was coined by astrologer Richard Nolle a few decades ago (so he says — no reason to believe otherwise) — and experience has shown that these New and/or Full Moons coincide with stronger tides, leading to heavy storms and other weather extremes. I’ve been reading his research for over a year now — and he’s been remarkably accurate about this phenomenon, calling the 11th-13th and the 18th-26th of this month as time spans of potential heavy weather action — so now I am sharing it with you.  August and September were also Super Moons; the next one happens in February 2011 — with likely serious winter weather.

For today, the first day back to work for East Coasters — we’ve got Moon (emotional response) in high flying Sagittarius, tossed around in the late afternoon by expansive Jupiter (4:15PM NY) and erratic Uranus (8:07PM NY). Could be some big ideas making a pitch — or an unsettling emotional encounter. Moon goes void at 8:07PM NY — take the evening off and relax.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 10/11/2010

If you’re working today, you could do worse than bring structure and focus to enthusiastic “big picture” ideas and opinions — go ahead and make that pitch.

If you’re off today, indulge in an activity that expands your horizons: a provocative film, an informational talk, a book that takes you to another world, a day trip to someplace new or a walk in the park or the woods.

Overall, the planetary patterns are favorable for moving ahead on most of your projects — no significant Moon voids all week — the next long break happens on Sunday.

Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/08/2010

Here on the East Coast, we’re looking at a holiday weekend — any chance of making an early escape? The Moon is void of course from 9:38AM – 3:52PM — suggesting a day of letting things take care of themselves instead of rushing around trying to make things happen. Angelenos have until 1PM to let things settle while mulling over whatever heavy news or communication that came in overnight or early this AM  — East Coasters, if you didn’t escape early, you’ll be mulling it over, too.

The “heavy” is a hook-up between Mercury (mind, travel, transportation, communication) and restrictive Saturn at 7:35AM NY — you may recall that last week I anticipated jarring headlines as the Messenger Planet made contact with the Big T-Square Party this week, yes? This Mercury-Saturn connection is the last of it.  An example of a jarring headline: NJ Gov. Chris Christie’s abrupt decision yesterday to halt the construction of a tunnel linking NJ and NYC because NJ allegedly can not afford it. Two decades of planning and billions of dollars allocated — and then — sorry — the piggy bank is empty. Sign of the times (and the planetary patterns).

But wait — there’s more! Venus, the ruling planet of Libra and Taurus turned retrograde at 3:06AM NY — and it will stay retrograde until  November 18th. Keywords for Venus include: love, money, values, beauty and women — issues related to all of these are now up for review. Venus is also charm, appreciation and social graces — and it’s fascinating how quickly these qualities fly out the window during Venus retrograde. Therefore, be especially mindful of your interactions with others — you may find yourself forgetting words like “please” and “thank you” — and you won’t be alone.  You may also be unwilling to compromise or consider your partner’s point of view. Venus retrograde can be quite a bitch, especially in Scorpio. But now that you understand the pattern, you can consciously choose not to (over) react to it, right?

Money concerns may also come up; questions about what you are really worth may arise — as if we need any more of that in this economy. If money is not your concern, still be advised that the general rule is not to purchase items of art, beauty or luxury during this time; our sense of aesthetics is often “off”.  What you meet and fall in love with this week may not seem so attractive in two months — and that applies to people, too.

So what’s the up side of this potentially witchy, bitchy Venus? By getting in touch with our baser instincts, we have an opportunity for clarity in our existing relationships. Those that are based on fluff are not likely to stand; do you really need that dead wood in your life? And speaking of baser instincts, political debates are likely to become even more heated and barbed as we head towards Election Day. If you don’t know which candidates are nasty or nice, you will soon enough…

Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 10/7/2010

If you want to know where you’re at, look at whom you’re with. You can quote me on that for the next four-six weeks, assuming the grammar is correct (the downside of life without an editor). But seriously folks, the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon in Libra at 2:44PM NY/11:44AM LA today is “”circular paths; coming to terms with the inevitability of establishing steady rhythms of social activity” — or rather,  “what goes around comes around”.

Libra is the sign of partnerships; marriage is an obvious partnership; some business relationships are partnerships, including adversarial ones. We went through the first half of the zodiac with New Moons focusing on the Self: Aries = my identity; Taurus = my values/possessions; Gemini = my mind; Cancer = my emotions/family; Leo = my love to give; Virgo = my service/work/body. Now we’re ready to go public. Take a look at your relationships: how are We doing? What is the State of the Union?  How does it reflect the Libran qualities of justice, fairness, diplomacy, peace, beauty and sweetness? Is there resentment or a lack of appreciation? Are there issues hanging in the balance (Libra is the sign of the Scales)?

The planetary patterns suggest this is an excellent time for serious and constructive focus on relationships of all kinds — interpersonal, international, interracial, inter (fill in the blank). Use a bit of creative visualization in your New Moon meditation  — and if you’re not a meditating type, grab a pen and paper and make a list of partnership objectives for the next few months.  If there’s anything/anyone on that list that you already have, make time to express your appreciation — and find ways to make it even more beautiful. Libra NEEDS beauty and appreciation for being valuable in relationship; by extension, our relationships need beauty and appreciation, too.

In other news, the horoscope of the United States is especially affected by this New Moon, which is exactly conjunct the US Saturn. There is a possibility — a possibility, mind you — that our fearless leaders will behave more response-ably over the next month and put forth a more substantive agenda on issues affecting our shared resources, mindsets and relationships at home and abroad. After all, there is an election during this cycle….let’s watch the headlines and see what happens.

Tomorrow I’ll write about Venus turning retrograde and how this will likely add to the intensity of this New Moon’s focus on relationships.

Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 10/6/2010

You may wake up  with an expansive burst of excitement this AM  — can you handle it?  So much enthusiasm and then — sighhhhhh, as Moon in Virgo goes void at  12:43 – 3:52 PM NY time.  On the East Coast, there is the possibility of a nice long lunch with nothing of seriousness to discuss and no shopping sprees. Meanwhile, on the West Coast, see if you notice any lack of focus, a high flake factor or a surprise twist in your morning.

The New Moon doesn’t arrive until tomorrow — suggesting this is another good day for getting organized in preparation for the new cycle. More on the New Moon and Venus turning retrograde (on October 8th  — until mid-November) will fill this space tomorrow.

Astro-logical Forecast for Tuesday 10/5/2010

Clean up your desk and take care of those pesky details. If your tasks require cooperation from others you can likely get it without too much fuss, especially if you add a little sugar. Some are still smarting from the thoughtless darts flung by those who just had to show how right they were yesterday (Moon, now in Virgo, is driven to be correct, to be RIGHT) — so say “please” and “thank you” today as if you really mean it.

We are in the dark side of the Moon — the old cycle is ending — the new one begins on Thursday. Until Thursday, we have a sense of anticipation — but are not sure what the new cycle will bring. Listlessness is one possible manifestation. That being said, you will likely get more done today than tomorrow or yesterday — so get to it.

Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 10/4/2010

Contact between nebulous Neptune and Moon in playful Leo can produce fanciful, ungrounded results, especially when the Moon is void-of-course. How else to explain pouring cold water over coffee grounds on a rainy Monday morning  : )  Moon-Neptune contact also suggests noting your dreams upon waking and letting your imagination run wild; you’ve got six hours (9:53AM – 4PM NY) before the Moon enters Virgo and demands an accounting, with t’s crossed and i’s dotted, if you please.

At 2AM Tuesday NY/11PM tonight in LA, investigative Pluto challenges Mercury (mind, communication, travel), revealing more news from the underground…likely in these veins: 1) thousands of foreclosures are halted because it is revealed that the paperwork is faulty; 2) hope arises that the trapped miners in Chile may soon be rescued — this came across the wires as I was typing; 3) and this one — a Wellesley College professor uncovers an unsavory medical experiment that happened over 60 years ago, loaded with the symbolism of the weekend’s sexual Mars-Venus hook-up in Scorpio.

Back to Pluto challenging Mercury today and what it means for you: temper your words; pause before you unleash, lest you do damage with sharp insights expressed in cutting remarks. Positive manifestation: a sharp focus that enables you to get to heart of what’s on your plate, especially when the Moon moves into analytical Virgo later today.